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Re: Park & Sixth Comfort Food on Grove Street
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Went in the other day for a sandwich....which was, as usual, great. Service, however, was terrible. I had to stand there a good 5 minutes before one of the two girls working there asked me if I wanted to order something. They both were very unfriendly.

Posted on: 2012/5/4 12:04

Re: Man beaten and robbed after car breaks down...
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So his car breaks down but then he drove away? Sounds like BS to me.

Posted on: 2012/3/7 16:36

Re: baby born on PATH train
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tommyc_37 wrote:

Just to be clear ... your view is that no man should sit as long as any healthy, able women do not have a seat? Or are you referring to pregnant/elderly/disabled women only?

All women...young/old, able/disabled. Call me old fashioned, call me crazy. As a 20-something guy in decent shape, I would feel uncomfortable sitting down while any woman is standing up.

As far as the other point of view bringing in the whole women's liberation stuff....equal rights and opportunities are one thing. This, to me, is something entirely different.

Posted on: 2012/1/19 22:09

Re: 2 reported killed in car crash in Downtown Jersey City
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Having really wide streets with multiple lanes is a recipe for disaster. Reminds me of Hylan Blvd in Staten Island. Accident after accident....death after death. Millions and millions of dollars spent trying to resolve the issues...meanwhile the only true resolution is keeping speeds down.

Same problem with Grand as well as Columbus. Speed is the problem. Poorly designed traffic patterns and poorly placed signs can be managed easily if people drove slower.

As for this accident, anyone who was involved with the planning, design and construction of these roads in their current state as well as anyone who could have made Grand St. a more safely designed street should be prosecuted for manslaughter.

Posted on: 2012/1/19 16:31

Re: baby born on PATH train
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jcdd wrote:
Was recently on the train from WTC to grove. I saw an obviously pregnant woman (we are talking belly out to HERE) that was left to stand during the ride. Not one person offered her a seat. Saw plenty of 20somethings sitting in their seats playing video games on their cell phones though, as well as business men and women sitting around completely oblivious. I would have offered a seat but I was standing too.

I feel like we have lost a lot of common decency and manners in this City area. People complain that city dwellers are rude and inconsiderate and sometimes we sure do live up to our reputation.

My wife is roughly 8 months pregnant. Luckily she is still very mobile and taking the path and standing is not a problem. However, she tells me that it is very rare for someone to offer their seat and if anyone does, it is always another woman. She doesn't mind and is very comfortable standing the whole way.....but....if there is ever a time when we commute together and not one man gives up his seat....I am going to lose my mind.

People are rude and inconsiderate, that is a fact. But a bigger problem is that most men out there have a hard time acting the part. Maybe they are all eunuchs? I have no idea. Honestly, act like a man and stand up. No man under the age of 70 should have a seat until every single woman no matter what age is already sitting. It's really pathetic.

Posted on: 2012/1/19 14:14

Re: Heights man who pleaded guilty in 2003 playground shooting and more -- is back in jail.
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A year and a half for shooting two kids. That seems reasonable. WTF is wrong with our judicial system?

Posted on: 2011/11/10 15:40

Re: HUGE GAS PIPELINE COMING - through Jersey City
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The only thing that I would like to add to this conversation would be that Spectra should spend the extra money and put the pipeline under the Hudson. Regardless of any argument for or against natural gas, the safety of people who live near where the pipeline would go should not be sacrificed for the sake of saving some money.

Posted on: 2011/10/27 23:28

Re: Unleashed Mastiffs Attack JC Man
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Wow, just wow. People are now sympathetic to Ms. Kolb. Take a look at the photo of the baby that was hurt by the dogs: There was another photo of another victim's, Jonathan Rodriguez, arms and legs, that were torn pretty bad by the dogs. I know, I saw the picture. I wish I could post that picture but it is in the archives. That would certainly be all the proof you need to show that these dogs are vicious and should have been put down. It is also undisputed that all of the victims went to the hospital. Furthermore, even if these attacks were exxagerated, this woman was ordered to send the dogs out of state before. She violated the court order and didn't send the dogs away! She didn't pay the fines either. She thumbed her nose at the court, and still got away with it, with almost no punishment. How can the court possibly justify giving the dogs back to her, when she didn't do what she was ordered to do before? Where is justice? If those ridiculous Occupy Wall Street people want to make themselves useful, they should be protesting this. My hearts go out to all of the victims and their families. I wonder how they are feeling right now. If I was one of them I probably would have been arrested for storming the court house right now.

