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Re: 2nd Street @ the waterfront
Home away from home
2005/7/13 15:03 Last Login : Yesterday 17:44 From Western Slope
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People will be able to afford them. A lot of global dollars will keep the economy lifted. Investors would not be building if they didn't have sound financial vision. It is becoming a psudeo gated community. This development will not seize till all land is exausted.
Posted on: 2008/5/6 22:50
Re: 2nd Street @ the waterfront
Quite a regular
the plan to build chrystal pointe was around before most people bought in mandalay. if they bought for the view, they didn't do their research.
build it and build it high!
Posted on: 2008/5/6 19:49
Re: 2nd Street @ the waterfront
Home away from home
What goes around comes around ;) Interfering with a view is nothing compared with the subblocking and shadow-creating aspect of these structures that also isolate the city from the waterfront. Unfortunately, the visionary urban planner has long since been a thing of the past.
Posted on: 2008/5/6 17:32
Re: 2nd Street @ the waterfront
Quite a regular
I went for a jog along the waterfront this weekend and noticed that monstrosity going up. It seems like such a small parcel of land for such a big building. And I'd be PISSED if I lived in that building right behind it (the Mandalay I think?). It looks like the new building is going to really interfere with their Manhattan views.
Posted on: 2008/5/6 17:11
Re: 2nd Street @ the waterfront
Home away from home
How many damn condo towers are they going to build before the market collapses? Their not going to be able to sell all those condos and if that happens your going to find a lot of sweet deals on rentals at the point in which people on section 8 are going to be able to afford to move in to them, LOL!
Posted on: 2008/5/6 16:25
Re: 2nd Street @ the waterfront
Home away from home
Fisher Development Associates
Crystal Point - 43-story condo tower the 436-foot-high tower that calls for a total of 269 residential condo units, many with outdoor terraces and most with city and water views. The base of the building will be a 60-foot-high parking deck with a total of 275 parking spaces. The site plan also calls for a 6,000-sf retail space that is expected to be occupied by a restaurant, as well as a marina and a waterfront walkway.
Posted on: 2008/5/6 16:05
2nd Street @ the waterfront
Any idea what is going up here? I find it very annoying that they have the waterfront access closed there for the construction (although not as annoying as the early morning wake up when they were driving piles into the ground....)
Posted on: 2008/5/6 3:28