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Re: Four months on Hudson County payroll gets Jim McGreevey lifetime benefits
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jerseymom wrote:
According to this new SL editorial, Mcgreevey AND his daughter will be getting lifetime benefits courtesy of the HC taxpayers:

By Star-Ledger Editorial Board
on September 23, 2015 at 7:45 AM, updated September 23, 2015 at 7:46 AM

McGreevey earned his benefits. But there's more to it. | Editorial

Former Gov. James E. McGreevey just managed to wrangle a deal that will give him and his daughter lifetime medical benefits paid for by the taxpayers of Hudson County, where he worked for just four months.

Sounds like a horrible scam. Who gets lifetime benefits in return for a few months' work?

The answer: No one does. Not even McGreevey.

Like him or not, the man worked for the government for more than 25 years, he has never been convicted of a crime, and he is entitled to the same lifetime medical benefits that cops and teachers receive.

That's not quite the end of the story, granted.

SL Editorial
He didn't work for HUDSON COUNTY for more than 25 years. Why are we paying for his bills? For life? If we're going to allow benefits to accrue between different municipalities to allow people to move to new school districts or cities, then that should be handled at the state level. We shouldn't be hosing ourselves with bad deals just because.

Posted on: 2015/9/24 13:13

Re: Thanks to freeholders
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I agree that this is an interface issue and not a political issue. No matter the outcome, we need to move to November elections all around. But Yvonne, it is a good idea at least so that we have an idea what the ballots will look like and the city can find solutions to a crowded ballot ahead of time, so I'm glad you've brought it up and made them think about it.

However, I don't think that anyone should fight against this based on what a ballot will look like, because that's a pretty superficial problem that can be fixed.

Posted on: 2015/9/23 19:18

Re: Finally - a fish market
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Reggay wrote:

stillinjc wrote:
Yeah, I have access to super-fresh quality tuna for $17/lb. Patagonian toothfish, aka chilean sea bass for $19/lb. These are premium species; cod is not. We shall see about his prices and quality. I hope he can be competitive.

Kudos to them for charging $17/lb for cod if that's accurate. That's a reasonable if not cheap price for fresh,responsibly sourced atlantic cod. The cod supply is f**ked in relation to historical levels. When you buy random supermarket cod for 8.99/lb, chances are you're supporting a part of the industry that would catch every last fish in the sea by any means necessary, current and future stocks and bycatch be damned. Atlantic cod is one of the most overfished species out there. Do yourselves and your children and their children a favor-eat sustainably sourced cod and other fish. Pay a little more. It costs more to bring fish to market when you target a specific species and consciously decide not to catch every last fish out there. Or learn what else is sustainable. There are plenty of reasonanly priced options. Eat previously frozen fish-pacific cod is sustainable and delicious. Or eat something else. I love fish , probably more than most(I'm no Troy McClure though), but I've sworn off delicious, delicious toro and many other species. The technology used to hunt these fish is just way too advanced, way beyond sporting, and it's got to slow down. Don't be an entitled, cheap, consumer. Do 2 minutes of research on what's sustainable and what it costs, open your mind to other species, consider frozen fish. I'm a fisherman by the way.
I just get around the cod problem by not eating cod these days, if I can help it. A lot of fish & chip places are switching to Haddock now because of it. But $17/lb for Cod is still twice as much as market price. So what are the prices on other fish?

I'm eager for a good fish place I'm just worried about his prices. It could be the most super-sustainable, locally-sourced, organic, non-GMO, humanely raised, farm-to-table, small batch, artisanal Swai filets, but if the price is too high, it doesn't matter.

Posted on: 2015/9/18 14:27

Re: Saving the Powerhouse Arts District remaining buildings
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Bike_Lane wrote:
Can we just drop the "Powerhouse Arts District" charade and call it South Newport already? I liked the old plan for the Powerhouse Arts District, but it's obvious it'll never be what the community wanted, only what Roseland and Kushner want.
I saw an ad for condos last week that called the neighborhood "Provost Square" so I guess that's what developers are going with now. Personally, I like "Powerhouse District" as a name even if we don't have any arts stuff there anymore.

Posted on: 2015/9/17 18:17

Re: Finally - a fish market
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CaptainOats wrote:

stillinjc wrote:
Good news indeed.

