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Re: What's worse for JC, Luxury Condos or Hipsters?
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Quite a regular


GeorgeWBush wrote:

Sorry, Bill. Ben is not a hipster. Ben is a trustafarian.


Aren't most hipsters trustafarians? As in, isn't "hipster" basically a subset of the trust kids?

Posted on: 2008/10/21 15:31

Re: Ron Paul for President
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


JPhurst wrote:

Not sure where you heard that, but it makes no sense. The IRS does not need to go in front of a jury to collect taxes. The government does need to do so to convict someone of a criminal offense of tax evasion, but not simply to collect what is owed.

Go ahead and try it though. Stand up for your rights!

That's my understanding of how it works. You don't go to court first, you start with an IRS review process and the first judge you see is an administrative law judge. If you lose that, you can appeal to a real judge, but it won't come before a jury.

Posted on: 2008/7/31 15:01

Re: Dosa Hut
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I'm not Indian, but I know what Indians look like and when I walk in Dosa Hut, it is packed with them. I think it's good, they think it's good. Everybody's happy! Prices are good too. And if you don't know what anything is on the menu, the people there are very patient about questions.

I like to make an evening of it by timing my vists to Loews movie nights.

Posted on: 2008/4/7 15:18

Re: Barack Obama for President
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Quite a regular


VanVorster wrote:
Barack is hardly a marxist or overly progressive -- that is more Kucinich (my fave). As someone aptly said earlier, Barack was trying to gain traction/currency in the black community in which he lived and worked as a community organizer being half-black and not of the black American experience. The speech demonstrated in my opinion what a great diplomat/statesman he could eventually make. To take such a contentiously charged subject and address it with such aplomb, equanimity and authenticity was quite a feat. It?s one of the reasons I try to deliberately refrain from discussing race with friends/acquaintances (unless provoked) because I know I wouldn?t possess the same poise. In marked contrast, this is not a good speech and is why we're in our current morass because of an ill-prepared President who shows no qualms about not being bright or aware. Kudos to those who voted for someone with whom they would like to sit down and have a beer.

Barack also personifies our ever morphing world and all its inhabitants. ... &sq=Barack+Chinese&st=nyt

I don't know if you were referring to me or not at the top, but I like how you said it better.

I don't know how this will play out (and my own vote is undecided), but this really is an example of something I like about Obama, something I like to think I embody myself--a balance of idealism and pragmatism.

The idealism he projects is real, but first he has to win. He's not just interested in what's right, he's also interested in what works. In the right hands, that is a great combination.

Posted on: 2008/3/20 21:23

Re: Barack Obama for President
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I think Matthew Yglasias (sp?) got it about right when he pointed out that before Obama was a half-black candidate running in a mostly white country, he was a half-white candidate running in a mostly black district. Joining this church was his way of shoring up his racial bona fides.

Obama's selection of this church is not an indication of how he feels about race in America, but is run of the mill political cynicism and opportunism.

Posted on: 2008/3/19 14:57

Re: "Rich Guys in Politics... We Have More and More of Them." -Jersey City Author & Historian's Thou
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Quite a regular


GrovePath wrote:
So are you saying "super rich" people ( people with hundreds of millions or billions ) are much more honest then everyone else?

Under our system, there is some truth to that. Bloomberg being the perfect example--he's not very exciting, but competance is the hallmark of his administration. When he took office, he owed nobody, had no stack of favors to pay back.

As a result, he was able to fill city government with people who could do their jobs instead of hacks who knew how to fundraise.

Posted on: 2008/3/17 15:34

Re: Barack Obama for President
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I generally like the idea of a President Obama on domestic issues, but he would be a disaster on foreign policy (yes, more so than the current administration).

As for Sullivan's naive essay, in addition to what has been said elsewhere here, don't forget that Obama recently suggested invading Pakistan. There's a jclist thread on it. Every time he opens his mouth about foreign policy, he reminds me that we cannot afford to have him in the White House.

Now I could get behind a co-president set up with Obama on domestic policy and Clinton on foreign policy. Too bad that's not going to happen.

Posted on: 2007/12/12 21:53

Re: CAMPING and using public transportation to get there
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

You can take a grayline bus out of port authority directly to the bear mountain lodge. It's been several years since I last took it, but at the time, it was about $18 round trip.

There are lots of hiking trails there. I can't name a camp ground, but I'm sure they're there too. Google would know. And there's always unofficial camping.

Posted on: 2007/9/4 17:20

Re: Are new labor rules believable?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

JCLAW: Sorry, I missed that part. You're right, fining one party because another party isn't in compliance is...ripe for fraud, blackmail and payoffs.

