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Liberty State Park lawn closures
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Anyone know why 100% of the lawns are being fenced off today?

I tried the park phone number -- no answer

I tried the state website no info but there was an email address I sent a query to.

Posted on: 2015/9/28 18:31

Re: Teppan Bar and Grill
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I'm curious to know if you talked to the manager about it once you discovered the roundup on the bill?

Posted on: 2010/5/4 15:04

Re: Wayne Street Residents
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I don't know but I'm guessing that this group is organizing specifically to deal with the hot spot of Wayne btw Barrow/Jersey (judging from the streets listed).

If you're really concerned about Crime and Neighborhood safety then come to the meeting regardless. It sounds like the Downtown Crime Watch will be there and they DO cover the entire of VVP and Harsimus Cove. And attend the Downtown Watch meetings once a month. Check the jclist calendar for dates.

Posted on: 2009/10/5 21:57

Re: Wayne Street Residents
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


blogcityblog wrote:
Someone surely has handed out fliers or something at/near the park, right?

There was a flyer on my doorstep this afternoon when I got home.

I agree, Columbus should definitely be included in this watch.

Posted on: 2009/10/5 20:30

Re: The NJPP Report on Tax Abatements in JC
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Thanks for posting this. A very interesting read.

Posted on: 2009/7/15 18:28

Re: New Mexican Food Cart Downtown
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Wow that is a shame if that's true. Not a cool way to gain customers.

Are you sure it was the torta guys (black cart) and not the other food cart (more generic looking, hot dogs or whatever) that is also often there?

I spent about 20 minutes talking to the owner last week and he didn't seem the type. He seemed way too proud of his food to mess up like that. And way too smart. You never know, but I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, this time.

His tortas and hot sauce are just so damn good.

Posted on: 2009/6/24 16:04

Re: Guy Catrillo for Council
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Quite a regular


JPhurst wrote:
Guy's main point of contention is that he will have a better relationship with the administration and be able to deliver the council's votes. Fair point.

Only if Boss Healy approves.

Where does he stand on pay to play and double-dipping?

Posted on: 2009/5/7 12:19

Re: 2009 Jersey City School Board Elections- who to vote for?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


BrightMoment wrote:

Sadly, today I was wrong by a landslide, but at least we had twice as many people voting which is in itself cause for optimism.

I'm not so sure. With 3 votes per voter that works out to less than 5,000 voters. Also telling is that less than 3,000 people voted on the budget question. I don't think the discrepancy would be that large (11,000 voters choosing not to vote on the budget?). I think this was a typical BOE election that was carried by the teacher's union and the HCDO.

Posted on: 2009/4/22 12:34

Re: Political Stickers in Jersey City
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Why don't you serve the city by cleaning the mess up?
I understand that you didn't make the mess, but it is your name up there and you are the recipient of both the bad will and good will in this situation.

Posted on: 2009/2/18 18:36

Re: ANOTHER LANDMARK in Jersey City is threatened!
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Quite a regular


brewster wrote:

They should take a lesson from St John the Divine in Morningside heights on how to become relevant to a changing urban population. St John has done everything from concerts and movies to craftsmanship training for youths as part of their construction program.

It looks like a great place to see a gothic horror movie!

No need to look across the river for solutions. There are two great examples of extra-religious use of chuch buildings downtown:

Grace Church Van Vorst acts as a de facto community center hosting everything from art showings, recreation classes, and community group meetings.

OLC leased a building to The Victory Hall for years until they needed to expand their school just recently.

I realize that these are both examples of active congregations making good use of their resources but it seems that the archdiocese of Newark, if it desired, could launch a search to find a suitable buyer who is committed to keeping the church a public space, or worst case lease the property out to non-profit groups ala OLC and Victory Hall.

Posted on: 2008/5/9 11:29

Re: Comcast posting "no parking" on whole block for 2 days?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I don't know why this would surprise anyone. It appears the JCPA does whatever they like. A developer on my block was given a 1 year "emergency no parking" permit for in front of the rowhouse he's rehabbing.

He even went to the lengths of drilling holes in the sidewalk so he could put the signs (metal ones) on poles. Tell me he isn't connected.

And pink before you ask it does have a permit number. Of course verifying it with JCPA is a fruitless excercise of being on hold and voicemail.

anyone know if there are actual regulations regarding the posting of these signs?

Posted on: 2007/5/11 14:13

Re: LSP, an Urban Park and We Don't Need Anything
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

It seems that until the junk yard, cement plant, dry dock, and the canal itself are all cleaned up, a Jersey Ave entrance to the park won't be any *nicer* than any of the other entrances.

If we are only talking about easier access to LSP then opening Jersey Ave. to vehicular traffic benefits ONLY the residents of downtown, and would only shorten the drive by about 5 minutes tops.

