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Re: Abbondanza
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

Agreed. Nothing special at all here from the ambiance, food or service in my handful of experiences. I always vow never to return...a vow I've broken several times. Better suited for a strip mall in a suburb somewhere.

Posted on: 2018/10/23 18:49

Re: Make Jersey City Great Again
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dr_nick_riviera wrote:

Yvonne wrote:
I could also go to point A to B in traffic and not get stuck in traffic. I remember leaving downtown in a car and getting into Manhattan in less than 10 minutes. Yes, the good old days. Also, people did not have to wait hours in their cars to find parking spaces on their blocks.

I think this pretty much proves Yvonne is nothing more than a money grubbing b**ch. Every other city resident could suffer and she wouldn't care a damn bit if it meant she could pay $1,000 less in property tax in a year. What a disgusting human being you are. I truly hope the reval triples your taxes and you're forced to move to a place that culturally suits you better like
Alabama or Mississippi.

Notice that all her posts are about herself and what she used to be able to do and wants to do. She doesn't care about her community, she cares only about herself and can only view the world through her narrow, selfish lense.

Posted on: 2017/10/24 17:18

Re: Hooked JC
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Just can't stay away

It's a true gem. I've only been 3x, but not a week goes by when i don't think about how i can fit it into my meal plan.

Posted on: 2017/10/14 14:22

Re: Swim instructors
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K-Lo2 wrote:
About 9 years ago, my son took swim lessons at Pershing with an unaffiliated teacher named Richard Lear. I watched him give lessons to children and adults, from beginner to team swimmer, before I approached him about lessons for my son. He is a terrific teacher. I don't know if he is still teaching, but I came across this link. He is also a Dive Master, and after getting my son swimming, sent us on a great dive vacation.

His email address in those days was

Thanks. Unfortunately, the email address doesn't work.

Posted on: 2017/6/8 21:14

Swim instructors
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Just can't stay away

Looking for a swim instructor who is willing to provide lessons for 1-2 kids at a private pool. Anyone have any referrals?

Posted on: 2017/6/8 16:23

Re: scammer walking up/down montgomery
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jcguy05 wrote:
Hi, has anyone have experience with a scammer recently that walks up and down montgomery from the waterfront to grove path?

He has a fake story about just moving here from LA or some place, got lost and need money for ticket home.

He came up to me at least 5 or more times so far over the last 2-3 weeks repeating the same story, without realizing i am the same person (guess i am pretty forgettable). My wife also got harassed by him and said he was pretty forceful when asking for money.

The dude is late 20s/early 30s, african american, very muscular (like a body builder), average height ~5'11" and always wore a t-shirt when he came up to me.

Looks like he does this almost daily during lunch hour since i encountered him so many times.

Can police help here? or it's not considered a crime to lie to scam money.


I think I ran into him on Grove this morning, although he was wearing a green hoodie.

There was an older gentleman who stopped me on Marin a few weeks back. Something about car breaking down, cell phone not working, needed $ for a train or bus.

Posted on: 2016/11/4 14:58

Re: Plumber
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T-Bird wrote:

GlitterQueen wrote:

Does anyone have a plumber they can recommend? Our basement drain has been randomly backing up. It has happened twice in a month and I need to get it looked at.


Byron Hutchinson - I found him searching in other plumber-related threads on here and he came pretty well recommended. Good work, nice guy and gave a reasonable price.

201 888 4752

+1 all true based on my experience

Posted on: 2016/10/24 17:49

Re: Roof Leak - advice needed
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Dinger wrote:

PM if you want more info. Been a deck builder/designer for many years.

PM'd you.

Posted on: 2016/10/4 15:04

Re: Roof Leak - advice needed
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Just can't stay away


Dinger wrote:
Bison supports are extremely ($$$$$) pricey given how many you'll likely need and only work well if your roof slopes in a single direction. I only use bison where I am using joist supports for ordinary 2x and 4x frame material since I find the tiles are ugly and cost prohibitive for residential work. One good thing about their system is you can raise it fully loaded -- legos for builders.

Other option are sleepers if you have a one direction slope but put some rubber padding under the tapered sleepers.

Third option is a freestanding ordinary deck right over the roof. This is the best option if your situation allows.

