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Re: Charles T. Epps Jr. running for Ward A City Council with Healy
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Not too shy to talk

Our worst enemy is the young ladies," and "The young girls are bad. I don't know what they're drinking today, but they're bad." Charles Epps 2011

Real Ladies vote for Real men, if they know what is good for them!
On election day Vote
Healy, Epps and Gonzalez 2013
The team that makes sure women know there place since 2004

Posted on: 2013/3/14 16:25

Re: corporate takeover of jc youtube video
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Not too shy to talk


Vigilante wrote:
I have lived in DTJC for 25 years

Only 25 years? Interloper!

Posted on: 2013/2/22 18:36

Re: corporate takeover of jc youtube video
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Not too shy to talk

The magic of video editing and only showing fragments of bigger statements show nothing here. This would be laughable if it wasn't so stupid.

Posted on: 2013/2/22 16:11

Re: Heights: 4th of partygoer attacked man with aluminum baseball bat causing severe head injuries
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Not too shy to talk

They were both in there 40's not 16. What would a curfew have done in this case?

Posted on: 2011/7/8 1:57

Re: Drug bust in Heights nets more than 16 pounds of marijuana, most of it packaged for distribution
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Not too shy to talk


Posted on: 2011/5/21 0:56

Re: advice on commute to Manhattan
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Not too shy to talk will give you the best possible mass transit routes

Posted on: 2011/5/12 23:10

Re: Jersey police officer uniforms looking sloppy
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Not too shy to talk

Is this all the cops or A cop you saw that day and decided this is really worth your time to write about?

Posted on: 2011/5/12 21:31

Re: Downtown: Williamsburg's Barcade (Bar Arcade) Coming to Newark Avenue
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Not too shy to talk

Take it back to williamsburg. Soon jersey city will be over run by beards and ironic t-shirts.

Posted on: 2011/4/13 17:54

Re: Coed Adult Rugby (non-tackle) in Downtown JC
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Not too shy to talk

I'm recovering from back surgery so it will be a little while before I'm in shape to play. I am in perfect shape for the after game meet ups though.

Posted on: 2011/4/5 2:40

Re: One of Jersey City Mayor Healy's sons arrested on domestic violence charge in Hoboken
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Not too shy to talk

I don't disagree with your point of on the job morality rates. My point wasn't the rate of deaths in the public safety fields. Farmers as noble a profession as it is do not have anything to do with maintaining law and order or protect lives and property as the PD and the FD do.

I am electrician if i fall from a bucket truck or get hit by high voltage these are the guys who come get me. I don't believe in heroes. what i do believe in are guys who do a job protecting us getting paid a good wage. I don't care if they get paid 100,000 dollars a year at the end of the day its dirty dangerous work.
If you think that they are a drain on the cities budget maybe you should have a look at fraud, waste and abuse by elected officials. I would but a weeks pay that cops and fire fighters salaries are a drop in the bucket.

I don't really care for the statistics in that line of work its not a matter of how many times it happens because for these men and women it only has to happen once.

with that said I'm now over this thread PEACE!

Posted on: 2011/4/4 19:07

Re: Coed Adult Rugby (non-tackle) in Downtown JC
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Not too shy to talk

I'd like to play. I never have before, but i've allways been interested in the sport.

Posted on: 2011/4/4 15:23

Re: One of Jersey City Mayor Healy's sons arrested on domestic violence charge in Hoboken
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Not too shy to talk

Well, you didnt do your homework I see. The Govnt did steer public funds to the Banks 2 years ago in the form of a Bail out and without any impunity for the banks. Yes, dont you just love that????
WOW you got me. I consider myself zinged! Yes i do know the mayor didn't give money money to bankers and lawyers. Its called sarcasm. I'm not sure if you ever heard about it. here is a little reading on the subject: Definition of SARCASM 1: a sharp and often satirical or ironic utterance designed to cut or give pain 2a : a mode of satirical wit depending for its effect on bitter, caustic, and often ironic language that is usually directed against an individual b : the use or language of sarcasm See sarcasm defined for English-language learners ? Examples of SARCASM a voice full of sarcasm ?That was my favorite show yet this tour,? Banks says. ?I love audiences that are ambivalent.? For a second, I think he's laying on the sarcasm, until he continues. ?I really like the chance to win people over.? ?David Peisner, Spin, August 2007 ?The best part of being single,? Bryce Donovan jokes, ?is being able to choose any woman I want to shoot me down.? Such self-deprecating sarcasm is the trademark of this newsman's four-year-old weekly column ?It Beats Working? in the Charleston Post and Courier. ?People, 26 June 2006 ?But see,? I say ? ?in my line of work I'm supposed to dress in a way that makes clients feel sorry for me, or better yet superior to me. I think I accomplish that pretty well.? Paul looks over at me again with a distasteful look that might be ready to slide into sarcasm, only he doesn't know if I'm making fun of him. He says nothing. ?Richard Ford, Independence Day, (1995) 1996 [+]more[-]hide Origin of SARCASM French or Late Latin; French sarcasme, from Late Latin sarcasmos, from Greek sarkasmos, from sarkazein to tear flesh, bite the lips in rage, sneer, from sark-, sarx flesh; probably akin to Avestan thwarəs- to cut First Known Use: 1550

