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Re: Black community responds to police shooting of unarmed black teenager by looting businesses
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Old-Skool-JC wrote: Quote:
JCMan8 wrote: Is it racist to post Mike Brown's picture? I haven't seen this picture displayed in any American media outlets, only foreign ones. Despite probably showing what he looked like right before he attacked Officer Wilson. Resized Image ... rely-beaten-teenager.html
Thanks JCmanH8, I had not seen this picture, no doubt part of some vast liberal media conspiracy. It does indeed lend credence to your theory that Mike Brown was a large black male. It's probably best if you stick to posting pictures from now on, I know you don't like reading articles. Here's a picture of the murderer Darren Wilson. As you can see he is a fine genetic specimen. Ape arms that reach down to his knees, ears that look like they can pick up Direct TV and a magnificent dome topped off with the ever-popular male pattern baldness.
Oh look, it is OS trying to be funny again! And failing, as usual! Points for effort? Unfortunately, no. I'm happy with incisive, I'm fine with funny, and both is even better. Pity you can't manage either.

Posted on: 2014/8/21 18:15

Re: White supremacy is the real culprit in Ferguson. The excuses just prove it
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Old-Skool-JC wrote:

devilsadvocate wrote:

Old-Skool-JC wrote:

devilsadvocate wrote:

When I read stuff like this I start to think that dialogue is utterly pointless because people who think this way just cannot be reasoned with. The only solution is to advocate for martial law, put down the riots with all force necessary, and ignore the people that will always blame white people no matter what. They are true racists and you cannot reason with a true racist.

No, it's because you are incapable of arguing, only attacking and obfuscating and advocating more violence.

What is there to argue when the response to the facts presented is "this is because of white supremacists!" - a group that isn't remotely involved here?...

You are so dumb it hurts to even contemplate what it must be like to have read that article and come away thinking that the author was actually talking about a physical group of white supremacists.
Ultimately I pity you.

Sorry you posted an incredibly stupid article that made no freakin' sense. If you thought it was intelligent analysis then I strongly suggest you focus your pity inward.

Posted on: 2014/8/21 18:13

Re: White supremacy is the real culprit in Ferguson. The excuses just prove it
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Old-Skool-JC wrote:

devilsadvocate wrote:

Old-Skool-JC wrote:

devilsadvocate wrote:

When I read stuff like this I start to think that dialogue is utterly pointless because people who think this way just cannot be reasoned with. The only solution is to advocate for martial law, put down the riots with all force necessary, and ignore the people that will always blame white people no matter what. They are true racists and you cannot reason with a true racist.

No, it's because you are incapable of arguing, only attacking and obfuscating and advocating more violence.

What is there to argue when the response to the facts presented is "this is because of white supremacists!" - a group that isn't remotely involved here?...

You are so dumb it hurts to even contemplate what it must be like to have read that article and come away thinking that the author was actually talking about a physical group of white supremacists.
Ultimately I pity you.

Don't pity me, I'm doing quite well in life. For one, I'm not feeling sorry for some thug that got gunned down by cops after robbing a store because "that could have been me/my kid/my family member!" So your claim with this is that it is "subtle white supremacist notions?" That is about as implausible. It just isn't involved here. If MB was white this wouldn't happen - not because he wouldn't be shot dead (he would) but because no one would care.

Posted on: 2014/8/21 14:20

Re: Black community responds to police shooting of unarmed black teenager by looting businesses
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JCMan8 wrote:

hero69 wrote:
suggestion: maybe the government should start a reparation fund for people of ferguson. put all the reparation money into a fund to pay for the college education of children from low income families from that area.

So Ferguson should be rewarded for immediately rioting and looting simply because the victim was black? All that will do is encourage others to violently riot in order to get free things.

My suggestion is that all business owners who have had their livelihoods destroyed over the looting and arson get some compensation from the government.


