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Re: Fire Escape Laws in Jersey City
Home away from home
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lovejc wrote:
one of my former roommates fell off the ladder while going up to the roof (in JC) a few years back...she fell FIVE stories to the ground...lost one eye and did extensive damage to her body (shattered hip/knee) - it's amazing she lived. anyway, I would NEVER recommend climbing a fire escape. go to the park.

My gosh -- that's horrible! I am so sorry to hear that about your former roommate. I hope she's doing better these days. I plan on showing this thread to my brother and hope it serves as some sort of deterrent. Guess we'll see. Thank you.

Posted on: 2008/7/6 9:48

Re: Kabili Tayari in the news again...this time he didn't return his rental car
Home away from home
Home away from home

They are empowered to conduct weddings and stand in for mayors at various events,

....for $104k

When you get reminded that the corruption is so deeply nested and rooted into the institutions themselves, it makes you realize Fulop et al (and any kind of reform in general) just doesn't stand a chance - this guy's job is so clearly payment in return for afro-american votes when needed - then there's other payments in place for union votes when needed, they'll bus in the elderly when needed, etc etc

I kind of hate this place.

Posted on: 2008/7/6 3:43
"Someday a book will be written on how this city can be broke in the midst of all this development." ---Brewster

Re: Parked in handicapped spot. Got a ticket.

Call the court and ask the clerk. That would give you the correct answer.

Posted on: 2008/7/6 3:05

Re: Parked in handicapped spot. Got a ticket.
Home away from home
Home away from home

i got one too for parking in a handicapped that i didn't know was a handicap spot (as you already know eleanor a) but my box was filled in. i would rather just pay the fine too but i think they do require the court appearance...ughh i'd love to know if anyone else has gone through this too....

Posted on: 2008/7/6 2:48

Re: Parked in handicapped spot. Got a ticket.
Home away from home
Home away from home

Since you're claiming fault, just pay the ticket in a timely manner and you will not have to go to court.

Posted on: 2008/7/6 2:10

Parked in handicapped spot. Got a ticket.
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I parked in a handicapped spot the other night. It was late, on a residential street, and I just didn't see the sign. I just moved to JC a couple weeks ago from out of state (I'm not used to handicapped spots on residential streets).

This was my girlfriend's car (btw, it's not yet registered in NJ), but it's obviously my bad. Can I somehow completely take fault? Or can I just pay the $250 and that's that? Is a court appearance required (the "court-appearance required" checkbox does not seem to be checked on the ticket, but the "Court Date" field is filled out)?

Anyone have experience with this?

Posted on: 2008/7/6 1:38

Drunk hit and run driver arrested in vehicle at 5th and Jersey Ave.?
Home away from home
Home away from home

Like our little corner doesn't get enough action....

We walk around the block and witness a very large man being dragged up from his knees he's so, so drunk by about six cops - the side of his vehicle is hit but 'lo and behold it's very evident he hit nothing there - so it appears he must have left the scene of an accident, there's enough police and EMS to have followed the perp to this place and now they are just trying to coerce him on to his feet and in to the police car. Too painful to watch an idiot drunk guy realizing his life is about to seriously change....

Anyone know any details other than this?

Posted on: 2008/7/6 0:07

Re: Fire Escape Laws in Jersey City
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

one of my former roommates fell off the ladder while going up to the roof (in JC) a few years back...she fell FIVE stories to the ground...lost one eye and did extensive damage to her body (shattered hip/knee) - it's amazing she lived. anyway, I would NEVER recommend climbing a fire escape. go to the park.

Posted on: 2008/7/5 23:38

Re: Kabili Tayari in the news again...this time he didn't return his rental car
Home away from home
Home away from home

So how many do-nothing, corrupt "deputy mayors" does healy employ at $100k+ per year? I recall he had another that was extorting cell phone business and demanding tips for doing weddings-i believe he was fired. This one won't go as quietly, I'm sure, since he's pres of the JC NAACP-how long till he takes a page from Sharpton's book and plays the race card? Is he a minister (ala farakhan) too or does he just like bowties? Also, why the alias-"kabili tayari" isn't even his name. Anyone got a rapsheet on this guy?

