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Dentist on retiree plan - Secure Horizons (Oxford)
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Anyone out there on dental plan via Secure Horizons (thru Oxford)? My husband is retired, and the dentists on his plan that were mentioned on another JClist dental thread were all of the "DON'T go to this guy" ones...

Wondering if anyone else is on this plan and has found a GOOD dentist somehow!??!?

Posted on: 2008/6/12 19:58

Re: Where are all the BJ shopping carts coming from?
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Home away from home


TheVillage wrote:
Is anyone in favor of taking an hour out one evening or weekend to get together as a group and bring these carts back to BJ's. Have lets say 1 or 2 people on Brunswick and 9th, 1 or 2 at Brunswick and 8th (and so on), walk directly towards Marin Blvd. Any shopping carts we come across bring with us to BJ's. If we all do this together I am sure we would easily gather about 10 carts and drop them off at the store in Jersey. It would send a clear unified message to them that this issue is a sore point with the neighborhood.

Best possible results: BJ's will take notice of our concerns and address the issue more seriously.

Worst possible results: The carts may be off our streets for a few weeks at least.

a better idea would be to collect as many of them as possible, remove the right front wheel of each of them and mail a picture of them all as well as the wheels into the local store with a ransom note. see how badly they want their carts back.

Posted on: 2008/6/12 19:48
utterly deplorable

Re: With loft sales stalled, Journal Squares' Canco seeks sweeter tax abatement deal
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"The world needs ditch diggers( and renters) too !"

Posted on: 2008/6/12 18:31

Re: The Embankment Restaurant

Absolutely love it...I have been there several times, twice over the past two weeks and love the place. Besides the great design of the place, the food is awesome...I think it's better than Lighthorse. I had a steak, which was perfect and a burger that was perfect as well. Too bad we are moving out of JC next week...I was so nice having a great restaurant in my neighborhood...

Posted on: 2008/6/12 18:02

Re: Where are all the BJ shopping carts coming from?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


jaah37 wrote:
She said that a possible solution is to have JCIA, who regularly picks up these carts, tell BJ's they are going to destroy every cart they pick up rather then bring them back to BJ's, which IS what they normally do. Perhaps the threat of losing the carts permantly would be enough of a monitary incentive to fix this prob.

I agree that the threat of losing their carts is more likely to get them interested in the problem than this constant cycle of "catch and release." Perhaps if they lose enough carts, they will replace them with ones that can't be easily taken off the lot.

Posted on: 2008/6/12 15:51

Re: Property Management
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Home away from home

If you had a bad experience I'm sure they would help you out at delforno..i use them and i have never had a problem.
Mike at Harsimus is also wonderful. I do biz with him too.

You must of had an underlying problem that you are not sharing...Property management is tricky because you have to deal with People. And People are not easy when it come to money.

Posted on: 2008/6/12 15:42

Re: Where are all the BJ shopping carts coming from?
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I am going to the HDSID meeting next week to voice my concern about all these shopping carts all over the district. I dropped by their new office yesterday and spoke with a woman there about this very problem. She said that a possible solution is to have JCIA, who regularly picks up these carts, tell BJ's they are going to destroy every cart they pick up rather then bring them back to BJ's, which IS what they normally do. Perhaps the threat of losing the carts permantly would be enough of a monitary incentive to fix this prob. I would love if a bunch of people would join me. The meeting is next tues at 10:30am at 125 Newark Ave. The meeting is open to the public. The board has local business owners on it and we could appeal directly to them, they want to clean up the area and renovate it. I believe the HDSID also deals with the neighborhood associations, maybe they can mediate and get them all on board. Sound like a plan?


Posted on: 2008/6/12 15:31

Re: With loft sales stalled, Journal Squares' Canco seeks sweeter tax abatement deal
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FletchFletcher wrote:
First of all, a 10 minute walk is hardly far from the Path. Secondly, I am purchasing at Canco because it is one of the most amazing buildings in Jersey City!

If you havn't been there, you really should not be commenting on this board. The building is very cool!

And I WANT ALL THE AMENITIES!!! Sorry, I dont want to live in a crappy walk up and I can afford more than 300K. Once again its not the pricing so much but the fact that you simply can't afford anything.

