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Re: PSE & G
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

PSE&G sucks...

I have been trying to call PSE&G for over a week - calling at 2 or 3 different times per day to tell them we are moving and need to transfer service and I also get the "high call volume/power outage" recording.

So I went online was able to stop service at our soon to be old address and then in order to start service at our new place we would have to put down a $528 dollar deposit to move forward with the online process. FORGET THAT!

So I called again (and again and again...) - and finally took someone's advice earlier in the thread about the "Press 1 and ask for customer service" and I got someone on the line right away. The person didn't seem frazzled that I was taking time away from an emergency and was able to help me ASAP - Power outages? Yeah right.

But here's why PSE&G sucks even more...

So although I've been trying to call them for days that we are moving and to get service turned on at the new place, they're now telling me they can't get it turned on until 3 days after we have moved in! (I'm on hold with them right now!) Now that is unacceptable! So between now and 2 weeks from now, they have no availability to turn on our power and we'll have to live and move-in in the dark. We'll see about that.

Oh and I tried to report them to the BBB and apparently they're not registered with them. Figures...

Posted on: 2009/5/6 14:10

Re: Crime last night Brunswick and Wayne
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I would consider it to be downtown...Brunswick is recognized as downtown in the Hamilton Park/Harsimus Cove area and this is just beyond the Village by a block or two...

Posted on: 2009/4/24 19:59

Re: The Village Neighborhood Association - Updates
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


stani wrote:

You really should attend the next Captain's meeting and bring up these issues. Capt. McDonough is the person responsible for police response (or lack thereof) and he should hear about this directly from someone affected. You'll get results.

Stani- I wish I could attend. I haven't been able to attend a single meeting all semester. I have graduate classes on Tuesday evenings and tonight I have my final exams. Unfortunately, I cannot miss those.

Posted on: 2009/4/21 13:03

Re: The Village Neighborhood Association - Updates
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


JimA wrote:

I'm sorry you are not able to attend Tomorrows meeting and hope you will be able to make May 12th meeting.

With the little information I have gathered here is the breakdown on some of these incidents you mentioned.

The shooting on First & Brunswick was an unfortunate argument that got out of hand between two aquantainces.
The victim was uncooperative with the Police and was unwilling to file a Police report. Without the cooperation of the victim the Police were not able to follow up on this case.

As for the mugging on 2nd St. the assailant was apprehended shortley after the incident.

As far as the driving accidents and loud and lewd behavior from the bar this is the first time I have heard of it. Has anyone called the Police or filed a repot? If you have have ANY concerns regarding First St. there are some things you can do tho let the Association and the Police know.

E-mail the Village Neighborhood Association @

E-mail the Downtown Jersey City Watch @

E-mail the East District Community Relations officer @

The police have been notified for every recent accident on First Street (that I am aware of) because in all cases accident reports were filed for insurance purposes and in some cases, cars had to be towed. One of the drunk drivers even left their crashed car and fled the scene on foot.

And this past Friday night at 3 am there was a loud fight and lots of screaming. My boyfriend said one of our neighbors notified the cops - I was out of town.

Another incident that I recalled since writing my first post - was when we came home an Easter gathering on Sunday at about 10:30 pm. Indio's must have been closing about that time because people were milling about and one man was peeing on our doorstep - and we live several buildings down from the bar!

I appreciate all of your information relating to the shooting and the mugging, however more needs to be done in this out of the way neck of the woods. Indios is starting to attrack a rougher crowd then normal and the safety and cleanliness of our neighborhood is being compromised.

Posted on: 2009/4/20 19:29

Re: The Village Neighborhood Association - Updates
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I have class on Tuesday evenings and have never been able to attend a Village Association meeting. This Tuesday I have final exams so there is no question that I will have to miss this month's meeting.

However, with that said, I hope that someone brings up the recent incidents that have occurred on the First and Second street blocks between Merseles and Brunswick - including but not limited to, several drunk driving accidents involving Indio's customers hitting residents' parked cars on First Street, the mugging of a woman at 6am on her way to work on Second Street, the inappropriate and lewd behaviour of Indio's clientele at the bar's closing time such as fighting in the streets, shouting and having sex in their parked cars at the currently dead-ended First Street after hours. And lastly, the apparent shooting that occurred on Brunswick and First two months back after Indio's let out for the night. Not enough information was released by the city involving this incident.

This is unacceptable behaviour and there have been far too many occurences in recent weeks to continue turning a blind eye.

