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Re: Let's Plan Demonstrations Against the Covid Tyranny!
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Also, all over eastern Australia, there are massive protests. But it seems too little too late there.

Posted on: 2021/10/1 20:32

Let's Plan Demonstrations Against the Covid Tyranny!
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All over Europe there have been huge and spontaneous demonstrations against the Covid tyranny. Why are we doing nothing. The two biggest anti vax groups are PhDs and Blacks. Lets make our voices heard.

I am an employment lawyer. A year ago, no one would have defended the firing of employees in private or public sectors under the current circumstances. T

Even if, arguendo, the vaccine is safe and provides some protection, this tyranny must be opposed or else the rule of law will be done and then there will be no place to hide.

Posted on: 2021/10/1 20:31

Re: Trial Date is Set for Jersey City’s January 6 Insurrectionist Hector Vargas
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Free our political prisoners!

Posted on: 2021/9/29 21:08

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
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This article summarizes the world of the anti vaxers. ... /vaccine-death-report.pdf It is explicitly conspiratorial. One author is a GP, trained in upstate NY boarded at Lenox Hill. Not sure the other. I read it quickly and when I came to the part where it said that the Pandemic of 1918 was really a vaccine pandemic, I thought that was absurd and that the entire papers was, therefore, suspect.

Low and behold, it turns out that mainstream history actually mentions the vaccine conspiracy theory for 1918!

The world just keeps getting more and more weird.

Posted on: 2021/9/29 21:08

Re: McNair Junior Organizes Local Protest on Oct. 3 Against Texas Abortion Law
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I know people in this post Christian society have strong feelings about the need to be able to murder inconvenient children, but there is no way Roe v. Wade is coherent Constitutional law. The Texas law should be upheld and Roe reversed. It will be of now import though to these McNair students who are padding their resumes.

Posted on: 2021/9/29 13:55

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
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The article in Nature reports that the study was withdrawn but hardly asserts anything definitive against Ivermectin. And it is a sad truth that the most hallowed scientific journals have been prostituted, e.g. The Lancet publishing the Open letter of 100 Signatories who were corralled by Drazick to falsely assert that it was highly unlikely that the virus was made in a lab (we now know it was very likely to have been made in a lab, and very likely Wuhan Lab 4).

To what extent then do you believe in free speech?

Or freedom to control one's medical treatment?

You clearly do not believe in discussion or argument based on reason and fact.

Also, I guess you are just a hater since I have asked you several times why you wish people who refuse the vaccine to die. Would one say this about anyone else? Substitute heroine addict or homosexual or Amish person or Christian Scientist....No person would foam at the mouth wishing their suffering and death....Yet you continue to do that for those who are not vaccinated.

I, btw, had the virus. Why in the world would I get the shot when the adverse effects occur 5X more frequently if you had the virus (and natural immunity is the best, broadest, and most robust).

On a very different point, and not to put you in to orbit, but some of us have sincerely held beliefs that the use of stem cells from aborted fetuses makes acceptance of the vaccine cooperation with material evil.

Posted on: 2021/8/20 20:14

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
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Ah carumba, Rivera and Papadage. As I said, I hope you are correct. I pray you are correct. Please give me real studies that take my experts on and not merely propoganda.

Why are we tolerating such a high level of adverse effects?

Why are we outlawing Ivermectin?

Why is the efficacy of the vaccine overstated?

If the vaccines work, why the coercion?

Why is free speech considered so offensive?

Why the personal attacks. Both of you jump to attack my competency as a lawyer. I would say that I am more competent than the average lawyer but I know I can improve.



Posted on: 2021/8/20 19:01

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
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ear Papadage:

Thank you for the link about Hoffe. I am glad to see criticism of his understanding of the d-dimer test. Dr. Hoffe, I believe, never asserted that this was peer reviewed and indicated it was his own research and his own clinical experience. Let's hope he is wrong, but he does not appear to be a quack. The debunking sites are just attack machines.