What are you doing for railing? If you don't have a parapet wall you'll likely need at least a 2x8 rim anyway which eliminates use of the tiles.

I need a railing. I think the sleeper option is what is being proposed since the roof slopes in one direction. Tiles aren't being recommended; rather long composite planks.

Posted on: 2016/10/3 17:43

Re: Roof Leak - advice needed
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Just can't stay away

Sounds like some of you might know more than the average persons about roofs. What're your opinions on the installation of a composite deck (250 sq ft) on a flat roof? My concern is that if there is ever a leak, it would be a disaster fixing it since it would likely require ripping up the entire deck. I also have concerns about adding too much weight to the roof. The roof is covered in rubber membrane materials (EPDM).

Posted on: 2016/10/3 13:31

Re: Economic violence in JC ?
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RichMauro wrote:
Having the good fortune of being born and raised in Jersey City long ago, I have the pleasant remembrances of a nicer place than the one that haphazardly exists today.
Unfortunately urban renewal cut a senseless swath through quite a large area along Montgomery Street and ours and many other homes were lost.
I kind of note a similar situation today especially in the downtown area as NYC spreads across the river and destroys the remainder of a unique culture in a rapid fashion.
Soon little pockets of what once was will be all that remains as buildings of behemoth proportions and too expensive condominiums crowd out those who represent earlier generations and their ways.
Some see it as progress I term it violence.

Thanks to all for contributing to the thread.

Everything changes. Get used to it. The building you live in, the building I live, the building every other schmuck who wastes their time reading this thread lives in will one day be something different or not be there entirely. The home you grew up in and the land you walk on was something different 50, 100, 200 years ago. The people who have lived in JC over the past 100-200 years have changed, significantly. And, it will always change...
Spending time blaming others and pointing fingers will keep you from leading a fulfilling life.

Posted on: 2016/9/30 15:08

Re: Gregorys Coffee
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Just can't stay away

Their coffee is actually quite good, which sets it apart from Starbucks and Au Bon Pain. They do not deliver a heavy dose of hipster douchery, which sets it apart from Lackawanna and Warehouse.

Posted on: 2016/9/16 15:07

Re: Lawyer - Writing a Will
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jerseymom wrote:
If your case is not so complicated, try They walk you through the process step-by-step and then mail you a copy of your will to be notarized. You can store it - and update it any time you want. The cost is extremely reasonable and I was happy with the outcome.

Fortunately or unfortunately, depending on how you look at it, you'll actually never know the outcome.

Posted on: 2016/8/5 12:44

Re: Lawyer - Writing a Will
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Just can't stay away

You should also have a health care proxy and a power of attorney (aka living will) for when you don't die but are too incapacitated to make decisions.

Posted on: 2016/8/5 12:41

Re: Citi Bike
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Just can't stay away

T-Bird wrote: Quote:
Stringer wrote:

Jersey City unveils locations of 15 new Citi Bike stations

By Terrence T. McDonald | The Jersey Journal
Email the author | Follow on Twitter
on July 20, 2016 at 12:54 PM, updated July 20, 2016 at 1:32 PM

Mary Ford loves Citi Bike Jersey City, but barely uses the bike-share station closest to her home.

Ford, 57, who lives on Garfield Avenue, would have to walk to Bayside Park to grab one of the Citi Bike bicycles stationed there and use it to get to the Downtown financial services company where she works.

Jersey City Citi Bike expansion 7-20-16-resized.jpg

Read more: ... _citi_bike_locations.html

The map is incorrect: it shows an existing station at the Marin Blvd. light rail station. There is no such CitiBike station. Are there other inaccuracies? The lack of a station at Marin light rail is a real head scratcher - Between 225 Grand, Gulls Cove, 18 Park and the Madox there are 1,200 residential units within a block of that spot and no CitiBike station anywhere nearby. Layer in the new development going in on Van Vorst along the St. Peter's Prep football field, Gull's Cove phase 2 and the high rise that is nearing completion south of 18 Park and this is a very dense, underserved area. Should have been included in the first round and somehow missed the expansion as well? And yet the photo-op site in front of City Hall (statistically the least used site downtown) remains?
If you go on the citi bike website you can see that one of the new locations is the Marin Light rail. The map in the article is incorrect.