Posted on: 2008/7/5 23:08

Re: Fire Escape Laws in Jersey City
Home away from home
Home away from home

My stepson likes to do the same thing. I talked to my upstairs neighbor about it, and since he is a friend of ours, he said he doesn't mind at all. I don't let him go all of the way on top of the roof, but he is allowed to climb up to the top fire escape and chill. I also saw my next door neighbor sunny himself on his fire escape one day. Personally, I think it's fine.

They just have to climb carefully. It's no worse than climbing a tall tree, IMHO.

Posted on: 2008/7/5 19:06

Re: Fire Escape Laws in Jersey City
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

If in your gut you feel it's wrong/unsafe, it probably is.

Posted on: 2008/7/5 18:52

Re: Fire Escape Laws in Jersey City

Wow, Trespassing comes to mind, can get arrested... Scare the hell of your neighbors, who may call the cops, whom may think he's breaking in, waste their time( cops) will false alarm etc. My opinion advise him not good idea, he may have good attentions, may want to chill out etc. but results may lead to problems for him and others.. Best of Luck

Posted on: 2008/7/5 18:44

Re: Where are all the BJ shopping carts coming from?
Home away from home
Home away from home

i found one on 16th and coles...snapped a photo, but i'll upload it later.

Posted on: 2008/7/5 18:00

Re: Where are all the BJ shopping carts coming from?
Home away from home
Home away from home

Just walked from 4th st down Newark Ave to Grove St and spotted no less then 5 Bj's carts. 3 are left right on Newark Ave, very easy to spot. Anyone hear from Fulop on this matter yet? Happy 4th of July!!


Posted on: 2008/7/5 17:44

Re: Barack Obama for President
Home away from home
Home away from home

Arianna Huffington doesn't see the big picture. McCain will temper his rhetoric soon also and move to the middle. Ms. Huffington's counterparts will say the same of McCain. The middle might for losers as she outlined, but these "losers" win elections.

Call it a "flip / flop" or whatever. We've reduced the American intellect to "buzz" words and slogans.

When politicians wedge themselves into a box with a rigid policy or idea, they get burned by their opponents when "revisions" or "modifications" are made. The fact that politicians are "forced" into these rigid stances to appease their political bases results in the shallow sound-bites that inhibit real debate. Huffington doesn't see a debate, but instead an ultimatum that Obama must follow.

Getting totally out of Iraq sounds easy, but it isn't. Logistically, it is quite an undertaking that involves tens of thousands of support troops and those crooks from Halliburton. Likewise, an egress cannot be made without "securing" positions that are turned over. If those positions are not secured, then American cargo planes will be shot down and support troops will die.

Even after Obama gets us out if he is elected, there will be thousands of "advisors" fighting alongside the Iraqi forces until a loose federation is formed or Iraq is partitioned. Either way, Obama sees the reality of the situation. Whether his 16 month timetable becomes a 20 month timetable depends on battle conditions in Iraq that political sages like Ms. Huffington cannot predict.

A hasty exit kills people and a protracted war kills people... the only politician that understood this about Iraq was Clinton... and now, Obama.

Posted on: 2008/7/5 17:18

Re: Barack Obama for President
Home away from home
Home away from home

I couldn't agree more. Looks like the Democrats will never learn.

Memo to Obama: Moving to the Middle is for Losers

By Arianna Huffington
The Huffington Post
June 30, 2008

Last Friday afternoon, the guests taking part in Sunday's roundtable discussion on This Week had a pre-show call with George Stephanopoulos. One of the topics he raised was Obama's perceived move to the center, and what it means. Thus began my weekend obsession. If you were within shouting distance of me, odds are we talked about it. I talked about it over lunch with HuffPost's DC team, over dinner with friends, with the doorman at the hotel, and the driver on the way to the airport.