Posted on: 2014/8/21 2:59

Re: White supremacy is the real culprit in Ferguson. The excuses just prove it
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Old-Skool-JC wrote:

devilsadvocate wrote:

Old-Skool-JC wrote:
White supremacy is the real culprit in Ferguson... This is about the value of black life in 21st-century America. ... cy-ferguson-black-excuses

When I read stuff like this I start to think that dialogue is utterly pointless because people who think this way just cannot be reasoned with. The only solution is to advocate for martial law, put down the riots with all force necessary, and ignore the people that will always blame white people no matter what. They are true racists and you cannot reason with a true racist.

No, it's because you are incapable of arguing, only attacking and obfuscating and advocating more violence.

What is there to argue when the response to the facts presented is "this is because of white supremacists!" - a group that isn't remotely involved here? At some point you come to the conclusion that reasonable compromise is entirely impossible, and that the only solution is a real clampdown. The last thing we need is for the US to become France with this kind of violence becoming routine and police standing by as rioters run amok. By the way, the same responses get thrown around there ("omg, it is because French people are RACIST against Musilms!"). They are far more accommodating than we are here, the government provides far more welfare and wealth redistribution and they have even more violence.

Posted on: 2014/8/20 20:41

Re: Black community responds to police shooting of unarmed black teenager by looting businesses
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VanVorster wrote:
Yes Devils that is precisely what you and many others are saying. Here's your bingo card. I think growing up here many of you get the benefit of being oblivious to race and racial issues. Some whites, in particular my many white friends, however recognize it.

Ok, lets recap then:

Here are your talking points: Blacks are predisposed to criminality;

This implies genetically. Where does ANYONE say that?

their culture is horrible and they take no personal responsibility like white people

Yes, black culture (at least American black) is AWFUL and 100% responsible for this. Of course, this doesn't imply the point above.

Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson hate white people because they haven't talked about black on black crime and fixed it yet

That isn't why they hate white people, but ok. I agree that they do in fact hate white people.

-- although we haven't fixed white on white crime either;

Want me to compare statistics?

and because blacks kill blacks, then it really shouldn't be a really big deal when whites (civilian or officers) kill blacks. End scene.

Link to anyone saying that? More like "here we have a cop that killed a guy that freakin' robbed a store and assaulted a guy working there 10 minutes earlier and probably attacked the cop and people are rioting over his death. Yet no one protested when this happened: ... weekend-shootings/267982/ (note: this isn't extraordinary for Chicago at all)." Basically, this entire situation defies all logic. Who or what would you say is responsible for this situation?

Posted on: 2014/8/20 19:13

Re: White supremacy is the real culprit in Ferguson. The excuses just prove it
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Old-Skool-JC wrote:
White supremacy is the real culprit in Ferguson. The excuses just prove it.

We?ve had enough of the police brutality, of the colorblind mythologies and post-racial rhetoric, of the sweet-talk, of the calls for non-violence; of mass incarceration and systemic poverty, of trigger happy cops and crying black mothers, of the Eric Garners and Renisha McBrides, the Michael Browns and Tarika Wilsons; of black tears and white terror. Dr Martin Luther King Jr said in 1968: ?A riot is the language of the unheard?. Today, nearly 50 years later, black America demands to not only be heard but heeded ? by any means necessary.

This week in Ferguson, Missouri, there has been more backlash over the resistance of a few black (and some white) protestors than the violence of white police. Meanwhile, according to organizers on the ground, it has mainly been (white) outsiders inciting violence to promote their own agenda. As the writer Sarah Kendzior tweeted: ?White people coming to STL to provoke police violence against black residents and get them blamed?. More than blamed: black people are left to bear the brunt of the political mess white infiltration leaves behind, be it by the National Guard or outside organizers.

As Sean Beale, a 27-year-old local, told the Guardian: ?If you don?t live here you don?t worry about the burning and looting. You don?t worry about stores closing, or losing your job, or walking for miles to buy food.?

But to focus more on the people?s resistance than the police repression that created it ? even as tensions cooled in the streets on Monday night ? is to participate in the dehumanization and devaluing of black life. To ignore the elders rallying for the sake of our babies and young people peacefully protesting on behalf of our future while some (white) visitors instigate disarray is morally reprehensible. Beyond Ferguson, the pattern is clear. Blacks are always to blame, even as we are brutalized by police, ghettoized by neoliberal policies, and disenfranchised by a racist criminal (in)justice system.