How is his fish?

If super fresh then I will definitely be a customer (and a good one at that).

I've only bought fish from their stand at the market once but it was very good. I bought a really thick piece of cod loin did a high temp roast with a citrus, dill butter. Certainly wasn't cheap ($17/lb) but it was good.
$17/lb for cod??? If that's the kind of price this guy is asking for fish, then I'm really disappointed.

Shoprite usually has more than enough stuff, and the 555 Market and the one near Bayonne (can't remember name) are good for bigger orders.

Posted on: 2015/9/17 13:42

Re: Tamika McReynolds, convicted of fraud with Sharpe James, working at JC Rec. Dept
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Whatever, people do deserve to live their life after they've done their time. Otherwise we're just punishing people for their entire lives as petty revenge, and where does that get us? I just hope they have the sense not to put her in charge of any money.

Posted on: 2015/9/15 14:05

Re: Hudson River waterfront needs vast improvement
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jcman420 wrote:
why is the half-built Colgate Clock park lying in waste, completely abandoned?


jcman420 wrote:
I know it's a state project

there yo go


Monroe wrote:
Doesn't Fulop have any pull with Goldman Sachs to get their building fixed and the scaffolding removed around the base? Would a homeowner be allowed to keep that up for half a decade??

If I remember right, the scaffolding went up because an inspection found some danger with ice sliding off the building or a risk of panels falling off or something like that. The reason the scaffolding is still up is because of a bunch of lawsuits related to the construction and who covers the cost, or something dumb like that.

Posted on: 2015/9/13 20:18

Re: Man found dead draped over fence
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Jumba72 wrote:

bodhipooh wrote:


OK. But, please tell us, how did the corpse come to be draped over a fence?
Clutching his chest he hung onto the fence to avoid hitting the cement. The end.
Exactly. People have heart attacks and grab onto things for support. Sounds more plausible than..what? Someone suffocated him on the street in the middle of the day and then shoved his body onto a fence because...? And my guess as to why people walked by was they probably thought he was drunk, or just leaning over the fence for something, or who knows what.

Posted on: 2015/9/10 1:37

Re: Man found dead draped over fence
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La_Verdad wrote:
"Hudson County Assistant Prosecutor Gene Rubino said the death is not considered suspicious at this time."

Where the hell do I live??? A dead body showing signs of rigor Morris, draped over a fence along what may be the busiest road in the city.... Not suspicious? This is typical?
if they had said he had wounds then sure, but this sounds like someone that had a heart attack probably.

Posted on: 2015/9/9 20:49

Re: Fulop would oppose Iran deal
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PremiumContent wrote:

CatDog wrote:

PremiumContent wrote:
This deal will be a great coup for Bashar Al-Assad. I think it's highly likely Iran's unfrozen assets will be used to bolster Iranian proxies (Hezbollah, Houthis, Assad).
I think it's highly likely it will be used to buy ice cream sundaes for a group of kids visiting the museum. I think both of our theories have equal merit and fact backing them up. I also think that 95% of the people with strong opinions on the Iran deal don't have a clue what's in it or what they're talking about, including a majority of politicians.

Are their assets not being unfrozen? Is Iran not funding various wars throughout the region? I don't care about the nuclear stuff because I don't think Iran is a threat to the US, but they will have increased capabilities at bringing more violence to the region. Assad has said himself he thinks the deal will lead to increased Iranian support.
Possibly, but you don't know that for sure. Besides, Saudi Arabia funnels lots of money towards violence in the area. So does Israel. And the UAE, , and Turkey, and Qatar, and Pakistan, and guess what, so does the USA! Why is Iran the odd one out getting all the hate?

That's all a red herring though, isn't it? This deal is about nuclear reactors. No amount of sanctions will stop Iran from getting nuclear weapons if they want them. Even starving, dirt poor North Korea made nukes. You can sanction them until you're blue in the face, it won't do a lick of difference. This deal gives the world access to their reactors, and makes it impossible for them to even attempt going for weapons-grade nuclear material without the entire world knowing (since they would have to construct tons of centrifuges and spend years working on it).

