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Stop Signs
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Why is it that people in this city feel that Stop signs do not apply to them. This includes Police, City vehicles, Jitney's and residential cars. The corner where I live has not one but two stop signs to alert you to stop, yet it is 99.99999% of the time ignored. The city and Police don't seem to care, in fact I watch the police sit on my corner and drink coffee while watching vehicle after vehicle blow the stop sign. Does anyone else have this problem or feel the same? What can we as citizens do about this?

Posted on: 2012/2/13 17:34

Sidewalk restoration project
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Not too shy to talk

Has anyone else had any problems with this shoddy cement work, clumps of cement left in the street and on the sidewalks, stop signs removed and not put back where they were, uneven spacing, spacers sticking out so far they could trip a person? It seems like their best work was downtown and in front Of Healy's Tavern. Are our tax dollars really paying for crappy work?

Posted on: 2011/9/8 13:36

Re: Flooding in Jersey City
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Not too shy to talk

The Manhole cover in the middle of the road accross from Harassimus Cemetery on Newark ave collapsed after heavy downpours. The road is actually closed right now. We watched as the Road closed sign from Pavonia ave literally got washed down to the cemetery lol!! Guess the sign knew what was about to happen!!

Posted on: 2011/8/20 0:33

Path(poor attempt at transporting humans)
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Not too shy to talk

Today I hopped a 9:30 am train to Newark which normally gets me there by 9:50. The train stopped a 1/4 of the way there, after 15 minutes of waiting I realized something was wrong. An hour later they took us back to journal square and said they'd have buses set up to take us to Newark, after waiting another ten minutes and no buses, I called path only to be tol that the trains were operating again! This is one of the worst cases of utter incompetence I've ever experienced! It's no surprise that it was path. All the platform employees looked smug and acted like this was no big deal, I missed both of my buses in Newark which would get me to work on time, now I'll lose an hour of work time!! I'm sending the bill to path!

Posted on: 2011/7/5 15:20

Re: wtf - JCPD - insane ticket
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Not too shy to talk

The Real Stinger is that The State Of NJ could hit you with a Surcharge every year for three years just for that one Ticket!

Posted on: 2011/6/1 19:48

Student brutally Beaten by Thugs at Dickinson HS
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Not too shy to talk

Yesterday I heard Screaming outside my building so decided to investigate. I looked over at Dickinson HS and saw a Student being beaten by at least 8-10 other Students on School grounds. The beating went on for about 5-10 minutes and no one stepped in to break it up. I called JCPD and reported the incident. They told me they'd send a patrol there. They then called back to ask me where it was happening, I explained to them where it was and they told me there was a patrol there already and they found notheing. This is absolutely amazing because I watched the whole incident and never once saw the police arrive and intervene. I also called the school and complained, They said they wouold send security, who also never showed up. My question is, what the heck is going on? Ten against one and no police? No school Security? Are we to assume that JCPD doesn't care about an assault on School grounds? Granted it looked like a gang initiation, but it was still brutal and the victim of the beating could have been seriously hurt and or killed. Why did the Police not arrive to stop this? It's disgraceful and makes me want to move as far away from this city as possible!

Posted on: 2011/5/26 20:14

Re: Dollar Buses
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Not too shy to talk

I know the police bust their chops a lot, but the corner of Newark and grove street is an official mkt bus stop, if mkt can stop there why can't the jitney's stop there too?

Posted on: 2010/7/20 17:40

Re: Dollar Buses
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Not too shy to talk

I have a love hate relationship with the immi's. They are convenient and fast, but they aren't regulated well. Some days they will stop at grove street and others they stop on Columbus. They are supposed to stop at five corners and often claim there are no stops before that. Some drivers are nice and some are surly. I hate that they ignore the "do not idle engine" signs at jsq. And some of the buses smell bad, but they have taught me to say " la parada por favor" and they do provide a good service. I just wish they'd make up their minds on where they will and will not stop!! That really annoys me!!

