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Re: Lions of Judah being removed from church/synagogue/mosque on Grove?
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Old-Skool-JC wrote:
Lectured on expectations from a racist immigration lawyer.

A large majority of your idiotic statements are either false statements or telling someone that their either a racist or a bigot (btw, there's a difference). You sound like an angry, resentful child who can't form coherent thoughts.

Posted on: 2014/12/2 16:39

Re: Lions of Judah being removed from church/synagogue/mosque on Grove?
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Old-Skool-JC wrote:
One more reason to send in the bulldozers.

I think that's the response everyone expects from you. Good work.

Posted on: 2014/12/2 16:02

Re: Lions of Judah being removed from church/synagogue/mosque on Grove?
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Old-Skool-JC wrote:
Also i believe the synagogue was Orthodox. Orthodox jews oppose Zionism.

That's incorrect. There's a strain of Ultra Orthodox Jews (Satmar Hasidim and Neturei Karta) that oppose Zionism. The vast majority of Orthodox Jews who do not fall within these strains do not oppose Zionism.

Posted on: 2014/12/2 15:40

Re: Lions of Judah being removed from church/synagogue/mosque on Grove?
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There is a very long history of mosque building on former churches, synagogues and other non-Islamic religious sites, especially in "conquered" lands. This will probably be deemed incendiary by a few people, but just pointing out historical facts.

I don't know the history of how the synagogue was acquired by the mosque, but I would find it very troubling if there truly was deception involved.

Posted on: 2014/11/19 17:54

Re: Paulus Hook Brick Oven Pizza is Closing
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JCMan8 wrote:
Of the abundance of mediocre pizza in DTJC, this place was actually very good. What a shame.

I agree.

Posted on: 2014/11/17 18:06

Re: The Merchant - closing?
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On_The_3rd wrote:
Was the Merchant closing the only way to get the menu to change?

Good question. Happy to let another place give it shot.

Posted on: 2014/10/29 15:22

Re: House cleaners - To tip or not to tip
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Be careful how you tip. We discovered after a long period of time that our regular cleaner, who we were tipping every time she cleaned our home, was not actually receiving the tip. She had no idea what we were being charged and was required to take all $ to the owner of the "company". There may have also been a fear factor as well.

Posted on: 2014/10/23 20:43

Re: Gold Coast Broadband & Verizon Fios
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bodhipooh wrote:

immigrationlawyer wrote:

bodhipooh wrote:

Thatantperson wrote:
Isn't this illegal? Can we file a class action lawsuit or something?

What is it that you think is illegal?? Many buildings enter into exclusive contracts with a given provider in exchange for some perks (free cable access for common areas, free wiring of the building, etc) and the people who CHOOSE to live in the building are stuck with the provider who holds the exclusivity contract. If you don't like the provider, you can choose to not rent in that building.

I believe that the developer of LH and the owner of Gold Coast are the same person.

And, what's your point? Nowadays, they call that synergy. Again, NO ONE is forced to live at LHN. You can rent ANYWHERE.

my point wasn't to engage you in conversation, it was to engage those who have beef with the setup. it was to allow those individuals to make connections and better understand why the amenities and services in LH are the way they are...there is no room for competition.
Also, not everyone rents in LH, which means that there might be potential for change.

Posted on: 2014/10/15 15:03

Re: Gold Coast Broadband & Verizon Fios
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bodhipooh wrote:

Thatantperson wrote:
Isn't this illegal? Can we file a class action lawsuit or something?

What is it that you think is illegal?? Many buildings enter into exclusive contracts with a given provider in exchange for some perks (free cable access for common areas, free wiring of the building, etc) and the people who CHOOSE to live in the building are stuck with the provider who holds the exclusivity contract. If you don't like the provider, you can choose to not rent in that building.

I believe that the developer of LH and the owner of Gold Coast are the same person.

Posted on: 2014/10/14 19:35

Re: Goods & Greens replaces DOCO Market in HP - CLOSED
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Gotcha! Yeah, completely talking about the wrong thing. Good luck to the organic market.


nemobeatz wrote:
I believe he was talking about the market NEAR UR. UR itself seems to be doing pretty well, don't think they're going anywhere anytime soon!


immigrationlawyer wrote:

CatDog wrote:
That's why I think the new Organic Market thing by Union Republic is going to go under. I've walked in and they have lots of specialty items but no vegetables or fruits right now, and I'm not sure where they would fit them when they are able to. And yet they have a huge display of charcoal up front. Why would you stock giant bags of charcoal in a shop that size? Stock something that people are going to actually buy. Is someone going to carry that 40lb sack of charcoal home?