This deal finally gives the US and the rest of the World the access it wants to oversee Iran's nuclear program and ensure it's for civilian purposes only. It gives the world more diplomatic channels into "The Axis of Evil" and takes everyone a few steps back from the brink of war (bad news for the pro-war crowd who really wants to bomb Iran.

And yes, it unfreezes Iran's assets and sanctions. But you know what? Those sanctions can go right back in if needed. And sure, Iran may use some of it covertly, but Iran isn't nearly the boogeyman you think it is when compared to some of the stuff our "allies" in the area are doing.

The people opposed to this deal either have no idea what the deal does, or they have a simplistic view of the world that says the only way to get stuff done is to flex your dick and bomb countries. Because that always turns out sooooo well for the US.

Posted on: 2015/9/9 20:46

Re: Fulop would oppose Iran deal
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PremiumContent wrote:
This deal will be a great coup for Bashar Al-Assad. I think it's highly likely Iran's unfrozen assets will be used to bolster Iranian proxies (Hezbollah, Houthis, Assad).
I think it's highly likely it will be used to buy ice cream sundaes for a group of kids visiting the museum. I think both of our theories have equal merit and fact backing them up. I also think that 95% of the people with strong opinions on the Iran deal don't have a clue what's in it or what they're talking about, including a majority of politicians.

Posted on: 2015/9/9 16:18

Re: Miso Ramen
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Not even open and already tagged up. Great.

Posted on: 2015/9/8 16:38

Re: JCIA Garbage Men Tried to Shake Down "Pint" Owner for Booze
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So why wouldn't the JCIA send a letter, or inform him through some official channel? Instead of sending thugs to threaten people and demand free booze, and then threatening to sic building inspectors on them? Why are you trying to defend the JCIA here?

Posted on: 2015/9/3 16:15

Re: JCIA Garbage Men Tried to Shake Down "Pint" Owner for Booze
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FSL wrote:
Mr. Sterling Biz page posts should be alarming to all who view his 5 minutes of fame to get more patrons to his venue. His quote" The drivers that drive the trucks are intoxicated"?? Maybe he should go to AA, since he owns a bar that sells alcohol. The number #1 question is where is his bartender in the video ? No comment or statement from him ? Tommy ?? Seems like Mr. Sterling had not been present and is the voice to say and write whatever he pleases. Once again he and Pint are looking for the spotlight and think he may be drinking his own Koolaid.
I think we found the JCIA shill

Posted on: 2015/9/3 14:06

Re: Gentrifiers' guide - distribute in JC or no?
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she can't entirely mitigate her own ripple effect on housing demand. "When the landlord next door comes to show his apartment and there's a white lady sitting out front, that's a kind of power that I can't deny," she says. "A white lady sitting out front drinking tea has a different cultural reading for a lot of people than the very wonderful Puerto Rican men who hang out on my street all day."

Drink your damn tea where ever the hell you want and stop caring what other people think. God damn the white guilt is strong with this lady, you don't have to feel guilty that you drinking tea on your stoop makes potential neighbors like your neighborhood more.

It's very easy to just say, 'Oh, I'm only going to go to this caf? because it has the trappings of a gentrified space ? and I'm not going to go into any other place because I don't feel comfortable because I'm not the dominant person there

Shop where ever the hell you want too. Why should I be guilted into shopping at the shitty bodega that has absolutely nothing on the shelves, or getting a shitty sandwich at Paradise Deli when I can go a million other places? C-Town was a disgusting craphole that smelled like blood and bleach. Guess what? I never shopped there except in emergencies, and then it changed hands and now Key Foods is great and I go there all the time. It's not my problem if someone runs a disgusting business.

One of the hard things about displacement and gentrification is some of the people who move in, you really like them,

God Forbid

"With gentrification, what's happening is people are coming to meetings with a lot of opinions and hijacking the meeting," she explains. "They know everything, and they basically put a chilling effect on everybody else."
So tell them to shut the fuck up. Or don't. They live there now too, they have just as much right to be a part of the community as you do, even if your father and his father and his father and second cousins all lived here before you interlopers. Not to mention that the phrase "checking your privilege" is such bullshit.