This plan whether it is two lanes or four would certainly increase the number of cars on downtown streets coming from the suburbs. When I first moved to NJ in the suburbs I learned very quickly about the short-cut through downtown JC for when the extension is backed up. Commuters are using exit 14B and cutting through the park to either get to the tunnel or to park in JC and ferry across to Manhattan.

The increase in congestion downtown that would be caused by opening Jersey Ave. is not worth shaving a few minutes off my drive to LSP.

Posted on: 2007/3/1 19:29

Re: Jersey City Deputy Mayor & Former Director of Water Department Wanted Tip to Marry Couple.
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

So if his resignation isn't effective until Jan. 15th then Healy still has time to do the right thing and fire Equipado. It is disgraceful that a corrupt city official is allowed to resign instead of being handed his hat and showed the door.

Posted on: 2007/1/8 14:16

Re: Downtown Jersey City Watch-Updates Thread
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I just noticed that tonight's DJCW meeting is in direct conflict with the last minute Newport Associates public courtesy meeting before their Planning Board approval tomorrow.

Anyone know which meeting Fulop is going to be at if either?

Posted on: 2006/12/11 17:38

Re: Washington Post: Menendez Seeks to Bury Image of a Shady Dealer
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


Annod wrote:

fasteddie wrote:
I just got a call from Joe Piscopo ( he calls me often to chat, I try to give him career advice but he never listens) anyway, he wanted to encourage me to go out and vote tuesday. He also said, although he is a Democrat, he will be voting for Tom Kean.

Joe called me too this afternoon. Al Gore called this morning. It was funny hearing Al Gore's voice after I saw Darrell Hammond played him last night on Saturday Night Live.

Jimmy Smits keeps calling my house. When I pick up he says that he's calling on behalf of his friend Bob and to encourage me to vote on Tuesday. But I think he's hot for my wife and is trying to hook up with her...

Still, it is better this year than two years ago when we were barraged by calls from Bill, Al, Bob, and Albio. WTF, like a recorded celebrity voice is going to help me make up my mind?

Posted on: 2006/11/6 12:19

Re: Access to sex sites limited for Jersey City municipal workers
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


Mouse wrote:

jcpaulus wrote:
How many city employees were looking at sex sites at City Hall?

The "word" is that the main offending site was This is like a site.

Apparently, secretaries were not even answering phones because they were too busy/concerned with working on "hooking up."

But, at least people were showing up for work (which is "progress" for Jersey City government).


Now they just have to ban IM and use of cell phones except on personal time. And THEN maybe the phones will get answered.

Posted on: 2006/8/28 17:56

Re: Assault/wilding incident on 9th and Erie
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


glx wrote:

jc_insomniac wrote:
Don't worry. Just because you personally haven't seen them doesn't mean that they're not around.

No, really, they're not - and I appear to not be the only person who agrees with this.

Guardian Angels' MO is not to be "hidden". They make their point by being visible and around in the community. They're not some stealth crimefighting group.

Where did you last see them?

I saw two of them around 5pm on Friday walk south on Grove and then turn west on Wayne.

I see them a couple of times a week, most often in the late afternoon/eve. along Grove.

Posted on: 2006/7/2 23:24

Re: Fire at Newark & Bay
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Interesting. The storm definitely centered over the area at one point. A lightening strike could have caused the fire. The strike area could have smoldered for hours before bursting into flame.

Posted on: 2006/6/30 13:53

Re: Fulop donating council salary to school that helps women
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Kudos. Nice way to fulfill a campaign statement.

Posted on: 2006/6/29 20:02

Re: Jersey City Mayor Healy arrested after Bradley Beach incident
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


diepkloof wrote:
I wonder how this event will affect that rumor that Corzine was going to appoint Healy to a judgeship? Can't recall at what level, but who thinks Corzine is reconsidering, if it was ever in the cards?

I didn't vote for Healy the last election, but what an embarassment to our city!

In last weekend's JC Reporter in the political gossip column it was rumored that Healy will not be offered the kind of judicial appointment he wants (one that will keep him in Hudson Co.) and so he intends to ask us for another four years as mayor.

Whether Healy was acting like a good samaritan or an drunken a$$, doesn't really matter. He did do something that caused a police officer to cuff him and take him for a ride. Who believes that at 2am His Honor hadn't knocked back enough drinks to limit his reasoning capacity sufficiently to mouth off to a cop?

What a disgrace.

Posted on: 2006/6/19 18:02

Re: Joe Vas for Congress -- See for Yourself!!!
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


Ross_Ewage wrote:

Not quite - per the State board of elections:

Independents voting in their FIRST primary can declare at the polls. After that, you need to file a party declaration 50 days prior to the primary.

well, f890. Does that mean I'm a registered Democrat now? Thanks for posting that link. And here I thought I was pulling a fast one. Can't beat the machine.

