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Re: Muhammed Akil, All white people have a little Hilter in them


JCMan8 wrote:

La_Verdad wrote:
Who fired Akil in the Healy administration? My understanding was that he had a pretty senior role in the HHS department right through the end of the term.

There were several posts in this thread about the previous administrations that fired him. I don't think Healy was one.

But Fulop is the one who promoted this wacko to such a high post. Not to mention the defense of "well Healy hired him" isn't saying very much...

Akil was hired and fired by the Cunningham administration and was brought back a few years later by Acting Mayor Smith who gave him a Civil Service title. The Healy administration could not just fire him since he had a Civil Service title and they moved him to the Health Department. He ran a food program and was able to keep his 90,000.00 a year salary that former Mayor Smith gave him.

Posted on: 2014/10/10 23:26

Re: Singers Sought for Choir in Downtown Jersey City

Have attended the mass a few times at Holy Rosary.
The choir is always very good and sings almost everything in Latin.
Too bad they had to leave. St. Anthony's is really beautiful. I don't know if the acoustics
are as good as Holy Rosary which are quite good.
I like to attend this type of mass with the singing
and incense, bells and whistles. It makes me feel like
I really went to church. My father told me that's what it was
like when he was growing up. He went to catholic schools I didn't.
I'll check out St. Anthony's because the website says it
has historic designation and it's always a pleasant experience. Good luck to the choir.

Posted on: 2014/1/13 23:35

Re: Singers Sought for Choir in Downtown Jersey City

Yes. It's permanent.

Posted on: 2014/1/11 1:03

Re: SNAP papers Downtown Jersey City neighborhood with fliers accusing priest of past sex abuse

This is no big deal. This year the pastor of Holy Rosary Church had a priest living in the rectory who had been accused of molesting two young boys. The priest was eventually cleared at a closed door trial headed by other priests who are canon lawyers. What a surprise! I was told the priest was living there for three months and may have made a hasty exit when all the stuff came out about Michael Fugee. That's from around February to May 2013. The current pastor never made it known to the parishioners that the priest living in the church had been accused. There are probably young children and young boys attending the church. What a great guy!

Posted on: 2013/11/27 2:58

Re: Jersey City with six-figure salary claims residence in low-cost housing

For caj11, Holdover? This is a retired fireman who was hired by the Fulop team and appointed by the sitting council.

Posted on: 2013/11/17 22:10

Re: City Hall First Annual Halloween Bash! Get Your Ghoul On!


CAR285 wrote:
Who the hell has a petting zoo for a nighttime Halloween bash? The brainchild behind this should be fired!

Posted on: 2013/10/29 17:46

Re: City Hall First Annual Halloween Bash! Get Your Ghoul On!

Who the hell has a petting zoo for a nighttime Halloween bash? The brainchild nehind this should be fired!

Posted on: 2013/10/29 16:36

Re: Fulop hire Paul Bellan-Boyer has a $55,000 lien on his condo

Isn't this the same department where the former supervisor pocketed the food vendor license fees?

Posted on: 2013/9/3 12:33

Re: Cracks in Fulop facade as Jersey City council votes down City Hall revamp

Althea is a smart woman who is also a very hard worker. I have no issues with this hire

CRV2 wrote:
And Althea Bernheim, Steve Fulop's former council aid, has the experience and skills to run the RRC? Sounds like a patronage job to me.


dtjcview wrote:

OneSkirt wrote:

dtjcview wrote:

OneSkirt wrote:
Has anyone heard why on earth they would propose to put Cultural Affairs & Senior Services under the Resident Response Center?? I don't get that at all!

What functions did they provide? If all they did was handle street festival permits, and senior transport requests, it would make perfect sense.

The mission outlined in the transition plan was to expand Cultural affairs into a dept. handling Arts, Culture and Tourism and making it more of a true driver for promoting JC and spuring economic growth. Moving it to the RRC is big step away from this mission, it would seem.

And the people in the existing department had the skillset to fulfill that mission? Sometimes it's easier to create a new department, than give an impossible task to an old one.