Haven't been in there in a few weeks, but i would imagine the charcoal is for people who want to buy their meat and grill at home. I highly doubt they're expecting big $ from the fridge off to the side that sells random specialty items. I've probably spent more money at Union Republic since they opened than any restaurant in JC. I've bought meat several times and have eaten there a handful of times. I've also enjoyed their art exhibit a few months back. I hope they survive. One of the few unique and good restaurant establishments that has opened recently in JC.

Posted on: 2014/8/26 18:47

Re: Goods & Greens replaces DOCO Market in HP - CLOSED
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CatDog wrote:
That's why I think the new Organic Market thing by Union Republic is going to go under. I've walked in and they have lots of specialty items but no vegetables or fruits right now, and I'm not sure where they would fit them when they are able to. And yet they have a huge display of charcoal up front. Why would you stock giant bags of charcoal in a shop that size? Stock something that people are going to actually buy. Is someone going to carry that 40lb sack of charcoal home?

Haven't been in there in a few weeks, but i would imagine the charcoal is for people who want to buy their meat and grill at home. I highly doubt they're expecting big $ from the fridge off to the side that sells random specialty items. I've probably spent more money at Union Republic since they opened than any restaurant in JC. I've bought meat several times and have eaten there a handful of times. I've also enjoyed their art exhibit a few months back. I hope they survive. One of the few unique and good restaurant establishments that has opened recently in JC.

Posted on: 2014/8/26 18:25

Re: JC in NY Times article on "Life After Brooklyn"
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Lima17 wrote:

user1111 wrote:

papadage wrote:
Grits and eggs and Lou's on Ocean?

I'll repeat. Narrow minded, provincial little fools.

This is the most interesting place I have been to in a long time. I prefer dtjc peeps to stay in their lane.

If you promise to keep your lovely residents in your lane, you've got yourself a deal.

don't you mean "peeps"...

Posted on: 2014/8/25 20:23

Re: Legal advice needed
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Here are your current 9 Regent short-term apartment rental options: You can see that SkyCity is quite prevalent throughout the high-rise rentals in JC.

This is nothing new, although I agree that it sucks.

Posted on: 2014/8/20 15:25

Re: How can JC become the best mid-sized city in the US?
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mmmcoffee wrote:

immigrationlawyer wrote:

Old-Skool-JC wrote:

immigrationlawyer wrote:

Old-Skool-JC wrote:
Well said DonnaJC65. Jersey City, born and bred here.



immigrationlawyer wrote:
I agree that more pride is key to future success. I'm not sure about the Newport area, but I think Jersey City pride is on the rise elsewhere. Here's a good example of some recent JC pride:

This is the third time you have shilled for that awful blog by that awful woman.

Haha you're obviously an angry old turd. FYI quoting my post helps my shilling. Good work Tonto.

Great lawyer, asserts I am angry, old and a turd with no evidence.
Please inform me why you think the illiterate ramblings of a self-obsessed, self-promoting and, quite frankly, badly dressed woman counts as civic pride.
The entire blog is about her, not Jersey City.

1. Your screen name starts with "Old". That's a fact.
2. You have stated that a blog about Jersey City, that largely focuses on young artists and businesses of Jersey City, is awful, so I would assume you're an "angry" person if something like that equates to awful to you.
3. Finishing it off with "turd" gave it a nice jingle. I guess you're right, I don't have strong evidence that you're in fact a "turd".

Many of the posts are about her, but an even larger number are about the thriving arts, culture and small business scene in Jersey City. Revisit the blog and the posts.

Oh please- no one in JC is taking that blog seriously unless you are an already struggling business who is desperate for ANY kind of free promotion. Her blog is an excuse to post a thousand photos of herself with JC as a backdrop. There's a reason there aren't that many "JC Fashion Bloggers"- because it's just as ridiculous as it sounds! She's not exposing any arts and culture that anyone who lives here doesn't already know about (and sorry but unless you live in JC you aren't going to find our "thriving" arts and culture scene all that interesting compared to other cities). It's just an excuse for her to fill up her MEMEMEMEME blog. It's embarrassing to have someone who presumably just moved here try to promote JC via ~*fashion blog/vanity project*~.

Wow, you're really passionate about hating the blog (free shill opportunity - and chasing me around jclist for my "shilling". I hope you also use that passion in a positive way, instead of just espousing negativity and criticism.

Posted on: 2014/7/31 15:23

Re: How can JC become the best mid-sized city in the US?
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Yvonne wrote:
Because I said we need more parking in JC for tourist makes me an angry person? Boy, you are some lawyer and I definitely hope you never become a judge. The fact is NYC which is a destination city has plenty of parking garages plus the subway. If JC wants to be serious about tourism, it must have garages. I disagree with the statement that JC have enough parking. We are reading on this site, people asking if there is parking available somewhere and these people live here.

haha wtf are you talking about? I never said you're angry. My last post wasn't in reply to you. Are you and "Old-Skool-JC" the same person?! Old-Skool-JC did just post his/her first post yesterday, yet he/she did seem fairly acquainted with prior activity in the board....hmmm.