Posted on: 2009/4/20 16:33

Re: Top 10 Beer lists: In anticipation of Zeppelin Hall (beer garden)
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


GrovePath wrote:

johnnytit wrote:
i think zeppelin hall is the best name ever for a beer garden. they hit the nail on the head.

Funny but that is the only thing I don't like about this beer garden concept is its name "Zeppelin Hall" It sounds like it was named after Led Zepplin - and even Robbert Plant is over Led Zepplin! I think the word "Zeppelin" when used in NJ connotes old UK rock and roll. It feels very non German ... but hey I'll be there!

"Oh boy, a zeppelin, that's mine!" - A Christmas Story

Posted on: 2009/2/24 14:29

Re: Top 10 Beer lists: In anticipation of Zeppelin Hall (beer garden)
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Blanche de Chambly, Unibroue, Quebec, Canada.

Posted on: 2009/2/24 14:28

Re: Alternatives to PSEG
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I'm so happy to see this thread! Our bill has been outrageous these past few months. We understand the necessary increase in our gas charges from the summer months due to the chilly winter temps. However, I cannot understand why our electric bill this winter has been double what it costs in the summer when we're running the central AC almost 24/7! I keep calling PSE&G to complain that there is something wrong with our meter. We'll turn everything off in our miniscule 550 sq feet apartment and go out in the hall and watch our meter still go round and round!

So I scheduled 2 appointments. They only work M-F between the hours of 9-2, or so they say! I had to take 2 days off of work and both times they didn't come by 2 and I had to leave to get into the office. When I called to tell them I was leaving they said that the technician was still coming, he should be there around 4:30. Nope sorry, not hanging around! Not only that but it takes them 3 weeks to return your phone call to schedule these appointments!

PSE&G has the worst service I have ever encountered. Are there no alternatives? It should not take double the amount of electric for our 550sq ft apartment then a 3000 sq ft home!!

Posted on: 2009/2/24 14:16

Re: Police activity on 8th & Coles
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

This is like last night when I was walking home at 9pm. There were 3 cop cars parked out front of Carmine's Pizzeria on Brunswick...I guess they were having a pizza party.

Posted on: 2009/2/11 14:53

Re: Question on Safety of Brunswick Btwn 2/3rd
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I also have to agree that this neighborhood is quiet compared to others, with the exception of this unusually bad week. We moved from Coles street which was so loud especially at night - the roads had so much foot and car traffic and the ambulances and police cars with sirens blaring caused us to move. We now live right near Indios and honestly, I think it is still pretty quiet. Although, I wish they would close that place down and this weekend's incident confirmed that for me...

Posted on: 2009/2/3 14:13

Re: Journal Square man shot in leg; no arrest made
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


npcityjc wrote:
What's going on? I live close by and so far have have read about the homicide on Coles, the homicide on Rutgers, the stabbing at Newport mall and now another shooting on Brunswick.

I agree! And not only that...but how come there isn't more information on this shooting in the news/online? Does anyone have information?

That is my neighborhood and I find it quite disturbing that no information can be found in regards to a shooting...I'd like to think that something of this nature is not being considered run of the mill (yet) no matter what the location. The police/mayor's office should release information on it...

Posted on: 2009/2/2 18:57

Re: What was up with the cops on 1st and Brunswick last night?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


Charon wrote:
There were gunshots at 1st and Brunswick around 3AM. The crowd from Indios Place is usually hanging out at that hour. I wish they'd close that place down.

Did the Indio's crowd have anything to do with the shooting? Is there more informaton on this?!!

Posted on: 2009/2/2 16:27

Re: Downtown: One dead in shooting on Coles Street in Jersey City this morning
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Not to mention this is less than 2 blocks from the east district police station on 7th!!!

Posted on: 2009/1/27 16:09

Re: Downtown: One dead in shooting on Coles Street in Jersey City this morning
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

That's right across from McNair High School...and a 1/2 a block away from where I used to live...

Posted on: 2009/1/27 16:05

Re: ox restaurant
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


FernPalm wrote:
Does anyone know their happy hour specials? It's not listed on the website.

I walked by last night and it said Happy Hour 5-pm (1/2 price drinks I believe) but I'm not sure if that's because it was a Monday or not...

