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Re: Board of Education elections
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I have had my issues with Richardson, but I find the ethics charges against him to be vindictive. I say that even though the state has given the go ahead to investigate them.

Lyles's contract was renewed by default because the board could not get a quorum to vote on it. Richardson joined the JCEA and other residents in filing an administrative complaint saying that the renewal process was improper and asked the state to force the board to hold an actual vote. That complaint was ultimately dismissed, as it was found that the law required default renewal of the super's contract.

The decision upholding the ethics complaint says that Richardson was acting against the interests of the board, and acting in a way that did not represent the board. This rationale is bizarre. Essentially, if a board member feels that he or she is being deprived of her right as a board member, this decision says he or she has no recourse. If action were taken in violation of the open public meetings requirement, this decision says that a dissenting board member could not file a complaint and say "no, you have to do it the right way."

This, by the way, is another problem with P4P. They routinely tried to quash dissent or disagreement by invoking of the ethics code. Want to raise a complaint that you have heard in hundreds of emails to parents? Don't you dare raise it at a board meeting, ethics requires you privately raise it with Dr. Lyles. Have a suggestion for curriculum or policy not proposed by the superintendent? Don't you dare raise it at a board meeting. That is "administration" and you may only humbly and privately suggest it to Dear Dr. Lyles. The code of ethics does not require that, but it was repeatedly used as a threat against other board members.

Let me make clear. Richardson was wrong on the merits when he challenged the renewal without a vote. It came across as particularly hypocritical since he was one of the absent board members at the key meeting. He also can be overly confrontational towards others. But you don't try to ruin someone by invoking ethics charges over disagreement over the renewal of the superintendent, which is the most important thing a board does. And I stand by that even though the Christie run Department of Education (which wanted Lyles in all along) ruled against Richardson.

Posted on: 2017/11/7 2:52

Re: Michael Billy Video warns of Rebecca Symes/Developer connections.
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I should also note the original (anonymous troll) poster is wrong. When Billy dropped out of the race he endorsed Nick Grillo.

From the video:

"Coastal points buys brownstones, renovates them, and sells them for a higher price.

Actually, they are a general contractor that does business in NY and NJ. I am not familiar with their portfolio of properties, but for the most part they are working for other people looking to fix their homes. Maybe they have some properties of their own, but they advertise themselves as contractors.

But I mean, heaven forbid someone by a home, renovate it, and sell it for a higher price! What chutzpah!

Posted on: 2017/11/7 1:54

Re: Rebecca Symes is a great candidate for Ward E
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Give me an S! Give me a Y! Give me an M! Give me an E! Give me another S!

What does that spell?


("Rebecca" was too long).

Posted on: 2017/11/6 22:32

Re: Jersey City to Install Electric Car Charging Stations in Every Ward
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La_Verdad wrote:

JCGuys wrote:

I would be 100% supportive of that as long as it covers the true cost. Cost of land, construction, operations and maintenance, overnight parking benefit, etc... And of course the electricity.

I don't trust the city to run this out directly but they could enter into a franchise agreement with a for-profit company.

Why hold the electric vehicle industry to a standard so much higher than that of the oil industry (and by extension, the internal combustion car)?? No one would be able to afford gasoline if oil companies were forced to bear the full cost of the pollution they spew, the associated health issues and premature deaths, the wars that are fought on behalf of access to oil, the various price subsidies it enjoys throughout much of the world...

This. The development of autocentric travel and fossil fuels as king was not done solely on the merits of the marketplace. Realistically, our country will have an energy policy, and that policy should include a push to cleaner and more sustainable resources.

Posted on: 2017/11/6 22:31

Re: Board of Education elections
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T-Bird wrote:

JPhurst wrote:
Dr. Lyles simply did not turn the district around herself, or just with the help of the mommy mafia.

I didn't suggest that it was Dr. Lyles alone. Let's be honest though - the union has brought us retrograde candidates such as Angel Valentin and Lorenzo Richardson, the latter of whom should have been locked up for the terroristic stunts he pulled at board meetings prior to his election.

And you love to say "hedge funders" over and over and paint B4K as the boogeyman - but what is it that they did in Jersey City that hurt students or made education worse? Answer that as a parent of two children in the JC public schools and not a labor union attorney...

They advocated policies that included vouchers and expansion of charters to the detriment of the public school system. They were not effective enough to implement these policies, but that was due to pushback.

