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Re: Neighbor illegaly paved over front yard for parking
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Yvonne wrote:
If the city would create municipal garages throughout this city, you would not see citizens turning on each other. When I record a neighborhood meeting the same issue comes up. The need for more parking.

Of course Yvonne with her sick parking fetish is defending illegal behavior. Rules and regulations apparently shouldn?t apply when it comes to almighty private parking.

Posted on: 2019/7/14 1:30

Re: Port Authority announces plan to increase PATH capacity, reduce delays
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JCGuys wrote:
To all the dumb shits that complain about Jersey City's resurgence by saying they shouldnt allow new development because the PATH train is overcrowded. Look at the results...

As I always knew, the new developments has forced PATH train service to being improved with more trains, better frequency, and a 40% increase in capacity to accommodate the new comers. This would have never happened had Jersey City was still in decline.

Now gotta find the idiota that encourage people to contact the PATH director on linkedin. Nope. It was the crisis created by the new development that forced the improvements. Not your DM.

It doesn?t matter what infrastructure actually gets built - the NAs have an endless reason to oppose any building or change in JC. Most likely they?ll go back to their old trope of complaining in about parking.

Posted on: 2019/6/21 23:51

Re: Dixon Leasing renovated Fulop's Ogden home for free.
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brewster wrote:
At this point I'm not a huge Fulop fan, but your headline is fully slander/fake news. At no point in the linked article is it even alleged Fulop did not pay for the renovation. They merely state they don't know who paid what to whom when.

It figures that the NIMBY loser that wrote this article is one of Yvonne?s main allies and serves as a news source for every crank on the NA boards.

Posted on: 2019/6/18 23:23

Re: New Jersey to require schools to teach LGBT history
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HeightsNative wrote:
Dude, give the Yvonne obsession a f'n break already, it's pathetic and obnoxious.


dr_nick_riviera wrote:

bodhipooh wrote:

MikeyTBC wrote:
Y'all homophobes are a trip man.
"teach LGBT history" - what do you think this is going to consist of? It's going to be one page in a 400 page text book and a ten minute discussion about civil rights for all and the Stonewall Riots. Maybe one question on a test or quiz. None of your kids will "turn" gay if they weren't already.

If you are right, that is a perfectly fine thing and perhaps this whole headline is just a grab for points with the base. Perfectly reasonable people would (or, should) be OK with what you expect. I think some people's reactions are based on the lack of information as to what all of this means, or what to expect. With some, like the Yvonnes of the world, there is nothing that would be acceptable to them.

Most likely it will be taught in history classes, in the same vein as the civil rights era in the 60s. I bet Yvonne's parents were complaining about "the black agenda" back in the 60s, too.

LOL. It's fun to see her snowflake minions get so easily triggered.

Posted on: 2019/6/10 21:35

Re: New Jersey to require schools to teach LGBT history
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bodhipooh wrote:

MikeyTBC wrote:
Y'all homophobes are a trip man.
"teach LGBT history" - what do you think this is going to consist of? It's going to be one page in a 400 page text book and a ten minute discussion about civil rights for all and the Stonewall Riots. Maybe one question on a test or quiz. None of your kids will "turn" gay if they weren't already.

If you are right, that is a perfectly fine thing and perhaps this whole headline is just a grab for points with the base. Perfectly reasonable people would (or, should) be OK with what you expect. I think some people's reactions are based on the lack of information as to what all of this means, or what to expect. With some, like the Yvonnes of the world, there is nothing that would be acceptable to them.

Most likely it will be taught in history classes, in the same vein as the civil rights era in the 60s. I bet Yvonne's parents were complaining about "the black agenda" back in the 60s, too.

Posted on: 2019/6/10 19:59

Re: New Jersey to require schools to teach LGBT history
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robotdisko wrote:

dr_nick_riviera wrote:
Wouldn't it be hilarious to see the reaction from Yvonne and her minions if openly gay Pete Buttigieg one day got elected president? All the bigots and homophobes like her would have to move to Russia or risk their heads exploding.

you sound like a wounded animal. LOL

LOL. The only "wounded animals" here are the losers on this forum that are lashing out because they can't accept change.