No sympathy I wrote, obviously she should not own these dogs. However, none of the pictures are indicative of a "mauling." That is my only point. I don't see any evidence of an attack. Had either of those dogs attacked that baby, then the results would have been far more horrific. A few scratches does not equal a mauling. A 10 pound cat can do just as much damage as what is shown in those pictures.

Posted on: 2011/10/10 20:45

Re: Unleashed Mastiffs Attack JC Man
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caj11 wrote:

Vigilante wrote:
After perusing this thread back to the beginning I am really starting to doubt that these dogs crimes were as horrible as originally claimed. Some posters materialized and then were quickly gone after making outrageous claims. I just question whether they were just angling for a lawsuit or if these "attacks" were as bad as claimed. These dogs are huge and this woman is obviously over-matched but I really believe that if these dogs wanted you dead you'd be dead. If these dogs were really as vicious as claimed would the legal system really kick this problem down the road for another municipality to deal with? The more I read the accounts the more I see people just being knocked over and injured by their falls etc. Not that those things should be acceptable but the whole case seems less and less sinister. I have been jumped on and slightly injured by boisterous dogs but I would hardly consider it an attack. Honestly, I hope I am not wrong since these dogs are back and living amongst us.

Tell that to the three different people (including a baby) who the dogs mauled. Take a look at the pictures of their injuries they submitted to the court - you can find them at the various stories on The peoples' arms and legs look just awful and badly chewed up. I wouldn't feel safe with those dogs around with their extremely irresponsible owner, and now that they are back in the hands of the owner, I don't feel safe unless there is absolute proof that they aren't in Jersey City and will never be back in Jersey City. Whoever this woman is, she has no business owning ANY dog. As far as lawsuits go, this woman, while somewhat comfortable didn't have deep pockets and a lot of assets to go after and the victims surely knew that. If I were in their shoes, I wouldn't be after money either - a satisfactory settlement would be that the dogs get put down AND the woman never allowed to own a dog again (granted the latter item would be difficult to enforce). I don't know who to be more outraged at - Ms. Kolb or the judge that allowed her to have the dogs back. She did have a very good, Harvard educated lawyer representing her, so I guess that's why she was able to get off relatively easy and have the dogs back.

The only pictures of injuries I see do not look anything like dog bites...only cuts and scrapes due to falling.

Obviously this woman does not have control over her dogs and she does not seem fit to own them, however, describing cuts and scrapes a "mauling" seems a little exaggerated.

Posted on: 2011/10/10 15:05

Re: A Voyeur or an Idiot?
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aoao wrote:

Have you guys ever taken the path train? I've seen Indian FOBs literally outrun pregnant women and the elderly to grab a seat.

I've always been waiting for someone else to notice this. Glad I'm not the only one.

Posted on: 2011/9/28 17:44

Re: City To Conduct First Property Revaluation Since 1988
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What's the point of using pencils? Sounds shady. But I guess this is JC, nothing new.

Posted on: 2011/9/23 14:34

Re: PATH SmartLink Card
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The system won't let you purchase more than two items between 9/7 - 9/18, effectively eliminating the possibility of maxing out the card, unless you are already starting with 60 trips on it. Bunch of scumbags if you ask me.

Posted on: 2011/9/16 16:54

Re: 'Unlivable' building in Downtown Jersey City has black mold, water damage, holes in ceilings; six fa
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JadedJC wrote:

downright wrote:
That building is a disgusting dilapidated mess. Why in the world would it be considered a landmark?