The board was unable to reach a contract so that the teachers went working on an expired contract for multiple years.

They reflexively said "I support Dr. Lyles" to the point where those votes were close to a rubber stamp without oversight.

And on a more granular level, I found the people who supported P4P constantly trying to stick their nose into school business. Plenty of involved parents do that, and overdo it, sometimes. But they definitely had the attitude that they should influence or have say in things like which teacher replaced who, etc.

"It's all for the children" after all.

Posted on: 2017/11/6 22:29

Re: Rebecca Symes is a great candidate for Ward E
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Well, it is better than bumping a thread to the top that has an inflammatory headline. Users will do that so even if one refutes it, the negative headline buries the substantive discussion.

Anyway, firecracker firecracker sis boom bah, Rebecca Symes, Rebecca Symes rah rah rah.....

Posted on: 2017/11/6 18:09

Re: Jersey City to Install Electric Car Charging Stations in Every Ward
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I understand the concern about corporate welfare for this stuff. On the other hand, electric vehicles, renewable energy, and other green initiatives have just started to become competitive and viable industries over the past decade. And the fact that subsidies helped them get there and may still be needed for a while to keep them there is something I am willing to put up with within reason.

We have a lot of congestion and emissions from automobiles in this city. If we can lead the way in mitigating that and becoming a leader in infrastructure for electric vehicles I am all for it.

Posted on: 2017/11/6 14:56

Re: Ward E for Sale - How Dixon $$$ bought Symes a candidacy.
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DanL wrote:
quid pro quo-

Ok, so now you are going so far as to outright accuse people of illegal conduct? Because that's what quid pro quo is.

Posted on: 2017/11/6 14:28

Re: Ward E for Sale - How Dixon $$$ bought Symes a candidacy.
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"Rebecca manages relationships with elected officials, government agencies, and community stakeholders with the primary objective of identifying shared interests and maximizing opportunities for collaboration."

The horror! The horror!

Posted on: 2017/11/6 3:54

Re: Ward E for Sale - James Solomon Highest Bidder
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o73o2 wrote:

ecoindie wrote:
The truth is he has no actual job. He's a trust fund baby that masks himself as a reformer.
I wouldn't call an adjunct professor having no job. But, I would never want to have an adjunct professor sit on city council, or God forbid, become the mayor even though the adjunct professor has both the skill of policy and glib.

Academics, particularly people who think they are real professors, such as lowly underpaid adjuncts (such as the well-admired Mr Salomon) with means to support themselves independently through the hard work of their spouse or accumulated wealth through inheritance are very dangerous and are hardly acting in anyone else's interest but their own. Not because they are insipid, but because they live and breath the ivory tower they are too timid, lazy or untalanted to join through proper training. They reach their goals through adjuncting in fourth and fifth rate colleges, also known as diploma mills. Do we want a guy like that to represent us and to deal with real issues?

Symes supporter here. But NJCU and HCCC are not "diploma mills."

Posted on: 2017/11/5 2:59

Re: Board of Education elections
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T-Bird wrote:

jimbehrle wrote:
Nah. I'm voting for Ali. I was gonna vote for you, too. But I find this post a little heavy-handed. I'll vote for de geise, Saleh and Lyons.

You probably lack the history to understand that the things Matt points out understate the danger posed by JCEA?s control of the board. There was a brief window at the beginning of the decade when activists like Matt helped get people like Ellen Simon and Sangeeta Ranade elected to the board. They were parents who were faced with a failing public school system, long ago taken over by the state and viewed by the local political establishment as a jobs bank for supporters and a piggy bank from which to offer fat contracts to their coroporate donors. They loved their community and didn?t want to have to leave Jersey City order for their kids to get a decent education - as many had before them.

Real progress was made in a short period of time - a new superintendent was brought in to implement needed improvements, test scores and graduation rates begin to rise, accompanied by optimism that the school district had turned the corner. However, progress came at a steep price. The old guard fought reform every step of the way - board meetings would escalate to near riots on a fairly regular basis.

Unfortunately, that promising chapter ended a couple years ago when a reinvigorated JCEA, flush with cash from the NJEA and heavy local political support, tipped the scales back to the prior status quo. No one with any interest in Jersey City should want to see our schools continue to retreat. Matt Schapiro has worked tirelessly for many years to help get dedicated, intelligent, progressive candidates elected to the board and has more knowledge of what goes on at the board than any two other candidates. I am proud to call Matt a friend and will eagerly vote for him, David and Yousef on Tuesday.