But that?s the crux of white supremacist racial logic: the problem with black people is ? well, black people ? not mass incarceration and the deindustrialization of urban America, not educational inequality and generational poverty, not 400 years of slavery, lynchings, and Jim Crow. To be black in America is to be victimized and then made responsible for our victimization. We built this country. But, apparently, it is we who are lazy and dependent. We are bullied politically, socially and economically. But it is we who are called ?thugs?.

?There is never an excuse for violence against police,? President Obama said. Yet there are endless excuses for state violence against black people. For mass incarceration, there?s the ?war on drugs?. For poverty and unemployment, there?s ?a culture of laziness? and ?government dependence?. For the educational gap, there?s the burden of ?acting white?. For Eric Garner: ?loosies?. And for Michael Brown, there are stolen cigarillos, jaywalking or anything the police can say to shift the narrative from their white supremacist practices to black ?ghetto? culture.

It is to say that black lives do not matter, that our babies deserve death and despair, that our communities don?t deserve protection and justice.

Obama needs post-racialism like Bush needed the ?war on terror?: to camouflage our contradictions, to exercise global dominance vis-?-vis a (neo)liberal-democratic narrative, to lie to the world. But with the numbers of black bodies unemployed, incarcerated and extrajudicially executed, what are to we to do?

No one person knows.

But we must act collectively and courageously. Alongside the immediate arrest of Darren Wilson, we must demand the demilitarization of law enforcement as well as the decriminalization of the black body. In addition to the withdrawal of the curfew and National Guard, we must demand the withdrawal of apartheid police forces and local governments where a black majority is ruled by a white minority. We cannot depend on the same police force that killed Brown to liberate us. In Ferguson and across the nation we must push for the implementation of community-oriented police models that include prevention, problem-solving, citizen engagement and community partnerships. There needs to be a cop-watch program in every city across America with a high concentration of people of color.

Also, we must recognize that naming Wilson as the killer without naming white supremacy as the culprit fails to address the root of racialized police violence. We must recognize, as Malcolm X did, that police brutality is a human rights issue that will not be solved simply by the passing of legislation. Our rallies must spark revolutionary action. Our marching must evolve into a sustainable movement. We must see that this is bigger than Brown and Wilson, than Ferguson or New York City. This is about the value of black life in 21st-century America. ... cy-ferguson-black-excuses

When I read stuff like this I start to think that dialogue is utterly pointless because people who think this way just cannot be reasoned with. The only solution is to advocate for martial law, put down the riots with all force necessary, and ignore the people that will always blame white people no matter what. They are true racists and you cannot reason with a true racist.

Posted on: 2014/8/20 18:50

Re: Black community responds to police shooting of unarmed black teenager by looting businesses
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VanVorster wrote:
Deflect all you want Monroe. Here are your talking points: Blacks are predisposed to criminality; their culture is horrible and they take no personal responsibility like white people; Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson hate white people because they haven't talked about black on black crime and fixed it yet -- although we haven't fixed white on white crime either; and because blacks kill blacks, then it really shouldn't be a really big deal when whites (civilian or officers) kill blacks. End scene. ... n-black-crime-cana/200467

I'm honestly curious - is that really what you believe anyone in this thread is saying?

Posted on: 2014/8/20 16:06

Re: Black community responds to police shooting of unarmed black teenager by looting businesses
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VanVorster wrote:
Devils by all means quote from Fox, Bill O'Reilly, and Rush. You're basically their acolyte and JCList mouthpiece. However, it only confirms for me and others to doubt the veracity of any of your drivel and diatribes. ... teners-not-poll-suggests/

I don't watch TV at all, and don't listen to any of those blowhards. Actually, I do listen to NPR quite often. But I do also realize that certain sites/sources are extremely biased, which was my point. You apparently fail to account for this.

