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Re: Back To The Healy/Matsikoudis Future……..
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2009/10/7 15:46
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7/1 0:32
From jersey city
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Posts: 3377
(had to finish my little story before I go into hibernation for a while after the election..that is if there are no run-offs of


neverleft wrote:
Bill Matsikoudis is a washed up political hack running for Mayor of Jersey City, New Jersey. Knowing he most likely does not have a snowballs chance in hell of winning the election he walks the streets at night hoping for a sign something that will give him an advantage in the election. He laid all of his hopes on the release of a tape made way back in 2014 that would prove that the current administration was corrupt. He could not have been part of the only corrupt administration in Jersey City?s history he thought to himself . There has to be others that were just as corrupt as the Healy administration and the tape would prove it. Sadly after sitting on the tape for almost four years its release proved to be a big NOTHING. It didn?t even make it to the Jersey Journals front page it was on page 7. But he still had hopes of winning that coveted JJ endorsement. After all ace reporter Terrence ALWAYS sought him out for a negative quote on any piece about Mayor Fulop and they did give him that free two page spread about his trip to Greece. (and a sleeper it was)

Oddly enough as he was walking the streets he was almost knocked out of his two boots and almost dropped his slices of pizza by a silver colored vehicle that was swerving down the street with eerie music coming out of it. It stopped a few yards away in front of the Astor Bar a favorite hangout for old politicians. The wing door opened with a blast of smoke as a figure emerged singing of all things Johnny Cash's "Folsom Prison Blues.''. Matsikoudis could not believe his eyes or ears it was none other than Jersey City?s Singing Mayor Healy. He had not seen him since their big election loss in May 2013. Healy called him over and asked him if he wanted to go inside for a drink that he had a proposition for him to consider. Matsikoudis and Healy disappeared into the Bar. While in the bar Matsikoudis looked around making sure there were no hidden cameras or mic?s in the pepper shakers.

After an hour of catching up Healy revealed his offer. He would guarantee a Matsikoudis win if he could in turn become Jersey City Corporation Council. Matsikoudis thought it over and asked Healy for more information. Healy then proceeded to lay out the plan. Feeling a little dejected after his loss in 2013 to ?that young Wall Street interloper? he got into the used car business for some side money. (even though he knew his buddy Degise would come through with a sweet County job soon) His singing gigs seemed to have dried up after his loss? the seniors in the old folks homes would not have him not even at Christmas time for his famous rendition of White Christmas. One day a strange looking man with wild white hair rang his bell, looking out of the window he was relieved it was not the FBI. Healy opened the door and asked the gent what he wanted. ?I have a car for you, I need some cash? he said. Healy listened to the odd guy?s story about needing money for projects and purchased the car. After some time he realized it was THE Back to the Future car but gee it didn?t seem like a prop it was a functioning car with all kinds of bells and whistles. Could he go back in time?

Matsikoudis juices started to flow if Healy had a car that could time travel they could go back in time to 2004 and start their 9 year run all over again. But this time instead of doing NOTHING for Jersey City they would do all of the things that then Councilman Fulop wanted to do which they voted down the things Mayor Fulop did accomplish once he became Mayor. That?s it that is the advantage he was waiting for. He would do everything that should have been done 13 years ago. The people of JC would than gladly vote Matsikoudis in as Mayor in 2017 because of his record under Healy.

The pair walked outside to the car and set the time dial to November 12, 2004 all the while Healy was singing a ridiculous tune ?.

?So take me away, I don't mind. But you better promise me, I'll be back in time.
Gotta get back in time. Back back to the Healy/ Matsikoudis future.
Gotta get back in time. Gotta get back in time. Get me back in time.

They both laughed and rubbed their hands together like Scrooge seeing gold coins. Matsikoudis printed off Mayor Fulop?s 2017 campaign literature so they would know what to accomplish when they hit 2004. Healy was about to punch the big red button but stopped and asked Matsikoudis if they could make two quick stops. Matsikoudis agreed. The first one was to a porch in the Heights section of JC and then Bradly Beach. Bill understood and didn?t say a word. (but he did hum that classic Rolling Stones song?"Got some puer?. Oooh oooh oooh oooh") They returned from those past dates and a smiling Healy pushed the button to go back to 2004 to right after he became Mayor.

Healy: Hey Bill let?s start with the easy stuff that the interlopers would love murals and bike lanes.