This entire "article" is just so much gnashing of teeth and not-in-my-backyarding and "can you believe these wealthy interlopers" that it's unreal. People want to live where they want, and they want to eat and buy what they want. Quit complaining about them and trying to act like you're somehow better because you've lived in a rundown neighborhood for 25 years. My rents have been going up and up and I'm being priced out of my neighborhood now, but I'm not whining and crying about wealthy white people, I'm trying to figure out what my new deli spot is going to be in my new neighborhood.

Posted on: 2015/8/28 19:51

Re: N.J. lost 13,600 jobs in July
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Monroe wrote:
Nope, blame our Legislature-who actually wanted to raise corporate taxes until Christie vetoed them.
That veto sure helped out then, huh?

Posted on: 2015/8/21 17:44

Re: Jersey City Puerto Rican Day Festival and Parade set for this weekend
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JCMan8 wrote:

bodhipooh wrote:
BTW, I walked past the area about an hour after it had started and by then there was already trash starting to accumulate on the ground. Very, very disappointing.

Disappointing but not surprising in the slightest.

I think the solution is relatively simple. Force the organizers to put up a large deposit before the event. The deposit should be calculated to cover all expected costs, plus a premium to cover unexpected costs, maybe 25% extra.

Then deduct all the costs from the deposit. The organizers then receive the remainder back.

This way, maybe they have some incentive to have an orderly event, instead of the chaos that inevitably ensues. Also, it's difficult to chase people down for money after the fact.
city law only requires a $1,000 deposit, which is woefully inadequate. I like the idea of a deposit that can cover all costs, but depending on who is setting that amount, it could really interfere and prevent smaller celebrations, like block parties.

If I remember right there is something where you have to provide a cleaning plan, and if you don't have your own cleaners, you have to pay for the JCIA to clean up (plus overtime pay for cops, and fire department if there's open flame).

I don't know the specifics on what the parade has to pay, but I"m almost certain they don't get free cleanup.

That being said, I'm at least glad it's down by the waterfront now and not on Grove St anymore. I have some "great" memories of guys on motorcycles driving all over my street and the sidewalks, revving their bikes til 2AM and leaving beer bottles behind. A wonderful bunch, those parade-goers.

Posted on: 2015/8/18 6:12

Re: All About Downtown Street Fair
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Korilla is absolutely awful. It follows the menu model of "pick way too many things that you haven't tasted to throw into this bowl and hope it tastes alright" sure I'll have a bowl of quinoa, bulgogi pork, kim chee, spinach, uhh pickled whatever that is, and oh I have to pick two more vegetables? ok that pea salad thing and that thing over there and sure put that sauce on it.

Posted on: 2015/8/8 3:34

Re: Light at the end of the tunnel?
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Monroe wrote:
Funny pic, catdog, but if Christie is held responsible for NJ railroad failures shouldn't Obama be held for Federal railroad failures? Of course, unless you want to be intellectually dishonest.
Those are some crazy mental gymnastics you're doing there. Obama's Amtrak is just like Christie's NJTransit. Or Bush's Tennessee Valley Authority. Or Angela Merkel's Nazi Party. They just don't make sense. You need to get a grip, man.

Posted on: 2015/7/29 16:02

Re: Light at the end of the tunnel?
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Monroe wrote:
Obama's Amtrak

lol what
Resized Image

Posted on: 2015/7/29 3:02

Re: Sushi Tango
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bricks wrote:
I was told by one of the adjacent businesses that it is going to become a beer garden. Yes, another one.
More like a beer living room.

Posted on: 2015/7/27 17:03

Re: Who in Jersey City has ideas that could change the world?
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I'd like to see Yvonne give a TED talk

Posted on: 2015/7/24 2:05

Re: Credit Advice
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It's either a scam or it's a scummy collection agency that's just fishing for bullshit that's already been paid off. Especially if they can't tell you how much is owed or why.

Ask them for proof in writing, detailing how much is owed, what was charged when and where, what interest charges accrued, and how they acquired the rights to collect the debt. Chances are they won't be able to provide any of that.

Ditto on checking That's the free one via federal regulation which doesn't go into much detail but at least gives you an overview.

Posted on: 2015/7/23 17:31

Re: Chick-fil-A, on the way!
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BeatrixKiddo wrote:

JcDevil wrote:
Mmm, fast food chicken with a side of religiously-motivated hate.