Posted on: 2019/6/9 13:10

Re: New Jersey to require schools to teach LGBT history
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mscottc wrote:
To those of you who have a problem with this, please explain why teaching of any real history is a problem for you. And specifically why you have a problem with the LGBT community. Perhaps if you're open and honest, we can understand your motivations.

It shouldn't matter who you love, as long as you love.

Exactly - even if you're a nutjob like Yvonne who believes this "gay agenda" nonsense, almost everybody has a family member, friend, co-worker or acquaintance that's gay. We already teach about Islam in schools via comparative religion, the civil rights movement, etc.

Posted on: 2019/6/7 21:39

Re: New Jersey to require schools to teach LGBT history
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Wouldn't it be hilarious to see the reaction from Yvonne and her minions if openly gay Pete Buttigieg one day got elected president? All the bigots and homophobes like her would have to move to Russia or risk their heads exploding.

Posted on: 2019/6/7 19:46

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Yvonne wrote:
Every meeting I have taped, disagree with you bike lane, they want parking. It is the reason why hundreds of people came out to speak against 107 New York Avenue.

Imagine what quality of life in this city could look like if these worthless groups put at least 1/4 of the effort they put into suing developers over variances and screaming for parking into things like pedestrian safety, better city services, literally anything?

Posted on: 2019/5/31 16:50

Re: Gentrification coming way too fast in Jersey City neighborhood | Opinion
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More NIMBY garbage. Fuck developers, let's keep that part of JC looking like a shithole. The grammar in this article is so bad, it could have been written by Yvonne. This dude was on the city council? Looks like his idea were so terrible his district ran him out of office and thank god they did. Hopefully the citizens of Ward E run the equally terrible James Solomon out of office.

Posted on: 2019/5/14 23:37

Re: End of AirBnB in Jersey City?
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To the surprise of nobody, the NA's aren't lifting a finger to inform homeowners in their areas about this, nor are they putting out any statements about it. If someone were attempting to build 1 more apartment or 1 less parking spot than the prescribed zoning, there'd be instant lawsuits, but they seem to be totally cool with their homeowners getting fucked over. I wonder what the mayor promised their board members to secure their silence.

Posted on: 2019/5/7 0:35

Re: End of AirBnB in Jersey City?
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The mayor is apparently for this, so it would stand to reason the Queen NIMBY Yvonne would be 100% against and rallying her minions. Why is she silent on this issue since she?s always the one yammering about property rights? Did the hotel unions pay her off too?

Posted on: 2019/4/25 19:24

Re: End of AirBnB in Jersey City?
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Adonis wrote:
Wait. I remember when Fulop was rolling out the unregulated red carpet for AirBnB in Jersey City. What happened?

This reeks of NIMBYism and I bet more than a couple of the NAs are pushing for this garbage. It wouldn't surprise me if Yvonne were coordinating this to a degree, too.

Posted on: 2019/4/25 0:12

Re: $2M state funding for Grand Street redevelopment
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richieveal wrote:
Sounds like we will loose a whole row of parking on one side.

Thank god we?re getting funding from the state. Because parking is being eliminated, Yvonne and the NA would ordinarily never allow it to move forward, but if the money is already there, less chance they could stop it.

Posted on: 2019/4/13 23:04

Re: A little history for those who weren't here back when:
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Mao wrote:
I think the "slum clearance" that took down the south part of the Village which is where Ferris High School and the other school is and then the mudhuts and the projects accross from St. Bridgets also impacted the neighborhood in a very negative manner.

All the mud hut blocks are an inefficient waste of space and an eyesore. They should all be torn down and turned into higher density, mixed-income housing with new commercial spaces.

Posted on: 2019/4/13 0:40

Re: A little history for those who weren't here back when:
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Look at all the stores and bustling street life Brunswick st. Used to have. It?s too bad the VNA forced everything out.

Posted on: 2019/4/11 15:18

Re: JC historic commission to vote Monday on demolition of St. Peter’s school buildings
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Yvonne wrote:
Actually, Nickie, I am in favor of this building coming down. The building is in extremely bad shape. Bricks has fallen on the building in the past and it will continue to happened. So do not speak for me.