Posted on: 2014/7/31 14:12

Re: How can JC become the best mid-sized city in the US?
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Old-Skool-JC wrote:

immigrationlawyer wrote:

Old-Skool-JC wrote:
Well said DonnaJC65. Jersey City, born and bred here.



immigrationlawyer wrote:
I agree that more pride is key to future success. I'm not sure about the Newport area, but I think Jersey City pride is on the rise elsewhere. Here's a good example of some recent JC pride:

This is the third time you have shilled for that awful blog by that awful woman.

Haha you're obviously an angry old turd. FYI quoting my post helps my shilling. Good work Tonto.

Great lawyer, asserts I am angry, old and a turd with no evidence.
Please inform me why you think the illiterate ramblings of a self-obsessed, self-promoting and, quite frankly, badly dressed woman counts as civic pride.
The entire blog is about her, not Jersey City.

1. Your screen name starts with "Old". That's a fact.
2. You have stated that a blog about Jersey City, that largely focuses on young artists and businesses of Jersey City, is awful, so I would assume you're an "angry" person if something like that equates to awful to you.
3. Finishing it off with "turd" gave it a nice jingle. I guess you're right, I don't have strong evidence that you're in fact a "turd".

Many of the posts are about her, but an even larger number are about the thriving arts, culture and small business scene in Jersey City. Revisit the blog and the posts.

Posted on: 2014/7/31 13:59

Re: How can JC become the best mid-sized city in the US?
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Yvonne wrote:
I have been to many cities in the USA, my husband and I travel by car. Every place we visited had parking available including restaurants, stores, parks, museums, etc. The lack of parking lots will hurt JC, tourists do not travel by bikes.

I can't wait for there to be less parking and hopefully cars in JC. You're living in the past, lady. Times have changed.

Posted on: 2014/7/31 13:28

Re: How can JC become the best mid-sized city in the US?
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Old-Skool-JC wrote:
Well said DonnaJC65. Jersey City, born and bred here.



immigrationlawyer wrote:
I agree that more pride is key to future success. I'm not sure about the Newport area, but I think Jersey City pride is on the rise elsewhere. Here's a good example of some recent JC pride:

This is the third time you have shilled for that awful blog by that awful woman.

Haha you're obviously an angry old turd. FYI quoting my post helps my shilling. Good work Tonto.

Posted on: 2014/7/31 1:56

Re: How can JC become the best mid-sized city in the US?
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user1111 wrote:

dtjcview wrote:

What would you like to see in JC?

More Pride! Where I grew up, even though folks from Manhattan were always making fun of us, Brooklyn people are full of pride from Brownsville to Williamsburg we loved BK and most New Yorkers love New York and proud to be from there.

I have noticed here most people that grew up here and lived here most of their lives hate Jersey City and is looking for a way out.

The new comers especially down in Newport say they are from Newport not Jersey City. I met a tourist in Manhattan a few months ago who was seeking directions back to his hotel in Newport City. I was confused for about a minute then after dissecting his German accent I realized he was trying to get back to Newport in Jersey City.

My point is we are even deceiving tourist into thinking they are not even lodging in Jersey City.

I never seen such hate coming from residents. I think that's why our streets are dirty, and our city is divided.
Jersey City has a stigma about it, its considered dirty, unsafe, with shady politics. I think the best promotion we can do at this time is clean up govt, so the residents can fall in love with the city. Jersey City IMO will continue to be a transient city for newbies who will live here before getting married and then returning back to the Midwest or India.

When is the Jersey City Pride Parade?

I agree that more pride is key to future success. I'm not sure about the Newport area, but I think Jersey City pride is on the rise elsewhere. Here's a good example of some recent JC pride:

Posted on: 2014/7/29 16:04

Re: You can tell a lot about a person by the way he treats the waiter
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jmiz wrote:

immigrationlawyer wrote:
Interesting that you injected the statement "how we're all idiots". Your first post in this thread clearly suggests you're an idiot and your follow-up clearly suggests you're a bigot. Assuming mscottc is not an idiot and bigot, he/she is better than you.

The real idiot is anyone who takes that tipping chart seriously, and then gets their panties in a bunch over comments about said chart. Which is, (not) surprisingly, about half of the people who have posted in this thread.

Yes, I did say that chart is based on scientific fact. And a few of you morons took me seriously. How fucking dense can you be.

I'm glad that my sarcastic comment about a made up chart has ruffled so many feathers.

dude, your panties are clearly all bunched up. you're clearly very angry...settle down.

Posted on: 2014/7/28 14:39

Re: You can tell a lot about a person by the way he treats the waiter
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jmiz wrote:

mscottc wrote:
Excuse me?