Matsikoudis: Wait a minute Jerry the first thing is to strike that word from your vocabulary use the term newcomers or urban explorers.

Healy: Got it. OK then its murals and bike lanes than we will get The Jewel of Jersey City Journal Square developed pronto. I guess our little trick of announcing the rebirth every few months before an election and doing NOTHING after the election finally caught up with us. Let?s do it right this time. Just think how far JSquare would be by now if we only did it right back then?err I mean now oh well.

Matsikoudis: Yeah I always wondered how we got away with having a big empty lot Up The Square for all those years? wow voters of JC were real suckers both times. (both laughed again)

Healy: Then we will tackle affordable housing, Veterans issues, bike sharing, hiring more cops, attracting small businesses to JC. Hey I have a great idea how about we start a JC promotional campaign called ?Jersey City Make It Yours?. (both laughed so hard this time they almost pissed themselves)

More to come????????.I have a dinner date with Jerry Jersey?.

Little does the unsuspecting Matsikoudis know that he is possibly being played by the ever sneaky Healy?hmm what election loss in 2013????


** ******** part II *************

It was clear sailing for Healy and Matsikoudis they had everything covered. When a ?situation? arose they would think to themselves WWSD (What Would Steve Do) but after thinking about it they laughed and changed it to WDSD (What Did Steve Do). They had everyone fooled. As the May 2005 election date fast approached they were not worried in the least bit. How could they possible lose if they already won in the future? They did make it a little easier to win when Healy went back in time before their trip. No he didn?t erase the party he went to THAT night, or skip the shower, but he did invest in a few plastic garbage cans. Those kids tried their hardest to get Healy out on that porch but plastic cans make no noise.

Years went by 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2009. Councilman Fulop actually got along quite well with Mayor Healy and Corporation Council Matsikoudis. Gone were the days of constant battling with Bill and the rest of the Healy controlled Council. Steve loved and voted yes on every ordinance that was introduced. He did shake his head a few times thinking to himself gee I was thinking about introducing that very same bill. Odd.

In early 2009 when their re-election campaign was getting in gear Bill came to Healy with some news. He told him not to forget what was coming down the pike not to forget about the little guy in the black suit. Oh yeah Healy replied first things first let?s get Deputy Mayor Leona off of our Team as treasurer. Then he thought?.WDSD. Oh yeah let?s call a meeting and have everyone know that we feel like something fishy is going on. That we are stopping all new developer meetings for a while. If there are any new bids out cancel them. Also let?s eat lunch in for a few months until this mess is over. I think the Medical Center Diner delivers he said. Bill chuckled hey ask them if they can throw in a pepper shaker.

They of course won the May 2009 election without a hassle. The little Brady Beach incident never happened. Great idea having that guy send flowers to his girlfriend the day that their argument was going to happen. What argument he thought? Thank God for 1-800-FLOWERS. It was nice knowing no surprises as in FBI knocks on doors were coming in July. Whew.

They were stealing Councilman Fulop?s idea?s right and left. They didn?t even have to have Council President Brennan create the anti-Fulop ordinance of 2010. The one that stopped Fulop from re-introducing ordinances for 6 months at a time. They didn?t need that 6 month lead time to come up with something to top Councilman Fulop they had his idea already.

Even though Jersey City seemed to be doing fine Councilman Fulop still decided to run for Mayor in 2012 against Healy. Why know he thought. Healy and Matsikoudis just laughed?ah not this time buddy boy. No dirt was circulating on Healy so it looked like he would be re-elected yet again. And so he was. It was a lopsided landslide in Healy?s favor. The evening online headlines blasted the news. ?HEALY WINS?. Matsikoudis was already thinking 2017?hmmm but now so was Healy. Sorry Bill. When Councilman Fulop called Mayor Healy to concede that night Matsikoudis could be heard in the back ground snickering like a little school girl. Odd thing is so was Coucilman Fulop he for some reason cracked a laugh as he was talking to Healy.

Well as the morning light appeared over beautiful Jersey City the Jersey Journal Carriers were throwing their morning print editions of the JJ on subscriber?s porches. Newly re-elected Mayor Healy opened his front door to retrieve his paper anxious to see that winning headline. Thinking to himself take that Wall Street boy and F that loud mouth Sound Machine and neverleft. As Healy opened his copy he nearly dropped to his knees..the headline read ?Jersey City voters elect Downtown Councilman Steve Fulop mayor?. Why how could that be? The call from Matsikoudis didn?t clear anything up for them. Hmmm.