It was also the decision of that group to start taking money from B4KNJ, an education advocacy group funded by hedge fund interests.

Let's back up a bit. The first year of this, Fulop basically ran the slate and cross endorsed with the union (2 of 3 seats). Fulop stepped back a bit the next year, and allowed a committee of people that included Candice Osborne to direct the process. The union, without being that involved (it was Favia's last year) endorsed it too.

The next year, when Sangeeta ran with Vidya Gangadin and Marilyn Roman, Fulop endorsed but was not really involved. Ellen Simon was the head of what was called "Parents For Progress" and it was under her that the group made the decision to start taking B4KNJ's money. Former Fulop supporter Shelly Skinner was now with B4K, and told at least one parent advocate that the aim was to destroy the teacher''s union.

The response from P4P members was "It doesn't matter, we know we can't be bought. We're doing this for the children." That last sentence became a common sanctimonious refrain whenever anyone questioned anything that they did. It was at this point that the union split with the group. Partly from the decidedly anti-union message that comes part and parcel with B4K, and partly because JCEA became more feisty with Favia being replaced by Ronnie Greco.

The next election was the first one after Fulop's election. Ellen Simon stepped down from P4P. And, surprise, the new leadership of P4P endorsed....Ellen Simon for Board of Education! Of course, they insisted, that there was no favoritism involved and that each candidate was evaluated on their merits. They made their decision "for the children." Don't you dare question it.

The union had a favored slate of candidates but did not endorse. With contract negotiations going on, there was the threat of any union endorsed member being disqualified from voting. P4P again took the hedge fund money. Despite this, they had an awful lot of trouble. Two of their candidates won relatively handily because they were listed under the Democratic candidates in the partisan elections (this was the first year of November school board elections, and the ballot was not well designed). But Ellen Simon, the most prominent member of the ticket, barely scraped past Lorenzo Richardson.

At this point P4P dominated the board, and Dr. Lyles and her staff treated the union, and for that matter any dissenters, with contempt. P4P's selection process became far more insular and dominated by the downtown moms, as opposed to the diverse constituencies that were the case under Fulop.

Finally JCEA said "enough is enough" and heavily backed the candidates in 2014. Even with hedge fund money, P4P's candidates got smoked. P4P disbanded thereafter, because it was always a house of cards. Without Fulop's support, they were not able to generate significant grassroots support to replace it. The hedge fund money could only take them so far.

The above is only a summary. I will have to disagree with my good friend and neighbor T-Bird on the trajectory of the Board of Ed and the School District. Dr. Lyles simply did not turn the district around herself, or just with the help of the mommy mafia. Work had been done years before that started to bear fruit. Dr. Lyles has done some good things, and continues to do some good things. Her inability to communicate with anyone she perceives as adversarial is problematic but she does have plenty of skills. So do the teachers and principals and administrators that have contributed to the turnaround. And the JCEA endorsed candidates are not, despite what people say, JCEA controlled candidates. But yeah, working with a group that has pledged to destroy them will PROBABLY lead to them seeking another candidate.

Anyway, I think the best way to approach this Board of Education election is to filter all the inside politics out, despite the fact that former P4P leadership desperately try to make themselves relevant by bad mouthing other board members, trying to retrieve court records of private matters to smear other board members, and otherwise trying to relive glory days that were never really theirs.

As John points out, Matt helped the P4P candidates. I was on the other side from him in last year's board election, but I will give him tremendous credit for putting together a credible slate more or less on his own. Yes, they did get the hedge fund support (as independent expenditures), but they ran a good race, and are running a good race this year.

I will probably split my ticket, although the sanctimony and negativity of former P4P has really tempted me to vote straight union out of spite. But at the end of the day, spite is not a good reason to vote. So even though some people supporting him have acted like complete assholes, I won't hold that against Matt.

I will add that I really like Mussab Ali for the 1 year term. He ran with another recent graduate last year, with no institutional support, and impressed supporters and opponents alike with his smarts and his class.

