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Re: Where are all the BJ shopping carts coming from?
Home away from home
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TheVillage wrote:
By reading from the posts this past week it appears that there are carts at the following locations.

- 1st and Brunswick:

- 1st and Erie:

- Coles and Columbus:
- Coles and Newark:

- Morgan and Marin (3 carts on the northeast corner).
- Jersey and 10th between 9th

- Sussex St and Washington St
- Warren and Grand
- Warren and Sussex (blue shoprite cart)

How about we take action and tackle the problem by bring them back to BJ's.

Anyone up for getting together lets say this Sunday at 10am, selecting a location listed above, if the cart is still there bring it back to BJ's. Meet at BJ's at 10:30 and bring them into the store and deliver them to the store manager.

Anyone interested?????

I can take the cart at 1st and Brunswick

To All,
Whenever you see a cart call the JCIA inspectors line -
(201) 432-4645 ext.671
I have and they have been very receptive to the problem. They will come , pick up the carts and then destroy them. I have called about several carts and they have been taken off the street. Most of the carts appear on Mondays because most people do their food shopping on weekends.
We, the public , have to work together and stay on top of these carts. The more carts picked up and destroyed the more loss to BJ's!!


Posted on: 2008/6/19 18:04

Re: Sprinkler Req'd by JC for Brownstone Renovation
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Home away from home


emergent wrote:
The fire department is probably the most powerful organization in Jersey City so you're not going to get anywhere trying to appeal... unless you know who to bribe. It sounds like a joke, but in this city it isn't, and in most cases it's the only way to get things done.

Everyone likes to talk about how inspectors need to be bribed in this City, and I was wondering if anybody had any first-hand experience with greasing the wheels to push things through faster, or if it's just a mythology created by jaded, disaffected people who make assumptions that inefficiency = being on the take.

Posted on: 2008/6/19 17:48

Re: Where are all the BJ shopping carts coming from?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


TheVillage wrote:

How about we take action and tackle the problem by bring them back to BJ's.


You have good intensions, but what will that do? They'll thank you for saving them the effort and money from having to retrieve them.

The point is to keep them from getting the carts back. Destroy them, sell them, hide them, take them apart... don't end up doing them a favor.

Posted on: 2008/6/19 17:33

Re: What was going on last night around Ham Park?
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

There was a small fire at a house on 7th Street between Eire and Manila. I couldn't believe the turn out myself. I counted 7 big fire trucks plus all the smaller vehicles. I woke up thinking my whole block was on fire. There must have been close to 40 firemen out there.

From my vantage point directly across the street I couldn't even see flames, but today you can see some damage to the house. It makes me thankful we live so close to the fire house on 8th.

Posted on: 2008/6/19 17:13

Re: What was going on last night around Ham Park?
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Home away from home


tedklugman wrote:
Re: What was going on last night around Ham Park?

Ham Park? Is that near Pork Chop Ridge?

Posted on: 2008/6/19 17:05
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Help US Sue Spectra! Join OR Donate!

What was going on last night around Ham Park?

Cops and firetrucks - lots of them - driving around in circles for what seemed like an eternity. Lights spinning, sirens blaring. WHat was going on?

Posted on: 2008/6/19 16:50

Re: Where are all the BJ shopping carts coming from?

By reading from the posts this past week it appears that there are carts at the following locations.

- 1st and Brunswick:

- 1st and Erie:

- Coles and Columbus:
- Coles and Newark:

- Morgan and Marin (3 carts on the northeast corner).
- Jersey and 10th between 9th

- Sussex St and Washington St
- Warren and Grand
- Warren and Sussex (blue shoprite cart)

How about we take action and tackle the problem by bring them back to BJ's.

Anyone up for getting together lets say this Sunday at 10am, selecting a location listed above, if the cart is still there bring it back to BJ's. Meet at BJ's at 10:30 and bring them into the store and deliver them to the store manager.

Anyone interested?????