Well unbeknownst to the Abbott and Costello of Jersey City politics FORWARD thinking Mayor Fulop did what he does best think FORWARD. As he was riding his bike to City Hall he always passed Ray?s Towing on Grand Street. He always saw something covered in the rear of the lot. Knowing that Healy and Matsikoudis were up to something Mayor Fulop asked Ray what was under the cover. Ray said it was a prop used in the Back to the Future II movie. Steve purchased it, drove it home and set the dial to November 11, 2004.The rest is history. He un-did all of the harm that Healy did playing with time travel. Thinking to himself it?s not nice to fool Mother Nature.

That?s it.

Posted on: 2017/11/7 23:27

Re: Back To The Healy/Matsikoudis Future……..
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2017/9/21 1:56
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2021/1/3 19:14
From Chilltown
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neverleft wrote:
HeightsNative wrote:
And as always, to save you time, I never voted for Healy, and will not vote for Bill or Steve this time (writing in a fictional character probably - more focused on the Ward race).

LOL .. come on a fictional character? Healy may have been cartoon like but he wasn?t fictional.

Stop stalking me on websites go out and enjoy life. Did you go to Mayor Fulops fundraiser at the Beer Hall last night? Good times for the hundreds of very worried people who showed up. Were you the one in the dancing dragon costume? Pretty good moves for a party pooper.


Of course I didn't go, and neither did you. Stop acting like some forlorn JC resident. You don't even live here.

Very definition of a creeper.

Posted on: 2017/11/3 16:59

Re: Back To The Healy/Matsikoudis Future……..
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2009/10/7 15:46
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7/1 0:32
From jersey city
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HeightsNative wrote:
And as always, to save you time, I never voted for Healy, and will not vote for Bill or Steve this time (writing in a fictional character probably - more focused on the Ward race).

LOL .. come on a fictional character? Healy may have been cartoon like but he wasn?t fictional.

Stop stalking me on websites go out and enjoy life. Did you go to Mayor Fulops fundraiser at the Beer Hall last night? Good times for the hundreds of very worried people who showed up. Were you the one in the dancing dragon costume? Pretty good moves for a party pooper.


Posted on: 2017/11/3 15:24

Re: Back To The Healy/Matsikoudis Future……..
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2017/9/21 1:56
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2021/1/3 19:14
From Chilltown
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Posts: 195
I'm sure the rest of JC List (and knows this, but holy crap you've gone off the rails, Bruce. I mean, think about it. You had to sit there and dream this whole creepy story up, probably edited it a bunch of times offline, and then post it. Does this story have you worried all the way down in Cherry Hill? Are Steve and his rubber stamps that scared of this?

We all know Steve is going to win. I wouldn't stress over it this much, Brucie. I'd stress more about the continued resistance to Steve after he's won, and the possible future ramifications of everything that's come to light thus far.

Word is, there are numerous communications being sent to the AG to get them to pay attention, so time will tell, as it always does (and did with Naked Boozer Healy).

And as always, to save you time, I never voted for Healy, and will not vote for Bill or Steve this time (writing in a fictional character probably - more focused on the Ward race).

Posted on: 2017/11/2 20:18

Back To The Healy/Matsikoudis Future……..
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2009/10/7 15:46
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7/1 0:32
From jersey city
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Posts: 3377
Bill Matsikoudis is a washed up political hack running for Mayor of Jersey City, New Jersey. Knowing he most likely does not have a snowballs chance in hell of winning the election he walks the streets at night hoping for a sign something that will give him an advantage in the election. He laid all of his hopes on the release of a tape made way back in 2014 that would prove that the current administration was corrupt. He could not have been part of the only corrupt administration in Jersey City?s history he thought to himself . There has to be others that were just as corrupt as the Healy administration and the tape would prove it. Sadly after sitting on the tape for almost four years its release proved to be a big NOTHING. It didn?t even make it to the Jersey Journals front page it was on page 7. But he still had hopes of winning that coveted JJ endorsement. After all ace reporter Terrence ALWAYS sought him out for a negative quote on any piece about Mayor Fulop and they did give him that free two page spread about his trip to Greece. (and a sleeper it was)

