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Re: Staff Parking in JC?
Just can't stay away
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2006/6/15 0:05
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2008/2/3 12:11
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Posts: 136
This was an issue in Melbourne and seems to be a problem worldwide.

What is annoying is that Police have also been abusing this offence that if identified, should highlighted on their personel file for fraudulent behavior.

I like the council only carpark on the empty lot on York near Grove - with parking such a 'drama' here, you would hope that all parking areas are available to all.

However Council owned vehicles should have a private contained area for security only.

Posted on: 2006/10/1 16:30

Re: Staff Parking in JC?
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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2005/11/20 12:25
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2009/12/24 13:31
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Not that I condone such anti-social and repulsive behavior, but I know a certain somebody that put a big sign in his rear window, "Delivery [name of resaurant]" and got away with parking and double parking everywhere, including by the waterfront, without a ticket for a year.

Posted on: 2006/9/28 10:59

Re: Staff Parking in JC?
Home away from home
Home away from home

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2004/9/12 7:13
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2012/5/16 16:22
From beneath the jumping sheep
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I have a different issue with them.

Earlier this week several cars with "OFFICIAL BUSINESS" signs on the dashboards were parked on my street, and so I wasn't able to move my car to an appropriate spot. Plus, not only did 2 cars take up parking spots on the street, one car (with aforementioned sign) parked behind mine was spared a ticket for street cleaning while the JCPA enforcer oh so kindly bestowed one upon me.

Is this a case of selective enforcement? Maybe I should just print up one of those signs myself and keep it permanently on my dashboard!

Posted on: 2006/9/28 8:03

Re: Staff Parking in JC?
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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2006/2/18 5:53
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2011/1/9 18:02
From The Little Italy Section (Back Then)
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Posts: 35

Australian wrote:

I wonder where the Police and JC Parking Authority staff park their private vehicles

In the crosswalks.

Posted on: 2006/9/28 0:08

Staff Parking in JC?
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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2006/6/15 0:05
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2008/2/3 12:11
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Posts: 136
I have noticed a number of residential lots used as city hall staff carparks.

These carparks are located near and around cityhall that state they are for staff only.

As these staff carparks are owned by the City using taxes, shouldn't staff pay for parking instead of it being free and those carparks be available to everyone?

City owned vehicles need to have somewhere for them to be parked, but staff and their personal vehicles should have to go through the same drama as us in either paying for parking or moving their vehicles at lunch time and during their breaks.

It seems a little unfair that they get parking for free in 'private' carparks that the community paid for.

I wonder where the Police and JC Parking Authority staff park their private vehicles and who owns the land if its an exclusive carpark?

I am curious on what people think on this subject?

Posted on: 2006/9/27 1:48

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