I can take the cart at 1st and Brunswick

Posted on: 2008/6/19 15:47

Re: Sprinkler Req'd by JC for Brownstone Renovation
Home away from home
Home away from home

With the kind of work that you're doing, you will be required to install the new sprinkler system. I suppose it won't hurt to appeal.

Also, ensure that your contractor seals all spaces around new romex wires, gas lines, sprinkler lines, and water/waste pipes between floors with fire retardant foam (red or orange) and caulking (red) before inspection to close walls with sheetrock.

You may have to subcontract the sprinkler system (directly connected to the city line in most cases) that you are installing also. Hopefully, your plumber may be able to do this.

Good luck.

Posted on: 2008/6/19 15:05

Re: Sprinkler Req'd by JC for Brownstone Renovation

Well, the permit denial letter does not identify the law that requires the sprinkler system for multi-family of 4 stories. So, I have been googling to find out which law is applicable, I think it might be NFPA 13 but so far there is no copies online that are free, so haven't read detail to be sure. Maybe the public library or the fire dept might have a copy I can look at.

I also did find an article on the JCList about the State proposing to add sprinklers but in that article it sight applicability to buildings of six stories or higher and built since 1989. The author was Kathleen Lynn at the Record, curious as to where she got her info and if its correct.

Also, to respond to the above commentor, my brownstone already has fire escape in the back, a requirement for multifamily building in NJ. And I do not want to bribe any gov't official. If this becomes too problematic I would rather sell this home. Thanks for the responses.

Posted on: 2008/6/19 14:54

Re: Sprinkler Req'd by JC for Brownstone Renovation
Home away from home
Home away from home

The fire inspectors are always looking for a bribe, they wanted to test the fire alarm system in my building at 6am on a Sunday, not their usual business hours of 9-5. We never paid them and just put up with their crap.

Posted on: 2008/6/19 14:47

Re: Sprinkler Req'd by JC for Brownstone Renovation
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

The fire department is probably the most powerful organization in Jersey City so you're not going to get anywhere trying to appeal... unless you know who to bribe. It sounds like a joke, but in this city it isn't, and in most cases it's the only way to get things done.

Posted on: 2008/6/19 14:39

Re: Sprinkler Req'd by JC for Brownstone Renovation
Home away from home
Home away from home

I'm not sure what the local law is, but in NYC, once you have a few units you must have either a sprinkler system or fire escapes. If the law here is similar, I wouldn't see them backing down, as it's a basic safety issue.

Posted on: 2008/6/19 14:35

Re: Finding an Apartment in Paulus Hook
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

The apartments in the Downtown JC area do move fast. We were looking for awhile via Craigslist, broker and just plain walking around the neighborhood. We found our apartment just by seeing a FOR RENT sign in front of the building.

Posted on: 2008/6/19 14:16

Re: new grocer IS coming..
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Wegman's looks for wealthy suburban locations close to or on major highways with large parking areas. We are more likely to get a Trader Joe's, a company which seems much more comfortable in an urban environment. The Trader Joe's on 14th Street near Union Square is a good example of what we could possibly expect (if only we were so lucky).

Posted on: 2008/6/19 14:09

Re: Finding an Apartment in Paulus Hook
Home away from home
Home away from home

I hate to say it, but you should probably start looking through a broker. The selection is far better than on Craigslist.

Posted on: 2008/6/19 14:06

Sprinkler Req'd by JC for Brownstone Renovation

Several of you out there have renovated your brownstone and was wondering if you ran into this issue?

I submitted application for construction permit for my project: Demolish rear-existing 2 story enclosed porch, build new 2 story addition, new deck, new patio. And interior of owners duplex: new bathroom, kitchen, minor partition work and new MEP.

I just received a denial of permit letter from the construction department. They are requiring a sprinkler system in a building multi-family 4 stories. My building is a four story brownstone, legal 3 family home.

Have any of you or anyone you know successfully appeal this requirement? If so, how?