Typically Jersey City.

Posted on: 2007/7/11 22:49

Re: Are new labor rules believable?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


JCLAW wrote:

For the City to tell builders they have to hire Union AND hire local minorities is irresponsible, hypocritical, and impossible.

If you're right in your description of Unions as close-knit, nepotistic patronage factories, then I think putting unions in a position where they must hire local minorities is a great thing.

Posted on: 2007/7/11 16:10

Re: Throw the Books at Them - Peeved by Library's Dumping
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Quite a regular

ALB, the key here for me, and I imagine most other people annoyed by this "weeding", is that the books aren't put on the free table like at Grace Church, or even just put in a box on the street where interested parties are in a race with the garbage truck.

No, the books are first destroyed so that they are of no use to anyone, and then put out on the street so that no one but the garbage truck will take them.

Posted on: 2007/7/9 14:50

Re: Throw the Books at Them - Peeved by Library's Dumping
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Haven't they heard of the Grace Church Used Book Sale?

Or just setting up a card table on the sidewalk out front?

Posted on: 2007/6/29 21:23

Re: Vessel arrives here on trip to prove Vikings weren't 1st to cross ocean
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Quite a regular


sinik wrote:

Yeah, I read the article but I missed the bit that 'proves' it.

This effort is incapable of proving anything one way or the other. And if there really were some trade connection between the Egyptians and the American Indians, there would be other evidence in the historical record and legend on both sides of the ocean. It's a big risk for no practical reason.

Still, it's fun to try stuff like this. Just to see if maybe it's so.

Posted on: 2007/5/8 16:53

Re: Re-Developers have to hire the Jersey City Housing Authority as hiring consultants.
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Developers who agree to rebuild blighted areas in Jersey City have to give more than lip service to hiring local residents: they must contract with the Jersey City Public Housing Authority to ensure residents are put to work, one city official said. Well, my first reaction on seeing the headline was "finally, some corruption that will hurt developers instead of citizens. Cool." But then I read on and see that it's for "developers who agree to rebuild blighted areas." So developers of prime real estate get tax abatements and developers of blighted lots that might actually improve JC get costly regulation. So it's not cool, it's business as usual.

Posted on: 2006/10/23 22:54

Re: Best Burger Joints in Town??
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Have to go with White Star. In fact, I'm eating one of their SPAM burgers right now! (Though I prefer the Jersey City Football Club)

Posted on: 2006/7/12 22:15

Re: Post your Pimp Sightings Here
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I finally saw him!! But was too bashful to get a frontal shot. Resized Image

Posted on: 2006/6/15 3:09

Re: Joe Vas for Congress -- See for Yourself!!!
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I'm not registered with any party and I voted for Joe Vas yesterday--but only because 25McWilliams let me know I could. Otherwise I would have stayed home and waited for November. The law should probably be scrapped because it invites sabatoge, but if it's going to be the law, voting materials should play it up more.

Oh well, a strong loss isn't as good as a win, but it can still send a message.

Posted on: 2006/6/7 13:47

Re: Join Team Vas
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Thanks to SuperFurry and Steve Fulop for the pointers. I'll be leaving work shortly and will try again to vote.

Posted on: 2006/6/6 19:54

Re: Join Team Vas
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I went to my usual polling site this morning--Resurrection Church on Brunswick and 7th--and it was closed and there were no signs.

I can't find a map of polling sites. Does anyone who usually votes there know where I should go?

Posted on: 2006/6/6 13:35

Re: JCPD Gun Instructor and Retired cop indicted in car 'assault' on DOT worker-: Jersey Journal
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

This is a minor driving event that is being dealt with. What relevance is his status as a gun instructor?

Posted on: 2006/6/1 15:43

Re: Please stop the huge 9/11 memorial at LSP - it will ruin the park's views of the Manhattan skyli
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Thanks for the artist's renderings Falcon. Holy Crap that thing is stupid! Who thought it was a good idea?

FWIW: Even though they've broken ground, if it ain't built, it ain't too late. And even then it's still possible.

Here are links to the Jersey Journal Articles

Posted on: 2006/5/31 18:58

Re: Wireless Internet - Steven Fulop
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


historyrules wrote:
Wireless access should be as free and as accessible as public libraries. I support Councilman Fulop's initiative wholeheartedly.

If it's as accessible as public libraries, I'll stick with Verizon, thank you very much.

I think it's a great idea, good for residents, especially low income residents, and I think karindiann is right that this would boost property values so maybe the developers could offset some of the opposition of the telecoms.

