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Re: Gringos Taqueria - Coles Street


Fomite wrote:
Great location with lots of outdoor space! For anyone complaining about bars and restaurants opening up......Move to the suburbs! Let us city folk enjoy a diverse neighborhood!


Posted on: 2017/6/14 21:18

Re: Gringos Taqueria - Coles Street


MikeyTBC wrote:
4 Bros from hoboken open a taco shop named "gringos"

Isn't that exactly why they SHOULD call it Gringos? They aren't advertising themselves as an authentic Mexican restaurant. And I feel like if they did try and take that route they would get criticized for that too.. They aren't trying to pretend to be something they're not-they are putting it right out there with the restaurant name.

Damned if they do, Damned if they don't. There is plenty of room for another "mexican-inspired" restaurant in downtown JC. How many pizza places do we have at this point?

The more tacos the merrier.

Posted on: 2017/6/13 21:00

Re: Bicycle Theft Victims Unite

My bike was $80 from Walmart (have to say-the thing rode great) and the lock cost more than the bike itself...still stolen!

Posted on: 2017/5/17 21:49

Re: Bicycle Theft Victims Unite

I had a kyrptonite chain lock and my bike still got stolen! The bike thieves are terrible and there is absolutely zero repercussion. You basically just have to take getting your bike stolen on the chin. I hate it- every time I lock up my bike I mentally prepare myself for it not being there when I get back.

Posted on: 2017/5/17 15:52

Art Classes?

Anyone have recommendations on where to take adult art classes at night? Only place I can find nearby is JC Art School but seems I missed the deadline and they don't offer a wide variety of classes. Wouldn't mind traveling into the city if it was a quick path/subway ride away. Any help appreciated!

Posted on: 2017/4/11 18:53

Re: New bar in JC Heights

It's going to be by the same guy that owns the Archer downtown

Posted on: 2017/3/15 12:29

Re: New Heights Spot- Trolley House Bar and Grill - CLOSED

I'm pretty sure the owner of The Archer in downtown is opening a new bar/restaurant in this location.

Posted on: 2017/2/28 13:40

Re: Job Posting

Thank you for all the suggestions!

Posted on: 2016/12/28 16:57

Job Posting

Does anyone have any recommendations for where in town I could post job classifieds? I am looking to hire people that live locally. I've tried craigslist & indeed but it's difficult to weed out all the riff-raff. Thanks!

Posted on: 2016/12/27 15:39

Re: No heat in apartment


MDM wrote:
steam radiators or hot water baseboard?

Hot water baseboards.

Thanks everyone for the help! Hoping it will get straightened out within the next day or two otherwise I'm not sure what's going to happen.

Posted on: 2016/12/13 17:08

No heat in apartment

Along with no water my apartment has no heat. It hasn't turned on at all this season. We became aware of this issue about two weeks ago and notified our landlord. Last night was the first time he came up to the apartment and felt how freezing it was & that no heat was coming out. Heat is working in the other units in the apartment just not ours. He said he would "look into it" but in the meantime it's absolutely freezing in the apartment and I'm afraid the situation isn't going to be resolved before the temperatures really drop at the end of this week. Legally what are my rights here as a tenant? Is there anything I can do? I'm cold!

Posted on: 2016/12/13 13:03

Re: Union Republic -- Impressive New Place on Newark Ave @ Third Street

Another restaurant is going into the location, its supposed to be 70's/retro themed...whatever that's supposed to mean.

Posted on: 2016/9/8 19:58

Re: Car/Van Logo Wrap & Detailing

Thanks for the help! I am going to look into both.

Posted on: 2016/8/16 16:00

Car/Van Logo Wrap & Detailing

Hi there,

New to the board but looking for some insight. I run a small catering business around town and am looking to finally bite the bullet and slap my logo on my vehicle. Does anyone have any experience with a local company that does car/van wrapping? Nervous to shell out $$$ and then have it come out poorly so any recommendations would be greatly appreciated!

Posted on: 2016/8/12 14:10




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