This has been a very long renovation process and I feel like I am at my wits end. I love JC, neighborhood, and neighbors, but I don't know if I can fight this system longer. HELP Please!!!

Frustrated homeowner.

Posted on: 2008/6/19 14:06

Re: new grocer IS coming..
Home away from home
Home away from home

be careful with the parking validation. you must show it to the cashier during the transaction, and it must be over $10 purchase. i made the mistake of showing after the transaction and they couldn't validate it so i had to eat the $5. the manager wasn't very sympathetic to my plight either even though i spent $40 on what didn't seem like a lot of stuff....

Posted on: 2008/6/19 13:36

Re: new grocer IS coming..
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Where is this place?

Posted on: 2008/6/19 13:34

Re: is there a Holland Tunnel real time traffic cam / status?
Home away from home
Home away from home is free to use and usually provides me with good info. you can set up a drive and then call the toll free number to find out info about traffic on that drive. of course, i've since forgotten what the toll free number is and i can't find it anywhere on the website ... but it's on there somewhere

edit 2 - the toll free # is 866 MY-TRAFC... you need to register and stuff to be able to use it for saved drives, but i think you can just call the toll free # to ask about specific roadways in the area without registering.

Posted on: 2008/6/19 13:34

Re: new grocer IS coming..
Home away from home
Home away from home

M&W is a nice market with somewhat upscale prices. Real mystery is why so very many of their products bear the SHOPRITE label???
(And at higher prices than our local ShopRite!)

Posted on: 2008/6/19 13:24

Re: is there a Holland Tunnel real time traffic cam / status?
Home away from home
Home away from home

Wait - is there anything from the NY side?

I made the same mistake coming home from work at 1 a.m. this morning. The left lane was closed, and the whole time I was thinking "Should've taken the PATH." Not to mention that riding in the taxi makes me carsick.


More links please!

Posted on: 2008/6/19 13:18
Thank you for making The Great Jersey City SOUP SWAP an annual success! See you in January 2013 for the next Soup Swap!

Re: Councilman Steven Fulop - Jersey City Summer 2008 Update
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Home away from home


PHResident wrote:
I do, though, wonder why Christopher Columbus is not on the list.

Columbus was touted by the city as the main artery to get traffic from the Turnpike to the waterfront. It is in such bad shape, however, that I think that people likely avoid it as much as possible. I know when we exit the turn pike, we get off of Columbus as soon as possible simply due to the condition of the roadway.

If people are indeed avoiding Columbus, that means they are driving on the smaller surface roads and into the residential neighborhoods. I cannot believe that this is faster, but it sure is less stress on a vehicle.

Any chance Columbus will be done sooner than later?

I asked the head of Public Works the same question about Christopher Columbus last month and was told the holdup for repaving was due to the path train being directly below that roadway. He said they were only allowed to patch not replace the surface due to the possible consequences from vibrations from the milling machines. Makes no sense to me but that?s what he said.

Posted on: 2008/6/19 13:14

Re: Councilman Steven Fulop - Jersey City Summer 2008 Update
Home away from home
Home away from home


At the last HPHA meeting, the Summer 2008 Street Paving list was made available. I am happy to see that Grand, between Jersey and Marin will finally get paved. I do, though, wonder why Christopher Columbus is not on the list.

Columbus was touted by the city as the main artery to get traffic from the Turnpike to the waterfront. It is in such bad shape, however, that I think that people likely avoid it as much as possible. I know when we exit the turn pike, we get off of Columbus as soon as possible simply due to the condition of the roadway.

If people are indeed avoiding Columbus, that means they are driving on the smaller surface roads and into the residential neighborhoods. I cannot believe that this is faster, but it sure is less stress on a vehicle.

Any chance Columbus will be done sooner than later?

Posted on: 2008/6/19 12:55

Re: Bergen Lafayette: Police dog's jaws halt fleeing suspect
Home away from home
Home away from home

I love Froto.

