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Re: 2013 Mayoral Campaigns Are Just Beginning, But Fulop’s Already Won the Education Field
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Posted on: 2012/6/24 23:20

Re: 2013 Mayoral Campaigns Are Just Beginning, But Fulop’s Already Won the Education Field
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2011/10/1 20:23
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Cmon guys. What's the word on the street? Whatcha hear?

Posted on: 2012/6/24 1:44

Re: 2013 Mayoral Campaigns Are Just Beginning, But Fulop’s Already Won the Education Field
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2011/2/6 0:52
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JPhurst wrote:
I will have to retract my statements above and state that some of Rorschach's statements may be more accurate than I thought.

Thank you JPhurst. As to Cerf, if Franklin Williams somehow becomes superintendent, Cerf will step in, void the selection and have the State retake control of the district.

Posted on: 2012/6/23 21:08

Re: 2013 Mayoral Campaigns Are Just Beginning, But Fulop’s Already Won the Education Field
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2005/6/8 3:24
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I will have to retract my statements above and state that some of Rorschach's statements may be more accurate than I thought. Unfortunately I can't get into more specifics.

Posted on: 2012/6/23 17:52

Re: 2013 Mayoral Campaigns Are Just Beginning, But Fulop’s Already Won the Education Field
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2005/6/8 3:24
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2022/11/28 0:04
From New Urbanist Area
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Rorschach wrote:
I can?t say the change is coming any more because the change is already here.

Not really. Although the current 9 elected members of the JCBOE were all endorsed by Fulop, they all seem to be going in their own directions. Waterman and Valentin are openly on the outs with Fulop. It was widely known that Fulop wanted Marcia Lyles as the new superintendent and she has withdrawn from the process because 5 votes couldn't be found to elect her.

And at the end of the day, Christie the Hutt's education commissioner Cerf has veto power over anything the JCBOE does. The 9 current elected members of the JCBOE are figureheads with limited power.

These statements are either inaccurate or grossly overstated.

First, although Fulop endorsed slates, he never had direct control over the candidates. Valentin was, from the beginning, a compromise pick with the union. The board members have, from the beginning, often split votes.

There is one anonymous accusation from a board member that Fulop wanted Lyles. I saw nothing in the leaked email that suggested that, however.

Where have you seen that Lyles has withdrawn? She is still one of the final 2 candidates under consideration.

Finally, the selection of the superintendent is not subject to veto by Cerf. It falls under governance which is one area that the state gave back to local control. There is some speculation,not unwarranted, that Cerf might take back control if the board does not make decisions to his liking but the selection of this super may be made by the board.

Posted on: 2012/6/23 7:41

Re: 2013 Mayoral Campaigns Are Just Beginning, But Fulop’s Already Won the Education Field
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2011/2/6 0:52
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I can?t say the change is coming any more because the change is already here.

Not really. Although the current 9 elected members of the JCBOE were all endorsed by Fulop, they all seem to be going in their own directions. Waterman and Valentin are openly on the outs with Fulop. It was widely known that Fulop wanted Marcia Lyles as the new superintendent and she has withdrawn from the process because 5 votes couldn't be found to elect her.

And at the end of the day, Christie the Hutt's education commissioner Cerf has veto power over anything the JCBOE does. The 9 current elected members of the JCBOE are figureheads with limited power.

Posted on: 2012/6/23 1:26

Re: 2013 Mayoral Campaigns Are Just Beginning, But Fulop’s Already Won the Education Field
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2010/8/17 1:45
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Huh? Epps gets kicked out and still gets paid nearly 1/2 million this year? The entire BOE gets a fail from me. And why do we need them?

Posted on: 2012/6/22 21:15

2013 Mayoral Campaigns Are Just Beginning, But Fulop’s Already Won the Education Field
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2011/4/21 18:52
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2012/6/24 11:45
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Dear Editor,

It was a good thing to see our state and Jersey City leaders gathering in action in our Board of Education?s monthly meeting to urge the BOE to dispense with its search for a new schools superintendent and hire interim superintendent Franklin Walker as the district?s chief administrator.

But the result for this action came hours after, and failed by a 5-3-1 vote.

I would like to ask our leaders, isn?t it kind of late?

I see this action as an official message to the Fulop Team and an indication that the 2013 mayoral race has begun. Such a declaration of war behind enemy lines is a bold move to Fulop?s territory, or the Fulop green zone, a zone which he already claimed and secured a long time ago called the Education Field.

Our leaders are getting out from that battle empty handed again. Fulop will keep his promise of change within our city education system. It is one of his biggest initiatives which he worked very hard for in the past three years to achieve and declare as a victory. He will never let it go.

Where were our leaders these past years when our city education system was deteriorating in front of our eyes but no one moved a muscle? I give our leaders credit for trying at the last election but the result was clear, it is Team Fulop declaring a win, three times in a row.

I can?t say the change is coming any more because the change is already here.


Nabil Youssef
Former City Council Candidate ... -won-the-education-field/

Posted on: 2012/6/22 18:50

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