Now, to set about downloading a voter registration form...

Posted on: 2006/6/7 14:22

Re: Joe Vas for Congress -- See for Yourself!!!
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Mia--they probably didn't mention it because you are a registered Dem.

I'm undeclared so they did give me a choice when I showed up at the polls.

I think this is a terrific law that increases opportunities to vote because I would never register to a party just so I could vote in a primary. So the fact that primary elections are not restricted to party affiliated voters, as they are in most states is a real pleasure to me.

You would think that groups like Common Cause, PIRG, et al, would do more to educate the people of NJ on this. Certainly you can't count on the Reps. and Dems. to do it.

Posted on: 2006/6/7 13:51

Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Well it took 2 pages of comments for this thread to finally stop sucking.

Thanks for the laugh Jimmy. I'm a big fan of the unintentional pratfall. That clip had me LMAO!

Posted on: 2006/4/27 19:53

Re: Join Team Vas
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


HudsonDFA wrote:
...Vas represents the Democratic wing of New Jersey's Democratic Party...

wha? As opposed to representing the Republican wing of the Democratic Party?

While Vas sounds like a decent guy who can definitely take credit for turning around Perth Amboy, I don't like this positioning him as a "non-machine" or clean candidate. While its true he's not a member of the HCDO machine, that doesn't mean he doesn't have his fingers in plenty of pies down in Middlesex Co. And he is definitely well funded, that campaign money came from somewhere (not his own pockets).

Which brings me to my last point. I hate the fact that in NJ people can run for multiple elected positions. There is something inherently power concentrating and corrupt in this process. But since it is the process I would rather have my double-dipping rep. be local. Will Vas remain as mayor of Perth Amboy and also represent Jersey City and Perth Amboy equally? I doubt it. We're seeing a lot of him now that he needs JCs votes. But will we see him much after a Vas win in November?

Love that vas deferens joke! Poor guy has probably been hearing that since 10th grade biology.

Posted on: 2006/4/26 12:27

Re: Steve Fulop- Simple idea for traffic safety
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Here's another idea. How about the city making this a part of a summer jobs program for teens in JC? Kill two birds with one stone (so to speak).

Posted on: 2006/4/13 17:59

Re: Steve Fulop- Simple idea for traffic safety
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

This is a good idea. I would take it further and use the reflective paint that brightens when headlights shine on it. That will help at those especially dark intersections.

Posted on: 2006/4/13 17:54

Re: Whole Foods in JC?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Sheesh! I just looked at the link for the blog. did you bother to read the date on the entry? Or the entry below it about the Jets moving to Hoboken?


Posted on: 2006/4/11 17:57

Re: Whole Foods in JC?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

This rumor has been debunked here before. That and a Whole Foods going into The Beacon and The Shore Club.

Go to their web site, there's no store announcement in their press area, and their extensive listing of stores in development does not include Jersey City.

Now, that's not to say there isn't something in the works. But, don't hold your breath.

Personally I'd prefer a Wegmans Market before Whole Foods.

Posted on: 2006/4/11 17:54

Re: Post your Pimp Sightings Here
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I thought it was some bad vindaloo making me hallucinate. But lo and behold someone has captured the elusive Dojo Pimp (i think that is the only appropo usage of Dojo) on film! And with quality reminiscent of the great Sasquatch photos of the 1970's. He must be real!

I've seen this dude walkin the walk on Grove and Barrow south of Columbus. The description fails to mention the fabulous feathered fedora and walking stick. Rock on Dojo Pimp!

Posted on: 2006/4/8 18:19

Re: 329 Pacific Avenue- Scary?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

If you suspect the wiring is questionable you should make your inspector aware of your concern right away. The inspector's report can go a long way toward leveraging your buy in the case he finds that the wiring is bad. He should be able to tell you right away if you have enough service coming in from the pole. He should be very detailed in the problems and he should take pictures where appropriate.

If he finds problems in the wiring then you need to have your lawyer get you more time so that you can get an electrician in there to check it out and give you an estimate for what it will take to fix.

I bought a row house a few years ago where the owner was a self-styled contractor and did his own wiring (badly). I threatened to walk away unless he gave back the $13,000 that my electrician estimated it would take to fix the electric issues detailed in the inspector's report and the buyer and the agents together rebated us the money at closing.

One more thing. I eventually had almost the whole house rewired and the service upgraded and not just the problems fixed. Final cost almost twice what the problems were estimated to be. Don't mess around with electric issues. If the inspector finds problems doing a surface inspection imagine what an electrician will find once they open up the walls. Good luck!

Posted on: 2006/3/5 1:24

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