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Re: Thoughts on Journal Square and Greenville?

I have an aunt who used to live in Greenville on west side ave. between west side and Woodlawn. Does anyone know if that area is still fairly safe or not?

Posted on: 2012/8/25 5:02

Re: Jersey City cop kills pit bull after it bites woman

Well,Brooklyn,as for me spewing my narrow minded crap{as you so gently put it} I have good reason.There are idiots out there that own other breeds of dogs besides pit bulls and most of those dogs still don't get that violent reputation as much as pit bulls do.

Posted on: 2012/8/7 20:01

Re: Jersey City cop kills pit bull after it bites woman

If any dog could be violent why do pit bulls have that biggest reputation.Simple.Because they are the most violent.With all the cuter gentler dogs out there why would anyone choose a pit bull for a pet. I'm glad the cop shot it as it could have done serious harm to the woman and child.These stupid owners should be hypervigilent when it comes to watching their pit bulls otherwise they could have some lawsuit on their hands.

Posted on: 2012/8/3 18:57

Gingko Trees

Does anybody live near a Gingko tree? I have one on the corner of my block and it's disgusting.When the fruit falls it smells like vomit. I don't care what benefits it has because the smell is nauseating. While walking down the block once I accidentally stepped on a tiny speck and I had to clean the bottom of my sneaker with bleach because of the stink.I heard that in Queens the powers that be said they would not cut the trees down because the benefits outweigh the liabilities. I'll bet if you plant one of those trees in front of their house they'll change their tune. When the wind blows it's even worse. Anybody else bothered by this?

Posted on: 2010/11/19 23:04

Re: Weird People

Thank you Eggzbenedict, you just proved my point about nitpicking by pointing out another punctuation problem. Also I didn't mean cell phone usage and drug addiction was the same. I was merely stating a couple of different things that bother me. Jeez.

Posted on: 2010/11/3 22:44

Re: Weird People

I can't believe how literally you people take things.It's like you dissect everything I say. You look at punctuation and other little things.Someone also remarked on this thread about how I could claim that some people use a cell phone 24/7. For your information I was just being sarcastic.I meant people use it a lot, yet the person took 24/7 literally.When I said,Don't get me started on cell phones I was just thinking out loud about things that bother me.If I worded it wrong I'm sorry.I stand corrected.

Maybe some of you do use the phones a lot and fall into the catagories I described and if I offended anybody I apologize. But please don't nitpick over everything I say.I was only stating what I notice in the city and my opinion of it.

Posted on: 2010/11/3 22:00

Re: Weird People

Just the same,I was bringing up a point about certain things that I find strange or annoying in Jersey City.I think I have that right and my points are valid.

Posted on: 2010/11/3 17:46

Re: Weird People

Not to shy to talk;never knew you were the type to nitpick on grammar. Talk about being petty. I have made valid points with my posts.I especially hate when people are driving and talk on cell phones. Very dangerous. Sometimes when they are in front of you walking and stop dead in front of you because they are so involved with their phones you could actually trip over them.Unbelievable. I was really surprised at all the negative replies I received since I was only stating some observations I made.

Posted on: 2010/11/3 17:09

Re: Weird People

I,m just saying that I find people odd when they stare at you funny or stare at you without blinking an eye.First of all staring is rude.It,s one thing to glance at a person when you,re passing them on the street but to stare like that often makes you wonder what,s going through their minds.It just seems odd because I,m very down to earth.If I pass somebody on the street and we look at each other I,ll say Good Morning so it dosen,t seem so awkward.

Also don,t get me started on these people with their cell phones. These people are not happy unless they,re on that cell phone 24/7. It,s become an addiction like drugs. Just yesterday I saw a woman on her phone while her dog was taking a crap and she was leaning over in such an unatural angle to allow him room to go while talking on the cell phone the entire time.Actually it was so funny I laughed.I could see cell phones for emergencies but these people make it their life blood. People did survive before cell phones,believe it or not.These people today are spoiled and become obsessed with it.

Posted on: 2010/11/3 0:37

Weird People

Did anyone notice how many strange people there are in Jersey City? I live downtown and some of the people that pass you on the street are very odd.They stare at you in a funny way and even if you say hello to some they either ignore you or look right through you. Some look as if they,re high as if on drugs.There are some nice people who are friendly but some are so weird.It,s almost like a zombie movie. I think some may be homeless and it,s unfortunate how lax this area is in taking care of the homeless.They should look into this more.I was just wondering if anyone else noticed that there seems to be more weirdos now than a few years back.

Posted on: 2010/11/2 16:52

Re: Fifth Street resident slashed in face at 1:20 a.m. on Downtown Jersey City street (Jersey & Newark)

The Bloods! These assholes should have been rounded up and thrown in jail a long time ago.Those rotten animals going around harming innocent people.Send them over to Iraq and let them fight there and do some good rather than bother good citizens. Dirty,filthy bastards.

Posted on: 2008/10/9 4:43

Re: Lincoln Park Area: large group attack two outside Al's Diner, one in critical condition

Goddamm animals.All they know is violence. They should bring back the death penalty for Christsakes.

Posted on: 2007/12/8 6:13

Re: Downtown: Ferris High School, another 'wolf pack' attack by gang of at least 15 boys

I am so glad that I'm an older man and don't have to attend school in this day and age.These Goddamm bastard kids don't get punished enough and that's why they keep doing it. They should send these punks over to Iraq if they want to fight so badly. As far as the parents are concerned I think a lot of these parents today stink anyway.They are probably just as bad.They don't discipline their kids and that's why they are like that.Bad seeds,all of them.

Posted on: 2007/9/8 5:20

Re: Downtown: Lunchtime a 15-year-old Ferris High student beat a 52-year-old man with a brick, on a dare

I don't give a shit what the hell their living conditions are like.The bottom line is that they have no right to beat up on anybody.Damm animals.

Posted on: 2007/6/24 5:30




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