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Re: Man crossing Jersey City street struck and killed by off-duty Jersey City cop
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The indictment has come down.

But here's the weird thing about this per a neighbor of mine, with which I agree.


Why is he NOT indicted for Speeding, Reckless Driving AND Manslaughter?

Contrast this with the speed with which the authorities acted after the accident that killed the infant. It was announced by the same sheriff's department that is responsible for the same county street, the very same day, that the jitney driver

"Idowu Daramola, 48, of New York, is being issued summonses for reckless driving and for using a cell phone while operating a motor vehicle, but he is being booked on the criminal offense of death by auto, a crime carrying a possible prison term of five to 10 years upon conviction, Hudson County Sheriff Frank Schillari told The Jersey Journal."

Posted on: 2013/8/7 18:46

Re: Jersey City Housing Authority seeks federal grant to redevelop public housing development
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If you want to know more about this project, email Joan Pollock (details below) to be put on her email list for these updates. Here is her recent message. Next community meeting is Aug. 15. The last one was very interesting as they are planning a holistic community with shopping, education, recreation and community/public services and amenities along with mixed income housing. It would be a great chance to catch up on the plan, if you can make it. If they can accomplish even half of what they are planning (and hopefully they will exceed that), this will be a tremendous win for the city all around. Note: I cannot attach the flyer here but it basically just announces the meeting.

Hello Choice Neighborhoods Friends:

Attached is a flyer advertising the next McGinley Square-Montgomery Corridor public meeting scheduled for Thursday, August 15, 2013. We will present changes to the Plan and what we?d like to add to the grant application for critical community improvements based on stakeholder ideas from the last meeting. Hope you can join us. Refreshments will be served.

Best, Joan

Joan Pollock
Director of Development & Design
Jersey City Housing Authority
400 US Highway #1
Jersey City, NJ 07306
(201) 706-4617
(201) 547-6648 (fax)

Posted on: 2013/8/7 16:16

Re: Jack Kelly works for JC 3 years, retires with a $94k JC pension and benefits for life
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Good riddance. These guys are way to expensive to get rid of, but worse to keep on. F you Healy, just F You!

Posted on: 2013/8/6 16:50

Re: Young workers take lead in Jersey City's anti-litter effort
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Yvonne wrote:
This is great, but part of the problem is the overgrown weeds sometimes at abandoned properties or landlords who ignore this problem. The city should also address this problem.

Did you not see the part in the article recognizing this exact point, where they said they will be rolling out an Adopt a Lot program to help improve this? I think also notifying the new Mayor's Action Bureau pointing out problem areas will also help this.

I think this will have a great impact on the general litter culture here in JC. Sure, integration at the schools & PSAs will also help reinforce the message. But re-educating these kids, giving them pride in the blocks they clean/work they do, and teaching them how a culture of littering effects the morale of a neighborhood is a HUGE step forward. One of the proponents of this idea - putting youth to work cleaning up - was a young mother from the projects. She was absolutely right - these kids need constructive ways to spend their time and do work they can take pride in. People complimenting them on their job is huge for many of these kids, who maybe have never received this sort of positive reinforcement.

Posted on: 2013/8/3 19:30

Re: Jersey City nonprofit to host free farmer's market in Bergen Lafayette
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I'm confused. Are they giving away free produce?

Posted on: 2013/7/26 16:40

Re: Jersey City Housing Authority seeks federal grant to redevelop public housing development
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The meeting with JC Housing Authority last night was really interesting. If they accomplish what they showed us in the current plan, this will be a stellar example of mixed-income housing with a true community feel (supermarket, public plazza, services, etc.) ... housing_authority_11.html

Posted on: 2013/7/24 20:32

Re: Scam Alert - Roomorama for Short Term Rentals/225 Grand
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Make sure you let your Councilwoman & the Mayor's Action Bureau know all about this.

Posted on: 2013/7/21 17:19

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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Dahood wrote:
Yes I have noticed that and I have noticed the same annoying behavior on NYC subways too.

I'll resort to pushing the idiots that don't move all the way into the train before that happens. Have you ever noticed how everyone crowds the doors, and there's always a two or three body amount of space in the corners at all times?