Posted on: 2010/7/19 17:19

Re: Teen shoots himself in the buttocks, police say
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Not too shy to talk

Who Said I was from Ct. ? I am not as Naive as you think. I understand that JC is a City, but when I can't even get a Cop to my building for an in progress assault, there's a problem.

You can keep the wool over your eyes and call people names, but the bottom line is this City needs Help and douche Bags like you are not the answer!

Posted on: 2010/4/30 16:55

Re: Did the Census leave out part of Jersey City?
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Not too shy to talk

Is it me or Does the Census work on sheer stupidity?! I got a note on my building door last thursday....if the deadline was April 16, then why did they come a week later?

Posted on: 2010/4/30 16:48

Re: Goodbye and Good Riddance New Jersey
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Not too shy to talk

Brooklyn has two things..Hipsters and Mayor Bloomberg, both of which Suck! Not to Mention New York is basically Bankrupt, morally and financially LOL!! So have fun back in NY, Me I.m glad I left!

Posted on: 2010/4/30 16:45

Re: Teen shoots himself in the buttocks, police say
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Not too shy to talk

This is simply Amazing...and Sad! What is a 14 yr old doing with a loaded weapon that he is neither capable or mentally grown enough to carry? This city seems to be getting worse and worse! Crime is out of control in JC and the Police seem to either not care or can't do anything about it. We need to be tougher on criminals! This Kid is a criminal and was probably up to somthing, I'm glad he shot himself and not some innocent person. Prison is not enough for these kids, they take it as a badge of honor..perhaps hard labor and reform school is the answer. I can't wait to sell my Condo and get the Hell out of JC and its crime ridden filth!

Posted on: 2010/4/29 13:16

Re: Post your Pimp Sightings Here
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Not too shy to talk

I saw this guy last Summer when I first moved here and thought he was some kind of mascot or just another crazy person LOL! The first time I saw him he was wearing a yellow outfit with a yellow hat and I mistook him for a guy in a chicken suit at first until I took another look!

Posted on: 2008/9/17 14:53

Car Break in's near St. Josephs
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Not too shy to talk

Has anyone had their car broken into recently? I came home last Wednesday night only to find that my car passenger side window had been shattered. Nothing was stolen as we had nothing in the car, but I noticed several other cars have been broken into as well. We have also had problems with trespassers doing drugs in the bobby of our building and leaving used condoms and urine on the floor. I have been told by the police to keep calling them consistantly and eventually they will have a car patrolling our neighborhood regularly. If anyone has had similar problems, I would follow the same protacol and call JCPD often until they put a unit in your neighborhood.

Posted on: 2008/9/17 14:51

Re: Court For JC Speeding Ticket?
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Not too shy to talk

What you all need to understand is that the prosecuter is not acting in your best interest! He is acting in the courts best interest. How can they make more than $150 on a speeding ticket? Simple...Give the defendants a $350 pardon...does that sound like extortion to you? It does to me. The best thing to do is to take it to court if you can spare the time, it may be possible that the cop doesn't even show up. If you're really smart you will use the method of making the cop prove he/she was trained properly with the radar, when the radr was last cllibrated and serviced and at what time was his/her last summons issued using said Radar. If the Officer can not prove most or all of these the judge will either dismiss or lower the fines and points.

Posted on: 2008/6/16 23:57

Re: Hamilton Park Pizza....where's they go?
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Not too shy to talk

Breakfast? Hmmmm Breakfast Pizza...sounds yummy!

Posted on: 2008/3/5 19:08

Hamilton Park Pizza....where's they go?
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Not too shy to talk

I really like their pizza, but for about two months now, they have been closed. Anyone know what's goin on? The place looks like it's still operational but they are never open Hmmmmmm!

Posted on: 2008/3/4 22:46

Re: Question #3: yes or no - Hudson Reporter
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Not too shy to talk

By Voting No On All Thee Ballots, you will lose Necessary Jobs that will bring people to the state of New Jersey, as is the case with Stem Cell Research. More Jobs means more working people which means a better economy for everyone.

Posted on: 2007/11/8 16:20




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