As part of this process, I looked at the Obama campaign not through the prism of my own progressive views and beliefs but through the prism of a cold-eyed campaign strategist who has no principles except winning. From that point of view, and taking nothing else into consideration, I can unequivocally say: the Obama campaign is making a very serious mistake. Tacking to the center is a losing strategy. And don't let the latest head-to-head poll numbers lull you the way they lulled Hillary Clinton in December.

Running to the middle in an attempt to attract undecided swing voters didn't work for Al Gore in 2000. It didn't work for John Kerry in 2004. And it didn't work when Mark Penn (obsessed with his "microtrends" and missing the megatrend) convinced Hillary Clinton to do it in 2008.


Posted on: 2008/7/5 16:18

Re: Barack Obama for President
Home away from home
Home away from home

Posted on: 2008/7/5 16:00

Re: Lincoln Park - SHOT DEAD, Friend injured in gunfire at A. Harry Moore public housing complex
Home away from home
Home away from home

Cops: 2 had 60 bags of heroin at Moore complex
Saturday, July 05, 2008

Two convicted felons were busted on drug dealing charges Thursday at Jersey City's A. Harry Moore public housing complex, where police have stepped up enforcement in the wake of last week's murder there, officials said.

Jermaine Finley, 26, of Communipaw Avenue, and Phillip White, 32, of Monticello Avenue, are charged with numerous drug offenses including possession of heroin with intent to distribute within 1,000 feet of a school and within 500 feet of public property, Hudson County Prosecutor Edward DeFazio said.

Officers on surveillance watched as the pair allegedly sold drugs to several people outside 320 Duncan Ave. and when the officers closed on the men, they ran into the building, but the cops got them, DeFazio said.

A search revealed they had about 60 bags of heroin, the prosecutor said. Several buyers were also arrested and issued summonses, DeFazio said.

The arrests come during a crackdown by DeFazio's office, the Jersey City Police Department, and the Hudson County Sheriff's Office in the wake of the June 25 murder of Terrell Martin, 24, of Claremont Avenue, and the critical wounding of Husain Booker, 27, of Armstrong Avenue.

DeFazio said that shooting may have been payback for a robbery at a dice game, DeFazio said, adding that Booker is expected to recover but may have spinal damage.

The men, who appear to have known each other, were shot with semiautomatic pistols by at least two people at about 11:30 p.m. Neither of the guns was found, but a third revolver that had not been fired was found at the scene. Police are not sure if the gun belonged to a victim, DeFazio said.

Posted on: 2008/7/5 15:43

Re: Kabili Tayari in the news again...this time he didn't return his rental car
Home away from home
Home away from home

Resized Image

Just what does Tayari do?

Jersey Journal
Saturday, July 05, 2008

Deputy mayors don't have set job descriptions. They carry out whatever duties the mayor delegates to them, said City Clerk Robert Byrne.

They are empowered to conduct weddings and stand in for mayors at various events, Byrne added. If the mayor leaves town or becomes incapacitated, deputy mayors cannot become the acting mayor.

That designation, Byrne explained, is reserved for city officials whose mayoral appointments are confirmed by the City Council, like department directors, the clerk and the assessor.

Named by Jersey City Mayor Jerramiah T. Healy as a deputy mayor last year, Kabili Tayari has focused on issues of equality and diversity as it relates to public and private hiring in the city.

He played a key role in establishing the city's new "project labor agreement" that strives to put Jersey City residents to work on local construction projects.

Posted on: 2008/7/5 15:40

Re: Barack Obama for President
Home away from home
Home away from home

What's the deal with Obama and Iraq. Is he doing a fliup flop or what? What does he mean by refining his exit strategy? I can undersand delaying withdrawal by a few months or even a year, but he should be setting concrete deadlines and telling the Iraq government to get with the progra and if the Iraqi government can't do it, let Iran and Saudi Arabia do it.