Coincidence, no? The annoying NYC'ers are moving here in droves and bringing their attitudes and bad manner with them. Been a chronic problem in DTJC for about 5-7 years now, unfortunately.l

Posted on: 2013/7/21 2:45

Re: Scam Alert - Roomorama for Short Term Rentals/225 Grand
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Please report him to the Mayor's action bureau and your council person.

Posted on: 2013/7/20 23:03

Re: Residential Projects Underway
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Seeing that map makes me super happy I got out of DT last year, after 17 years. I can take this over-development crap. Good luck, guys.

Posted on: 2013/7/19 21:17

Re: Sexually assaulted on Kennedy Blvd, 5:30pm
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Maria, this is awful. Please CALL the Chief of Police's office at 201 547-5301 right away. This is a serious crime and it was handled incredibly poorly. The new Chief will want to know about the incident, I would hope.

Also, you can email or call the mayor directly. He will take this seriously.

Posted on: 2013/7/19 14:03

Re: Swimming
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That's great. Does it go until 10am? I ask because the city's listing say 9am, and I'd prefer the later time if possible.


Posted on: 2013/7/16 22:01

Re: Stanley Theater video ( that Dahood mentioned)
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So are the Jehovah Witnesses ever gonna let any events for the public happen there ever? I appreciate that they own it, but right now its not benefiting JSQ or the people of JC at all.

Posted on: 2013/7/14 17:43

Re: Online petition calls for Jersey City Mayor Fulop to make art maven Brauser art ‘ambassador’
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So what do people think about this now that the Fulop Transition Team report is out? Ms. Brauser was on the transition team that wrote the Arts, Culture & Tourism report/recommendations.

Posted on: 2013/7/11 20:01

Re: Does anyone know where Mayor Fulop was at 9am today (July 4th)
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I swear that Fulop and Cory Booker are in a challenge to see who can do the craziest/most daring stuff. If they aren't, they should be!

Posted on: 2013/7/11 1:41

Re: Jersey City council set to approve 8 percent tax hike
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I don't think the Mayor wants to increase these taxes. Its a matter of what he was left to deal with/clean up and deadlines & bills that are forcing a budget increase before there is time to complete the full departmental audit. The audit will happen and should benefit us in the long run. But to do it right takes time.

Posted on: 2013/7/10 15:43

Re: Online petition calls for Jersey City Mayor Fulop to make art maven Brauser art ‘ambassador’
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I am a Fulop supporter. But one thing you all should know - Maryanne Kelleher was greatly hindered in what she was able to achieve in her role in the last few years under Healy. Her budget was severely cut from something like $400-$500k (IIRC) down to around $150k-$95k. And her staff was severely pared down to only a few people. Arts & Culture was not a priority under Healy, so money went elsewhere. And I believe she may have been brought into the dept. by the mayor before Healy (so to assume she's a "Healy girl", like that's a dirty word, is not fair). This does not mean she wouldn't be able to succeed if given the proper resources and support going forward. It remains to be seen - give the Mayor a chance to evaluate this and other needs of that dept.

I don't know Ute. Its great what she has accomplished, from what her supporters tout. But to advocate so strongly for oneself with a "public mandate" to either create a role for herself or to oust someone who's effectiveness, or potential for great effectiveness, has not fully been reviewed leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

Posted on: 2013/7/9 16:15

Re: Council Members ??
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If you have public meetings or community association meetings, why not invite not only your Ward council person, but the 3 at-large council people? Give them all a chance to engage and help you, then see who you should continue working with on that issue.

In a few weeks, we here in Ward B are having a public meeting with a new developer to the area that is planning a large apt. building that crosses both Ward B & Ward F. So we're inviting those 2 ward council people, plus all 3 at-larges. Now, hopefully they will all make it. But even if only some make it, that's pretty good. Its a good way to get them integrated into community matters and for you all to get to know them as well. They can't attend & learn our issues if you/we don't invite and keep them informed.