Got me. I used to live a few doors from that place, and both old-timers and new transplants have complained about its various issues for years. A former neighbor once asked Dan Wrieden if that place would ever be torn down, and Dan got all outraged at the suggestion and pointed to the upstairs window and roofline, prattling some gibberish about "classic Victorian architecture." My neighbor had a hard time keeping a neutral expression during that pedantic diatribe.

When you look at the roof, it looks like whoever built it made a very poor attempt at achieving some kind of victorian style. I have no building or architecture experience whatsoever, yet I'm sure I could do a better job designing a "victorian style" home.

Either way, the place is a complete mess. And it shouldn't have taken an inspection by the city after a hurricane to determine that it is not fit for living. You can figure that out by using google streetview.

Posted on: 2011/8/31 20:47

Re: 'Unlivable' building in Downtown Jersey City has black mold, water damage, holes in ceilings; six fa
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That building is a disgusting dilapidated mess. Why in the world would it be considered a landmark?

Posted on: 2011/8/31 19:21

Re: 'Unlivable' building in Downtown Jersey City has black mold, water damage, holes in ceilings; six fa
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Why is that building land-marked?

Posted on: 2011/8/31 15:51

Re: Taqueria
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hamiltonpkmom wrote:
"Can't even tell you the difference in class in the clientele in NYC than that in Jersey. So don't worry, it's just a matter of time before we close the jersey store. " Nicely put by the owner of the Taqueria.

As a parent myself, I agree, no one should stoop to calling someone's kid by names. But I think the response by the owner, and his padding back his words, is more deplorable.

Please keep your words and do close the Jersey Store. Residents of Jersey, your lower class clientele, we have to be an absolute idiots to spend our money on an establishment where the owner is shows such a disregard for the town that enriched him. So I encourage people to spend their hard earned dollars elsewhere to support other eateries that are actually grateful and kind to their clienteles.

Shame on you Taqueria.

Why is everyone carrying on and on about what he wrote? Did he specifically call you lower class? Why would you be offended by someone calling JC lower class? Perhaps JC is. I know what kind of person I am and I am certainly not offended. If you are not low class then you shouldn't be offended either.

Posted on: 2011/7/19 17:11

Re: Dames Coffee - Jersey Ave betw 3rd & 4th
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fantastic....didn't think they would be open so soon. cant wait to give it a try.

Posted on: 2011/7/6 21:38

Re: Dames Coffee - Jersey Ave betw 3rd & 4th
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How's this place shaping up? Any progress?

Posted on: 2011/7/6 16:52

Re: Dames Coffee - Jersey Ave betw 3rd & 4th
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Hope this place has great coffee. Stockinette's was decent. Would have frequented the place more except for the fact that every time we went there, we could never get a seat because they were taken up by people with laptops and bags.

Posted on: 2011/6/24 14:06

Re: Enos Jones Park.
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Usually the gates to the baseball fields are locked. The last couple mornings, they were not. Would letting my dog run around in there chasing a ball be acceptable? Say around 6 in the morning? The grass in the outfield is in pretty bad shape, my dog would not be doing any damage. I know lots of people walk their dogs around the park...I don't want to turn the baseball field into a dog run, just wondering if it would be OK to use it when no one else is around early in the morning or even late at night.

Posted on: 2011/5/5 11:51

Re: Free Rabies shots will be available to both dogs and cats.... *save the date*
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Could I please have an explanation as to why a license for an intact dog is more expensive than for a spayed/neutered dog?

Posted on: 2011/4/29 21:42

Re: Downtown: Williamsburg's Barcade (Bar Arcade) Coming to Newark Avenue
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corybraiterman wrote:
Jersey City inspections at its finest.

Dear friends, We were very close to being ready to open but we were told to add some additional sprinklers. Consequently, our architectural plans and calculations need to be re-drawn and then approved by the city, which takes time. Hope to resolve this setback soon.


jesus....JC will always be a third (or fourth)-rate city.