Posted on: 2016/7/21 14:44

Re: Organized local group bike rides
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Just can't stay away

Can anyone recommend a location for some decent mountain bike trails within 30 minutes or so of JC by car?

Posted on: 2016/7/20 16:43

Re: Tender Shoot Farm Closing
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Just can't stay away

Hopefully the Lee's on Grove are tipped off to the Tender Shoot closing. They're very nice people and the selection is decent, but not as good as P&K and TenderShoot. I see that they did just redo their flooring.

Posted on: 2016/7/18 14:42

Re: Realtor Playing Games with Full Price Offers? Help!
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Just can't stay away

If there's a reval, people are going to get crushed and the market in JC will be severely impacted, imo. Makes me think that a reval is likely not going to happen due, but I haven't really been following the topic too closely.

Posted on: 2016/7/6 17:02

Re: Jersey Journal Poll: Would Jersey City Councilman Michael Yun make a good mayor?
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SOS wrote:

Yvonne wrote:
A person live where they receive his/her mail. So ask the mail carrier if he gets mail. According to the newspaper, he lives in an apartment above his former store. In the meanwhile, many JC politicians have summer homes and no one questions their residency.

That is one of the most idiotic things that you've ever posted. If true, it would be a huge loophole for proving residency.

So idiotic I had to login and post.

Posted on: 2016/6/22 16:28

Re: Assault last night @ Varick & Barrow
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Just can't stay away


corybraiterman wrote:
not sure that meets the criteria for assault. any actual legal types care to cite a statute?

I'm not a lawyer, but pretty sure these incidents would amount to sexual assault.

Posted on: 2016/6/15 16:44

Re: Assault last night @ Varick & Barrow
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Just can't stay away


penumbra wrote:
A friend of my wife was assaulted last night, around 10p, near Van Vorst Park. He touched her inappropriately and, when she screamed, ran off down Bright. Shorter guy in a track suit with an orange stripe. She and her husband were off to the police this morning to look at photos. She got a reasonably good look at the guy, so there is hope of him being found.

Remain vigilant as summer crime is back again.

Not sure how/if this can help, but I know a young woman who experienced the same thing in that area a couple of times the past month or so. I think she mentioned it actually happened to her twice in the same area. Some creep snuck up behind her at night, grabbed her backside aggressively and ran away...but she said he made a point of turning around to see her reaction. It sounded like the perp was young...late teens/20s/early 30s.

Posted on: 2016/6/14 18:17

Re: Lasik in JC?
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Just can't stay away

I am curious, is there anyone out there who has had complications and would like to share? I have heard of bad outcomes, but never from anyone directly.

Posted on: 2016/5/19 18:12

Re: Mayor Fulop Tells Christie to Resign - Establishes Petition
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Posted on: 2016/3/16 18:20

Re: the "new Williamsburg"? or worse?
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eggzbenedict wrote:
If it was about "LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION", how did this spike in development and increase in population not happen 20 yrs ago? Did JC just recently get closer to NYC?

One of the reasons is that large swaths of downtown JC were acquired by individuals who did not have the financial means or know-how to develop. When the land became more valuable, they obtained the financial means to develop by way of loans from banks. Before that they were just sitting on the property because they couldn't finance the development.

Posted on: 2016/3/9 20:01

Re: Simple dinner suggestion
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anonymess wrote:
Once again, I am imposing on you for dinner suggestions. I'm looking for a simple restaurant with at least some healthy options. Something a bit above a diner if you will. I was thinking Marco & Pepe or Madame Claude or something along those lines, though I don't think either has any or many healthy options. Downtown or Bergen-Lafayette are preferable. Thanks.

That's almost every restaurant in downtown JC, except for fast-food, pizza, Talde and the 2 burger places. They're all pretty much "simple" restaurants with a few healthy options.

Posted on: 2016/3/9 17:03

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TonyTwoPoops wrote:

Sutherland wrote:
I can't agree with you on the Marco Pepe comment. I was a big fan and patron of M&P for my first few years in town. However, about 4 years ago my experiences deteriorated dramatically. I still return once a year with some hope and invariably I'm disappointed.