Oddly enough as he was walking the streets he was almost knocked out of his two boots and almost dropped his slices of pizza by a silver colored vehicle that was swerving down the street with eerie music coming out of it. It stopped a few yards away in front of the Astor Bar a favorite hangout for old politicians. The wing door opened with a blast of smoke as a figure emerged singing of all things Johnny Cash's "Folsom Prison Blues.''. Matsikoudis could not believe his eyes or ears it was none other than Jersey City?s Singing Mayor Healy. He had not seen him since their big election loss in May 2013. Healy called him over and asked him if he wanted to go inside for a drink that he had a proposition for him to consider. Matsikoudis and Healy disappeared into the Bar. While in the bar Matsikoudis looked around making sure there were no hidden cameras or mic?s in the pepper shakers.

After an hour of catching up Healy revealed his offer. He would guarantee a Matsikoudis win if he could in turn become Jersey City Corporation Council. Matsikoudis thought it over and asked Healy for more information. Healy then proceeded to lay out the plan. Feeling a little dejected after his loss in 2013 to ?that young Wall Street interloper? he got into the used car business for some side money. (even though he knew his buddy Degise would come through with a sweet County job soon) His singing gigs seemed to have dried up after his loss? the seniors in the old folks homes would not have him not even at Christmas time for his famous rendition of White Christmas. One day a strange looking man with wild white hair rang his bell, looking out of the window he was relieved it was not the FBI. Healy opened the door and asked the gent what he wanted. ?I have a car for you, I need some cash? he said. Healy listened to the odd guy?s story about needing money for projects and purchased the car. After some time he realized it was THE Back to the Future car but gee it didn?t seem like a prop it was a functioning car with all kinds of bells and whistles. Could he go back in time?

Matsikoudis juices started to flow if Healy had a car that could time travel they could go back in time to 2004 and start their 9 year run all over again. But this time instead of doing NOTHING for Jersey City they would do all of the things that then Councilman Fulop wanted to do which they voted down the things Mayor Fulop did accomplish once he became Mayor. That?s it that is the advantage he was waiting for. He would do everything that should have been done 13 years ago. The people of JC would than gladly vote Matsikoudis in as Mayor in 2017 because of his record under Healy.

The pair walked outside to the car and set the time dial to November 12, 2004 all the while Healy was singing a ridiculous tune ?.

?So take me away, I don't mind. But you better promise me, I'll be back in time.
Gotta get back in time. Back back to the Healy/ Matsikoudis future.
Gotta get back in time. Gotta get back in time. Get me back in time.

They both laughed and rubbed their hands together like Scrooge seeing gold coins. Matsikoudis printed off Mayor Fulop?s 2017 campaign literature so they would know what to accomplish when they hit 2004. Healy was about to punch the big red button but stopped and asked Matsikoudis if they could make two quick stops. Matsikoudis agreed. The first one was to a porch in the Heights section of JC and then Bradly Beach. Bill understood and didn?t say a word. (but he did hum that classic Rolling Stones song?"Got some puer?. Oooh oooh oooh oooh") They returned from those past dates and a smiling Healy pushed the button to go back to 2004 to right after he became Mayor.

Healy: Hey Bill let?s start with the easy stuff that the interlopers would love murals and bike lanes.

Matsikoudis: Wait a minute Jerry the first thing is to strike that word from your vocabulary use the term newcomers or urban explorers.

Healy: Got it. OK then its murals and bike lanes than we will get The Jewel of Jersey City Journal Square developed pronto. I guess our little trick of announcing the rebirth every few months before an election and doing NOTHING after the election finally caught up with us. Let?s do it right this time. Just think how far JSquare would be by now if we only did it right back then?err I mean now oh well.

Matsikoudis: Yeah I always wondered how we got away with having a big empty lot Up The Square for all those years? wow voters of JC were real suckers both times. (both laughed again)

Healy: Then we will tackle affordable housing, Veterans issues, bike sharing, hiring more cops, attracting small businesses to JC. Hey I have a great idea how about we start a JC promotional campaign called ?Jersey City Make It Yours?. (both laughed so hard this time they almost pissed themselves)

More to come????????.I have a dinner date with Jerry Jersey?.

Little does the unsuspecting Matsikoudis know that he is possibly being played by the ever sneaky Healy?hmm what election loss in 2013????


Posted on: 2017/11/2 20:14

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