Re: Monthly parking
Quite a regular
That's a great idea. Do they allow for overnight parking though? I need a spot where I can leave my car.
Posted on: 2013/7/23 19:31
Monthly parking
Quite a regular
Does anyone have recommendations for monthly parking in Jersey City? It doesn't have to be close to the Path station; I'm OK with Heights or Greenville area too as long as it is cheap. I only need to keep my car there for a month or two while I'm trying to sell it off.
Posted on: 2013/7/23 11:47
Car detailing and minor body work
Quite a regular
I want to sell off my car soon, so I need to get it fully detailed. It also needs a small amount of dent removal. I was wondering if anybody has any recommendations within Jersey City or in a reasonable driving distance.
Posted on: 2013/7/3 13:39
Re: Coffee beans...
Quite a regular
Not in JC I know, but there is an excellent coffee and tea store very close to the Christopher St. Path station called McNulty's. They have an excellent variety of both coffees and teas at reasonable prices.
Posted on: 2013/1/4 22:00
Re: Golden Cicada, Taqueria, Edwards
Quite a regular
Sounds like my building :-/ It's a pity. I've only been there once but it's a fun place. The good thing is that it's a pretty sparse place with only benches and such, so hopefully they didn't lose much.
Posted on: 2012/11/7 18:41
Re: Golden Cicada, Taqueria, Edwards
Quite a regular
Any idea what happened with Surf City? They are right on the water.
Posted on: 2012/11/7 16:14
Re: The Blizzard of '10 Awards
Quite a regular
I have to respectfully disagree. If someone spent hours digging their car out (like you did as well), don't you think they deserve to save their spot for a couple of hours while they are running around? I spent 3 hours getting my car out, but I knew I'd be gone for the whole day so there was no chance of me saving the spot, but I would want to hold my spot if it were only a couple of hours.
Posted on: 2010/12/30 12:35
Quite a regular
Many thanks are in order! I stopped by and my friend and I managed to get the last two plates of food that they had. They were so embarrassed to tell the people who came later. All in all, a great atmosphere. I'm grateful to all the volunteers.
Posted on: 2010/11/29 17:02
Re: JCPD cutbacks
Quite a regular
No, they didn't. Still, they have at least some of my sympathies given my experience yesterday, and the fact that JC *does* need a good police force, unlike a lot of other rich, low-crime towns in NJ (I'm looking at you, Princeton).
Posted on: 2010/11/22 17:53
Re: Big arrest Erie & 2nd tonight 7:30pm
Quite a regular
Also, the funniest part of the whole incident was when all the cops waited while my friend's Blackberry took forever to start back up again so that he could verify that it was indeed his phone.
Posted on: 2010/11/22 15:35
Re: JCPD cutbacks
Quite a regular
My friend got robbed yesterday and the perpetrators were caught within 10 minutes. The officers reminded us more than once that this wouldn't perhaps have happened if there were a hundred fewer cops on the street.
Posted on: 2010/11/22 15:07
Re: Big arrest Erie & 2nd tonight 7:30pm
Quite a regular
My friend was the victim of this incident. He had been waiting for me to pick him up at 6th and Jersey Ave when two guys attacked him from behind and took his cash and his cellphone. There were two other guys who were part of the group but didn't take part in the act. They went down Jersey Ave after robbing my friend. I drove by about a minute after the incident and we immediately went to the police station and reported it. The cops doing the rounds found the kids who matched the description and then brought us there to ID them. The phone was recovered. All in all, great work by the JCPD. More than one officer told us how the city is planning to lay off a 100 cops and how we should do something about it.
Posted on: 2010/11/22 14:37
Re: Ready to give up living in this city...
Quite a regular
As a renter, let me try to defend this city. The things that you mentioned apply mostly to homeowners and business owners. Yes, I am aware that the insurance and property taxes factor into the high rent I pay, but still, I feel that I get better value for my money as compared to NYC. There's no city tax, and for the most part, you pay only 3.5% sales tax. Yes, JC is still more expensive than other parts of Jersey, but you do have to pay for the convenience. Path, as bad as it is, is a lot better than having to take NJ Transit to get into the city on weekends.
Posted on: 2010/2/3 15:19
Re: What location was your bike stolen from (time, type of lock, etc)?
Quite a regular
It looked like a pretty clean cut to me, the kind that you do with a wire cutter.
Posted on: 2010/2/2 18:17
Re: What location was your bike stolen from (time, type of lock, etc)?
Quite a regular
There were two bikes there. One was mine with an el-cheapo lock which was stolen earlier. The other was someone else's, presumably my neighbour's, which was stolen last night. It had a better lock on it but I don't know what brand.
Posted on: 2010/2/2 18:15
Re: What location was your bike stolen from (time, type of lock, etc)?
Quite a regular
I recently moved to a new apartment on Grove St/York St. I had my gray Gary Fischer mountain bike locked outside temporarily while I finished up the move and it was stolen on the night of 1/30/2010.
There was another bike locked at the same place which was also stolen last night 2/1/2010. I saw the lock cut off lying on the ground. B***ards!
Posted on: 2010/2/2 14:46