Re: Symes pays Chickpea $2000 for endorsement
In Hudson County, the best candidates are always unemployed, and under or uneducated (Danny rivera, Chico, any Hudson County state legislator or freeholder). Fortunately for Solomon, he only meets 1/2 those requirements.
Posted on: 2017/10/27 3:05
Re: Symes pays Chickpea $2000 for endorsement
Let's not pretend that Symes did anything Mayor Fulop and Bill Matsikoudis haven't done themselves already. Sponsored content is BS paid media. Every major publication is now doing it, including NY Times. ... 823&prx_t=USMDAEuIVASyENA Fulop even uses an image suggesting it's some official FBI document to cherry-pick his crime stats. And read the article, it wasn't $2000 for a 'tweet', it appears there was more consulting and other work done.
Posted on: 2017/10/24 3:27
Re: Solomon has no resume
It?s not a pile-on, it?s a legitimate question. How is it fair to attack one candidate?s professional background, and then have no answers for his own? Solomon loaned himself $25k according to press reports, and has all his money raised from outside Jersey City. he appears to have his own wealth (which is fine), but why can?t we ask a a simple question about how he earns his money?
Seems like an unfair bias to me.
Posted on: 2017/10/20 14:17
Re: Solomon has no resume
I?ve looked up Solomon in federal and NJ state employee databases. Past and present. I can only find that that he?s at Hudson County College, but never worked for Booker. Is he lying about his resume? What gives?
Posted on: 2017/10/20 13:52
Solomon has no resume
Every candidate in ward E has laid out their professional resume, however Solomon doesn?t provide many details other than he worked for Cory Booker and the Mayor of Boston. How long was he there? Was he in a drector?s position or some sort of leadership role?
He?s an adjunct professor now, but I?m concerned he has no actual real world experience.
Posted on: 2017/10/20 12:55
Re: Dixon Leasing Cheating JC out of Taxes with the help of Rebecca Sysmes
Can we stop pretending that Dixon is the only RE company that?s contributing to the unaffordability of Jersey City? I get it, some of you aren?t fans of Rebecca, but don?t pretend her former employer is the real reason you don?t like her...What about any number of actual DEVELOPERS that are building hundreds of LUXURY apartments and getting taxpayer relief to do it?
Steven Fulop?s pick in this election is really Grillo, who wants to pretend he?s anti development just to get elected. Or What about Steven Fulop?s former ward leader turning sides? Or does Ward E really want some over-entitled rich kid who has his family bankrolling his campaign (Solomon)?
Posted on: 2017/10/10 1:57
Laws firms: Jersey City school board VP owes them more than $25K
Jersey City school board VP owes $25k in unpaid bills
I have more questions than is this possible? It looks like he's been paying himself and screwing his attorneys. How does someone raise only $15k but still has $40k in debts for a campaign to hold an unpaid position? How was this guy ever endorsed or supported?
Posted on: 2017/8/8 19:04
On leave from school job, Fulop operative takes city post
What does it really say about the Fulop Adminiatration when one patronage hire accounts for nearly a 4x daily increase in filling potholes??? I laughed my ass off when I read this article...not because this is business as usual in Jersey City, but because this guy had the audacity to say this:
Curtis said he is making sure potholes are filled, catch basins are cleaned out and street signs are in good condition. He told The Jersey Journal the DPW has gone from filling 22 potholes to as many as 99 a day now that he's been hired. Previously the DPW crews were cleaning out six blocks' worth of catch basins a day and now they're doing a whole ward in three days, Curtis said. Read this for yourself! ... incart_river_mobile_index
Posted on: 2017/2/3 1:19
Re: Fulop ties to Kushner?
| ... do-owners-trial/97147350/
I sure hope they finish the JSQ project. It would be a shame if we ended up like Perth Amboy. And with a relationship like you ever think his buddy would face any consequences in JC? A group of about 32 condo owners at the Landings at Harborside have brought a civil lawsuit against Kushner Companies, it's subsidiary Westminster Company and a long list of subcontractors in connection with their claims of being misled into buying high-priced units with luxury amenities that have not been materialized as promised. Many of the condo units were purchased in 2004. Jared Kushner, who is Trump's son-in-law, ran the company before becoming one of the president's senior advisers. Court papers indicated he officially began running the company in 2008.
Posted on: 2017/1/28 16:49
Re: Art House Productions Names Meredith Burns Executive Director
Christine has been such an amazing advocate and leader for the ArtHouse. Makes me regret missing this weekend's event now as it'll be her last Snow Ball.
WIshing Meredith all the best in her new role! Excited to see what comes next for the Art House!
Posted on: 2017/1/27 17:34
Re: Fulop ties to Kushner?
I read this article this morning not expecting to see Jersey City mentioned, let alone our Mayor. This definitely raises more questions about Fulop's relationships to Trump.
Some sort of "progressive" democrat Fulop is....
Posted on: 2017/1/27 15:44