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Joined: 2006/5/30 17:10 Last Login
: 2011/3/15 14:26
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After 25 years, the Newport developer is proposing to build a large, PUBLIC park in Newport. However, the current park plan does not include key community needs. Thus, the Newport Neighborhood Association is spearheading an effort to ensure critical needs of the community, including residents from Jersey City, are met. These include a multi-use court (basketball, tennis, volleyball, etc.), a multi-purpose community room, enough bike racks for non-Newport residents who come from other areas of Jersey City, that no high rise buildings be built along the Washington Blvd. border of the park so residents from outside Newport truly believe it's a PUBLIC park and not just a park for Newport residents and that the proposed 6 foot high fence be reduced to 3 or 4 feet.
Thus, at the behest of the Newport Neighborhood Association ("NNA"), the Newport developer has agreed to meet with the community to discuss these issues next Wednesday nite, March 16th from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm at the Newport WESTIN conference room.
The NNA requests that interested citizens from Jersey City come to this meeting and support our efforts to ensure this public park actually meets the community's needs. This is YOUR CHANCE to have input on the PUBLIC PARK. We need a large turnout to show community support for these priorities so MARK your calendars NOW for this Wednesday nite, March 16th and come join us in this special opportunity to make a difference in the quality of life in Jersey City and Newport.
This park will be an open to the public so any and all downtown Jersey City residents should come out and support the NNA's efforts to get critical needs met.
Posted on: 2011/3/15 14:38