As a member of the Jewish tribe, I'd like to know where you get your information. I'll gladly compare my tipping practices to yours. Blah blah blah blah blah.

I received my information directly from chart that fat-ass-bike posted above, which means my original quote was based on scientific fact. You should now get uptight and post a long paragraph about how I'm a bigot, how you're better than me, and how we're all idiots.

What you can do now is unclench your fists, douse some cold water on the steam coming out of your ears, and reread the thread to see just how ridiculous you sound.

Interesting that you injected the statement "how we're all idiots". Your first post in this thread clearly suggests you're an idiot and your follow-up clearly suggests you're a bigot. Assuming mscottc is not an idiot and bigot, he/she is better than you.

Posted on: 2014/7/28 0:35

Re: The Coffee Shop near Grove PATH
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tommyc_37 wrote:

Honestly, the owner of this place should spend a day walking around any decent neighborhood in Brooklyn and take notes on the restaurants and bars, rather than modeling something after Hobroken.

Great advice for anyone opening a business in JC. Please don't turn this place into Hoboken.

Posted on: 2014/7/19 13:41

Re: Cherry Picked - new ice cream shop on Grove
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I had my doubts but the ice cream is actually very good...they're not bsing with the super premium pitch. 3.50 for a small is not cheap but it was very rich and satisfying. Quality over quantity.

Posted on: 2014/7/19 1:01

Re: H2O Aquarium - Jersey Avenue
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SRhia wrote:
I walked by today and noticed there are big signs on the window saying they're moving? Does anyone know to where? It may be posted on the windows but I was walking on the other side of the street so didn't see anything in that regard. TIA.

I heard queens.

Posted on: 2014/7/8 23:07

Re: Cherry Picked - new ice cream shop on Grove
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Just curious, but what's their selling point? organic? i wonder if they are the proprietors of the last place that was there and they just decided to give this a shot. maybe they still had the lease or they own the building.

Posted on: 2014/6/24 16:45

Re: Look Who Made It Onto Buzzfeed at #27.
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mmmcoffee wrote:

immigrationlawyer wrote:
top notch detective work. now, to get you even angrier and more pissed off at the world than you already are...if you actually go to the home page ( - yes, "shrilling") and took 10 seconds to scroll down the screen beyond the most recent post you will find posts on the following JC ONLY TOPICS:

-Goods & Greens
-A Sound Start
-various JC artists
-660 Studios
-Bistro La Source
-Hamilton Park
-Tiny Greenhouse
-Another Man's Treasure
-The Warehouse Cafe
-Bambino Chef

and on and on...

Hey no one's angry- just making an observation. No doubt that it is a fashion blog based out of JC but it seems odd to link to it when the subject at hand has their own website. It looks like you link to that blog quite often and apparently get very defensive when that fact is noticed.

nah, just shrillin!!!

Posted on: 2014/6/23 17:47

Re: Look Who Made It Onto Buzzfeed at #27.
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top notch detective work. now, to get you even angrier and more pissed off at the world than you already are...if you actually go to the home page ( - yes, "shrilling") and took 10 seconds to scroll down the screen beyond the most recent post you will find posts on the following JC ONLY TOPICS:

-Goods & Greens
-A Sound Start
-various JC artists
-660 Studios
-Bistro La Source
-Hamilton Park
-Tiny Greenhouse
-Another Man's Treasure
-The Warehouse Cafe
-Bambino Chef

and on and on...

Posted on: 2014/6/23 17:34

Re: Look Who Made It Onto Buzzfeed at #27.
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mmmcoffee wrote:

nemobeatz wrote:


immigrationlawyer wrote:

mmmcoffee wrote:

nemobeatz wrote:

malcontent wrote:
Does anyone know their story? I see them downtown a lot.

How about actually promoting their website instead of trying to get hits for some corny fashion blog?

b/c you can promote JC and big hair girls.

Except for the fact that 1) that's a link to a fashion blog and 2) if you have managed to find your way to JClist I'm pretty sure you don't need any more "promotion" for the city you probably already live in.

1) technically it's not just a fashion blog, t's a blog devoted to "FASHION, FOOD, FUN AND ALL THINGS AWESOME IN JERSEY CITY"
2) that makes no sense. people who live and work in a city can promote their city. the tentacles of the world wide web are pretty far reaching.

Posted on: 2014/6/23 16:58

Re: Look Who Made It Onto Buzzfeed at #27.
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mmmcoffee wrote:

nemobeatz wrote:


malcontent wrote:
Does anyone know their story? I see them downtown a lot.

How about actually promoting their website instead of trying to get hits for some corny fashion blog?

b/c you can promote JC and big hair girls.

Posted on: 2014/6/23 16:20

JC local celebs
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Posted on: 2014/6/20 0:42

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