Posted on: 2008/7/5 15:24

Fire Escape Laws in Jersey City
Home away from home
Home away from home

Every few weeks, my younger brother likes to make his way out my kitchen window, climb up the fire escape and "just chill" for an hour or two on my building's flat rooftop.

I am guessing my landlord wouldn't be too thrilled if he were aware of this. And I'm a bit concerned my brother may freak out the people who live on the top floor of my building if they see him climbing past their window on the fire escape.

While he does this in the back of the building and he can't be seen from the street, it's a rickety old fire escape and I worry about his safety (though he insists it's safe up there).

I guess my questions are:

Does Jersey City have laws against using fire escapes for anything other than emergency purposes? And if so, would they ever attempt to enforce them? Same goes for hanging out on flat rooftops that are only accessible via fire escapes?

I am guessing we'd only have trouble if another tenant phoned the police or my landlord, but I figured it couldn't hurt to ask if any of you JCListers out there were aware of possible fines (or anything else for that matter) we could be subject to.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Posted on: 2008/7/5 14:44

Re: opinions on a-1 property management
Home away from home
Home away from home

I've lived in an A-1 building for ~3 years.

They are excellent in getting stuff done.

- They were able to provide an exterminator within 4 days of our requesting one. It would've been sooner, but the exterminator's schedule didn't allow him to come sooner.

- When I pointed out that the dishwasher racks were broken/rusted, they installed a brand new dishwasher within 3 days.

- This past winter there was no heat in our apt. on a Sunday morning. I called and they fixed the heat within 2 hrs.

I know they are bound by laws to do certain things, but still, they are quite responsive about certain things, and I've been impressed.

On the downside, sometimes the lady that takes calls at A-1's office can be a bit rude.

Posted on: 2008/7/5 14:30

Re: can the success of downtown jersey city be measured by the number of sneaker boutiques?
Home away from home
Home away from home

A few more thoughts on this...

I couldn't help but notice that #26 is Manhattan (and Now Brooklyn Too -- which makes sense now that they have an IKEA in Red Hook).

And the City of Portland (the new home of Jersey City's very own Janam Tea -- Tea is #13) just made it into his White People in the News column.

With Manhattan, Brooklyn AND Portland on Christian Lander's mind, do you think Jersey City and Hoboken (gasp!) are safely off this guy's radar?

Between our location in New Jersey (a state that can elicit obnoxious opinions from Americans near and far) and our close proximity to NYC (note that San Francisco is #91 but Oakland is missing), I think we may be able to quietly slip through the cracks.

But then again that may somehow just be what puts Jersey City right under his microscope!

Or worse yet, it could be #73 -- Gentrification!

Posted on: 2008/7/5 11:59

Re: can the success of downtown jersey city be measured by the number of sneaker boutiques?
Home away from home
Home away from home


DragonXJC wrote:
Speaking of Barcelona Chairs...

That's a pretty funny site, I'm laughing my ass off at work. Thanks.

This JCList thread and Christian Lander's blog had me howling with laughter this morning (and, as a guy of Eastern European descent, I guess that makes me pretty darn white in most circles!).

It looks like his new book, "The Definitive Guide to Stuff White People Like: The Unique Taste of Millions" finally made its way into stores just this week.

What's even funnier is that Amazon has the book "bundled" in a special sale with a David Sedaris book. Why is that humorous? David Sedaris is #25 on Lander's "Stuff White People Like" list OF COURSE!

For the uninitiated, I've cut and pasted Lander's full list below for your giggling pleasure, but if you really want to have some fun, click here to see where the Canadian-turned-Californian blogger describes why each of the following made his list.

