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Re: Buses to Manhattan

I took the 119 from Kennedy and Jewett on Friday and it was a breeze - too damn quiet in fact! The way back had a two hour wait at 6PM with a line that snakes 2/3 of the length of the bus terminal.

This morning, an early worm friend got to the bus stop a bit before 8 AM and two busses passed by packed to the gills and didn't even slow down.

At about 8:50 AM we took a #10 to Journal Square where the lines were EPIC! We walked on Pavonia toward the courthouses and happened to flag down a Bergenline jitney that took us to Palisade just shy of Congress, where it stalled in nearly stand-still traffic.

We walked two blocks just over the border to Union City and waited about 30 minutes for the 123 to PABT (and folks there said they'd been waiting up to 40 minutes!).

The bus crawled through Lincoln tunnel traffic and we arrived at PABT at 10:40 AM. All told, a little under 3 hours (for my stalwart friend, less for late-starter me) on 3 very different modes of transport and some walking/serendipity involved.

Can't wait to see what it's like heading home!

Posted on: 2012/11/5 19:09

Unexpected Victory Lap!

Driving home today, not more than 2 1/2 blocks from my house, I saw what I thought was my husband's bike in front of a house. There were two bikes out and a couple guys hanging out on the stoop, but clearly not the folks who did the thieving. Did an "I'm so slick walking by while talking on the cell phone" walk by and confirmed some visual markers.

Called the police and waited for them to arrive while I tried to casually stake out the place. No one was going anywhere, and it felt kind of stupid not just going up and saying "Hey, do you mind if I ask where you got that bike?", but I guess you never know.

When the cops arrived, it was pretty clear they were NOT going to let me approach the guys on the stoop. We didn't have a serial number, but we DID have a key for a built in lock that worked as our proof. The guy who had it was an aficionado (who paid $125 for it on Ocean and Bayview; it retails for $500 so he had to know, right?). The front rack and child seat were gone, but he too had a key to the lock (that had been on the bike when it was taken.) He gave it back without a fuss. We offered a "finder's fee" to make up for some of his loss.

And my husband is out right now riding his newly found bike in a victory lap. Woo hoo!

Posted on: 2010/9/11 1:03

Re: What location was your bike stolen from (time, type of lock, etc)?

I had NO idea that this extensive topic existed!

We are between St. Peter's College and Lincoln Park.

This is something like the fourth time we've had a bike stolen from our enclosed sun room/porch. We stupidly forgot to lock the door after putting out the garbage. Once, someone jimmied a window and let themselves in. Only bikes have been taken... we have a snarling dog who I think scares off anyone thinking of coming through the main door into the house proper.

Last time, the bike was stolen on a Wednesday night. My husband took the day off work to buy a new one on Thursday. On Friday, we got a call from the bike shop where he had purchased bike #1 saying they had it. Apparently, a former copy saw some kids riding it. (The SAME one that was taken Saturday night!) It still had the child's seat on it! He gave them the money in his wallet for it ($80) and then, seeing the Eddie's Bikes sticker on it, returned it there.

Saturday, at about midnight, my husband was tipped off by our dog's crazy barking. He actually caught a glimpse of the guy's accomplice on a BMX. I think our second bike wasn't taken only because the rear wheel ring lock was engaged. Once I woke up and came down, a couple minutes later, I could still smell the f&*(ing idiot's CIGARETTE SMOKE! The towels that were draped on the bike to dry after a trip to the pool were thrown on the steps and he had ripped off the bar of the child's seat.

We called the police to file a report this time and they made it pretty clear that bike theft is recreational for these "yutes". They view any bike they can get their hands on as a 'community bike' and just go joy-riding until they dump it somewhere. It's not even like they are trying to sell them.

We were very tempted to just go driving around after the cops left to see if we could find someone riding it, but it was already 2 AM and our kids would be waking up at 7 AM, traumatic bike theft or no.

Makes me wanna slap their mammas!

Posted on: 2010/8/16 19:15

Stolen Bike Alert!

My husband's bike was just stolen from our front porch!

He is absolutely LIVID and gave chase in the care- actually seeing the guy on Ocean Avenue about a half hour ago before losing him.

