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Re: should restuarants/bars/coffee shops be allowed to host live entertainment?


Posted on: 2012/1/24 4:07

Re: Parking Ticket mistake

Can you please post a copy of your letter (maybe in PDF format) here, so we can all start using it as a template. Once the letters start pouring in JCPA will have to change their mobster practices. Obviously do not include any of your personal info in the letter.

Thanks in advance!

Remember, our only strength is in our numbers!

Posted on: 2011/6/30 15:41

Re: Unleashed Mastiffs Attack JC Man Downtown this Morning

Where are planning to remove the dogs to. Another, unsuspecting neighborhood!? I love dogs, but not the ones that eat people. I say put the dogs and the owner to sleep!

Posted on: 2011/2/8 17:21

Re: I need a good property dispute / zoning lawyer

As one always learns post factum, the type of insurance policy i currently have doesnt cover the issue :(. I'm upgrading the policy now for the future, but at the present i'm on my own.

Posted on: 2010/9/9 15:59

Re: I need a good property dispute / zoning lawyer

Thanks everyone. I used Gess's firm to close on a property, and i feel they wont be qualified to deal with my issue. I need someone who has connections with JC Building dept. and who has done similar disputes before.
Basically my neighbour's property collapsed into my backyard and he refuses to give me access to remove debris and fix the problem. By law he (being a higher ground) is fully responsible for the repairs, but i'm willing to pay for them just to get things done.
I do not want to go to court, but it seems like i have no choice. I need a mean, experience lawyer to help me.

Posted on: 2010/8/23 16:45

Re: I need a good property dispute / zoning lawyer

The survey clearly defines my property. The city is aware of the issue, but cannot enforce the issue. Sadly i have to go to court, as much i have tried to avoid it. :(

Posted on: 2010/8/23 14:13

I need a good property dispute / zoning lawyer

Can someone please recommend a local lawyer, that knows how to handle property line dispute / construction issues. I'm at my wits end with my neighbour. I tried to reason and plead, and nothing works :(.

I need professional help ASAP.

Posted on: 2010/8/23 13:39

Re: Shoes on the Power Lines

Whats the big deal!? I dont think the sure present any danger to the power lines, and in my opinion they adorn and personalize cityscapes just like graffitti. I like the shoes on the power lines, they make me think of NYC, Brooklyn and yes, Jersey City...

Posted on: 2010/2/19 4:56

I need a reliable and good landscaper/mason

I need to rebuild a retaining wall in my backyard and pitch the yard away from the house, as well as some other landscaping tasks.
I have been given a run around by my contractor for the past 3 months, so i finally fired him. I need someone good and reliable, if you know such contractor, please pass me his digits.

I have all the permits and am looking to start this asap.

Thank you.

Posted on: 2009/12/10 17:53

Re: Council considers changing parking rules

It is about time. The booting policy is completely unfair and needs to be changed. Go Steven Fullop!!!

Next, we need to address the sweeper scam! That things doesn't even pick up garbage of the streets, just smears it around. I'm sick of the $42.00 tickets already, either get something that really cleans the streets, or let us sleep in peace in the morning.

I know Steven a little, and he seem to really care about our city. Lets hope the system doesn't break him down (for our sake).

Posted on: 2009/12/7 3:01

Re: Liberty State Park Incident

Thank you woodstock1
I'm only protesting the officer's behaviour. I happilly paid the ticket, as happily as i complied to the officer and removed the beer. Once again i was asking people here, if they had similar experience and reminding everyone that we need to stand up to authority when it abuses its power.


Posted on: 2009/11/11 23:14

Re: Liberty State Park Incident

All I basically said is, cops should not allowed to be assholes and bullies. They were given a responsibility to protect us, not oppress us. I'm not contesting the law, or looking for sympathy, I'm asking if anyone had a similar experience. As usual JCListers get sidetracked in talking smack on each other :).

I didn't have 'CASES OF ALCOHOL', just 2 six packs of Heineken Light (for 25 adults) and i was never arguing with the officer, just pleading with his sense of reason.

The only reason i posted it 2 months later, is because i was waiting for the results of the Park Police investigation until now.

To whoever posted the contacts, thank you very much. Very helpful!

PS If we let them do this to us, they will. When the term 'breaking the law' becomes so vague and interpretive that a jaywalker is treated like a criminal, you will remember the liberties we all took for granted.

Posted on: 2009/11/11 17:25

Re: Liberty State Park Incident

I never contested the rule and happily complied, and had no problem paying the ticket. I was upset with the officer's unnecessary aggressive conduct. Policeman are public servants and must be courtious and fair at the least. And we, as a publi, must demand it from them all the time. Next time they will tazer someone for the same thing, then what?!

The Police need to concentrate on catching bad guys, not respectable families with small children.

Posted on: 2009/11/11 7:04

Liberty State Park Incident

Did anybody else had a bad experience with Liberty State Park police lately?

On September 16, I was throwing a birthday party at the Park playground for my 4 year old son, his friends and their parents. I have reserved my spot with the Park Office and had the permit displayed at the area. Everything was going great: i set up the balloons and 2 tents, games, snacks and pizzas, goody bags, birthday cake you name it. We had about 25 kids and 20 adults in total. Everyone was having a good time, until 2 Park Police cars pulled up to our area. The officer on duty came out and immediately singled a mother of one of the children. She was sitting at the table and had an open beer bottle next to her. He really got in her face, demanding to know if the beer was hers. She looked terrified and intimidated, so i stepped in and said the beer was mine. He told me i was lying and demanded to know who all the open beers belonged to. I told him they were all mine (i was really embarrassed by the whole situation and was trying to keep other parents out of it). I explained that we didn't know, we were not allowed to have them and that i would happily throw them away and remove the unopened bottles to the car, but it seems he was out for blood. I pointed out that this was a kids birthday party and all the adults were responsible parents, not thugs. I was pleading for him to stop being so aggressive and he told me that, if i said another word he would arrest me and disband the whole event. At this point my wife pulled me away and tried to reason with him, but he was completely unsympathetic. First he collected everyone's driver's licenses to issue summons. The parents were all upset and the kids were very confused by what was happening. After checking everyone's licenses in his system, he returned all of them, except my wife's who he issued a $75 dollar ticket. Then the police left, but the party was kinda ruined :(.

We didn't know the no-alcohol rule in the park, but we were happy to comply with it. There was no reason for the police aggressive and belligirent behaviour. He should've used his judgement and realised that we were not a threat to the public, and politelly asked us to remove the beers. Instead he terrified half of us and totally abused his power.

My wife and other parents complained to the Park Chief about it, and i just received a letter from him stating, that his investigation concluded that we were uncooperative and deceiving which caused the officer to become firm with us. In other word we were wrong and he was right. I'm so upset about it, that i will be gathering signatures of everyone in that party and sending letters to various local government agencies asking to investigate this matter further. Any advice on how to handle this, or who to write is greatly appreaciated.

Did anyone have any similar experience? Please let us

PS I have noticed that the police is getting more aggressive and forcefull out there. What is going on!?!? Do they think that everyone is a potential terrorist. We must resist this at all costs, or we will wake up one day in oppressive police state.

Posted on: 2009/11/11 4:38




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