103. Sweaters
102. Children?s Games as Adults
101. Being Offended
100. Bumper Stickers
99. Grammar
98. The Ivy League
97. Scarves
96. New Balance Shoes
95. Rugby
94. Free Healthcare
93. Music Piracy
92. Book Deals
91. San Francisco
90. Dinner Parties
89. St. Patrick?s Day
88. Having Gay Friends
87. Outdoor Performance Clothes
86. Shorts
85. The Wire
84. T-Shirts
83. Bad Memories of High School
82. Hating Corporations
81. Graduate School
80. The Idea of Soccer
79. Modern Furniture
78. Multilingual Children
77. Musical Comedy
76. Bottles of Water
75. Threatening to Move to Canada
74. Oscar Parties
73. Gentrification
72. Study Abroad
71. Being the Only White Person Around
70. Difficult Breakups
69. Mos Def
68. Michel Gondry
67. Standing Still at Concerts
66. Divorce
65. Co-Ed Sports
64. Recycling
63. Expensive Sandwiches
62. Knowing What?s Best for Poor People
61. Bicycles
60. Toyota Prius
59. Natural Medicine
58. Japan
57. Juno
56. Lawyers
55. Apologies
54. Kitchen Gadgets
53. Dogs
52. Sarah Silverman
51. Living by the Water
50. Irony
49. Vintage
48. Whole Foods and Grocery Co-Ops
47. Arts Degrees
46. The Sunday New York Times
45. Asian Fusion Food
44. Public Radio
43. Plays
42. Sushi
41. Indie Music
40. Apple Products
39. Netflix
38. Arrested Development
37. Renovations
36. Breakfast Places
35. The Daily Show/Colbert Report
34. Architecture
33. Marijuana
32. Vegan/Vegetarianism
31. Snowboarding
30. Wrigley Field
29. 80s Night
28. Not Having a TV
27. Marathons
26. Manhattan (now Brooklyn too!)
25. David Sedaris
24. Wine
23. Microbreweries
22. Having Two Last Names
21. Writers Workshops
20. Being an Expert on YOUR Culture
19. Traveling
18. Awareness
17. Hating Their Parents
16. Gifted Children
15. Yoga
14. Having Black Friends
13. Tea
12. Non-Profit Organizations
11. Asian Girls
10. Wes Anderson Movies
9. Making You Feel Bad About Not Going Outside
8. Barack Obama
7. Diversity
6. Organic Food
5. Farmer?s Markets
4. Assists
3. Film Festivals
2. Religions Their Parents Don?t Belong To
1. Coffee

Posted on: 2008/7/5 11:56

Re: Kabili Tayari in the news again...this time he didn't return his rental car
Home away from home
Home away from home

Tayari wants to be part of the City's employ a felon program !

Posted on: 2008/7/5 10:59
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.

Re: Jersey City's 'Live Where You Work' Program -- 30 or 40 year ( 6 1/8% ) fixed-rate mortgages
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

Sort of funny, so many of us should be interested in such programs since we are working in Manhattan.

Posted on: 2008/7/5 4:38

Re: Jersey City's 'Live Where You Work' Program -- 30 or 40 year ( 6 1/8% ) fixed-rate mortgages
Home away from home
Home away from home

I already looked into this program you also get a grant worth 5% of your mortgage which you don't have to pay back. You could go for the 4% program which is anywhere in N.J. with the low interest rate. It's only for a 30 year mortgage though.

Posted on: 2008/7/5 3:13

Re: opinions on a-1 property management

Now that is funny....

Posted on: 2008/7/5 2:43

Re: Jersey City's 'Live Where You Work' Program -- 30 or 40 year ( 6 1/8% ) fixed-rate mortgages

Plus, you have to live in the property for the life of the mortgage.......A lifetime in JC? Don't think so....

Posted on: 2008/7/5 2:40

Re: Liberty Harbor safety

Elvis: What specifically do your friends say about the experience?

Posted on: 2008/7/5 2:15

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