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Re: South House
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Quite a regular

I've been to SH 3 times and there will be many more . It's a fun place with space to stand around the bar and talk over some pretty good music. The staff and bartenders are attentive and fun. The food is OK , I wasn't expecting a Danny Meyer experience here. Having been born and raised in JC maybe I just appreciate a place like SH being available to us intown. I will support SH , and others in JC. But if Hoboken frat boys start showing up , I will gladly embrace my Jersey City roots :)

Posted on: 2015/8/31 19:37

Re: Republican state senator slams Jersey City on tax abatements
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Quite a regular

The State is going to change it . The public sector pension fund is becoming " The Walking Dead " if they sniff money someplace in NJ they are going to want it . The public sector is not blue or red , it's all about funding pensions . And all this talk recently about JC , Hoboken and tax abatments has just shot a flare up.

Posted on: 2015/8/4 13:06

Re: Sandy Hook on saturday - what time to get there?
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Quite a regular

If going to Sandy Hook this weekend , I'd get there before 9:00. Because if they close it off , you wouldn't find another beach you can park at untill Long Branch.

Last time I was at Asbury Park ( night before Springsteen played a surprise 2 hr concert at the Wonder Bar ) on a Sunday there was no parking to be had by about 10:30 . Get there by 9:30 and park in the lot next to the unfinished building for the flat $10.00 fee . The meters only let you buy 3 hours at a time for $6.00 then you have to refill it.

If taking small children to the beach for a day trip consider Avon-by-the -Sea available free parking the jetty's shape creates a natural swimpool which is safe for kids and there are lots of services. BTW American Pharoah is running at Monmouth on Sunday post time is 5:50 they are expecting 60,000 could be the worst ride north this summer.

Posted on: 2015/7/31 16:50

Re: N.J.’s Highest Court Favors Christie Administration on Pension Payments
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Quite a regular

Pebble , I'm not complaining about anything and I do not engage in chat room tennis . I'm not in any public pension system . Because of my job , I just happen to know about state finances . But " was " is the key word here. The fiscal condition of NJ looks like it was negotiated with politicians that have no intention of being around when the bill comes due.

Posted on: 2015/7/28 15:53

Re: N.J.’s Highest Court Favors Christie Administration on Pension Payments
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Quite a regular

The NJSC decision just kicks the can further down the road . It affirmes the oblication to pay pensions . But , to raise the needed revenue over 1% of the annual state budget will require a question on the ballot , nor does the Court set any timetable. The checks are being mailed all is cool , but give it a few years and this issue will consume NJ.

Posted on: 2015/7/28 15:24

Re: Bicycle advocacy groups call for crackdown on double parking in Jersey City, beyond
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Quite a regular

As long as there have been cars in Jersey City people have been double parking . It's ingrained into the fabric of the city. Jersey City has always been a city where connected people didn't have rules like double parking tickets and if they got one , somebody could " Fix it " . Local Jersey City people sourced everything in JC , booze , food , numbers , fresh bread , dry cleaning all by jumping out of their double parked cars , quick visit, double park. But times have changed , driving around JC these days is a third world experience and a quality of life issue. More enforcement is needed.

Posted on: 2015/7/28 15:05

Re: N.J.’s Highest Court Favors Christie Administration on Pension Payments
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Quite a regular

Just to know what kind of animal we're dealing with here . It's estimated to fully fund public sector pensions and healthcare going forward will require somewhere between 5 to 8 billion dollars annually in new revenue every year forever. That breaks down to $550.00 to $900.00 dollars a year for every person in NJ . Or $2300.00 to $3500.00 for a family of 4. With a very large portion of these checks getting mailed out of state.

Posted on: 2015/7/28 14:36

Bicycle advocacy groups call for crackdown on double parking in Jersey City, beyond
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Quite a regular

Double parking laws in JC need to be enforced.