Posted on: 2014/8/20 3:21

Re: Black community responds to police shooting of unarmed black teenager by looting businesses
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VanVorster wrote:
Your "but what about black on black crime" excuse is such a red herring and smokescreen. No one is ignoring black on black crime including Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. Sharpton addresses that too in his NAN organization, Jackson has also been involved with mitigating this and have you ever heard of Stop the Violence campaign? Also you do realize you can challenge BOTH black on black crime and police brutality/wanton killings of blacks by officers and one does not preclude the other? Also, how many black, Asian and Latino police officers do you see mistakenly killing white kids? It's predominantly white officers killing people of color. The Jezebel article clearly elucidated that. And if you would like to get out of your Fox Breitbart Drudge echo chamber, consider the information below. ... hich-ones-did-you-believe ... ck-on-black-crime/378629/ ... ack-on-Black-Crime-Thing#

I'm sorry, what mistaken killing? Nothing here is indicative that any mistake was made. Same with the recent case involving Trayvon Martin.

Posted on: 2014/8/20 2:01

Re: Black community responds to police shooting of unarmed black teenager by looting businesses
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VanVorster wrote:
This thread is atrocious and so much for people complying with terms of service, which appears to be quite lax. None of us knows what actually happened that afternoon and let's wait to find out. We shouldn't assume that MB had it coming and we shouldn't presume that Darren Collins is guilty. What I think bothers many people of color is the blithe manner that sort of excuses the death of black people (and Latinos), where mistakes are permissible and always justified. " No one is suggesting that black Americans are saints who never commit crimes or do things that call for police action. But I have to say, it sure is funny how many actions become a death sentence when a black person is the one doing them."

These are really illuminating. ... -of-unarme-1623881362/all ... d-unworthy_b_5673321.html

I'm not "assuming". I'm going by the facts presented so far. Based on them it seems that MB had it coming. Also, I love you linking to two liberal rags. How about I cite Fox News or Bill O'Reilly?

Posted on: 2014/8/20 1:46

Re: Black community responds to police shooting of unarmed black teenager by looting businesses
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JCMan8 wrote:

Asif wrote:
I don't understand why people can't wait until all the facts are in which are weeks if not months away from being thoroughly collected. There are so many assumptions and pure fantasy being thrown around.

You should ask the people of Ferguson this question, along with Al Sharpton and many in the media.

This. The protestors/rioters didn't wait, the media didn't wait, bloggers crying "racism kills innocent black boy again!" aren't waiting, so why are we supposed to wait? Right now a lot of totally baseless accusations are flying to support outright rioting, so why are we the people being told to back off?

Posted on: 2014/8/20 1:39

Re: Black community responds to police shooting of unarmed black teenager by looting businesses
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Pebble wrote:

JCMan8 wrote:

Pebble wrote:

devilsadvocate wrote:

Pebble wrote:
You are wrong. That is about as simple as I can state it.

Ah, the incisive analysis we have all come to expect from Pebs on display here.

Why give a breakdown on an absurd conspiracy theory? What next, you want a breakdown on why batboy isn't real?

I'd love it if your fantasy about how the press operated was true but you couldn't be further off base.

It's actually pretty easy to understand if you have basic knowledge of the workings of capitalism. Might want to do some reading.

I'd suggest spending some time with reporters... Capitalism, it is not. Your basis in your theories on business, mine isn't a theory, it's actual reality of a newsroom borne from actually speaking with those that are editors and reporters.

Maybe next time you suggest to someone that they should "read a book" you get yourself some actual information on the industry you're discussing...

Oh, then you surely believe that Benjamin Crump and other such lawyers are just out for justice and NOT motivated by finances, or that politicians are motivated by public service and NOT the power and money that inevitably comes with public office. Seriously, did you ride the short bus to school?

By the way, I've seen reporters spin stuff I actually saw first hand or worked directly on. The fact that you actually bought the party line on this one shows that you truly have a double digit IQ.

Posted on: 2014/8/19 22:17

Re: Coffee in Jersey City
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On_The_3rd wrote:
A lot of peeps dig Mod Cup but if you work DT, they'll be inconvenient since they're up on Palisades Ave (they do the Farmers Market @ Grove from time to time). WORD bookstore serves Stumptown which I brew at home and like a lot, though I've never tried from WORD. I've heard good things about Warehouse on Bay St. as well.

If you like Mod Cup then Koro Koro apparently serves it.