Yes, that was implied when I said this was a humiliating defeat. Of course you want this to come down, they promised a parking lot.

Posted on: 2019/4/4 0:18

Re: JC historic commission to vote Monday on demolition of St. Peter’s school buildings
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neverleft wrote:
Panel rejects request to demolish old St. Peter?s Prep buildings

Updated 11:11 AM; Today 10:47 AM (4/2/2019)
By Terrence T. McDonald | The Jersey Journal

JERSEY CITY ? A Jersey City panel on Monday declined a request by St. Peter?s Prep to demolish two York Street buildings it owns, handing a win to residents who opposed the demolition plan and setting up a potential battle over the future of two structures that date to the 19th Century.

The decision by the Historic Preservation Commission came at the tail end of a nearly five-hour hearing on the St. Peter?s request and caps a roughly yearlong effort by school officials to convince the city that the buildings are too dilapidated to be saved. The demolition hearing had been postponed numerous times before Monday. ... eters-prep-buildings.html

Yet another humiliating defeat for Yvonne who fights against historic preservation and believed the lies St. Peter's told that this would become a parking lot.

Posted on: 2019/4/3 2:15

Re: The Heights push back against high rise
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MDM wrote:
That building from what I can see in the video looks interesting. Close to one of my buildings. Look forward to it being built.

It doesn't look so terrible to me. Much better looking than the garbage Yvonne is constantly pushing for, like Bayonne boxes. A lame NA/Yvonne attempt to stop development, she's only concerned about this because it's one of her last precious parking lots. Hopefully this one already received planning board approval so their only resort will be to sue.

Posted on: 2019/3/27 1:26

Re: Loud construction noise disrupts learning at JC schools
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Yeah, the temporary inconvenience sucks, but across the river in NYC with far more noise and distractions, kids still manage to learn. This is more NIMBY bs and a non-issue. What's the solution, no construction on Bright St. ever again?


BeatrixKiddo wrote:
I had off last week and passed this on my way back from 99 Ranch and said to my wife, can you imagine being a kid trying to learn in that school with this noise going on. It was pretty terrible.

Posted on: 2019/3/22 19:31

Re: JC Council to Vote on Canceling Two Abatement Deals for Non Compliance
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bdaunno wrote:
Hello, I see construction has begun on the Bright/Varick project. Does anybody know what they are actually building? Are they moving forward with the micro unit project? I cannot find anything on the plans moving forward. Thank you ... -micro-units-jersey-city/

I'm shocked the VVPA allowed any retail to go in. They generally do everything they can to keep businesses out of the neighborhood.

So it looks like after 5+ years of lawsuits, the VVPA got a whopping 15 parking spaces and a tweaked facade, still out of character with the neighborhood. When you account for couples and families that move into traditional 1/2-bed units, you're going to have at least as many, if not more than 87 residents, the original proposed number of microunits. What did this group accomplish except waste taxpayer money?

Posted on: 2019/3/19 2:49

Re: Homicide unit probes man’s death in Downtown JC
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K-Lo2 wrote:
Of course the scumbag VNA will try to swoop in and have it shut down using misinformation and NIMBYism, regardless of whether they had anything to do with it or not.

I'm so impressed with your ability to weave your favorite nemeses into every thread. What a skill!

I'm so impressed with your ability to get triggered and butthurt with every single post I make, snowflake. I'll even come full circle and drag Yvonne into this, just for you :)

Posted on: 2019/2/27 4:10

Re: Homicide unit probes man’s death in Downtown JC
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Walk_Idiot_Walk wrote:
The block in front of the Barge Inn Tavern has always been sketchy. On a number of occasions fights have spilled into the street from that bar. It should be shut down.

Do we know that Barge Inn/Barge Inn Tavern had anything to do with this, other than this occurring on the block?

Of course the scumbag VNA will try to swoop in and have it shut down using misinformation and NIMBYism, regardless of whether they had anything to do with it or not.