Posted on: 2013/9/3 12:28

Re: Former Gov. McGreevey to head Jersey City jobs commission

Instead of speculating make a request for a listing of for all new hires, transfers, terminations and post them here, this should be public record and easily assessable. I?m leaning to the side with JPHurst on this issue where Mayor Fulop should have only people who follow his vision in his office and oversee the departments. These are managerial positions and their jobs are at the will of the Mayor.

Posted on: 2013/8/8 16:28

Re: Online petition calls for Jersey City Mayor Fulop to make art maven Brauser art ‘ambassador’

Ahhhhh, the same Uta Brauser who was charging downtown residents 1 to 2 dollars to charge up their cell phones during the massive blackout caused by Hurricane Sandy. I will sign her petition for if she wants to be the Ambassador of Greed.

Posted on: 2013/7/8 21:56

Re: Moran: Jersey City Mayor Jerramiah Healy likes a good fight


HeightsBrat wrote:

Magnus wrote:
This view shows what Jerramiah Healy looks like outside Jersey City.

Moran: Jersey City Mayor Jerramiah Healy likes a good fight - and he's found one
By Tom Moran/ The Star-Ledger
on May 05, 2013 at 12:02 AM, updated May 05, 2013 at 1:33 AM

Jersey City Mayor Jerramiah Healy stared at his feet, his shoulders slumped, as if all his famous spunk was spent.
It was the final debate in a mayoral campaign Thursday night, and the young challenger, Councilman Steven Fulop, was pounding Healy over and over, drawing huge cheers from a crowd eager to see the mayor?s blood splash on the floor.

Finally, Healy lifted his microphone to speak, as if it were as heavy as a sledgehammer.

?You guys are real gracious,? he snarled.

This is rare. Politicians don?t usually insult an audience like that. But Healy is not your typical politician.

This is a guy who was photographed naked on his front porch at 2 a.m. during the 2004 campaign, and won the race anyway. People like him. A few years later, he was convicted of resisting arrest after scuffling with cops outside a bar his sister owns at the Shore.

In both cases, he insists he did nothing wrong and was framed. And no, he says, neither after-midnight incident is a sign that the rumors of his heavy drinking are true.

?Listen, I like to eat, drink, sing, dance and laugh,? he says. ?And I make no apologies for any of the above.?

It is tempting to get warm and fuzzy about Healy and his quirks. The man has a certain charm. He recorded a CD with his family singing Christmas carols, and still hands them out to visitors.

But know this: His administration has been proved to be thoroughly corrupt. Healy is one of the few survivors in his inner circle who was not convicted in the famous 2009 FBI bust known as ?Operation Bid Rig.?

That list includes his deputy mayor, three city council members who ran on his ticket, his housing commissioner, two senior managers in his health department, the building inspector and a commissioner at the utilities authority. In most cases, it was old-school stuff, cash in envelopes in return for needed permits.

Healy himself was not indicted, even though the FBI sent an informant with a cash envelope to give it a try. And he?s proud of that in a way that only a Hudson County mayor could be.

?No one in the state of New Jersey has been more thoroughly vetted than I was four years ago, and I came out clean,? he said at the debate.

The problem for Healy is that there are really only two possibilities. Either he knew what was going on, which makes him corrupt. Or he didn?t, which makes him clueless. There is no third way.

?I?m not with people 24 hours a day,? he said in an interview. ?If some in my administration veered off the righteous path, they did it foolishly.?

Healy is 62 years old, and it?s been a grueling stretch leading to the May 14 mayoral vote. He?s never faced a challenger like Fulop, a 36-year-old whiz kid who resigned from Goldman Sachs after the Sept. 11 attacks to enlist in the Marines, served in Iraq, and has worked tirelessly for years to build a following. His allies now control the city council and the school board, and he has good-government plans to fix everything.


The pressure may be getting to Healy, because he seems to be losing a step.

Take the naked photo incident. At the time, Healy acknowledged he had been drinking and said he could not remember what happened. Last week he offered a new version of the story with a bizarre sexual twist.

Now he says three young women woke him by banging trash cans outside his house, so he rose from bed, wrapped a towel around himself, and went to investigate.