Regardless. I do hope Talde survives. However, I think the formula may be to more of a restaurant and less of a night club with the loud music. Also, perhaps change the menu to high end Italian, not Italian American. Over all my suggestion is to appeal more to an adult market. Not the vomit set.

Meanwhile, Marco & Pepe, Taqueria, Beechwood, Park & Sixth, Roman Nose, Orale, all well regarded and seem to be doing OK. I'm sure there are others.

FWIW, I don't need some "restaurant scene," I don't care about the opinions of snobby foodies. Good restaurants will do the trick.

Same experience with M&P. I used to feel like their brunch was genuinely good while being one of the few options in the beginning. Now there are so many other choices and they seem to have stopped giving a shit around four years ago. Sucks because I think there is room for M&P even with all the restaurants because they offered items/atmosphere no one else has but it's like they just got comfortable and decided to stop caring about the food and as a result I stopped tolerating the terrible service. I have no idea how people can continue to spend money there- I try to give them a chance like once a year and I always regret it.

Agreed. Stopped going years ago. Refuse to go back. Mediocre food at a high price point.

Posted on: 2016/3/3 16:04

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asny10011 wrote:
it's awful that restaurants are shuttering... they always seem busy whenever I walk by...perhaps the rent was too high? Might the landlords be asking for more than is reasonable in jersey city?

I agree. I heard the rumor a month or so ago. Seems like there has always been a general disconnect between where JC is at in the present moment and where business owners or restaurateurs think JC should be at or how fast it'll get there. Disconnect is probably occurring on many levels (landlords, business owners, etc.).
Strange that they would put so much time and money into these operations and bail, but you never know what's happening behind the scenes or who is paying for this stuff.

Posted on: 2016/3/2 22:33

Re: Twin waterfront office buildings sold for $299M
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Yvonne wrote:
And the two tax abatements are being transferred. Can you imagine when you see your home, you could also transfer your mortgage? This is a state law that should be eliminated. When you sell these properties the tax abatement should be done.

Ma'am, that analogy don't make no sense.

Posted on: 2016/2/27 18:56

Re: Chic Pea
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cbg wrote:
It's a blog about Jersey City, written by someone who once declared on twitter "I am Jersey City". So residents of JC have every right to critique it. Especially on a message board about JC. It may not be nice or productive to make fun of her looks, but that's the way the internet works, so...
The blog does showcase perhaps the worst writing I've ever seen.

Goodness what else did she say on Twitter!?

Twitter fingers turn to trigger fingers...
Meek mill bro. Ya heard

Posted on: 2016/2/27 15:44

Re: Lackawanna Warehouse
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Just can't stay away


HamiltonParker wrote:
I can't seem to find a dedicated topic for this building and with each drive by I find myself asking, "why hasn't this place been further developed?" Midway between Jersey City and Hoboken, with easy access to Manhattanites, the location may even qualify as a UEZ (reduced tax rate) zone.
It would seem to be a perfect location for a Whole Foods, Trader Joes, etc. and when Carlo's Bakery moved into a 30,000 square foot facility there was considerable media attention and I thought that he might be the "anchor" to draw other tenants to the location. I'm not married to either of those grocers...we've exhausted dedicated topics on there're before...but how about any sort of retailers?
Some would argue that the lack of car ownership in JC/Hoboken might be a deal breaker for grocer management number crunchers - but then we witnessed Acme move right into the vacated A&P location and Target doesn't ever seem to have empty parking spots.
IKEA moved into Red Hook, Brooklyn and added a dedicated ferry to provide transport for the car less masses - perhaps the cost of development might have to factor in a bus/jitney that shuttles around town in a 30 minute loop or something.
One might also argue that when the grocer's are crunching numbers before pulling the trigger on development, our household income is on the lower side (when compared to say, River Road in Edgewater, which has both a Trader Joes and a Whole Foods) but with population density here dramatically rising each year in the downtown area of JC particularly (5000 new units this year, I believe) the zip codes may need to be sliced and diced a bit to reflect the household incomes within say a 2 mile radius of this building.
Not much available online about this "mysterius" building but here's an old read: ... giant-structures-revealed

Any thoughts?

Cool post. Thanks for spending time on that on a Saturday morning.

Posted on: 2016/2/27 15:39

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