Posted on: 2008/12/23 22:05

Re: Crescent Court?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


scarlet30 wrote:
We are planning to buy an apt there. We are moving from a very busy st in manhattan to JC. We loved the area but when I checked it at night, I didn't feel comfortable ( I feel there is less danger when more people are around)- my husband still likes it. I have a few questions:

1) how safe is the area at night? I work late and come home late when it is dark specially in winter when it gets dark at 5.
2) how comfortable ladies feel walking around the neghborhood? I feel anyone can hide in the enbankment or the bushes under the turnpike and be ready to attack.



I live on first ave by the crescent court construction and have always felt safe walking at night. During the week I walk home any time between 6:00pm and 11:00pm from the PATH. Yes, the area has less foot traffic, but there is a police presence at Carmine's Pizza. Just as long as you keep your wits about you - it is still a city. If I were coming home past 11:00 alone I take a taxi from the Grove PATH, but I would probably do that if I lived in any neighborhood in Jersey City. Best of luck and welcome to the neighborhood!

Posted on: 2008/11/18 20:23

Re: NYTIMES: Back Seat for Parking Space -- Jersey City's weaning itself from parking/driving culture.
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


aloria wrote:
Explain to me how to get my UPS packages from Secaucus without a car when my well meaning relatives send me Xmas gifts, or how to get to Home Depot without risking my life crossing all that Holland Tunnel traffic, or how to lug a week's worth of groceries 7 blocks without all the frozen stuff melting in the summer, and I'll be more than willing to get rid of my car.

Maybe your walk to the grocery store won't be as long once Whole Foods moves to the neighborhood...

Posted on: 2008/10/27 19:43

Re: Newark Ave. Paving!!
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

My boyfriend drives down that strip of Newark Avenue everyday to get to and from work and yesterday he picked me up at the PATH and I have never seen him happier! He said that that road in particular was really doing a number on his car before it was paved!

Posted on: 2008/10/2 19:08

Re: Gunfire on Newark Ave tonight
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I can't remember how far west the gun store was. Is this the empty space next door to the lawyers office and tattoo parlor on newark? it appears it's being worked on...

Posted on: 2008/9/29 14:37

Re: Newark Avenue Redevelopment
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


nafco wrote:
yes, bedford, and since you mentioned it before smith st in bk are both very succesful one-way retail streets which proves that not having two ways of traffic wont suffocate the businesses. I think wider sidewalks and parking on both sides of the street (instead of an ugly space-wasting parking lot) will actually improve the look and effeciency of the street.

I don't think that a parking lot needs to be ugly or space wasting. I have visions of downtown Jersey City looking a bit like Red Bank, NJ - it always had a very nice downtown shopping district but about 20 years ago it was not nearly as nice or condusive to pedestrian shopping as it is now. There is a municipal lot behind the store fronts and people can walk all down Broad and Front Streets. I think having parking on both sides of the street like Washington or any street in Hoboken for that matter would look crowded and then there is the issue of double parking and horn honking. The only difference with Red Bank, though, while it is urban in fee compared to the surrounding towns, it is not in a super-urban-close-to-nyc area.

Also, for the record I do not have a car that I keep or use in Jersey City. I just think that making the area more condusive to both pedestrians and drivers should be a goal.

Posted on: 2008/9/25 17:06

Re: No more passageway? Developer's protest may alter Newark Ave. redevelopment
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

There also needs to be a municipal lot or parking garage that comes right off Newark Ave or is right behind it. This way people can park and then walk up and down the storefronts...

Especially if the lot behind Skinners has been sold to a private party...

Posted on: 2008/9/25 13:25

Re: Newark Avenue Redevelopment
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


Metropolis wrote:

Who are the merchants that everyone is jumping on today? I think I'm the only Newark ave. merchant who's voiced an opinion in this thread and I never said anything about one or two way traffic. Makes no difference to me, and outdoor cafe seating on a one way street isn't the magical key that's going to flood Newark ave. with cute little cafes. Repaving, incentive and time. It's getting there...


Mark, I am curious as to your thoughts on the Newark Avenue redevelopment stopping at Jersey Avenue. With all this talk of the passeo vs. extending the redevelopment westward on Newark or what merchants want vs. what the community wants - I'm wondering how you feel about the redevelopment proposal being a merchant west of Jersey Avenue.

Posted on: 2008/9/23 13:42

Re: Newark Avenue Redevelopment
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


GrovePath wrote:

GrovePath wrote:

jc_dweller wrote:
...The city wants to BUY the property from DelForno...And not forcibly buy it, but agreeably buy it.