Brindle, a medical professor with a distinguished career who has been canceled is not a quack The article you cite, merely asserts that the spike protein is not dangerous. We know that is false because the dangerous side effects are a result of the spike protein. Even if these were rare (they do not seem to be rare enough), the spike protein is the mechanism. I think it is admitted that the spike protein was designed to stay in the arm muscle and not circulate, but that is not what happens. It goes everywhere

Weinstein, contra your assertion, says a lot about the dangers of the vaccine, the unconscionable behaviour of big pharma, and the efficacy of various treatments, e.g. Ivermectin and hydroxichloriquen.

McCullough lied about his affiliations. Medpage is hysterical anti anti vax. Lied? He had a long career with Baylor. If it ended in Feb 2021 in retaliation for his whistleblowing, how does that undermine his credibility?

I read the medical stuff as a layman and as someone who regularly cross examines medical witnesses. I think your bias prevents you from seeing any of the uncertainty and the real questions and dangers as well as the real inadequacies of the vaccines. The public was told about relative efficacy, not absolute efficacy and so these really don't work.

I have a pretty good grasp of the US Constitution, in fact, and represent many civil rights plaintiffs. These executive orders are all illegal and without basis. The courts are simply showing themselves to be useless. Vaccine mandates are not constitutional. Mask mandates are not constitutional. The CDC suspending evictions is ridiculously unconstitutional and a basis for impeaching Biden since he has tried to bolster this.

Remember, the Constitution has separation of powers and limits governmental action. That has all gone out the window. We need to fight to restore it.



Dr. Rivera- again you merely attack and do not reason.

Posted on: 2021/8/20 18:07

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
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Dear Papadage:

You are very pointed in your opinion. Why would you wish harm to anyone. I am, frankly,terrified of the vaccine based on the reports of very competent people such as Drs. Hoffe (Vancouver), Brindle (Ontario), Weinstein (Portland OR), McCullough (Texas), Hodgkinson (Ontario), Gert Vander Bossh [sp?] (Belgium) etc etc. These doctors are having their professional lives and personal lives destroyed by the vaccines forces. All of these experts are leaders in their fields which range from virology, epidemiology, evolutionary biology, internal medicine, etc. A young security guard at my office died of the shot, leaving two children. A young man at church had a heart attack at 36 two weeks after the second Pfizer. He is agnostic about the connection but had no prior heart disease, no elevated cholesterol,, no family history.

I am a lawyer and I am also freaked out by the complete over reach of the government. Where are the civil libertarians. None of this is legal. All of these measures are contrary to the normal public health response and follow the Chinese Communist Model. Not a great precedent!

Yet, I pray daily that no one is harmed from the vaccines. Almost everyone I know and love is vaccinated! But even if I knew no one who was vaccinated, I would stilll never wish them harm. Also I pray for mild disease for anyone suffering from the virus, which is the norm overwhelming, for those with the virus.

How can you actually wish and exult in the death and suffering of the unvaccinated? Schaedenfraude is a vice you know. Do not let yourself become such a creature of this current hysteria. I am sure you are a better person than that.

Also, try to express yourself in standard English as this is not a locker room.



Posted on: 2021/8/20 16:11

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
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Dear Rivera:

Yea- I wondered about the authors' qualifications too! The wiki page on Stephanie Seneff indicates that she has a BS in biophysics, Masters in Electrical Engineering and PhD in Computer Science. However, they are all form MIT. According to wikipedia, she has been doing public health stuff since 2011 which has garnered significant criticism. And the co-author, as you not is a naturopath, who might have valid things to say about lifestyle (drink less alcohol and more turmeric tea, lol. It says its an "open journal" but "peer reviewed." So thanks- I'm taking this one cum grana sale.

But the others who have alarmed me are highly qualified.

Also, the dissenters are facing extreme attacks for what they are saying. They have nothing to gain.

In contrast, the doctors and researches supporting the narrative are rewarded.

A friend keeps sending me articles from The Atlantic. However, Covid coverage at the magazine is paid for by J&J and Facebook. Thus, nothing in its coverage can be considered trustworthy.

