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Re: Tree Trimmer?

Robert Family Tree Service
551.208.5773 (cell)
201.455.3992 (office)

honest and a great guy.

Posted on: 2009/9/30 15:53

Re: Several local politicians arrested on corruption charges

I hate to say it, but, I would suggest that we prepare ourselves for pleas of innocent based on entrapment.

and, I agree that this seems kind of big now, but, probly won't change the big picture here in Hudson County... unless #4 is Healy... but even so, I mean, what happened after the Governor of NY State went down? We need a wholesale cultural change in our "leaders" to affect any real change. Not to mention the apathy of the voters... Healy was elected by how many votes?

Although, while it may not be central, I do have to say that I'm intrigued by the underground kidney trading aspect of this. Freakin sick, and possibly something that could garner national attention... at least until that new reality show about the fine artists airs... (did anyone here audition?)... or, the Sopranos movie hits the big screen... whichever comes first.

Posted on: 2009/7/23 23:33

Re: PSE & G

not sure if this is what's happening to you, but, I had ~100% increase in my PSEG in the first couple months this yr. at first I thought this was a correction from estimated to actual. but when it happened 2 months in a row (following an actual reading) I called up. (took me about an hour or two to straighten it out as I was cut off 2 min. after finally reaching the first CS person.)

anyway... their conclusion was that I was getting 'double billed'. iow, 2 meter readers were reporting usage and it got into the system as a double bill. crazy that this wasn't caught somehow no?

so... I just recvd my 'adjusted bill'. it still seems a bit high, so I'm not sure if they've actually stopped the double reporting or not... yay another couple hrs of time to waste on this crap.

and, yes... I'm tempted to look at some past bills from yrs past, but given that I have to work for a living and that my job is not calling customer service people for fun and profit, I'm pretty sure that's not gonna happen.

good luck.

Posted on: 2009/4/29 16:11

Re: 10 Ugly Buildings JERSEY CITY Would Be Better Off Without

not to be cheeky, but whatever happened to seeing the beauty in ugliness... can someone pls start a 10 most beautiful bldgs in JC string, pls... I can think of at least 20 that I totally dig for various reasons.

and, for what it's worth, Williamsburgh is full of the same claptrap homes that JC is full of, so, quit it with yer dang inferiority complexes people.

Brooklyn is so over y'all... I mean, honestly, peeps. Get a grip on yourselves.

Posted on: 2008/6/23 16:51

Re: Toll Brother's Travesty in the PAD

I was struck by the passion and intelligence of those who came out to have their voices heard at this meeting.

I was also saddened by how horribly contentious things were. Booing and jeering at the council, etc. And the council members lack of attention paid during some of the public speakers... the council did seem to have their minds made up already.

And the irony of the approval of the Apple Tree House contractor hiring process was not lost on the crowd -- a quaint historical rehab project far from the \'gold coast\' is okay to go... after 10 or 20 yrs of effort to get attention to it, of course.

I hope there\'s some way to push back once again in the other direction... seems like Jersey City could have gotten a much better deal, to say the least. Not to mention, I\'m guessing there\'s been little talk of LEED compliance with these enormous towers proposed?

Posted on: 2008/4/10 21:47

Re: West Point sending cadets to NJ for taste of Iraq

+1 to dickcheney
(geez I can't believe I'm posting this given your horrifying namesake)
I have this friend, and altho he's a bit nuts, he's definitely not stupid. He went to yale and went to military language school to learn arabic, and went on to the Gulf War... did intel work there and has since had some odd feelings as 10yrs later he saw his intel being used to hang Sadaam... til then I don't suppose he really saw blood on his hands -- direct witness to killing from his work, or perhaps he just never thought anything would ever come of his seemingly irrelevant intel work on obscure info that was loosely related to a town where Sadaam used chemical weapons). Anyway, the military is def. not run by morons, and just like any gig, there as many reasons to join as there are people that join the military. As to "military intelligence"... well... I think Dr. Strangelove is one satire based on a truth. And while this war was a shitty decision from day one and downhill from there... here we are today and dealing with gas prices is probly a smaller issue rather than other things we should be concerned about, like, let's say a war whose cost is a loan much bigger than everyone's ARM. Much bigger... nuff said there.

oh but SalManella.. (btw, love the handle) about gasoline... and $3/gallon. I suppose I'm fairly liberal, so, I'll bite...
Not to simplify too much, but the reason why you're paying $3/gallon and more is because you and me and just about everyone else in the US is apparently quite willing to pay that price. If you want the price to come down, I suppose one way might be to stop buying gas until the price comes down. Option 2... government price fixing and/or supply influence. (Altho in a way that may already be in place in a covert manner... and that's why it *is* $3/gallon Option 3... if a bunch of us pitch in together and rent a nice big tanker and we can somehow fill it with gas from say, Saudi A. or Venezuela, or another place where gas price is fixed by the gov., maybe we could get a sweet deal together that would carry us for 6 months or so. Anyone else in?

and btw... just in case we're not all aware, according to the EIA, the #1 source for US crude oil imports is and has been for the past coupla years (drum roll pls....) CANADA. And as far as I know they are not really an OPEC member... And Mexico (#3 supplier) isn't either. Interestingly, even in it's current state, Iraq is the #7 supplier (providing about a quarter of what Canada supplies). What can we draw from this (assuming the stats are true)? Well, perhaps that OPEC doesn't really dictate our gas prices. Who does? The companies that refine crude and distribute gas in the US would be a good guess. An unregulated commodities market gone batty might be an interesting area to investigate, although I'm no expert on this for sure. And can we say that this is a war for oil? Well, I'm sure there are several reasons why Bush and his administration pulled the trigger... and I'm guessing that a hold on a nice fat oil supply is one of them. Others might include the fact that Bush thinks he's somehow akin to Jesus and he got pissed at Sadam about his dad, or perhaps he was trying to leave his mark on history in some other way than being a bumbling president and consistently failed businessman, and former drunk/drug addict etc. etc. And perhaps he just did it because based on "military intelligence", he could.

EIA stats here: ... ports/current/import.html

it's late and I may regret this post in the AM... and sorry if I'm a bit OT from the West Point/JC topic... to bring it back, I've only lived in JC for a few years, but, I have to say this follow up article has a nice feel to it... makes me happy w/my decision to move here from Brooklyn hipsterland.

Posted on: 2008/4/7 5:50

Re: Screens for my windows

if you're not into DIY, try:
Heights Hardware
402 Central Ave
(201) 653-8414

I've been meaning to get my screens repaired... I know they do this... I think they make them up from scratch as well. I haven't seen their work yet, but they did ballpark a quote for me for a screen door screen repair (I bring them the frame, they replace the screen) - $10-15 depending upon the size.

this store got redone about a year ago and the folks there are good peeps.

I'm curious to know how it goes if you go with them...

Posted on: 2008/4/5 18:27

Re: Ideas to discourage gang activity?

contact this guy from Atlanta and get one of these: Resized Image

full story here: BoingBoing

Posted on: 2008/3/6 0:10




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