Posted on: 2017/11/5 2:55

Re: Solomon has no resume
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HenryOnTheHudson wrote:

jimbehrle wrote:
Candice's work with speed humps and intersection signs was thoughtful. Maybe James is speaking from experience with using them for Target practice. It's the second thing he mentioned about what JC can "do better" so I guess he's pro-aggresive driver? What a weird stance.

Candice has been effective at getting things done - but I'd rather see the city hire a forward-thinking traffic planner than have someone on council pushing for ad hoc fixes. Like so many other things, the streetscape is dealt with in isolation - oh, there was an accident here? Put up a stop sign or speed bump. (Don't get me wrong - I'd love to see a whole lot more stop signs... along with enforcement.)

Bike lanes (in traffic, alongside traffic, protected), speed bumps, stop signs, restricted turns, turn lanes, pedestrian crossings, bump outs, traffic circles, car-free zones, express bus lanes - all of these things should be done thoughtfully, as part of an overall plan. Does anyone get the sense that this is how the city operates?

I think it is important to have a council representative who advocates for it, and a city administration that is on board with it. In the past, there was a lot of pushback from the city's traffic planners, which seemed to be stuck in the mindset of building our roads to accommodate more cars. I am not saying it has completely changed, but there is a lot more discussion around complete streets now.

Posted on: 2017/10/31 14:30

Re: Solomon has no resume
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Can we do better? Of course we can do better. And we should always try to.

The Solomon campaign has to navigate a specific path in this campaign. You have a group of voters who will probaby vote for the Mayor, but are disenchanted with him. These are Solomon's core.

Then there are the people who have outright oppose Steve. The campaign has to pull enough of these from Hudnut.

Finally are the voters who will probably vote for Steve but are not that directly involved in local politics. He is banking on being an independent voice but not too alienating.

It's a tricky job, but with over $100,000 in funding he has a decent shot at it.

Per Terrence McDonald, Solomon says he supports Matsikoudis for Mayor though. I wonder how many of his supporters know this.

Posted on: 2017/10/31 14:15

Re: Solomon has no resume
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I know James was talking about pedestrian safety well before this weekend's tragic incident, as were the other candidates. It's one of the bread and butter issues downtown (and really, citywide).

This is an area where the city has been making progress, and the advocacy of our current councilwoman has been instrumental in such progress. I have no problem with James or any other candidate promoting pedestrian safety. I am less enamored with the belittling of the efforts that the city has taken, often in the face of vocal criticism from people who prefer a more car-centric road plan.

Posted on: 2017/10/31 13:54

Re: The Tape from Politico,
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It's not libel per se. Libel isn't simply saying something incorrect, or even untrue. It has to be a statement that tends to disparage standing in the community. Certain things are considered libelous per se, such as saying someone is unfit in their trade or profession, that someone has committed a crime, that someone has a "loathsome disease" (I love common law developed in the 19th century), or impugning someone's chastity.

Otherwise, the plaintiff has to prove how the false statement actually damaged his or her reputation. This is not simply making someone feel bad or annoying them, rather the plaintiff has to show that the false statements deprived him or her of "friendly intercourse" in society.

I can lie through my teeth saying "TBird wore a blue shirt" when I knew, in fact, that he wore a red shirt. But that will not be libel, unless he could prove something like I was trying to implicate him in membership with the Crips.

So I think you're safe, TBird.

Posted on: 2017/10/30 18:41

Re: Solomon has no resume
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I am not a lifer, but I am around long enough to remember when Yvonne ran for council (At-Large, on Manzo's ticket).

Posted on: 2017/10/27 1:56

Re: Grillo's Campaign Office
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I take Nick at his word that this was a mistake and will file a correct report.

But I do think this is a good example of the double standard at work here.

Rebecca did not declare her candidacy until Candice confirmed she would not run. So she did not file an ELEC report up to that point. So one candidate (Hudnut) starts posting "Sneaky Rebecca" memes (sound familiar to another candidate's campaign?) and saying she must be hiding something. Of course, she has filed the ELEC reports and is hiding nothing.

This occurs, and none of the candidates attack Nick for hiding anything.

Whether it's outright misogyny, or just attacking the candidate that you think you can get the most traction out of attacking, it shows that she is being subjected to different standards.

The above comment is another good example. Rebecca is paying $2000 a month for what was a vacant storefront. It was advertised for $5000 with no takers. It makes perfect sense for the "holding group" (BECAUSE GUESS WHAT TYPES OF ENTITIES OWN REAL ESTATE!) to charge $2000 for a few months where a tenant has no real buildout need and will vacate the property after the campaign. And yet, with no basis whatsoever, there is an accusation of favoritism.