?Three Hispanic girls, young kids,? he says. ?So I go out on the porch and they pulled the towel off me. Now I start laughing, and then they started doing other stuff. I said, ?I?m old enough to be your grandfather.???

What other stuff?

?It was filthy,? he says. ?I chased them away, and I just sat down.?

And that, he says, is when a political enemy snapped the photograph. Why he would be changing this story now, in the final stretch of the campaign, is anyone?s guess.


As for Bid Rig and corruption, Healy sees that as a conspiracy executed on behalf of a former prosecutor by the name of Chris Christie. He remembers watching TV as the FBI discussed the arrests of all those Democrats a few months before Christie won the election.

?I?m screaming at the TV,? he says. ?I was saying this is a (bleeping) campaign commercial. And that?s what it was. I don?t want to throw stones at the governor, but all that stuff was extremely helpful to his campaign.?

So much for any hint of repentance over his senior staff?s acceptance of all those envelopes.

Another bizarre viewpoint: Healy believes David Tepper, a hedge-fund billionaire who is funding school-reform efforts across the state, is helping Fulop in this race so he can execute a secret plan to take over the public schools in Jersey City and operate them as for-profit enterprises.

?It smells a little to me, okay?? the mayor says.

Really? Tepper earned $2.2 billion last year on the market. Isn?t it possible he is impressed by Fulop?s long-standing efforts to reform the city?s failing public schools?
strong challenger

Is Fulop the real deal? He?s smart, hardworking and makes good sense on every issue, so there is hope. But his TV ad accusing Healy of corruption is flatly unfair, and swimming in Hudson County?s political waters is hazardous to one?s ethical health. So who knows?

But you can feel the changing of the guard coming. It seems inevitable that Fulop will be mayor, if not in this election then in the next.

Healy has endorsements from President Obama, Newark Mayor Cory Booker and New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg. Healy endorsed Obama early, so that is payback. And he has worked hard on gun control.

Still, Healy personifies the Jersey City of the past, a rough-edged place where you can still find the legendary wooden desk used by Mayor Frank Hague, rigged to allow him to push the center drawer outward so that visitors could deposit bribes without witnessing him touching the cash.

That Jersey City is slipping into history as surges of young professionals like Fulop settle in, along with ethnic groups of every type.

Healy is still talking up his long love affair with the city, where his children and grandchildren remain.

?I have roots in this city, blood in this city,? he says. ?Steve?s been here just 12 years.?

That might help the mayor with the natives. But with Fulop pounding on the door, it sounds more like the last stand of the old guard.

Can this get any sadder & more pathetic? Jerry, there are weekly AA meetings at Pershing Field every Sunday. You & your WIFE need to look into attending & soon. People will have a little more respect for you.

Our household is no fans of Healy and we are also no fans of sexual preditors. What's your thoughts on this event, Heightsbrat? This is John Kondes that is formerly of Jersey City and owns a house in the heights with his sister. Maybe we should lobby Pershing Field to hold more than just AA meetings. ... n_56_charged_alongsi.html

Posted on: 2013/5/5 14:14

Re: Jersey City assemblyman calls Councilman Fulop 'un-American,'

How thoughtful of you Troll.

Posted on: 2013/2/8 0:01

Re: Dan Levin - Former Jersey City mayoral candidate to run for at-large City Council seat


BrightMoment wrote:
Dan, I was happy to volunteer yesterday to help you get voters out to our voting poll in our mutual shared neighborhood, Harsimus Cove. You have my support anytime I might help as you are a leader with a clear vision, ideas, transparency, honesty and integrity. What we discussed last night will happen.

Besides the above you are a great neighbor and terrific friends, both you and your wife. Thanks for the campaign coffee, it kept me warm last nite.


Posted on: 2013/2/7 22:52

Re: Jersey City assemblyman calls Councilman Fulop 'un-American,'


Posted on: 2013/2/7 22:48

Re: Jersey City Councilwoman Nidia Lopez a Florida Resident?


Posted on: 2013/2/7 22:47




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