Posted on: 2011/3/29 18:40

Re: Please clean up your dog poop...
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Zick wrote:
45,000 entries on this subject and it's still an issue.

People need to take responsibility for pet ownership and pride in their community.

I would like to know how many of the violators of this city ordnance have their dogs licensed.

Not sure what the relationship is between cleaning up after your dog and having a license for your dog.

Bottom line...people are lazy, inconsiderate and don't care enough about keeping their neighborhood clean.

I don't see anything ever changing unless people are faced with some kind of punishment.

Posted on: 2011/3/25 17:29

Re: 9th Street: Truck takes out tree and minivan.
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Jesus, how the hell did he manage to take out the entire tree?

Posted on: 2011/3/22 20:01

Re: Hamilton Park dogs
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Amy wrote:
As for the basketball court, there's a volunteer park cleanup group that cleans up the park every day except during the winter. I assume we're going to start up again soon. Why don't you sign up? But you can really clean up dog pee, can you?

i actually am a member of the volunteer clean up crew. and do you know what takes the most time to clean up? the basketball court. i hate the eyesore that is the basketball court. i hate when i am woken up in the middle of the night by a bouncing basketball and loud mouths yelling and screaming. i hate the basketball league just as much for the scoreboard that they put up with the loudest damn buzzer. i hate that i can hear a whistle being blown by the refs non stop for hours.

dogs off-leash? i agree it is an issue that needs to be addressed. dogs in the pet-free area....yes, another issue that needs to be addressed.......but also, the basketball court is an issue that needs to be addressed.

Posted on: 2011/3/18 12:33

Re: Hamilton Park dogs
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Sutherland wrote:
All violations of park rules and regulations should be addressed. But just because one group of people violate some rules doesn't justify nor give license to another group violating another set of rules. It's an absurd proposition. Quote:

downright wrote:
To everyone who has something to say about the occasional off leash dog...go take a look at the basketball court right now. It is a sight to be seen.

not justifying at all. i agree that all dogs should be leashed and not step foot/paw in the pet-free zone. i just dont understand why people get so upset over an occasional off leash dog while not caring about how filthy parts of the park get. that basketball court is disgusting, day in and day out, not just occasionally. i think that is a much bigger problem that needs to be addressed and it never is.

Posted on: 2011/3/18 2:34

Re: Hamilton Park dogs
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To everyone who has something to say about the occasional off leash dog...go take a look at the basketball court right now. It is a sight to be seen.

Posted on: 2011/3/18 2:10

Re: Parkside Bistro - Hamilton Park
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hitchcock wrote:
I've thought about going here many times, and at least one of my neighbors loves it. But I'm too grossed out by the sidewalk out front -- either it's slick with oil, or the garbage outside stinks, or, as has been the case for the past week or so, it just smells like rancid cooking oil outside. That's a dealbreaker for me.

They at least cleaned up the oil slick that occurred sometime during/after the rash of snowstorms we had in January.

agreed that the sidewalk in front of the place is absolutely's unfortunate that they have no other place to put their dumpster and trash. however, the food there is pretty good. maybe just get it delivered and try not to think about it.

Posted on: 2011/3/17 21:02

Re: Hamilton Park dogs
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There are always going to be people who are going to bring their dogs into the pet-free zone, especially during off-peak hours. That's just the way it is. I have two dogs and I never go into the pet-free zone. There is a more than enough grassy area to keep my dogs satisfied.

But to be honest, I don't really care if people let their dogs into the pet-free zone. Maybe when the basketball court is bulldozed. I'm willing to donate lots of money to any politician who can get that done.

Posted on: 2011/3/11 19:03

Re: Ferris High School students are trashing Downtown JC
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BassFace wrote:
I see nobody agrees with my previous post about parents having any responsibility in this situation. We are living in very sad times.
I completely agree with your previous post. Something that is so simple and so completely full of common sense, yet unfortunately something that will never ever happen.

Posted on: 2011/1/19 15:51

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