Posted on: 2014/8/19 21:57

Re: Coffee in Jersey City
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kitkat13 wrote:

I just started working in Jersey City and I'm looking for a good coffee place. I've found the closest Starbucks. I've tried Brewshot and Legal Grounds once.

Any thoughts on these places? Any suggestions?

Thank you!

I like both Dames and Choc O Pain, but I note that I primarily drink espresso based drinks.

Posted on: 2014/8/19 20:50

Re: Black community responds to police shooting of unarmed black teenager by looting businesses
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Pebble wrote:

devilsadvocate wrote:

Pebble wrote:
You are wrong. That is about as simple as I can state it.

Ah, the incisive analysis we have all come to expect from Pebs on display here.

Why give a breakdown on an absurd conspiracy theory? What next, you want a breakdown on why batboy isn't real?

You think media having an interest in being profitable is a conspiracy theory? Are you really that dense? Do you know what a conspiracy theory even is? That is like saying that congressmen supporting positions they don't care about to get votes is a "conspiracy theory."

Posted on: 2014/8/19 20:47

Re: Black community responds to police shooting of unarmed black teenager by looting businesses
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Pebble wrote:
You are wrong. That is about as simple as I can state it.

Ah, the incisive analysis we have all come to expect from Pebs on display here.

Posted on: 2014/8/19 20:22

Re: Black community responds to police shooting of unarmed black teenager by looting businesses
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Pebble wrote:

JCMan8 wrote:

Pebble wrote:

JCMan8 wrote:
Amid the heavy gunfire towards police last night, 78 people were arrested. Most from Missouri. So NOT mostly outside agitators as the media tried spinning. Oops, time to shift the goalposts again! ... rest-records-show-n184036

A community acting like two year olds having a temper tantrum. All in support of a thug who terrorizes hardworking store owners.

Is "the media" spinning this article that you posted which comes from... "the media"?

Get a grip, man. You have to quit claiming that there is some inherent bias in the media trying to drive a narrative.

This is obvious in contrasting the initial headlines of "unarmed black teenager executed by racist cop who shot him in the back" to headlines that completely ignore the witnesses lied about the back part. Now the goalposts have shifted to he was shot 6 times in the front so 6 is automatically excessive. Never mind if he was charging the cop or not.

Anyway I can go along with you and we don't need to focus on the narrative. Just the facts in that link. Last night, the cops were under heavy gunfire by protestors, 78 people got arrested, and the vast majority were local as opposed to out of state.

I'm not discussing the actual issue. I'm merely pointing out the fault in your arguments regarding "the media."

As stated previously, do you honestly believe that every reporter went into the shooting wanting and hoping for the story to be "racist cop shoots unarmed teenage black"? Or do you think these reporters asked questions and rushed to print any and every piece of information for fear of being scooped by the competition?

If you truly believe the former, then you have absolutely no concept about the current direction of news organizations.

Honestly, yes. And conservative news media outlets desperately want this to be "black/liberal activists riot and unfairly blame white cops." You know why? Because it drives interest in the story. Media outlets get money when people watch or click the stories. Same reason why when they get a dog attack story, they immediately hope it is a pit bull. If it is 2% pit bull (or 0% but might slightly look like one if you squint), then the story will be "PIT BULL ATTACKS!" That is why yes, a lot of the media stories immediately printed something akin to "UNARMED INNOCENT BLACK CHILD SHOT BY WHITE COP IN THE BACK!" (even though most of that is nonsense). And why with Trayvon Martin the story immediately became "UNARMED INNOCENT BLACK CHILD SHOT BY RACIST WHITE NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH MAN FOR NO REASON!" (similarly stupid).

I don't really think the issue is that reporters are racist or partisan so much as that they want to sell interest in their stories. So they sensationalize the facts to play to their preferred audience.

Posted on: 2014/8/19 18:31

Re: Brooklyn Chef's Goods & Greens replaces DOCO Market in HP
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bodhipooh wrote:

arcy wrote:
goods&greens is closing this week.

That's impossible. Haven't you been told by now? DTJC is VERY affluent, people love to spend their money here, and high end businesses wouldn't fail because the neighborhood will support them.