I'll have my doorman, gym, shuttle, and everything else that comes along with it.

Good luck looking for a shitty 1 bedroom for less than 300K or just keep renting buddy.

Wow, with classy neighbors like yourself, I'm sure CanCo will be a delightful place to live...

Posted on: 2008/6/12 15:23

Re: With loft sales stalled, Journal Squares' Canco seeks sweeter tax abatement deal
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

Oh! I forgot. Now that I will be paying .9% for taxes, I will be enjoying one of the lowest tax rates in Jersey City.


Posted on: 2008/6/12 15:07

Re: With loft sales stalled, Journal Squares' Canco seeks sweeter tax abatement deal
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

First of all, a 10 minute walk is hardly far from the Path. Secondly, I am purchasing at Canco because it is one of the most amazing buildings in Jersey City!

If you havn't been there, you really should not be commenting on this board. The building is very cool!

And I WANT ALL THE AMENITIES!!! Sorry, I dont want to live in a crappy walk up and I can afford more than 300K. Once again its not the pricing so much but the fact that you simply can't afford anything.

I'll have my doorman, gym, shuttle, and everything else that comes along with it.

Good luck looking for a shitty 1 bedroom for less than 300K or just keep renting buddy.

Posted on: 2008/6/12 15:06

Re: Podiatrist recommendation?
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

Is this the same guy that is/was in the same building by Provident Bank?

If so I would agree...very good guy and doctor.

Posted on: 2008/6/12 14:53

Re: Where are all the BJ shopping carts coming from?
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

TheVillage, I'd be happy to help, just name a time and place.
This could make for an interesting stunt. Can we get the Jersey Journal to take photos and print them in the paper?

jclxz, what planet do you live on?

elvis, Right on!

Posted on: 2008/6/12 14:50

Re: Podiatrist recommendation?
Home away from home
Home away from home

Would someone please post the address and contact info for Dr. Del Monte? I hurt my foot in a freak accident over the weekend and will need to see a foot dr as well.


Posted on: 2008/6/12 14:43

Some Hill Dems won't endorse Obama
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Some Hill Dems won't endorse Obama

Ryan Grim

Thu Jun 12, 5:06 AM ET

The presidential race may be topic A, B and C in Washington these days, but some people are just too busy to think about it ? particularly, it seems, centrist Democrats from conservative districts, who aren?t exactly eager to align themselves with Sen. Barack Obama.

Rep. Travis Childers, elected just weeks ago in a Mississippi special election, hasn?t endorsed anyone in the presidential race yet. ?We have had our head down at work, trying to get our feet on the ground up here,? said Childers? chief of staff, Brad Morris. ?The presidential politics just has not been on our mind.?

Rep. Heath Shuler, a freshman Democrat from right-leaning North Carolina, has also been too busy to endorse. After Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton carried his district in the North Carolina primary, Shuler said he would cast his superdelegate vote for her at the Democratic convention.

Now that Clinton is out of the race? ?We?ve gone back to his work up there in the House,? said Shuler spokesman Andrew Whalen. ?We?re not really too focused on the presidential [race].?

Centrist Democrats aren?t the only ones cautious about embracing their party?s presumptive nominee. Neither Sen. Chuck Hagel (R-Neb.) nor Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) has endorsed Sen. John McCain, and a lot of GOP members will spend the fall trying to put distance between themselves and President Bush.

But with the media focused for a moment on Democratic defections ? Rep. Dan Boren, a Democrat from a conservative Oklahoma district, told The Associated Press on Tuesday that he won?t be endorsing Obama ? the GOP is enjoying the show.

National Republican Congressional Committee spokesman Ken Spain said that Democrats who don?t endorse Obama ?wrongly believe that by disassociating themselves from Obama that they can escape any criticism or comparison in terms of their liberal positions on issues like their shared support for government-run health care and massive tax hikes.?

The NRCC identified five such Democrats in a statement distributed Tuesday.

One of them, Kansas Rep. Nancy Boyda, has since decided to endorse Obama. Another, Ohio Rep. Charlie Wilson, had done so a few days before the statement went out ? which is to say, only after Clinton announced that she was suspending her campaign.