I had already many doubts about the CDC, the WHO, etc, by May 2020. But when these groups all supported mass demonstrations often violent in the streets "because racism was a worse virus than covid," I adopted the posture of "assume they are lying."

Anyway, I don't you, Dr. Rivera, but I assume you are of good will. Not sure why you were so snarky in your response. I ardently hope and pray that the misgivings of some scientists about the vaccine are wrong as almost everyone I know and love is vaccinated.



Posted on: 2021/8/16 16:25

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
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Kind of technical, but one gets the idea. If this was published in May, all of this had to have been known from virtually the roll of out the vaccines. Much more has come out since May. Why is the campaign to vax only intensifying? And the lead author is from MIT. Not sure if Sutherland and Dr. Rivera would consider him a X&% moron.

Posted on: 2021/8/12 14:59

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
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Posted on: 2021/8/9 19:56

Re: Music Program for Latin Mass at Our Lady of Sorrows, Clerk Street,
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Well, there has been a steady growth in the Latin Mass over the last twenty years despite many obstacles. David Gibson and the progressives meanwhile go to Novus Ordo Masses that get stranger and whose flocks get older and older. The Novus Ordo world shut down completely during the Pandemic revealing a lot.
In France, btw, which has a long experience with the issues of progressives in charge starting with the French Revolution, more faithful go to the Latin Mass than the new Mass. This is the reality.

Posted on: 2021/7/22 20:52

Re: Music Program for Latin Mass at Our Lady of Sorrows, Clerk Street,
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Posted on: 2021/7/22 16:50

Re: Music Program for Latin Mass at Our Lady of Sorrows, Clerk Street,
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FYI, the Latin Mass is continuing at Our Lady of Sorrows. Indications are that the bishops in France, the UK, and the USA are responding in a pastoral manner in support of Tradition.

Posted on: 2021/7/22 13:54

Re: Music Program for Latin Mass at Our Lady of Sorrows, Clerk Street,
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er on the New TLM Restrictions
Cardinal Gerhard Mueller

MONDAY, JULY 19, 2021

The pope’s intention with his motu proprio, Traditionis Custodes, is to secure or restore the unity of the Church. The proposed means for this is the total unification of the Roman Rite in the form of the Missal of Paul VI (including its subsequent variations). Therefore, the celebration of Mass in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite, as introduced by Pope Benedict XVI with Summorum pontificum (2007) on the basis of the Missal that existed from Pius V (1570) to John XXIII (1962), has been drastically restricted. The clear intent is to condemn the Extraordinary Form to extinction in the long run.

In his “Letter to the Bishops of the Whole World,” which accompanies the motu proprio, Pope Francis tries to explain the motives that have caused him, as the bearer of the supreme authority of the Church, to limit the liturgy in the extraordinary form. Beyond the presentation of his subjective reactions, however, a stringent and logically comprehensible theological argumentation would also have been appropriate. For papal authority does not consist in superficially demanding from the faithful mere obedience, i.e., a formal submission of the will, but, much more essentially, in enabling the faithful also to be convinced with consent of the mind. As St. Paul, courteous towards his often quite unruly Corinthians, said, “in the church I would rather speak five words with my mind, so as to instruct others also, than ten thousand words in tongues.” (1 Cor 14:19)

This dichotomy between good intention and poor execution always arises where the objections of competent employees are perceived as an obstruction of their superiors’ intentions, and which are, therefore, not even offered. As welcome as the references to Vatican II may be, care must be taken to ensure that the Council’s statements are used precisely and in context. The quotation from St. Augustine about membership in the Church “according to the body” and “according to the heart” (Lumen Gentium 14) refers to the full Church membership of the Catholic faith. It consists in the visible incorporation into the body of Christ (creedal, sacramental, ecclesiastical-hierarchical communion) as well as in the union of the heart, i.e. in the Holy Spirit. What this means, however, is not obedience to the pope and the bishops in the discipline of the sacraments, but sanctifying grace, which fully involves us in the invisible Church as communion with the Triune God.