The problem isn't that people aren't affluent enough or that no one has interest in their goods. I'm their exact target market. I love organic food, good lattes, sandwiches, etc. and I'm willing to pay for it. Yet, I have never spent all that much money at that store. The original store had slow (and sometimes outright poor) service, poor selection (for both sandwiches and groceries) and chronically ran out of things. Their latte was bad and they would often overcharge for it (omg, you wanted an iced late with little ice, so that means more milk so we have to charge you an extra $2! What?). Several times I had to outright teach them how to make an iced latte (you need to make espresso, not just dump cold coffee into it). They didn't have butter most of the time, and I hated margarine. This was DoCo. When G&G took over, the supply issues became even worse - they were out of everything from butter to milk to most vegetables. The owner was a nice guy and tried to make things right, but the supply problems became even worse. If I cannot reliably buy even the basics, like milk, eggs, butter, vegetables then how often do you imagine I will shop there? I still pay a significant amount for organic groceries, just not there. Also, some choices are strange for supply - 23 kinds of peanut butter. Why??? It wasn't the idea that was bad, it was the implementation.

Posted on: 2014/8/19 18:08

Re: Black community responds to police shooting of unarmed black teenager by looting businesses
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Frank_M wrote:

JCMan8 wrote:

Frank_M wrote:
Give it a rest jcman8, you?re off the rails with this garbage. Expressing yourself as you have?starting with the very title of the thread?speaks volumes more about you than the issues you presume to address. Worse, like many others before you, you have also helped to further demonstrate that the webmaster of JCList is chronically permissive of racist speech.

Sorry, facts are not racist. They clearly make you uncomfortable, but I and others on this thread are pointing out the terrible truth of what is going on.

I?m familiar with the ?I?m just telling it like it is,? argument. It?s one of the most common defenses of racist speech along with, ?I?m just saying what everyone is thinking.?

Nothing is more obnoxious than constant accusations of racism to quash actual conversation. What claims, specifically, are racist in this thread, other than the "down with whitey/whites suck because ______/white people are to blame" talk?

Posted on: 2014/8/19 17:06

Re: "sixth borough" - no thanks
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Even if living in JC/Hoboken is not really de facto any different than living in any actual boro? It is called the 6th boro because the lifestyle of the people here is the same. It is fairly high density with a huge portion of the population commuting to Manhattan, and often spending a considerable amount of free time in the city as well. Given that, I wouldn't fault anyone using that term.


mwa7368 wrote:
Still doesn't make it the 6th boro, and it's still not cool to call it the 6th boro. You will still sound dumb if you call it that.


vindication15 wrote:

jc_dweller wrote:
Actually if NYC wasn't there JC would probably be MORE substantial. The only reason that it seems insignificant is because Manhattan dwarfs everything around it. If Manhattan was gone, JC would be a serious mid-sized city - bigger than Boulder, Orlando, Richmond, etc.

hahahahaha. If JC wasn't right next to NYC with 24/7 access then it wouldn't be the second largest city in NJ, there would be no luxury condos, there would be no restaurant row, there would be any luxury at all actually. Minus well just rename Jersey City Greenville.

Just look at all the new buildings, restaurants, food trucks, and population growth - all of that is happening in the area right next to NYC - DTJC.

You people are fooling yourselves.

Posted on: 2014/8/19 16:07

Re: Black community responds to police shooting of unarmed black teenager by looting businesses
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Asif wrote:

Some would argue there is something about white culture that leads to fear of and oppression and violence towards minorities.

The history of the US littered with such examples.,_Florida

I don't disagree, actually. Whites within Europe faced numerous invasions. Afterward, they became colonizers, which meant they were always outnumbered by hostile locals. Much of the majority white world (including the US) came to be in this manner. Of course that is going to impact the culture. But in this case, fear is highly justified, as is a violent response towards the rioters.

By the way, the worst example of this mentality I can think of are actually not white people, but the Japanese. Their history also provides an explanation as to origin.

Posted on: 2014/8/19 15:58

Re: Black community responds to police shooting of unarmed black teenager by looting businesses
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dtjcview wrote:

devilsadvocate wrote:
I cannot see another possible description of the causation given the circumstances.