Posted on: 2019/2/26 0:55

Re: PSE&G Supply Energy Question
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MDM wrote:
My latest rate lock expired. Anyone here know of offers rate locks for 2+ years under $0.11 per kWh? Best I can find is just under $0.12 per kWh


MDM wrote:
My electric rate lock is expiring soon. I locked in at $0.0925per kWh which saved me some significant $$$ over the past few years.

Lowest rate (3 year lock) I have found so far is about $0.1089 per kWh.

Anyone know of a supplier with a lower rate?

Who did you see this rate with and how long was the term? I need to re-lock my rate as well.

Posted on: 2019/2/23 5:03

Re: Judge OKs site plan for controversial 'micro-unit' project in Jersey City
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It looks like this project has finally broken ground, crews are in there today tearing up pavement and getting ready for piling after close to 7 years of pointless NIMBYism.

Are there any renderings/pictures of what this project will look like? VVPA has surely seen them by now, but given their site is defunct and they post nothing on their Facebook page, the rest of the community is in the dark as to what's going there.

Posted on: 2019/2/13 20:42

Re: JC historic commission to vote Monday on demolition of St. Peter’s school buildings
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They?ve been saying they were gonna replace it with a parking lot. Someone should ask the Paulus Hook NA how Yvonne?s knife in their back feels as she?s actively lobbying to have the building torn down and have a beautiful parking lot installed.

Posted on: 2019/2/10 18:15

Re: What's going there?
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JCGuys wrote:

JCBORN wrote:
I didn't realize the VNA has that kind of power. Does that mean the developers have to put this project on hold? I was hoping to see this work get started. That building is currently an eye sore.

It's a frivolous lawsuit. A waste of money x2. VNA is gonna hire attorneys along with the city using tax dollars collected from VNA members.

Fulop is giving out abatements any more. We should be thankful for the ratables. But no. This is why we can't have nice things.

I noticed the nice lamp post that was in front of BattatavCafe is gone. Why isn?t the VNA using these resources to actually fix up and beautify their neighborhood? Do they do anything besides oppose every single development? Let?s not forget how their corrupt board went behind its own community?s back and opened up a secret back channel with the city to modify zoning in certain areas.

This group is wasting money on attorneys and frivolous lawsuits to stop one single extra story being built. Ridiculous

Posted on: 2019/2/6 23:16

Re: What's going there?
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JCBORN wrote:
I believe they were able to get approval for the additional floor because it will be set back and will not be seen from street level.
I don't have an issue with that. I also like that they were approved for 15 parking spots.

Of course, the assholes in the VNA are pulling their usual dirty tricks and are suing the city to get this stopped. How much taxpayer money is going to be wasted this time on another doomed to fail property rights lawsuit by a NA?

Posted on: 2019/2/6 15:41

Re: The SUV Phenomenon
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bodhipooh wrote:

dr_nick_riviera wrote:
...and to try and implement policies that discourage car use is 'social engineering'.

Huh? Are you trying to argue that "policies that discourage car use" is NOT social engineering!?

The very definition of social engineering is "the use of centralized planning in an attempt to manage social change and regulate the future development and behavior of a society".

Any policy enacted by a government entity that seeks to manage or regulate the behavior of society IS social engineering. And, of course, any policy to discourage car use is exactly that: social engineering.

Are you trying to argue 1:1 parking ratios and surface level parking lots everywhere somehow aren?t? Yvonne and the NA?s love to argue that eliminating parking minimums and discouraging car use are some nefarious government plot to infringe in their freedoms to have free street parking for life and that other taxpayers should subsidize their lifestyle at the expense of public transit and pedestrian friendly policies.

You?d better believe that Yvonne will rally the NA and her band of NIMBYs to thwart any Vision Zero initiatives or sensible policies to discourage car use.

Posted on: 2019/2/1 3:03

Re: The SUV Phenomenon
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Monroe wrote:
Women love to drive them. They feel safe, sit high, and carry a ton of stuff.

At the same time, urban density has also changed, and social engineering has led to developers being encouraged to underbuild on site parking, impacting street parking.

Ah, Yvonne's main lieutenant is trying to spread her propaganda that we desperately need more parking lots and parking spaces and to try and implement policies that discourage car use is 'social engineering'.

Posted on: 2019/1/31 19:36

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