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Re: Parking in Hoboken
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2007/7/4 16:37
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2021/11/4 21:55
From Hamilton Park
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It is "in other words" indeed. Just follow what regular said: ONLY the side with green letter on a white background, NOT the other way around.

I used to live in Hoboken where parking is a major a## on top of showdy construction - like "luxury condos" without ANY soundproofing ! Here I am not sure we are faring much better but at least we have a few extra years for traffic. JC also has many more/larger entry/exit points compared to Hoboken, a significant difference imho.

Posted on: 2008/7/13 15:54

Re: Parking in Hoboken
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2006/7/20 18:30
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2018/10/1 22:18
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heights wrote:

Another words do NOT park on the resident ONLY side of the street. Read the signs.

Do you mean "In other words"?

Posted on: 2008/7/13 15:39

Re: Parking in Hoboken
Quite a regular
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2005/9/21 3:40
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2008/12/29 4:33
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Took the light rail to 9th and Congress,
then walked over to 7th and Jefferson.
Had dinner on River Road (restaurant called 340)(actually FYI three of us split appetizer/salads/1 dessert and it was pretty reasonable for outdoor cafe on river, but entrees on all river road restaurants were over our budget for a "grabbing a bite to eat" nite).

Took light rail home from Hoboken station.
Very pleasant evening. But there were a fair amount of parking spaces over near
Jefferson, so we COULD have driven.
Nice not to have to, though. I'm glad to know about the 9th/Congress stop on
lt. rail.

Posted on: 2008/7/13 1:27

Re: Parking in Hoboken
Home away from home
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2007/4/17 20:50
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2011/3/3 2:45
From Hamilton Park
Posts: 335
My advice to you-- if you must drive-- is to park in a garage or a lot. Whenever I go to Hoboken, even if it's for a 15 minute errand, I park in a garage. Paying $3 or 4 is worth it to avoid costly headaches like tickets and getting booted.

Just my 2 cents.

Posted on: 2008/7/12 23:45

Re: Parking in Hoboken
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2005/7/13 15:03
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1/14 17:44
From Western Slope
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regulator wrote:
take the light rail there... theres a station not too far from there. if you do take your car, make sure you park on the side of the street that has the signs with the green letter and white background (not the green background and white lettering).. otherwise you'll get booted. parking shouldnt be too bad around there early in the afternoon on weekends. if you go after 7pm though you probably wont find alot of parking.

Another words do NOT park on the resident ONLY side of the street. Read the signs.

Posted on: 2008/7/12 22:56

Re: Parking in Hoboken
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2006/4/10 13:29
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2024/5/15 1:51
From Mars
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CityGal wrote:
Given the amount of development that has happened in hoboken, they did not plan well enough for vehicular traffic such as providing parking. Parking is a major part of the development in JC. Notice most new buildings going up has parking included...and many are open to the a fee, of course.

Yeah, all those multi-story parking garages in the base of buildings are really great. I wish every city had 8 story parking garages. Hopefully with all these parking garages, every resident in Jersey City will have their own private car. With more people driving, the PATH will be a lot less crowded. And its so much easier to drive home after a night boozing it up at York Street. Thank goodness Jersey City did parking right. The Hoboken model is awful. Shopping at the businesses in downtown Hoboken is so hard because the stores are so far apart and you can't drive from one to the other. I really wish downtown Hoboken had a lot parking lots, even if that meant fewer places to shop.

Posted on: 2008/7/12 19:33

Re: Parking in Hoboken
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2007/12/27 23:30
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2010/4/19 1:12
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I lived in Hoboken and drive there all the time. Parking sucks. But parking can be had. Washington St is the easiest as people are coming and going constantly. Just keep cruising till you find parking. On the side streets. you need to be on the white sign side which allows 2 or 4 hours to non permit vehicles. Otherwise you will get a boot. In the summer its a little easier especially on the weekends due to people going to the shore.

Posted on: 2008/7/12 18:41

Re: Parking in Hoboken
Quite a regular
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2005/9/21 3:40
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2008/12/29 4:33
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you have all confirmed my feeling
about Hoboken. Only have parked there
Sat. a.m. EARLY to go to market.

FYI to any others who might want it,
this light rail map I found online was helpful: ... r&task=stations&Itemid=90

I think I might go that way, though
it's not ideal for tonight. Will post again
to report in about
parking if I go via car...

Posted on: 2008/7/12 18:08

Re: Parking in Hoboken
Home away from home
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2006/11/1 23:31
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2009/12/24 20:41
Posts: 444
take the light rail there... theres a station not too far from there. if you do take your car, make sure you park on the side of the street that has the signs with the green letter and white background (not the green background and white lettering).. otherwise you'll get booted. parking shouldnt be too bad around there early in the afternoon on weekends. if you go after 7pm though you probably wont find alot of parking.

Posted on: 2008/7/12 17:36

Re: Parking in Hoboken
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2008/6/6 22:12
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2009/1/14 11:04
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Given the amount of development that has happened in hoboken, they did not plan well enough for vehicular traffic such as providing parking. Parking is a major part of the development in JC. Notice most new buildings going up has parking included...and many are open to the a fee, of course.

Posted on: 2008/7/12 17:30

Re: Parking in Hoboken
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2006/7/20 18:30
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2018/10/1 22:18
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CityGal wrote:

Thank goodness JC has learned from HOB mistakes.


Posted on: 2008/7/12 17:09

Re: Parking in Hoboken
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2008/6/6 22:12
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2009/1/14 11:04
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Hoboken is notorious for having the worst street parking. I have gotten many tickets parking illegally. I have made u-turns, backed up almost an entire block and across an intersection, etc...because if you find a parking spot open and do not grab it in 2 seconds, someone else will get it. And all I wanted to do was buy a book from Barnes and Noble! With any luck you might find a parking spot when someone is pulling out if you are patient. And there still is no guarantee.

Thank goodness JC has learned from HOB mistakes.

Posted on: 2008/7/12 17:06

Parking in Hoboken
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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2005/9/21 3:40
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2008/12/29 4:33
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Posts: 42
Hey all,
Anyone ever drive into Hoboken? I may need to do so, and wonder if street parking
is easier or harder on weekends...

Anyone ever take a car there? Advice?

I need to be around 7th and Jefferson, so
was thinking worst case to use parking lot
(found online) at 4th near Clinton.

Posted on: 2008/7/12 16:52

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