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Re: Commuting from Jersey City to Princeton
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2010/9/26 12:48
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Unless it's a really well paying job, I definitely don't think the daily commute is worth it. You could potentially lose an entire day in the course of the week (~15hrs) just on the commute alone. It could also potentially be very expensive. And if you plan on driving, the traffic can be brutal down there as others have mentioned.

I don't know the nature of the job, but if you can work remotely from home, I would maybe try to work out a deal where I take a little less (subtracting the cost of the commute) and telecommute four days out of the week and reporting in one day out of the week. Just a thought.

Posted on: 2012/7/24 14:46

Re: Commuting from Jersey City to Princeton
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2008/6/5 10:12
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2016/11/8 21:51
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Thanks, guys for the info. It doesn't sound like something that I want to deal with every day.

Posted on: 2012/7/24 14:02

Re: Commuting from Jersey City to Princeton
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2010/4/22 14:26
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2016/7/19 10:01
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and the above poster is absolutely correct in saying that a princeton address doesnt mean anything, theres the borough and the township so it really depends on where you are (if you are taking the train)

Posted on: 2012/7/20 22:52

Re: Commuting from Jersey City to Princeton
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2010/4/22 14:26
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2016/7/19 10:01
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i lived in princeton prior to moving here and travel back there every so often (alternate office)

train sucks, dont bother w it

if you drive, i actually prefer 78 west to 287 south to exit 12 (zarepath i believe). then take river rd south to 206 into princeton. much more relaxing and about the same time as the turnpike, although probably a few miles longer and no toll (other than the turnpike extension)

Posted on: 2012/7/20 22:51

Re: Commuting from Jersey City to Princeton
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2011/2/16 0:26
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07310 wrote:
Princeton is 50 miles by car from JC it should take about 1 hour.
Take the turnpike to exit 9 New Brunswick from there US 1 south it is 16 miles from the turnpike on US 1.

One hour is reaaaalllly optimistic. You might be able to pull off 1 hour on a Sunday morning at 6am. Just getting over the bridge (Pulaski or TP Extension) is normally 20 minutes during rush hour.

The exit in New Brunswick is an absolute shitshow of congestion, traffic and two-lane-at-a-time merges. You will cry yourself to sleep each night doing this when university is in session.

Training it down to Princeton is at least consistent. That, and you'll be going against the rush hour train traffic.

Posted on: 2012/7/20 22:50

Re: Commuting from Jersey City to Princeton
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2006/11/13 16:04
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2015/6/20 2:38
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I have personal experience with this commute. It is doable, but honestly it is not terribly fun.

Driving will take 75-90 minutes depending on where exactly in Princeton you're going. (A large area around Princeton still has a Princeton address so times vary a bit.) The best way is probably to take the Turnpike down to exit 8A, take 130 south for a few miles, then cut over to Route 1 on Dey Road. From there you can drive into Princeton Borough. Alternatively you can do something similar from Exit 8. Unless you are commuting during off hours I would suggest you never take the recommended Google Maps directions to go down Route 1. The traffic from New Brunswick to Princeton on Route 1 is pretty bad.

Train timing is a bit more variable. You will need to PATH to Newark, then take the NE Corridor line to Princeton Junction, then the shuttle train to Princeton station. If you time things really well this will take a but over 90 minutes depending on how many stops your train has. The Princeton train station is basically right on the Princeton University campus, so depending on where in Princeton your job is you could have another 15 minute or so walk.

I will be honest. My other half used to work in Princeton for 2 years while we lived here and found it really draining - contributing to a decision to move to a job in NYC. Now that another job back in Princeton is in the cards, we're actually moving down there in a few weeks because it's just not worth putting up with so much commute time to us. You may feel differently, but you should at least have the best information to help you decide.

Posted on: 2012/7/20 21:40

Re: Commuting from Jersey City to Princeton
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2004/11/8 3:36
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Princeton is 50 miles by car from JC it should take about 1 hour.
Take the turnpike to exit 9 New Brunswick from there US 1 south it is 16 miles from the turnpike on US 1.

Posted on: 2012/7/20 21:30

Re: Commuting from Jersey City to Princeton
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2012/6/14 12:07
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2014/12/21 14:01
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Newark Penn Station to Princeton Junction. Princeton Junction to Princeton. NE Corridor Line.

The train from Princeton Junction to Princeton is called The Dinky.

Go Tigers

Posted on: 2012/7/20 21:08

Re: Commuting from Jersey City to Princeton
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2006/4/10 13:29
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2024/5/15 1:51
From Mars
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I know at least one person who takes the train; JSQ PATH to Newark to the Northeast Corridor. I know several people who do or who have commuted to New Brunswick by train.

Posted on: 2012/7/20 19:53

Commuting from Jersey City to Princeton
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2008/6/5 10:12
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2016/11/8 21:51
From Jersey City
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By looking at a map, I doubt that this is possible, but may be I'm wrong. Does any commute from JC downtown to Princeton? Drive? Train?

Posted on: 2012/7/20 19:38

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