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Re: Can police patrol the Height Section?
Home away from home
2005/9/21 13:53 Last Login : 2015/8/5 3:20 From Jersey City Heights
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i dont understand why this was bumped in the first place. the OP is from 2007...
i see po po all the time in our area... and years ago, when we didn't see them, we'd call, and they'd send a squad car lickety split!
Posted on: 2010/1/29 19:01
Re: Can police patrol the Height Section?
Not Too Shy is absolutely right. There are definitely unmarked cars throughout The Heights. Sometimes marked cars are more comforting, so I just call the JCPD and ask for patrol in my area if a few days have gone by and I haven't seen one. Call them at 201-547-5477 periodically and just ask for increased patrol. They'll oblige...
Posted on: 2010/1/29 15:18
Re: Can police patrol the Height Section?
Quite a regular
I always see cops around my area of the Heights, Franklin/Webster. They are either heading north on Webster or east/west on Franklin. I've even seen unmarked cars pull drivers over on occassion.
Posted on: 2010/1/29 15:06
Re: Can police patrol the Height Section?
Home away from home
2005/7/13 15:03 Last Login : 2024/7/5 23:54 From Western Slope
Registered Users
Since the city sold off their office building at 325 Palisade Ave. corner of Ferry St. which included the Community Policing Dept. this could be the reason why you see less cars in the area. I did notice 3 police cars circling the area of Palisade Ave. from Hutton to Ravine after the 3:00pm hour in the afternoon about a week ago. I bet the Riverview Neighborhood Association had something to do with it.
Posted on: 2010/1/29 13:23
Re: Can police patrol the Height Section?
Just can't stay away
The Police should.
Posted on: 2010/1/29 5:28
Can police patrol the Height Section?
When I first moved here over 8 years ago I would see cop cars drive down this street a few times a day. It felt good to know that they would at least drive down the area of Webster and Ravine and Ferry Streets. Now you don't see any cops. Even though this block ends at a dead end, cars race through here going so fast that anyone hit by a car would certainly be critically injured. We recently had a store owner shot 3 times and killed in broad daylight. We need the police to be seen in and around our streets to deter crime.
Posted on: 2007/4/1 15:16