Re: NJ school nixes Halloween celebrations, cites diversity
Just can't stay away
So we have to celebrate Muslim days, but take away Halloween?
What about New Year's day? What about Christmas? How about we just make things totally un-fun for everyone and take away ALL holidays. That way it's fair for everyone.
Posted on: 2015/10/20 17:14
Re: Wayne Street Issues
Just can't stay away
Thank you! Great news!
Posted on: 2015/9/25 16:24
Re: Wayne Street Issues
Just can't stay away
Thank you, that was the article I was thinking of.
I'm not saying I want everyone to be kicked out, and I don't even care about a few joints and some open containers, but used needles where kids play is not OK. I don't even think some of the regular junkies live in the neighborhood...they just frequent good spots to shoot up.
Posted on: 2015/9/25 13:30
Wayne St. Park
Just can't stay away
Drug activity in the Wayne St. park has really gotten worst lately. I have been finding used needles in the park as well as on my stoop. I thought this was one of the parks that was supposed to get revamped last year when the city was handing out public space funds. Does anyone know any more about that?
Such a waste of park in a prime location. If I were a parent I would be really mad this parks only use is for kids to smoke pot after school or for older junkies to but drugs.
Posted on: 2015/9/24 16:06
Re: Seeking: otolaryngologist recommendation (for perforated ear drum)
Just can't stay away
I am currently seeing Marita Teng at Mt Sinai. She is a otolaryngology surgeon. I haven't had my surgery yet so I'm not sure if I can give you any feedback!
Posted on: 2015/9/14 14:38
Re: Jersey City Puerto Rican Day Festival and Parade set for this weekend
Just can't stay away
I don't think the city should move this or any other parade out of downtown. I love that JC has so many cultural parades that involve the community. I'm only asking the organizers are held responsible for clean up and crowd control.
Posted on: 2015/8/18 16:09
Re: Jersey City Puerto Rican Day Festival and Parade set for this weekend
Just can't stay away
The other festivals DO NOT end the same way. For years the Puerto Rican Day Festival ends in a mess. I had to listen to people blast air horns till 3am and there was trash EVERYWHERE.
Posted on: 2015/8/17 18:17
Re: From "OX" to "BOX"
Just can't stay away
Sorry but sliders and Thai food sound horrible. There is not a single place in JC that makes just good Thai food, without adding Chinese, Japanese, burger fusion.
Posted on: 2015/8/12 18:13
Re: Please Help Prato Bakery
Just can't stay away
"The time to act is NOW so if you have any desire to protect your safety, your children?s safety, your pets, your quality of life and your property then you MUST act now!"
hahahaha. The horrors of Nutella sandwiches and cappuccinos!!
Posted on: 2015/8/10 15:45
Re: Please Help Prato Bakery
Just can't stay away
"I have been a big fan of their establishment since it opened but I was kind of bewildered how they were able to open in such a residential neighborhood."
Uhhh It's a coffee shop. Where else should it open?
Posted on: 2015/7/23 16:52
Re: Historical Preservation Society
Just can't stay away
I had the same feeling when I did the math at first!
I had Pella do all of it. They knocked off some fees because I had them do the whole job. They were familiar with our historic codes so made it easy for me. BUT if you decide to go with Pella don't go to home depot. Get a rep to come to your house.
Posted on: 2015/7/23 16:29
Re: Please Help Prato Bakery
Just can't stay away
Sounds like it's time to move to the burbs.
Posted on: 2015/7/23 16:24
Re: Historical Preservation Society
Just can't stay away
The historic windows are only for the street facing side. The rest can be the cheap vinyl ones.
I don't think the vinyl ones are as nice. They don't seem as insulated. The historic one keep out the cold and noise much better, and they just feel sturdier.
Posted on: 2015/7/23 16:22
Re: Historical Preservation Society
Just can't stay away
I recently replaced my windows with the historically appropriate ones.
It was actually really easy once you succumb to spending the money. I went with Pella and they did everything. Told me the correct windows, filed the paperwork with Dan, installed them and even repaired the rotted frames. At first I was really upset about it, they were SO much more expensive than the vinyl ones I used on the non street facing windows, but now that's it done they look SO nice. The quality really is so much nicer. If you live in a condo just make sure your association is aware that EVERYONE must replace their windows with the same thing.