For the unity in the confession of the revealed faith and the celebration of the mysteries of grace in the seven sacraments by no means require sterile uniformity in the external liturgical form, as if the Church were like one of the international hotel chains with their homogenous design. The unity of believers with one another is rooted in unity in God through faith, hope, and love and has nothing to do with uniformity in appearance, the lockstep of a military formation, or the groupthink of the big-tech age.

Even after the Council of Trent, there always was a certain diversity (musical, celebratory, regional) in the liturgical organization of Masses. The intention of Pope Pius V was not to suppress the variety of rites, but rather to curb the abuses that had led to a devastating lack of understanding among the Protestant Reformers regarding the substance of the sacrifice of the Mass (its Sacrificial character and Real Presence). In the Missal of Paul VI, ritualistic (rubricist) homogenization is broken up, precisely in order to overcome a mechanical execution in favor of an inner and outer active participation of all believers in their respective languages and cultures. The unity of the Latin rite, however, should be preserved through the same basic liturgical structure and the precise orientation of the translations to the Latin original.

The Roman Church must not pass on its responsibility for unity in cult to the Bishops’ Conferences. Rome must oversee translation of the normative texts of the Missal of Paul VI, and even of the biblical texts, that might obscure the contents of the faith. Presumptions that one may “improve” the verba domini (e.g. pro multis – “for many” – at the consecration, the et ne nos inducas in tentationem – “and lead us not into temptation” – in the Our Father), contradict the truth of the faith and the unity of the Church much more than celebrating Mass according to the Missal of John XXIII.

The key to a Catholic understanding of the liturgy lies in the insight that the substance of the sacraments is given to the Church as a visible sign and means of the invisible grace by virtue of divine law, but that it is up to the Apostolic See and, in accordance with the law, to the bishops to order the external form of the liturgy (insofar as it has not already existed since apostolic times). (Sacrosanctum Concilium, 22 § 1)

The provisions of Traditionis Custodes are of a disciplinary, not dogmatic nature and can be modified again by any future pope. Naturally, the pope, in his concern for the unity of the Church in the revealed faith, is to be fully supported when the celebration of Holy Mass according to the Missal of 1962 is an expression of resistance to the authority of Vatican II, which is to say, when the doctrine of the faith and the Church’s ethics are relativized or even denied in the liturgical and pastoral order.

In Traditionis Custodes, the pope rightly insists on the unconditional recognition of Vatican II. Nobody can call himself a Catholic who either wants to go back behind Vatican II (or any other council recognized by the pope) as the time of the “true” Church or wants to leave that Church behind as an intermediate step towards a “new Church.” One may measure Pope Francis’ will to return to unity the deplored so-called “traditionalists” (i.e., those opposed to the Missal of Paul VI) against the degree of his determination to put an end to the innumerable “progressivist” abuses of the liturgy (renewed in accordance with Vatican II) that are tantamount to blasphemy. The paganization of the Catholic liturgy – which is in its essence nothing other than the worship of the One and Triune God – through the mythologization of nature, the idolatry of environment and climate, as well as the Pachamama spectacle, were rather counterproductive for the restoration and renewal of a dignified and orthodox liturgy reflective of the fulness of the Catholic faith.

Nobody can turn a blind eye to the fact that even those priests and laypeople who celebrate Mass according to the order of the Missal of St. Paul VI are now being widely decried as traditionalist. The teachings of Vatican II on the uniqueness of redemption in Christ, the full realization of the Church of Christ in the Catholic Church, the inner essence of the Catholic liturgy as adoration of God and mediation of grace, Revelation and its presence in Scripture and Apostolic Tradition, the infallibility of the magisterium, the primacy of the pope, the sacramentality of the Church, the dignity of the priesthood, the holiness and indissolubility of marriage – all these are being heretically denied in open contradiction to Vatican II by a majority of German bishops and lay functionaries (even if disguised under pastoral phrases).