He can come back to my hood!!

Can he detect crack cocaine?

There's lot's of that on Rutgers Ave., Ludlow, Chapel,

McAdoo, Rose etc.

I believe the handler knows a specific house on Rutgers...

What's taking so long?

There are some decent people around here...some are resorting to selling their homes they are so tired of the same crap.

We are a non UEZ zone so that means we won't be getting any camera's anytime soon.

Help us Froto!!!

You're our only hope.

Good Dog!!

Posted on: 2008/6/19 12:24

Re: Councilman Steven Fulop - Jersey City Summer 2008 Update
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

I do have info for you on this. Can you please send me an e-mail to I will reach out to you this weekend and try to close the loop on this best we can.

The issue is zoning for the buildings that you mention without zoning for dixon mills. There seems to be legal issues here but we can go through them and figure out a resolution


Posted on: 2008/6/19 9:43

Re: Cops grab alleged accomplice in Heights bodega murder -- Family cheers arrest, wishes it was killer
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

I'm way off topic here, but find myself annoyed each and every time the word "Bodega" is used in the news. Bodega translated to english simply means, a small grocery store,deli, convenience store, sometimes combined with a wineshop, in certain Hispanic neighborhoods.
The word has long since developed a negative connotation in the news media because that word is used to let everyone know that:

1. A crime occurred.
2. It was in a hispanic neighborhood.
3. It was in a crime-ridden neighborhood
4. The owner was definitely hispanic.

Certainly what occurred here is terrible and tragic and I can't begin to imagine what the family of Mrs. Claros must be going through.

It isn't bad enough that a crime occurred and that somehow someone got hurt, robbed, killed, etc.
Now let's inform the public where this thing happened by using the word Bodega each and every time.

There are plenty of Grocery Stores in the United States in Hispanic Communities where these types of things never ever happen at all...

Posted on: 2008/6/19 7:52

A positive attitude brings strength, energy and initiative.

Re: Bergen Lafayette: Police dog's jaws halt fleeing suspect
Home away from home
Home away from home

K-9 Units are invaluable for both civilian and military. It is also a non-lethal way to catch or find someone although I'd hate to be the person being "caught" by these dogs.

A lot of people don't realize how important they are in the military and the high regard and value placed upon the dogs. When the dogs are retired, the handler is given the option of keeping his partner. Years ago, retired dogs were used for training or euthanized. Attitudes have definitely changed.

The dogs' presence alone was the best deterrent at entry control points at bases in the war zone. During stateside apprehensions by military law enforcement, a non-compliant suspect changed his attitude when the k-9 unit arrived and the dog barked on the simple command of "talk sh*t."

One Air Force dog and his handler are credited with saving a former president's life when the animal detected an explosive packed vehicle along a travel route. The sophisticated explosives definitely would have killed a former president.

Although a few handlers and their dogs have been killed and wounded in the last few years because they are front and center during patrols, there is never a shortage of volunteers who want to become k-9 handlers.

Hats off!

Resized Image

Posted on: 2008/6/19 4:14

Re: is there a Holland Tunnel real time traffic cam / status?
Home away from home
Home away from home

Posted on: 2008/6/19 2:56

Re: Karate school nearby ??
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

It's not karate, but you might be interested in checking out It's an escrima school, but they also do empty hands, and ground holds etc. Attended some classes when they were at 440, they're now in Jrnl Sqr area.

Posted on: 2008/6/19 2:45

Re: is there a Holland Tunnel real time traffic cam / status?
Home away from home
Home away from home

I find that the local radio stations are too late with their traffic reports. Every time they report an accident or delay I'm already stuck in it. I have tried but have found their information to be inaccurate sometimes. Once they said there was a delay on 78-East, and since I was going West I didn't worry about it. Turned out the delay was actually on 78-West and I got stuck for almost an hour.

Posted on: 2008/6/19 2:43

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