Posted on: 2015/7/23 15:19
Re: New bar: The Archer
Just can't stay away
I call that ally Skid Row. The junkies and drunks days are numbered for sure.
FYI that Was Paco's pet rat, Ben. Paco and Taco really liked that little guy and were always super loving to animals.
Posted on: 2015/7/23 15:05
Just can't stay away
So many rules!! Jeez people relax and learn to live together.
Let's ban bikes. And dogs, and jogging, and children, and strollers. And music. And smoking... Where does it end?
Posted on: 2015/7/13 19:41
Re: Please Help Prato Bakery
Just can't stay away
People drinking coffee outside is such a nuisance! Give me a break, another case of people who need to move to the burbs.
Posted on: 2015/7/8 19:28
Re: Roads torn up near VVP
Just can't stay away
I second that opinion! Those fake bricks at the cross walks are pathetic! I would demand a refund and fire whomever hired that company.
Real cobblestones last CENTURIES!!
Posted on: 2015/7/8 15:50
Re: Newark Avenue Pedestrian Plaza -- Reopening?
Just can't stay away
Too bad I don't know what Yvonne looks like, because she is NEVER allowed to enjoy the pedestrian plaza!
Posted on: 2015/6/30 20:02
Re: Newark Avenue Pedestrian Plaza -- Reopening?
Just can't stay away
Unless you work in the suburbs, why do you need a car?
Isn't that the point of moving to the city? Everything delivers, and you can get an uber for anything that doesn't. I wish JC would actually be bold and make some progressive moves. I'll take a little inconvenience for less cars, less pollution, more trees and urban wildlife.
Posted on: 2015/6/15 20:15
Re: Cleaning Service
Just can't stay away
I have been using maid in jc for about a year. I'm never going back to cleaning my own place!
Posted on: 2015/6/15 13:39
Re: Newark Avenue Pedestrian Plaza -- Reopening?
Just can't stay away
That makes no sense for Fussy Friends, while people and pets are walking along the plaza, owners get dragged in to buy a toy or treat for their pet. I have seen dogs drag their owners into the toy store.
Posted on: 2015/6/12 16:22
Re: New Residents..Stop Calling Police on Bars & Silencing Church Bells
Just can't stay away
Amen! There are a lot SUV driving, double wide stroller pushing people that belong in the suburbs!
Posted on: 2015/6/9 19:32
Re: Gargantuan Tower Proposed for Barrow and Christopher Columbus
Just can't stay away
I agree with JCGuys, I find the parking structure even more offensive than the height of the building! If the developer put apartments with stoops and windows on the street level I wouldn't be so opposed.
Posted on: 2015/6/3 22:35
Re: Gargantuan Tower Proposed for Barrow and Christopher Columbus
Just can't stay away
I was not able to attend the meeting last night. Can anyone tell me what was discussed? I get the impression this is all happening very hush day we will just wake up and construction will have started on this eyesore.
Posted on: 2015/6/3 18:03
Re: Gargantuan Tower Proposed for Barrow and Christopher Columbus
Just can't stay away
Just want to remind everyone there is another meeting to discuss the proposed 18 story building tomorrow night at the Barrow St. mansion.
Please come by to help preserve the historical Van Vorst neighborhood.
Posted on: 2015/6/1 13:39
Re: Noise Complaint, worth it to call in?
Just can't stay away
Did anyone hear gunshots in the Wayne St. park (Wayne between Barrow and Jersey) on Friday around 11pm?
There was a fight in the park, after shots were fired, everyone dispersed and the cops never showed up. This park is so noisy with people playing basketball at 1 or 2am. And is ALWAYS filled with drug dealers, and people smoking crack. It's pretty out in the open, no one seems to care though.
Posted on: 2015/6/1 13:27
Re: Gargantuan Tower Proposed for Barrow and Christopher Columbus
Just can't stay away
Wow! Do you live in the historical district? Did you see the plans for this building? Do you own a building that you restored to it's historical glory? I'm guessing its a big fat NO.
I'm all for development as well, but these plans do not fit into this neighborhood. End of story.
Posted on: 2015/5/28 16:04
Re: Gargantuan Tower Proposed for Barrow and Christopher Columbus
Just can't stay away
JC Devil, I like that idea. I just wish the city would respect the current residents and enforce some kind of standards.
But then again they are not even enforcing the historic zoning.
Posted on: 2015/5/20 18:52