And despite all the apparent enthusiasm they express for Pope Francis, they are flatly denying the authority conferred on him by Christ as the successor of Peter. The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith’s document about the impossibility of legitimizing same-sex and extramarital sexual contacts through a blessing is ridiculed by German (and not only German) bishops, priests, and theologians as merely the opinion of under-qualified curial officials. Here we have a threat to the unity of the Church in revealed faith, reminiscent of the size of the Protestant secession from Rome in the sixteenth century. Given the disproportion between the relatively modest response to the massive attacks on the unity of the church in the German “Synodal Way” (as well as in other pseudo-reforms) and the harsh disciplining of the old ritual minority, the image of the misguided fire brigade comes to mind, which – instead of saving the blazing house – instead first saves the small barn next to it.

Without the slightest empathy, one ignores the religious feelings of the (often young) participants in the Masses according to the Missal John XXIII. (1962) Instead of appreciating the smell of the sheep, the shepherd here hits them hard with his crook. It also seems simply unjust to abolish celebrations of the “old” rite just because it attracts some problematic people: abusus non tollit usum.

What deserves special attention in Traditionis Custodes is the use of the axiom lex orandi-lex credendi (“Rule of prayer – rule of faith”). This phrase appears first in the anti-Pelagian Indiculus (“Against superstitions and paganism”) which spoke about “the sacraments of priestly prayers, handed down by the apostles to be celebrated uniformly all over the world and in the entire Catholic Church, so that the rule of prayer is the rule of faith.” (Denzinger Hünermann, Enchiridion symbolorum 3) This refers to the substance of the sacraments (in signs and words) but not the liturgical rite, of which there were several (with different variants) in the patristic era. One cannot simply declare the latest missal to be the only valid norm of the Catholic faith without distinguishing between the “part that is unchangeable by virtue of divine institution and the parts that are subject to change.” (Sacrosanctum Concilium 21). The changing liturgical rites do not represent a different faith, but rather testify to the one and the same Apostolic Faith of the Church in its different expressions.

The pope’s letter confirms that he allows the celebration according to the older form under certain conditions. He rightly points to the centrality of the Roman canon in the more recent Missal as the heart of the Roman rite. This guarantees the crucial continuity of the Roman liturgy in its essence, organic development, and inner unity. To be sure, one expects the lovers of the ancient liturgy to recognize the renewed liturgy; just as the followers of the Paul VI Missal also have to confess that the Mass according to the Missal of John XXIII is a true and valid Catholic liturgy, that is, it contains the substance of the Eucharist instituted by Christ and, therefore, there is and can only be “the one Mass of all times.”

A little more knowledge of Catholic dogmatics and the history of the liturgy could counteract the unfortunate formation of opposing parties and also save the bishops from the temptation to act in an authoritarian, loveless, and narrow-minded manner against the supporters of the “old” Mass. The bishops are appointed as shepherds by the Holy Spirit: “Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God, which he bought with his own blood.” (Acts 20, 28) They are not merely representatives of a central office – with opportunities for advancement. The good shepherd can be recognized by the fact that he worries more about the salvation of souls than recommending himself to a higher authority by subservient “good behavior.” (1 Peter 5, 1-4) If the law of non-contradiction still applies, one cannot logically castigate careerism in the Church and at the same time promote careerists.

Let us hope that the Congregations for Religious and for Divine Worship, with their new authority, do not become inebriated by power and think they have to wage a campaign of destruction against the communities of the old rite – in the foolish belief that by doing so they are rendering a service to the Church and promoting Vatican II.

If Traditionis Custodes is to serve the unity of the church, that can only mean a unity in faith, which enables us to “come to the perfect knowledge of the Son of God,” which is to say unity in truth and love. (cf. Eph 4, 12-15).


Translated from the German by Robert Royal with Msgr. Hans Feichtinger.

Posted on: 2021/7/22 13:53

Re: Moving to Wealth-Based Admissions at McNair and Infinity: A Student Reports
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The most just system would be to have admissions based solely on merit- not your parents wealth or your race.