Posted on: 2011/4/4 14:49

Re: One of Jersey City Mayor Healy's sons arrested on domestic violence charge in Hoboken
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Not too shy to talk

They do go into burning buildings. They need to ensure that building is clear of victims, that is an undisputed fact! I've seen it with my own eyes. also tell me what good is breathing apparatus if the building collapses on top of them. Do water lines really help when they are pulling mangled bodies out of car wrecks. They do allot more then sit at the station waiting for JUST fires. They also do EMT jobs, fire safety, wrecks, maintain gear so that its in good working order, and they train and drill constantly, but because YOU don't see it i guess it doesn't happen. I hear the trucks roll out of the fire house at the end of my block sometimes once an hour, some days more then that. I've seen them park the trucks get out and then alarm goes off again and off they go again. I'm also sure there are days where they go 2 or 3 maybe even 5 or 6 hours without a call. If so with that kind of work load they deserve the down time. would it make you happy if they were filling pot holes or doing crossing guard duty when not on the line.

As far as the police, in our own city 2 years ago an officer was shot in killed in a gun battle. He had both a vest and backup, and some how the magic force field that you seem to think surrounds officers wearing vests did not stop the bullet that struck and killed him.

Bullet prof vests, scott packs, water hoses, and bunker gear don't not magically stop bullets, collapses, hepatitis, knife wielding maniacs, heavily armed gang members, mentally disturbed individuals, car wrecks or anything else that goes bump in the night.

I'm sure there are a few bad apples in both of these groups of people. Just like there are at any job anywhere in the world. None of them are super humans and some of them maybe not be the most moral of persons either but it doesn't make their job any easier. Even if the cop or fireman/women is the biggest a-hole on the planet they still respond to call when called upon or ordered.
I have no problem with them or with what they get paid and I'm glad they are there. When scumbags like the michigan milita or al qaeda hit our cities who has to go into these hell holes. Think about it.

Thanks JCPD & JCFD
You have supporters out there!

Posted on: 2011/4/4 14:43

Re: One of Jersey City Mayor Healy's sons arrested on domestic violence charge in Hoboken
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

I completely agree that people that are prepared to run into a burning building to save you and your families lives, and in some cases even your pets are over paid. Cops also they get paid way to much for confronting armed gang members, junkies and other degenerates. These welfare rats have been sucking at the teets of the tax payer for way to long!

I would also like to add the bankers and lawyers are way under paid and if there is any way to steer public funds towards them would be a great help in the horrible fiscal times.

Posted on: 2011/4/4 0:30

Re: Bayonne or Jersey City Heights?
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Not too shy to talk

To xerxes,

What are you talking about? I've lived about a block away from washington park for almost 5 years now. What gang problem are you referring too? It is a given that in just about any major urban area there are going to be gangs, but to suggest that area has a gang problem is ridiculous. I take my kid to that park just about everyday and maybe a handful of times (if i were to make a prejudice prejudgement) I have seen people that fit the profile for gangsters. If you stopped playing world of warcraft and go outside every once in awhile you could see that Its not such a bad place

Peace and chicken grease,

Posted on: 2010/5/17 20:14

Re: Are there drug dealers loitering near Helen's Pizza?
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

first English is my first language I'm just not very gooder at it.

secondly, thanks it takes a village.

Posted on: 2010/5/17 19:40

Re: what to do about neighbor's trash?
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Not too shy to talk

I see you have made your choice!

Posted on: 2010/5/17 19:33

Re: what to do about neighbor's trash?
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Not too shy to talk

Sounds like you have 2 choices 1. Move it yourself. or 2. live with it.

Posted on: 2010/5/17 19:28

Re: Are there drug dealers loitering near Helen's Pizza?
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

Attention car 28, white yuppies are complaining of brown people in front of the pizzeria, please respond over.

Posted on: 2010/5/17 19:13

Re: Gasoline Bomb in Jersey City this morning.
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

It may be for the best the food there was horrible. It was only a matter of time befor it went under anyway.

Posted on: 2010/5/17 17:12




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