Posted on: 2015/7/24 12:56

Re: Is Jersey City Real Estate in a bubble?
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Quite a regular

I think a big driver of the urban appeal is alternative school options . Jersey City offerers a lot of options of private and charter. Driving and owning a car has become a huge , expensive pain in the ass. I also know a number of folks who were lucky enough to buy in Manhattan years ago and are now selling and moving to BK or JC. which is why you hear of so many cash deals . On top of that, millennials just don't do the yard thing.

Posted on: 2015/7/22 16:23

Re: Developers reveal plans for 35-story tower at Jersey City Pep Boys site
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Quite a regular

The Green Villians crew tagged the crap out of the old Pep Boys site to the point of urban ugly 70's subway. Or is it a good look for a temporary structure ?

Posted on: 2015/7/22 13:19

Re: Is Jersey City Real Estate in a bubble?
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Quite a regular

Was out in the DTJC area last night Carrino , Talde , Porta etc. It was Monday and the area was rocking . Was with a couple of long time JC realestate developers. Looks pretty healthy to me and them. I would check the NO box on the bubble question.

Posted on: 2015/7/21 14:32

Re: Jersey City one of worst cities for drivers in the country, report says
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Quite a regular

One of the biggest problems I have with JC drivers is double parking , people think nothing of just jumping out of their vehicyle to run a quick errand with no reguard as to how their vehicyle stopped in a travel lane is affecting others. This has gone on since they invented cars , in JC.

Posted on: 2015/7/20 15:27

Re: Fulop, backed by pols and union leaders, denounces proposed NJ Transit fare hike, slams Christie
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Quite a regular

The 9% fare hike is especially damaging for JC . Not only do the increased fares directly affect a large % of JC residents . The increase will result in more surface traffic coming into JC everyday . As commuters opt out of using NJT trains.

Posted on: 2015/7/16 14:02

Re: Jersey City councilman wants to pull the plug on red-light cameras
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Quite a regular

There was a politician from Illinois that was being prosecuted for taking bribes from a Arizona based RLC co. During the investigation it was revealed that the company also paid a bribe to a NJ politician . I've never read anywhere who that NJ pol was or if our appointed AG ever persued it. But beware of the politician who yells loudest for the return of RLC's

Posted on: 2015/7/9 13:30

Re: Greece, Puerto Rico and Democrats
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Quite a regular

Sending me links from HJ Sims ? Drill a little deeper on Richard Larkin he has been wrong for over 2 yrs now on PR . HJ Sims is in the ass covering mode on PR .

Posted on: 2015/7/8 17:39

Re: Greece, Puerto Rico and Democrats
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Quite a regular

72 Billion in debt ( largest municipal debt outside of NY & Cal.) 3.6 million people down from 4MM just a couple of years ago. Fastest depopulating state or country in the world . They aren't going to pay , get what you can. Outside of hedge funds , PR is cut off from normal capital markets . I get the lack of tax collection , but your looking to squeeze water from a rock.

Posted on: 2015/7/8 17:22

Re: Greece, Puerto Rico and Democrats
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Quite a regular

If you were educated, born and raised in PR . You would leave and move to central Florida as a Puerto Rican you are a US citizen . The growth of tourism in Cuba will be the death blow to PR. It's now time to manage PR into a smaller economy . Has PR been mismanaged , yes . Would any entity buy PREPA ? No. PREPA burns oil to create ALL of PR's power . PR's sales tax is now 11.5% .

Posted on: 2015/7/8 16:44

Re: Greece, Puerto Rico and Democrats
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Quite a regular

Chapter 9 will allow for a organized debt restructuring . Puerto Rico as their Governor has stated cannot pay its debts . An organized debt restructure initially for some of their public corporations such as PREPA will allow PR to modernize their electrical systems . Otherwise they will just stop paying .

Posted on: 2015/7/8 14:38

Re: Clinton vs Fulop
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Quite a regular

Politics are local . Fulop's event will be well attended . Hillary is just here to pass the hat and move on. IMO Fulop is the inside favourite to be the next governor of NJ.