As delicious as Cam Janssen. You twit. Go devils Go lmfao.
You shut your mouth Cam Janssen is a saint!

I'll be glad to have Chik Fil A in the mall, it'll be nice to get a quick sandwich from a fast food place that isn't disgusting.

Posted on: 2015/7/21 14:31

Re: Please Help Prato Bakery
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Would this whole thing be fine and done with if there were a time limit? Like after 8PM or 9PM the yard can't be used?

What about places like Taqueria, Legal Beans BBQ, or More Sushi that already use their yards?

I'm in favor or letting businesses use their yards but I agree with some of the other people that this shouldn't be rushed through, there needs to be a bit of refinement to make sure peoples' backyards don't turn into all-night every-night party zones.

Posted on: 2015/7/21 14:27

Re: PATH and The Shithole of Port Authority
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score09 wrote:

Voyeur wrote: was announced that the skylight in the center of the train station's oculus will be retractable and will open annually for the anniversary of Score09's demented conspiracy fantasies:

NYT story (paywall): ... akes-final-form.html?_r=0

Curbed summary: ... ill_open_each_sept_11.php

Right, as if thousands of architects and engineers aren?t equally skeptical. As if 19 Muslim ?terrorists? managed to hijack four US airliners, using box cutters, and hit 3 of the 4 intended targets, without any interference from NORAD. As if the plane that went down in Shanksville, thanks to the heroics of one Todd "Beamer," and the one that hit the pentagon simply vaporized upon impact, lol. As if towers 1 and 2 could collapse in pancake fashion from fire stoked by jet fuel.

Anyway, it is indeed an outrage about the retractable roof.
Yeah and where was Barack HUSSEIN Obama on that day? I'm willing to bet dollars to doughnuts he was on board one of those planes, right in the cockpit alongside his best friends Hillary "Benghazi" Clinton, George "W" Bush and Bill "literally Hitler" Ayers.

Posted on: 2015/7/20 19:48

Re: South House
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hero69 wrote:
all these new restaurants opening up should make their host/hostesses and bouncers take lessons in customer relations.; i went to one restaurant lst night and met the rudest hostess who tried to insist that we wait even though there were plenty of tables available. she was truly an unfriendly ditz who didn't small once! if i'm spending good money at a restaurant, why shoudl i have to put up with her crap! fortunately, the waiter was very friendly, professional
I agree about some of the rude hosts, but I want to point out that just because you can see empty tables doesn't mean that they have more capacity. If a chef or a waiter or busboy doesn't show up to work, your capacity drops, even though the number of tables doesn't. So yeah maybe you can sit down, but the service is going to take longer and you'll be even more frustrated, as will everyone else.

Posted on: 2015/7/20 13:38

Re: PATH and The Shithole of Port Authority
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score09 wrote:

CatDog wrote:
every penny went to the WTC. The cost overruns for the WTC matched the amount raised by the toll/fare hikes. justified is the ineptitude? On account of Sept. 11, 2001? Pardon me, but who are you?

Regardless, the mysterious circumstances surrounding the collapse of building number 7 (and I swear if I see the word "conspiracy" bandied about hereafter, I'm tearing it up) and the obvious fact that the 9/11 massacre was indeed planned and executed as a "false flag" precursor to a land grab (et al) in the name of oil, gives pause to anyone who might come on this board and attempt to justify or rationalize the obvious. It, the Port Authority, is a corrupt behemoth and it needs to go away, forever.

What are you, an accountant or just another Port Authority astro turfer?
wtf? I hate the Port Authority, but you're insane. My point was that when they said the hikes would go towards infrastructure improvement, it was a lie because it all went to the WTC. Though I don't know why I'm trying to reason with a crazy person.

Posted on: 2015/7/20 13:34

Re: New Cafe Ordinance - Call to Action
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yeah but what about the rapists, pedophiles, and thieves?

Posted on: 2015/7/20 3:09

Re: PATH and The Shithole of Port Authority
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psyop wrote:
Also if you follow the path tweets you also know that they have delays due to signal failure/car issues daily. Where did all that money go, what was it $1 increase per fare and they still claim to have these issues?
every penny went to the WTC. The cost overruns for the WTC matched the amount raised by the toll/fare hikes.

Posted on: 2015/7/20 3:08

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