Bike is a Trek Allant with a Gamoh front porter rack and a grey kids seat on the back.
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kids seat (without the yellow foam)
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It's a pretty noticeable bike. If you see it, can you please call the JCPD- West Precinct at 201-547-5450 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting??????????????201-547-5450??????end_of_the_skype_highlighting with the location and a description of the rider if applicable.


and thanks!

Posted on: 2010/8/15 6:10

Re: Pregnant in JC

I'm expecting baby #2 and plan to birth at St. Luke's Roosevelt in Manhattan. I confess that I chose that hospital because my best friend delivered there twice, the second time at the birth center. Since that seemed like the way I wanted to go, I was all for it. We actually seriously thought about a home birth with our first but our HMO would have none of it.

The local options just never seemed like serious choices: I could find very little heartening information about Christ Hospital or JCMC from their websites or from phoning them. We visited St. Mary's and while it seemed just fine, it didn't knock my socks off and the religious iconography spooked me a bit. They are now the Hoboken University Hospital, so my guess is they've cleared the statuary from the lobby.

Depending on how far along you are and your insurance, et al. I would recommend an experienced midwife since you'll have a better chance of receiving more attentive care and a less-medicalized birth experience. Folks really do love the Birthing Center at St.L/R if they can find a practitioner that works with them. I understand that St. Vincent's downtown also has a birthing center now. Even a hospital that doesn't can become far more humane with the right caregiver.

With my first, going in to the City for appointments, etc. wasn't really a big deal 'cause it was just a detour to/from work. With a toddler in tow, the schlep is definitely harder, but I will be better able to let you know if it was all worth it in three weeks (+/- a week or two) when this baby is born.

Depending on how that goes, I suspect I may be seriously considering home birth for any future bambini...

I also second Althea's recommendation to join the Beautiful Birth Yahoo group. There are some very good resources available there and there is also a meeting coming up on the 22nd.

Good luck and have a happy pregnancy!

Posted on: 2007/9/17 0:19

Re: Skinner's Loft... delish!

We tried to go for lunch on Saturday but the kitchen didn't open 'til 4PM. Maybe we'll try again in a couple of weeks.

Posted on: 2007/9/10 16:01

a great home inspector

We used John Moss five years ago. He was really hard core- imagine the green beret of home inspection. He brought his own ladder, was up on the roof, ran all of the taps in the house at once, and even showed the then current homeowner some serious electrical issues that needed immediate attention. We were very impressed with his thoroughness and no nonsense approach.

Check him out.

Posted on: 2007/9/7 21:17

Re: The Financial Times: Jersey City -- You live where?

What I actually love about this article is the way it contextualizes the issue for people who have never heard of Jersey City. My husband is British and I am sure that a lot of his friends will now be thinking "Oooh, he's doing that thing that we did 25 years ago when we lived in Brixton!" It does some of the cultural translation that doesn't always make sense: "You live 10 minutes away from Manhattan, but it's across a state line?" Yes, we draw our state lines in funny places sometimes, but as we all know (or discover in time) it does become all NYC psychically (with benefits)!

Posted on: 2007/9/1 14:10

Re: Wayne Street Issues

Dear Wayne Street Girl,

I am really sorry to hear that people are harassing you so badly. I used to live on Wayne before Jersey right next to what is now Subia's from '94 to '02 and while I got the occasional "Hey Shorty" it was never as bad as you describe. The only thing I might suggest is something I learned from a movie (Truly, Madly, Deeply) which is to walk IN THE ROAD. That way you are lit by the street lights, you can see traffic approaching you (I am assuming this is mostly at night on your way home) and you aren't running the gauntlet of jerks on stoops, at the bodega and in the park.

And unfortunately, like most sexist harassment, people will keep doing it if they think it gets a rise out of you. You might pretend to tune them out better if you wear headphones (but don't play music if you want to keep your wits and ears about you.) That way you'll have an additional prop to help you act nonchalant and deny them the charge of feeling like they succeeded in being annoying jerks!

Posted on: 2007/8/24 19:17

Re: Jewett Ave.