Responding to the news of Boren?s non-endorsement, Obama spokesman Tommy Vietor noted in an e-mail that ?Obama has a long history of working across the aisle to get things done and ... he?s worked with some of the most conservative members ? including Congressman Boren?s Republican colleague from Oklahoma, [Sen.] Tom Coburn.?

?Obviously this primary process was long and highly competitive, but we?re confident that the party will come together to beat John McCain,? he added.

But Boren isn?t the only congressional Democrat who won?t be endorsing Obama.

A spokesman for Rep. Tim Mahoney (D-Fla.) told Politico on Thursday that Mahoney will remain neutral. So will Rep. Jim Marshall, a Democrat in a conservative Georgia district. Marshall didn?t endorse Sen. John F. Kerry (D-Mass.) in 2004, and he won?t endorse anyone this year, either. ?Jim, as a rule, doesn?t get involved in other people?s campaigns,? said spokesman Doug Moore.

Louisiana Democratic Rep. Charlie Melancon has yet to endorse Obama. Until Thursday, neither had newly elected Louisiana Rep. Don Cazayoux. ?Since coming to office, it has been Rep. Cazayoux?s position to let the presidential primary process play out, which it has,? said Cazayoux spokesman Lewis Lowe. ?Now that Sen. Obama is the presumptive nominee, Rep. Cazayoux looks forward to working with him to improve the economy and increase access to quality health care for all Americans.?

Rep. Artur Davis (D-Ala.), a longtime Obama backer, said that he harbors no ill will for Democrats who stay on the sidelines.

?People?s responsibility, first and foremost, is to get reelected,? Davis said.

?I defer to any member?s judgment on what they need to do,? he added. ?They?re all loyal Democrats who vote with Democrats on a range of issues.?

Posted on: 2008/6/12 14:38

Re: Historic Newark Avenue graveyard Decays
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Home away from home

I remember hearing stories that the whole area (including "the islands") used to be a large cemetery, and that site is all that remains of it.

It is a pretty interesting cemetery, and several of my family members are buried there. The county actually had an inmate cleanup crew working for a few hours in the cemetery last week, so the publicity is having some impact.

The cemetery never extended to the island section but does extend nearly to the railroad tracks beneath the Waldo Avenue pedestrian bridge. The long brick wall on Waldo Avenue above the cemetery is is the old foundation of a WWI armory that burned and lit up the sky for an entire night in the early 70's. For urban explorers, the Jersey City Cemetery is a must. You can still find old army relics on top of the largest crypt at the base of the wall.

Unfortunately, many of the crypts have been raided and the 100 to 150 year old remains were desecrated by sick grave robbers.

Waldo Avenue above the cemetery before 1920 was just an overgrown wooded area owned by Samuel Waldo who built three brownstones on the corner of Waldo and Magnolia Avenues in the 1860's.

Until it was cut down in 1871, an ancient tulip tree known as the "King of the Woods" stood on the brow of the hill overlooking the site of the Jersey City Cemetery. General Lafayette was said to have encamped under the shade of this tree in 1779.

BELOW IS AN OLD Lithograph showing Newark Avenue near Waldo and Magnolia Avenues.
Resized Image

Posted on: 2008/6/12 14:36

Re: Where are all the BJ shopping carts coming from?
Home away from home
Home away from home

I want what you are smoking.

And to answer your questions,

Are the carts really more offensive to see than the ugly construction all over?

yes the carts are more offensive. The construction is actually helping the town look nicer in the long run. Nicer buildings tend to do that.

Aren't you happy that at least one store "allows" people to take the carts?

ACtually, no. It sucks. I applaud the other stores for not allowing such a thing. If you were to read the thread, you would know this already.

Don't you think maybe you would be in a position one day to need one of the carts?

I am racking my brain thinking of why. If if I did, I would go buy one of my own instead of stealing it.

Any other completely useless questions will be answered in the order they are submitted.

Posted on: 2008/6/12 14:27

Re: Johnson resigns from team vetting Obama veep
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Home away from home

Peace Be With You!

Posted on: 2008/6/12 14:20

Re: Property Management

As the super of several buildings downtown, I have had plenty of experiences dealing with property managers with respect to "single" unit managment. Of all the people I have had to deal with Anthony Armagno (or Armango Real Estate) is someone I would not hesitate to recommend. The girls always answer the phone and he is just a nice pleasant person who is accountable.