I never understood how McNair's position was legal. SCOTUS ruled in Bahke case that quotes were unconstitutional race based discrimination. Moreover, in practice, it was totally abused. Poor Asians (for McNair meant Arabs, Persians, Turks, Indians, Chinse, Filipinos etc). Egyptian Arabs and others claimed to be African - American, lol.

Anyway, the Board of Ed has never really liked McNair and has viewed it as elitist. It has insisted on politically motivated hires. The founding teachers have all left and the new crew is not sustaining excellence. The Humanities and languages, in particular, are inadequate. The French and Spanish departments are not impressive. Chinese is dominated by Chinese kids. Nothing else is offered! No German, Russian, no ancient Greek or Latin!!!! Beginning about six years ago, the history and literature courses became hopelessly woke.

Socially, the administration has lost control of the student body where drugs are rampant. Students vape in the bathrooms. They need Mrs. Barone to come back and straighten out the place.

Posted on: 2021/7/15 15:18

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
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Dear Papadage:

So you just resort to expletives and ad hominems if you don't find an echo chamber (like Cory below). Not

I'm sorry. School me in the new language. What is a "secure site"? One which shuts down any deviation from whatever the official line is? And in the same vein, what is "SSL?

Byram Bridle, the Canadian Vaccinologist, has lost his tenured chair at the University of Guelph. Other truth tellers are being ruthlessly attacked as well.

Despite numerous studies showing ominous data regarding all of the "vaccines," despite numerous experts including the inventor, Dr. Malone, of the MRNA shot, "red pilling," there is crickets in the media and society at large. Any one who red pills on this is consigned to Qanon. And the more elite or privileged the setting, the worse this is. I was at a party in Princeton two weeks ago medical doctors, tenured professors in science, administrators, etc. could not even muster the normal patience when one meets someone at a social function whom you disagree with but with whom you politely converse.

This is not the way science works. It's not the way civil society in the West works. W



Posted on: 2021/7/2 14:16

Re: Marijuana Business Rules Coming Soon
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Actually, data indicate that the black and grey markets grow. Murphy and the Democrats push of Pot (like abortion and euthanasia) says a lot about their concerns.

A great summary of how the Cannibis industry and its apologists have obscured the science to foist this on us is Alan Berenson's, the NYTimes reporter, book. What To Tell Your Children. ... na-Violence/dp/1982103663

Posted on: 2021/6/25 17:44

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
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FYI- I tried to post this on Nextdoor Lafayette but it was immediately removed. Instead, it is full of people posting: vaccinate your kids now! For free! With beer and ice cream! What is going on????

Posted on: 2021/6/22 17:51

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
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This is such an insightful post. A very contemporary example of "following the science."

For myself, I am heartened at how this thread actually contains some give and take. Sutherland, for example, is attempting to have a conversation.

Posted on: 2021/6/22 14:10

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
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Webmaster thanks for not deleting this. We have got to start acting like Americans again and allow robust discussion.

Posted on: 2021/6/18 13:53

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
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Dr. Bridle spoke at a news conference today with an MP

Posted on: 2021/6/17 20:41

Do not vaccinate your children!
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Dear friends:

While most adults around here have been vaccinated, the young people and children are now being pressured to be vaccinated. Over the last two weeks, an understanding of the mechanism of the many adverse reactions to the vaccines has been reached. All of these vaccines except the J&J use a synthetic spike protein which is itself pathogenic and which is spread to every tissue and organ in the patient's body

Here are some links (the first two are Canadians):

• Byram Bridle, MD, PhD See ... elph_apsGuQeIOVBgEip.html

• Rodger Hodkinson MD, ... nson_xPUEn1BWVW9gLFS.html

• Peter McCullough, MD, PhD, ... n-CA--56---June-11-2021:6

Do not rush ahead and do this to your children! They are not at risk anyway!

Kyrie eleison!


Posted on: 2021/6/17 20:39

Re: Superintendent's Decision to Delay Reopening Criticized by Many
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This is a great opportunity to shutter government schools forever! They are an unhelpful political machine and spoils system without an intellectual bone in its body.