Posted on: 2015/6/22 17:38

Re: Car driving around with license plate cameras
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Data mining . The Jobs story is cool , new one every six months . Ain't lots of money great ? Why not spy plates in JC . I crossed JC this morning from Communipaw , thru the Sq down Newark to 7th . A sea of vehicyles . Does the idea of making Communipaw or Montgomery one direction going east in the AM for a 2 hr window then flip it around for 2 hrs going west in the late afternoon ?

Posted on: 2015/6/19 15:06

Re: Bike JC's 6th Annual Ward Tour & Festival Sun. June 7!
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Thank you to the organizers and volunteers of the Bike JC Ward Tour . JC looked great ! As the tour continues to grow in popularity , in a effort to keep everyone upright on their bikes I think the age limit should be raised from 10 to 12 and enforced . The several incidents that happened around me were all caused by young riders wobbling around out of the stops as well as families trying to keep their children together . I know this is not going to be well recieved by parents but there were really young kids out there that had no business riding in tight quarters with 1500 other riders.

Posted on: 2015/6/8 13:04

Re: What Jersey City Restaurant Do You Miss the Most?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Dating yourself ? Did you also have season tickets for the Jersey City Giants ?

Posted on: 2015/6/5 19:38

Re: Montgomery St. Fender-Bender Leads to Assault, Murder Threat & Carjacking
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Quite a regular

Montgomery Ave should have a trolley that runs from Lincoln Park down to Exchange Place and there should be no parking on Montgomery Ave with bike lanes running east and west. There are just to , to many vehicyles trying to get around JC and the belief that double parking is a god given right in JC.

Posted on: 2015/6/5 13:43

Re: Maplewood, N.J.: If Brooklyn Were a Suburb
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Quite a regular

Maplewood may have the highest property taxes in the nation $20,000 per year for a relativley modest house is common . The east side of Maplewood is well on it's way to " progressing " itself into being enveloped by Irvington and Newark. Both of which border Mwood. The residents of the west side refer to the east side as Maplehood . East side of Maplewood , think south side of Greenville late 80's early 90's

Posted on: 2015/6/5 13:30

Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Maybe this is a little to local to the South East corner of Greenville but there was a bar / resturant / pizza place called Barney's on the corner of Gates and Garfield . My mother would call and order chicken salad club sandwiches and my father would pick them up on his way home from work. One of my favorite Friday night treats as a kid. Sunday's were spent at the Tripoli on Newark Ave . It was the only Italian resturant in JC that my Grandmother thought was worthy of her leaving her own kitchen for. During the summer we would frequent the resturant in Long Branch called Sergio's that the family that owned the Tripoli opened in their basement just for the summer and you would see the exact same people down there.

Posted on: 2015/6/1 13:25

Re: Fulop to solicit proposals from for-profit companies to replace FOL in running the Loew’s theater
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Quite a regular

Why can't maintence and code requirements of the Loews just be made a condition of the abatement request of developers of Journal Square ? Wouldn't a vibrant Loews be a plus for residents of The Square , I mean how many Blvd. Drinks hot dogs can one endure.

Posted on: 2015/5/29 19:27

Re: Fulop to solicit proposals from for-profit companies to replace FOL in running the Loew’s theater
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Quite a regular

I don't know what the details are but I've been in the Loews a couple of times . It would be a great place to see a concert . With the PATH across the street it would do well in the hands of good promoter. As it is now , it's not doing anything for anyone except FOL who treat it like your Italian grandmother's living room . Look but don't touch .

Posted on: 2015/5/29 18:27

Re: Bike stolen outside Newport Path Station
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Quite a regular

One solution I have seen to combat bike theft at commuter spots is to check your bike like a coat check . I don't know if there are enough bikes to make this viable but I have seen this done in European cities.

Posted on: 2015/5/29 13:59

Re: Bike JC's 6th Annual Ward Tour & Festival Sun. June 7!
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

THX, Elsquid . Were looking forward to the Tour.

Posted on: 2015/5/27 14:31

Re: Bike JC's 6th Annual Ward Tour & Festival Sun. June 7!
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

How many rode in last years JC Bike tour ?

Posted on: 2015/5/27 13:52

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