I live on Jewett between Bergen and Kennedy. I think this street is a prime example of Jersey City's "block by block" changes in a very short span.

The block at the end between Bergen and West Side is tree-less and feels a little soul-less too. I love my block of course. The housing stock looks a little less big and grand Victorian between Bergen and Monticello, and then there are smaller and some much newer things between Monticello and Summit.

I spend very little time on Monticello but have found it less sketchy as time has passed. Whether I am more acclimated or the area has "improved" is hard to say. The new builds at the start of the street have produced more families and kids cooking out, riding bikes, sitting on stoops and socializing. That seems to diminish as you get closer to West Side and is obviously more apparent in warmer weather.

Someone mentioned the "class of people" you may encounter. There is definitely a shift from predominantly African American to a mix of Af-Am, East Asian, white European and "mixed" families as you travel down the street. The apartment building on the corner of Jewett and Bergen (opposite the Good Shepherd Church) gets a lot of people "hanging out" and an occasional open fire hydrant on hot days. (Though the hydrant on Bergen seems to be getting a lot more play this summer!)

Some folks are doing big renovations on those Victorian houses that went for around 200/300K five years ago and are now looking at high 500K value-wise. Overall though, it's pretty much a residential street without many safety issues that I have observed.

You would be very close to PS 17 which means droves of kids on the street in the morning and afternoon. I've heard from someone who's knows someone who works at PS17 that it's meant to be a pretty good school- though it's pretty big. 1,200+ kids in grades Pre-K-8.

The street is also used as a cut-through for folks driving from Summit to Lincoln Park so it can sometimes feel like a speedway.

Obviously, drive by, hang out and visit before committing to make sure that you will feel comfortable calling the place "home."

Posted on: 2007/7/19 16:18

Re: Downtown-based Jersey City Families For Better Schools wants to put Epps on a short leash.

A quick question that I hope Althea or someone else enlightened on this whole malarkey can answer- if and when the JC schools revert to local control from the state, does that mean that we also lose the 80% of the state-provided monies that are funding this huge district? (I was looking at the National Center for Education Statistics information for JC.)

And how can the top state education person turn down a practically engraved invitation to meet with concerned parents from the mayor of the second largest city in the state ?

argh! (and not in a pirate way either!)

Posted on: 2007/7/5 20:58

Re: Tuxedo Rentals?

If you have access to wheels, you may want to try Century 21 or Syms in Secaucus. My husband bought a new one at Syms for the price of 1.5 rentals and I think they may have even done the hemming for free...

Posted on: 2007/6/5 21:26

Re: Torico's Ice Cream

Went in yesterday for the first time and I was so enthralled by their "tropical" flavours!

I spoke Spanish to the older guy who encouraged me to sample the soursop/guanabana, guava/guayaba, maracuya and lulo (don't remember the English words for them), which made selecting a $6 pint a bit more difficult. Figuring that many of these flavours just don't get made by Haagen Dazs we splurged on two but left them in my friends freezer untasted!

Oh, the torture!!!!

He was also pleased to hear that he was so well regarded by the online community. He had printouts of reviews posted on Kannekt and I told him that many others were extolling his virtues in the WWW.

Posted on: 2007/6/4 15:52

Re: La Conguita

The parking is behind the restaurant, entrance on Bay Street. I haven't used it but apparently the "attendant" (a gaucho-looking dude in a cowboy hat sitting in the shade of a tree) gives you a ticket and the waitress signs off on it when you settle your check.

Went a couple of days ago with the one-year old. We sat in the extra room and felt a bit overlooked but we both very much enjoyed the pernil asado. The rice and beans were just average and the mango shake wasn't quite as fruity as I would have liked, but overall we both gobbled up our food with glee.The waitress warmed up to us after seeing the kid beaming back at her with rice and beans all over her.

I've had cheaper grub at the Dominican at the corner of Grove and Wayne but they are tiny and a bit grungy. For those with wheels, I'd encourage folks to try the Rumba Cafe in the Heights on Central and North. (They too have a parking lot behind the restaurant on North) The servers are very nice and the food is good and cheap!

Posted on: 2007/6/1 22:24




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