As far as Del Forno, I can't stand them. I can't get them to pay a bill. I have had to go the the "condo management company" and have liens placed against the units they manage. I would do it myself before I asked them.

Posted on: 2008/6/12 14:15

Re: Where are all the BJ shopping carts coming from?
Home away from home
Home away from home

The BJ's carts are part of the charm of Jersey City. Get over it.

Are the carts really more offensive to see than the ugly construction all over?

Aren't you happy that at least one store "allows" people to take the carts?

Don't you think maybe you would be in a position one day to need one of the carts?

Posted on: 2008/6/12 14:12

Re: Johnson resigns from team vetting Obama veep
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away


hero69 wrote:
You would be singing a completely different tune if you lost your job, had a family to support and couldn't find a job!

Been there, done that in 2000 with the whole internet mess...still singing the same song because I was prepared financially...and it wasnt easy.

So you have no thoughts on what I propose as being a huge cause of the problem and how to avoid it. You would rather just tell me that Im being opportunist for my personal situation?

Posted on: 2008/6/12 14:08

Re: Where are all the BJ shopping carts coming from?

The intent of this is purly driven to improve our neighborhood rather than perform services for BJ's for free.

I agree that they may have a truck collecting the carts but this approach has not worked in Downtown JC as we still see the same carts week in week out.

Posted on: 2008/6/12 14:07

Re: Johnson resigns from team vetting Obama veep
Home away from home
Home away from home

You would be singing a completely different tune if you lost your job, had a family to support and couldn't find a job!

Posted on: 2008/6/12 13:56

Re: Where are all the BJ shopping carts coming from?
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Home away from home


TheVillage wrote:
Is anyone in favor of taking an hour out one evening or weekend to get together as a group and bring these carts back to BJ's. Have lets say 1 or 2 people on Brunswick and 9th, 1 or 2 at Brunswick and 8th (and so on), walk directly towards Marin Blvd. Any shopping carts we come across bring with us to BJ's. If we all do this together I am sure we would easily gather about 10 carts and drop them off at the store in Jersey. It would send a clear unified message to them that this issue is a sore point with the neighborhood.

Best possible results: BJ's will take notice of our concerns and address the issue more seriously.

Worst possible results: The carts may be off our streets for a few weeks at least.

Nice of you to perform this free service for BJs.

BJs had a truck in my neighborhood picking up the carts, they do this all the time or there would be no carts for their shoppers.

Posted on: 2008/6/12 13:09

Re: Reservoir Use for 2008?????
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

I haven't been, but that's not at all what I had in mind. I meant something along these lines...

Posted on: 2008/6/12 13:06

A positive attitude brings strength, energy and initiative.

Re: New PATH trains, then more zip
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Home away from home


JCbiscuit wrote:
was anyone else foolish enough to take one of the white cards they were handing out at the turnstiles during the pm commute yesterday?

it was an apology note for Tuesday's service suspension.

I got up to the platform at 23rd street, and it was littered with white cards, some blowing onto the tracks.

they looked kinda flammable.

I didn't see those. But what a waste of money printing those things up. All they needed to do was make an announcement over the PA systems.

Posted on: 2008/6/12 13:01

Re: Johnson resigns from team vetting Obama veep
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away


hero69 wrote:
Yes, Germany does have a higher unemployment rate but you don't have the obscene poverty that you have in the US.

Also, an I point out that the employment rate in the US is not so fantastic relative to other rich countries.

Denmark : 4.8%
Netherlands : 4.7%
Sweden : 7.8%
UK : 4.7%
Austria : 5.2%
Finland : 8.4%
Ireland : 4.3%
Portugal : 7.6%
Germany : 9.5%
Spain : 9.2%
France : 9.7%
Belgium : 8.4%
Greece : 9.8%
Italy : 7.7%
Hungary : 7.2%
Poland : 17.7%
Turkey : 10.3%
USA : 5.1% (in 2004)
Japan : 4.4% (in 2004)
Sources : Eurostat

Net-net, it does not seem that high tax rates and social benefits is a necessarily bad

I cant agree with trying to use my personal pay check as a charity fund for everyone...I do my fair share of donating money and/or other things...I dont need the government doing it on my behalf with my money.