Might want to look a little further for causation. For example, the right-leaning Brooking Institute think tank offers one alternative and plausible explanation. ... verty-and-white-supremacy

I agree that you cannot divorce this discussion from discussing poverty (the point the Brooking Institute was making). But we have always had poverty and for the foreseeable future will continue to have poverty. Yes, the movement of poverty to suburbs means more riots in the suburbs (in fact, in France pretty much all the riots are in the suburbs because that is where their poor live). But you also cannot avoid a conversation as to why certain other impoverished groups do not commonly riot, while a few particular ones do. The solution to this isn't "oh, well, they are poor lets give them more money!" It might be "note that they have a bunch of kids out of wedlock, lets provide free birth control/abortions and more access to education and job training" which will lead to more money for them. But it will also involve a conversation of "too many of these individuals need to be in prison/shot after they riot/commit crime and we shouldn't be punishing officers dealing with them as they need to be dealt with." In short, we should not tolerate this behavior at all. We need to crack down so heavily that anyone going to riot in future should expect to be dead or in prison by the end of the night.

Posted on: 2014/8/19 15:53

Re: Black community responds to police shooting of unarmed black teenager by looting businesses
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CdeCoincy wrote:

devilsadvocate wrote:

dtjcview wrote:

JCMan8 wrote:
One big problem is that "perceived injustice can provoke unreasonable and disproportionate response" only in the black community.
You would never see anything like this in a white, Hispanic, or Asian community. ESPECIALLY so soon, before any facts were in. And this isn't a new thing, these sorts of riots have been doing on for decades. Call it racist but it's just a fact.

You really haven't set foot outside the US have you? This response is NO different to ANY minority response to perceived injustice. White, black, asian, african - N.Ireland, Egypt, Gaza, Tiananmen Sq, Croatia, Bosnia, Rwanda, South Africa... wherever...

Wake the #OOPS# up America. Just because you might be a majority, in a democracy., it doesn't mean you are right.

Those are horrible analogies for a bunch of reasons. Comparing what is going on in Missouri to civil wars, revolutions, democracy protests, etc. is moronic. Now, if you want something similar then the riots in France with the French Muslims is basically the exact same thing. I don't think it is racial per se but it is indicative of a seriously defective culture within certain communities. ... m=email&utm_campaign=quot

Interestingly an editorial in today's Liberation compares Ferguson to the French riots.

Yes, the exact same scenario and the exact same arguments coming from both liberals and conservatives.

Posted on: 2014/8/19 15:40

Re: Black community responds to police shooting of unarmed black teenager by looting businesses
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dtjcview wrote:

devilsadvocate wrote:

dtjcview wrote:

JCMan8 wrote:
One big problem is that "perceived injustice can provoke unreasonable and disproportionate response" only in the black community.
You would never see anything like this in a white, Hispanic, or Asian community. ESPECIALLY so soon, before any facts were in. And this isn't a new thing, these sorts of riots have been doing on for decades. Call it racist but it's just a fact.

You really haven't set foot outside the US have you? This response is NO different to ANY minority response to perceived injustice. White, black, asian, african - N.Ireland, Egypt, Gaza, Tiananmen Sq, Croatia, Bosnia, Rwanda, South Africa... wherever...

Wake the #OOPS# up America. Just because you might be a majority, in a democracy., it doesn't mean you are right.

Those are horrible analogies for a bunch of reasons. Comparing what is going on in Missouri to civil wars, revolutions, democracy protests, etc. is moronic. Now, if you want something similar then the riots in France with the French Muslims is basically the exact same thing. I don't think it is racial per se but it is indicative of a seriously defective culture within certain communities.

It's easier to believe that some races or cultures are simply broken, than believe social injustice might still be an issue in America. Right?

Yes. Mostly because certain cultures have moved here with terrible disadvantages and thrived. Also because we see the same thing happening in other places due to the exact same issues (again, the French Muslims come to mind). And furthermore, claims that this is due to "social injustice" doesn't pass the straight face test. Seriously. A recap is that some thug that robbed and attacked a guy 10 minutes earlier got shot by cops, with dispute over the circumstances, but with considerable reason to believe that he attacked the cops as well. This led to days of rioting and looting by a certain community. Social injustice CANNOT be the reason for that. It is a cultural problem - full stop. I cannot see another possible description of the causation given the circumstances.