Btw, the entire school shutdown has been contrary to the science. ... derstanding-relative-risk

Posted on: 2021/4/20 15:34

Re: Music Program for Latin Mass at Our Lady of Sorrows, Clerk Street,
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Posted on: 2021/3/31 22:22

Re: Music Program for Latin Mass at Our Lady of Sorrows, Clerk Street,
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Reminder: Tenebrae tonight at 7:00 PM, OLS.

Posted on: 2021/3/31 22:21

Re: Music Program for Latin Mass at Our Lady of Sorrows, Clerk Street,
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..and Palm Sunday is 3:00 PM!

Posted on: 2021/3/25 15:31

Re: Music Program for Latin Mass at Our Lady of Sorrows, Clerk Street,
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Folks- the times given were for the choir to show up for warmups.

The actual times of the liturgies are below. Also, note that there is off street parking directly across from the church. The church is also walking distance from the Garfield Light Rail Station.

Feast of the Annunciation, Thursday, March 25, 5:00 PM, Sung Latin mass

Spy Wednesday, March 31, 7:00 PM, Tenebrae,(Sung Matins and Lauds, Victoria’s Responses Allegri’s Miserere) ‘

Maundy Thursday, April 1, 5:00 PM, Sung Latin Mass

Good Friday, April 2, 3:00 PM, Solemn Liturgy (Chanted
Passion, Improperia by Victoria, etc. followed by Street Procession

Holy Saturday, April 3rd, 10:30, Great Vigil of Easter

Posted on: 2021/3/25 13:44

Music Program for Latin Mass at Our Lady of Sorrows, Clerk Street,
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March 21 - Passion Sunday - Meet at 2PM

P: O Sacred Head SG 22

O: O Vos CB 17

C: Adoramus Te by Dubois SG 190a

R: Stabat Mater SG 162a

March 25 at 5 PM - Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Meet at 4:30 + Rehearsal after Mass

Ave Maris Stella - Chant SG 201a

Missa IX Cum Jubilo / Credo

Ave Maria by Arcadelt

Dixit Maria by Hassler

Ave Regina Caelorum

Hail Holy Queen SG 83

March 28 - Palm Sunday (Joe, Victoria, Rebecca)

Blessing: Hosanna Filio David Chant

Distribution: Pueri Hebraeorum Chant

Procession: Gloria Laus et Honor Chant

P: Ingrediente CB 125

Mass XVII, Credo II (no Asperges)

O: Adoramus Te by Monteverdi

C: Allegri Miserere Abbreviated

April 1, Holy Thursday at 5 PM - Meet at 4 PM (Greta, Joanna)

Lotti Mass for Three Voices

Organ voluntary during Gloria

Ambrosian Gloria Chant SG 289

Per Signum Crucis CB 56

Ubi Caritas by Durufle

Pange Lingua chant in program

April 2, Good Friday at 3 PM - Meet at 2 PM (Joe, Greta,Rebecca, Joanna)

Victoria Passion Responses

Popule Meus by Victoria

Adoramus Te by Monteverdi

O Vos Omnes by Croce

April 3, Easter Vigil (with Greta, Rebecca and Joanna)

Meet at 9:30 PM

Monteverdi Mass Kyr/Glo/San, Benedictus (soloists: Victoria, Greta, Nick, Art)

Et Resurrexit by Monteverdi (Rebecca, Joanna)

Dextera Domini by Franck

Christus Vincit by Noyon (Victoria, Art)

April 11 - Low Sunday (with Victoria)

P: At The Lamb?s High Feast

Asperges is replaced with Vidi Aquam

Monteverdi Mass

O: Ad C?nam Agni Providi (Program)

Agnus Dei from Mass I - Lux et Origo

C: Quia Vidisti Me Thoma by Hassler

Marian Antiphon: Regina Caeli

R: Regina Caeli by Soriano

Posted on: 2021/3/19 14:29

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