I will however tell you that in my opinion the biggest problem is that we put almost zero effort into teaching kids in school anything in terms of personal and basic finance. Half the problems that people face when it comes to debt, being under or not at all insured, saving money, and responsible spending could all be addressed in the public school system...but instead we do nothing and continue to wonder why people waste money, have huge personal debt, and dont know how to make even the most basic investment decisions so that they can secure their own financial well being down the road instead of depending on some government hand out that they have zero control over.

When I was in HS I had the option of exactly ONE class like this. It was taught by a very smart guy who made the class fun and interesting, and the class had a big impact on my approach to how I take care of my personal finances. Imagine if we had a program where from K-12 you had even just one class a year...just one...imagine how much better off people would be regardless of their salary, rising interest rates and gas prices, and being able to do some thinking before getting into a mortgage that they cant afford. Education and self-empowerment is the answer...not a hand out.

Posted on: 2008/6/12 12:53

Re: Where are all the BJ shopping carts coming from?

Is anyone in favor of taking an hour out one evening or weekend to get together as a group and bring these carts back to BJ's. Have lets say 1 or 2 people on Brunswick and 9th, 1 or 2 at Brunswick and 8th (and so on), walk directly towards Marin Blvd. Any shopping carts we come across bring with us to BJ's. If we all do this together I am sure we would easily gather about 10 carts and drop them off at the store in Jersey. It would send a clear unified message to them that this issue is a sore point with the neighborhood.

Best possible results: BJ's will take notice of our concerns and address the issue more seriously.

Worst possible results: The carts may be off our streets for a few weeks at least.

Posted on: 2008/6/12 12:09

Re: New PATH trains, then more zip
Home away from home
Home away from home

was anyone else foolish enough to take one of the white cards they were handing out at the turnstiles during the pm commute yesterday?

it was an apology note for Tuesday's service suspension.

I got up to the platform at 23rd street, and it was littered with white cards, some blowing onto the tracks.

they looked kinda flammable.

Posted on: 2008/6/12 12:08

Re: Historic Newark Avenue graveyard Decays - Weeds, missing funds plague site
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Meeting tomorrow on neglected cemetery

by Paul Koepp
Wednesday June 11, 2008, 5:35 PM

The New Jersey Cemetery Board will discuss options for maintaining the Jersey City-Harsimus Cemetery at a special meeting tomorrow at 6 p.m. at the Hudson County Improvement Authority, 574 Summit Ave., Jersey City.

No one has been running the Newark Avenue cemetery since the last active member of its board of directors died last December and it has fallen into disrepair.

The meeting is open to the public and will be held in a conference room on the fifth floor.

Posted on: 2008/6/12 7:30

Re: City, Honeywell to write new West Side story - 100 acres residential, commercial, and open space
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Honeywell closes on west side land sale, pays Jersey City $15M up front

by Ken Thorbourne
Wednesday June 11, 2008, 4:58 PM

As part of the settlement struck earlier this year between Jersey City and Honeywell International, roughly 35 acres of city-owned land were transferred to the Morristown-based company last week.

In return, Jersey City received an eight-figure check.

The property, along Route 440, is home to the city's Department of Public Works and the Jersey City Incinerator Authority and is supposed to be part of new community the city is building with Honeywell's help on the west side.

As part of the settlement, Honeywell has agreed to clean up and sell development rights for roughly 100 acres of chromium-tainted land. Based on the city's land contribution, profits from the development rights will be split with the city on a 60-40 basis, with the city receiving 40 percent.

At the closing on Friday, the city received a $15 million advance on those profits, which is being used to avoid a tax hike in this year's budget.

City officials intend to relocate the DPW and JCIA, and shrink the size of the adjacent Municipal Utilities Authority.

The city is looking at two privately-owned sites to relocate the agencies -- a chunk of land at the old PJP landfill site under the Pulaski Skyway and a property along Commercial Street.

In the meantime, the city will pay Honeywell $100 a month to rent space for the DPW and JCIA at their current locations. Beginning July 1, Honeywell will pay conventional taxes on the properties, officials said.

The overall agreement calls for the chromium cleanup to be completed by 2011.

Posted on: 2008/6/12 7:28

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