Posted on: 2013/7/8 1:02

2013 JC Inauguration - LiveStream
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For anyone who missed the inauguration yesterday, or wants to hear/see anything again, here is the film on LiveStream.

The ceremony starts around the 20 min. mark. Great job to those that did the filming and audio - very cool to have this available!! Pretty historical day for our town given the way this was done for the public and the sheer amount of dignitaries present. Go us!

Posted on: 2013/7/2 20:52

Re: Fulop ally set to hire daughter as $15K-a-year aide
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Prismatic wrote:

Binky wrote:
Her Night Job

That can't be fucking real. Are you kidding me?

She's not a stripper, guys. She's a Christian Hip Hop artist. How is this an issue?

Also, as long as she is vetted and is qualified, I have no issue with her working for her Mother as her aide (being qualified and vetted are key - not sure the other aides in question fit these 2 requirements). She really did manage a lot for the Councilwoman during the campaign and was pretty effective. No, I don't personally know her - just giving my 2 cents from what I observed of her work, and Ms. Watterman's

Posted on: 2013/7/2 20:29

Re: Fve Starbucks Downtown Now
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As far as I've known in my 18 years here, Newport, Exchange Place/Paulus Hook, and Downtown are three different neighborhoods.

Posted on: 2013/6/30 3:38

Re: ABCNEWS “The Lookout” auto repair rip off in JC….
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seanmichael425 wrote:
I've had VERY negative experiences with them. Try to stay away at all costs...

Does anyone know of any trustworthy mechanics/auto body folks here in Jersey City? I've been looking for someone good since I've moved here.

I've always had great experiences with Joe's Auto Electric (they do most regular maintenance & repairs, not just electrical) on Maxwell (that little alley street parallel to Newark & Columbus (Coles is the cross st.). As a female - but a proactive one who asks questions - they have always treated me with respect and answer all my questions with detail. And they are great about looking out for repairs that can wait (and tell me about how long is safe to wait so I can budget/plan ahead) instead of trying to push me to do a bunch of stuff NOW!

Posted on: 2013/6/21 2:41

Re: Body of water
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The Morris Canal?

Posted on: 2013/6/18 14:55

Re: List of all street projects - Milling, Repaving, etc?
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I think most of us would agree with you. Please take this to one of the upcoming forums Fulop is hosting.

Posted on: 2013/6/13 3:01

List of all street projects - Milling, Repaving, etc?
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Does anyone know if there is a publicly accessible list/schedule of all of JC's planned street works - like milling, repaving, etc.?


Posted on: 2013/6/12 16:40

Re: Jersey City election 2013: where the race stands
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Not only is getting the majority a big deal for Team Fulop, but just as important IMHO is ousting Richardson & blocking Epps. The people have finally gotten engaged to get behind some change. Let's do this!

Posted on: 2013/6/12 1:25

Re: Jersey City election 2013: where the race stands
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mrasg1 wrote:
So Fulop has a majority on the council right?
So far so good....

Yes. And Yun & Boggiano are independents so my hope is that they are both intelligent, reasonable people who will hash things out to get the best solutions for the people of Jersey City.

Posted on: 2013/6/12 1:12

Re: Jersey City election 2013: where the race stands
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user1111 wrote:

OneSkirt wrote:
I'm very worried for Ward A if Epps wins.

Epps Lost, he just gave his concession speech at his Martin Luther King Drive headquarters.


But why would he bow out with only 12 districts reporting in thus far?

Posted on: 2013/6/12 0:49

Re: Jersey City election 2013: where the race stands
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I'm very worried for Ward A if Epps wins.

Posted on: 2013/6/12 0:47

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Piert1025 wrote:

Mouse wrote:
By the way, show of hands... how many people commenting on this thread actually LIVE in Ward C?

I live in Ward B (the ward that this post is actually talking about), and I voted as follows:





I can understand your vote for Wintner. But why vote for Richardson, especially instead of Lavaro who has proven he is responsive and effective? She has done nothing for Jersey City and has had a long time in office to make a positive impact, yet hasn't. She is the last person, aside from Epps, that deserves another penny of $ from JC.

Posted on: 2013/6/11 20:30

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