But I also wonder how much it will cost a city that seems to lack money for basic services.

Posted on: 2006/5/19 21:58

Re: bankrupt Antonicello appointed to high level post
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Sure, you can say Healy sucks. I think most of us are ok with that. But the article's cursory review of Antonicello's qualifications suggests that this is not an example of Healy sucking.

Posted on: 2006/4/20 22:15

Re: Whole Foods in JC?
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Quite a regular


glx wrote:

Kermit42 wrote:

I'll dismiss the April 1st part because April 1st happens every year, and sometimes stuff that's said on that day turns out to be true.

Press-type releases like that don't happen on Saturdays...

You did get that my post was a joke...right?

Keep it up everybody!! We'll get this to five pages yet!

Jimmy, we'll make you proud.

Posted on: 2006/4/11 20:48

Re: Whole Foods in JC?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Jimmy Conway wrote:

This is going to turn into a 5 page thread.

We're chiming in anyway because we want to believe. Like I'll dismiss the line about Whole Foods needing parking (Manhattan has several Whole Foods without parking and we're kinda like Manhattan, except without the opera). I'll dismiss the April 1st part because April 1st happens every year, and sometimes stuff that's said on that day turns out to be true. I'll dismiss the lack of a mention on the Whole Foods website because they may be negotiating the lease in secret to keep their costs down and aren't quite ready to go public with the announcement. It could be true. Maybe.

I want to believe!

Posted on: 2006/4/11 19:23

Re: Flood Insurance.......Do You Need It ?
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Quite a regular


Pisces1979 wrote:
You guys are so screwed when a hurricane hits Jersey City. The New York Bay and hudson river is a right angle, which will amplify a storm surge, not to mention when the surge causes the hudson to back up temporarily. In addition to that, a hurricane spins in a counterclockwise direction, which means that Jersey City will take the brunt of the surge. Maybe it is 5 feet, maybe 35 feet, either way, anything less than 50 feet above sea level is in danger.

I have a fourth floor apartment, so when the flood comes, ya'll's invited.

I got the tunes, you bring the beers! I have roof access, so, once the rain stops...bring your bathing suits! Diving for tequila shots!! (Watch out for the rats.)

Posted on: 2006/3/8 15:54

Re: schroeder lofts - hamilton park
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I may be wrong, but I think what alansommerman's getting at is the fact that downtown JC, for all its good points, is host to a disturbing amount of gang activity.

You seem to want to live in a nice area AND have a good investment property. The unfortunate reality is, you'll have to make a choice--you can have one or the other, but you're unlikely to get both. As others have pointed out, there will be a lot of condos coming on the market in the next few years and the real estate market downtown has probably plateaued for a while.

Posted on: 2006/3/2 17:28

Re: God bless Sam Lefrak and JC developers of yore.
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I'm reluctant to give too much credit to developers for the revival of downtown. Such revivals aren't caused by developers who build housing, they're caused by the people who make others want to live there. Generally, artists and gays.

Developers come when they see a promising investment. We all know they don't care about the community (not to the extent of risking their wealth, anyway). They built because they thought they could make a profit. There's no need to ask God to bless them, he already has--they've made and are making their profits.

In answer to Pieces1979's question--artist housing is made available to qualifying artists who show a need for space to produce their art--so a painter or sculptor could qualify, a rapper or a writer could not.

Posted on: 2006/2/24 20:23

Re: Former Jersey City prosecutor indicted
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


ChiltownJerz wrote:

I am glad to see a crooked prosecutor go to jail. Many people with positions like his (not all) feel they are above the law and they are the type of people that knowingly put innocent people behind bars.

... [snip] ...

Why would you concider my coment asinine...

Does it really surprise you that some people would consider that comment asinine? It's one of those 'step softly' things--if you said "some people with positions like this..." I'd agree with you (and so would most others), but when you say "many people..." you taint the whole group. Somebody here's going to be offended and come to their defense. I believe it was that "many" that got you the "asinine" accusation.


ChiltownJerz wrote:

I purposely post coments like that and many of my other ones to make people that disagree want to respond ...

Fair enough, there are people here who post to get reactions, to get people's dander up. But when you set out to provoke, you can't really be surprised when someone gets provoked. The insults come with the territory.

Posted on: 2006/2/15 22:23

Re: The Guardian Angels are Coming
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Quite a regular

Better services and attention don't simply come to gentrified areas. They come because the people in those areas demand it. If people in the ungentrified areas want these services, they need only do the same.

Yes, I know, there are a number of reasons why they don't. Some good, some bad. But the fact remains...

Posted on: 2006/2/10 16:04

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