For far less cost, our money/the City's money would be much better spent on streetscaping all of Newark Avenue and not just the first two blocks by Grove Street -- it would also be better to look at things like DanL is suggesting.

ie: widening sidewalks, removing traffic, making Newark Ave one way, closing Newark Ave to motor vehicles at certain times, closing Barrow St. between Columbus and Newark, addressing and narrowing the very wide (and dangerous) cross street intersections.


jc_dweller wrote:
The problem with this train of thought is that you're assuming if the money isn't spent on the Newark Plan with Paseo that it will be on the streetscape improvements. The two are unrelated ...

The problem with your train of thought is that you assume the Paseo costs must be "unrelated" to streescaping costs. They need not be! For far less money the city could decide to spend more wisely and impact all of Newark Avenue downtown rather than just the first two blocks by the new towers and new "restaurant row."

+1 +1 +1 +1 (oh, that's +4)

Posted on: 2008/9/22 18:50

Re: Newark Avenue Redevelopment
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


icechute wrote:
Only changes to the plan I would propose is to extend it to Brunswick St. (at the least) and make the provision that the concrete for the sidewalks be dark gray and finished like the walkways in VVP.


Please extend the plan beyond Jersey Ave!

Posted on: 2008/9/22 13:38

Re: Repairs to be made today and the families to return by tonight...
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Darn! I was hoping it was the abandoned, boarded up, eye-sore of a building 2 doors down from me...

Posted on: 2008/9/17 13:53

Re: Newark Avenue Redevelopment
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


JimmyB wrote:

GrovePath wrote:


nickie wrote:
...some development is better than none, but what came first the chicken or the egg?

If Newark Ave between Jersey Ave and Brunswick was redeveloped, wouldn't it "get less seedy?"

Especially with the new Fields housing project on Newark just across from It's Greek to Me, in full swing, you would think they'd want to continue the development westward. Brunswick is a definitive stop to Newark Ave in terms of the downtown area, it would look strange if the redevelopment ended at Jersey.

I have to agree. In a perfect world, what would you like to see happen? I'm always curious to hear the ideas the locals have. I mean, we live here right?

I don't know if I have any new ideas other than what has been discussed here. Extending the redevelopment beyond Jersey shouldn't be too difficult...continue westward with the paving of the sidewalks and streets and the addition of benchs and new street lamps...Everything else, new businesses, restaurants, etc should follow.

I do, however, disagree with the paseo - especially if it is going to be located in the empty lot steps away from Grove Street. That opening is just too narrow to have store fronts or restaurant seating without tearing down one of the adjacent buildings. When I walked past today, I was disgusted by the thought of eating in that dark, narrow passageway no matter how nice and well-lit they make it. The buildings next to it are just too tall and it's not a very open space. It would require artificial lighting at almost all times of the day.

Why not make Newark Avenue a one-way street, have Columbus continue to be the busier two-way street, and make the sidewalks a little wider allowing for outdoor dining?

Posted on: 2008/9/17 13:51

Re: Monmouth Park Race Track Trip this Weekend
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Some great restaurants listed...wish I could go! I love the racetrack and crab cakes!


Posted on: 2008/9/16 17:54

Re: Newark Avenue Redevelopment
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


5dollars4eachofu wrote:

The plan does improve Newark Avenue downtown. Part of it is better than none. When Newark Ave west of Jersey gets less seedy, it'll be redeveloped too.

I absolutely agree with you - some development is better than none, but what came first the chicken or the egg?

If Newark Ave between Jersey Ave and Brunswick was redeveloped, wouldn't it "get less seedy?"

Especially with the new Fields housing project on Newark just across from It's Greek to Me, in full swing, you would think they'd want to continue the development westward. Brunswick is a definitive stop to Newark Ave in terms of the downtown area, it would look strange if the redevelopment ended at Jersey.

Posted on: 2008/9/12 20:02

Re: Temporary housing going up on Coles
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I'm sure the city is well aware of the construction happening at 6th and Coles - I lived right next door to the construction site (formerly a parking lot for 2 cars) for 2 years and for a about 6 months, maybe more, the construction came to a hault because of unsafe working conditions and permits...

Posted on: 2008/9/8 19:11

Re: Good and Relatively Close Beach to Jersey City???
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I love that there are so many shore locals on this site and presumably living in jersey city! long branch is definitely a nice beach and i think it's 7 dollars to get on seven presidents. there are also great places to get italian ices (lighthouse) and food (windmill) and it's not as trafficky as other beach areas.

Posted on: 2008/8/22 18:46

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