Posted on: 2014/8/19 15:28

Re: How can JC become the best mid-sized city in the US?
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HeightsBrat wrote:

Yvonne wrote:
People here do not want an honest discussion, they want to throw mud and attack instead. If this forum is how to make this the best mid size city then address the issues, you don't pretend graffiti does not exist, visitors have a limited parking or they are assaulted by the noise in the air. I have been living in JC longer than some of you have been alive and I have seen the changes in JC, some positive and other negative. People here want to pretend the negative does not exist. If JC collected information from visitors I am sure they would say something similar to my comments. So why doesn't the city collect and publish some honest data from people who do visit the city?

The only negative thing on this board that people want to pretend does not exist is YOU. You have NEVER once come on this board saying anything positive. You suck the life forces out of everything.

Please find your perfect little town and move there.

This seems unduly harsh, and I'm not exactly one to cry "mean!" often. The thread is about what JC could do to improve, so any suggestions will have some inherent negativity to them. Her comments were not unreasonable even if you disagree with her.

Posted on: 2014/8/19 15:02

Re: Black community responds to police shooting of unarmed black teenager by looting businesses
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dtjcview wrote:

JCMan8 wrote:
One big problem is that "perceived injustice can provoke unreasonable and disproportionate response" only in the black community.
You would never see anything like this in a white, Hispanic, or Asian community. ESPECIALLY so soon, before any facts were in. And this isn't a new thing, these sorts of riots have been doing on for decades. Call it racist but it's just a fact.

You really haven't set foot outside the US have you? This response is NO different to ANY minority response to perceived injustice. White, black, asian, african - N.Ireland, Egypt, Gaza, Tiananmen Sq, Croatia, Bosnia, Rwanda, South Africa... wherever...

Wake the #OOPS# up America. Just because you might be a majority, in a democracy., it doesn't mean you are right.

Those are horrible analogies for a bunch of reasons. Comparing what is going on in Missouri to civil wars, revolutions, democracy protests, etc. is moronic. Now, if you want something similar then the riots in France with the French Muslims is basically the exact same thing. I don't think it is racial per se but it is indicative of a seriously defective culture within certain communities.

Posted on: 2014/8/19 14:55

Re: Black community responds to police shooting of unarmed black teenager by looting businesses
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VanVorster wrote:
Did I ever say he was a nice guy? I said, I am not castigating Michael Brown (playing respectability politics that dictates that we determine if he was one of the good blacks) NOR am I condemning Darren Wilson (innocent until proven guilty) ... -brown-ferguson-black-men ... se-so-wheres-the-outrage/

Wait a sec - so are you insinuating that courts and law enforcement should NOT consider character evidence in determining whether versions of events were more or less likely? In other words, do you not find it at all compelling that someone that attacked a guy and robbed a store 15 minutes earlier is more likely to attack cops vs. someone that was straight laced and never committed a crime in their life?

Posted on: 2014/8/19 2:35

Re: Black community responds to police shooting of unarmed black teenager by looting businesses
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VanVorster wrote:
And this man wasn't shot (not even a flesh wound) while he was being apprehended and he assaulted police officers. When you combine black with big, it's basically a veritable pass to say "well the scary big black man scared me" and all bets are off and I think people are subconsciously permissive in using their guns on black/brown people as evident by the Study below. ... s-officers-271009211.html

Look who is in this thread! What a surprise. And your position is so surprising too. I'm sure this fellow that just robbed a store was really a nice, sweet guy who was just a victim of racism.

Posted on: 2014/8/18 22:22

Re: Black community responds to police shooting of unarmed black teenager by looting businesses
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Old-Skool-JC wrote:
A disgusting amount of racism is allowed on this board, glad people are finally being called on it.

^^^^^^ Guy who just wrote: "Burn down babylon.
Death to our white oppressors."

You're right, there's a BUNCH of racism on this board. Most of it coming from guess who?

Posted on: 2014/8/18 22:09

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