Posted on: 2017/10/26 21:00

Re: Symes pays Chickpea $2000 for endorsement
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Perhaps that is why she stepped down.

Posted on: 2017/10/25 20:18

Re: Symes pays Chickpea $2000 for endorsement
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Good. Now list the contributipns to the other candidates.

Posted on: 2017/10/25 19:40

Re: Symes pays Chickpea $2000 for endorsement
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Like Charlie Brown trying to kick the football, I guess.

Posted on: 2017/10/25 18:51

Re: Symes pays Chickpea $2000 for endorsement
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I honestly expected better from what I see here.

Rebecca worked for tenants and low income homeowners well before she took the job at Dixon. She continued her advocacy with the Waterfront Project during and after her work. She has spent the majority of her working career in public service, and even when she worked in the private sector she was vigorously involved with the community. She resigned from her job, an incredibly serious step for someone without independent wealth, to avoid even the appearance of impropriety. So for Dan to make the claim that she moved here to work for Dixon's interests and her public service, and continues to do so even after she gave up her income is incredibly mean spirited and dishonest. He obviously doesn't know her.

Just look at the ELEC reports. For ALL candidates Rebecca's are all from residents and, yes, business owners who live or work in Jersey City. Because she's involved in the community. She does not have the luxury of loaning herself tens of thousand of dollars. Nor does she have the luxury of receiving $500, $1000, and $2600 max contributions from wall street workers and DC think tank types that people with the right family with the "right" connections have.

This is sort of like Bernie Sanders attacking Hillary Clinton, IF Bernie Sanders was engaging in the very acts that he criticized Clinton for!

James has wisely stayed above the fray, but there are enough hatchet people below that he doesn't have to. I do NOT think these are paid internet trolls. But there are plenty of people who have reasons to resent Rebecca. Whether it's because they just can't stand Fulop and anyone who may be friendly towards him, because they think they should have had the positions that Rebecca had, or just because they can't respect a woman who has some ambition and hustles when the men in the field are all doing the same thing.

Posted on: 2017/10/25 17:02

Re: Symes pays Chickpea $2000 for endorsement
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MikeyTBC wrote:

jimbehrle wrote:
I went to Ms. Symes webpage to see why people here at JCList have been bedwetting about her. It turns out she sounds kind of awesome:

Ward E City Councilperson


The moments outside of her professional career and public service are what define Rebecca Symes. The fifth child in a family whose mother was forced to delay her own dreams of higher education for family obligations instilled in Rebecca a yearning for knowledge and an understanding of personal sacrifice.

Watching her mother successfully run for school board and later the city council in her hometown of Plymouth, Massachusetts, Rebecca saw that positive things happen when regular people ? motivated by the idea that government should improve people?s lives ? actively participate in our democracy.

Rebecca?s stepfather also contributed to her commitment to public and government service. His career-long work in the public sector as a city planner inspired her to think about the ways government shapes communities. His commitment to his community was reflected in his kind, engaged manner when stopped by a concerned resident at the supermarket on a Saturday afternoon. He was always willing to talk through an issue, right there on the spot. Rebecca will bring that same generosity of spirit and concern for her constituents to her work as a full-time city councilwoman.

While in college, studying English and Politics, Rebecca made her way to Washington DC, to intern for United States Senator Ted Kennedy. After college, she enrolled in law school fully intending to get a policy job on Capitol Hill after graduation. During law school, Rebecca represented domestic violence survivors as a student attorney, a defining experience for her.

Rebecca shifted her focus from policy to direct advocacy, working with vulnerable communities that are often shut out of high-minded policy discussions and denied equal access to the justice system. After law school graduation, Rebecca got a job at a nonprofit providing free legal representation to low-income Hell?s Kitchen residents and fighting to save affordable housing.
After five years in the nonprofit legal world, Rebecca joined the office of United States Senator Kirsten Gillibrand as the Director of Constituent Affairs, thereby combining her love of direct advocacy with her interest in government and policy. While working in the senate she managed a statewide constituent services team tasked with helping municipalities, small businesses, families, and nonprofits access federal benefits and services.

Prior to leaving her position to be a full-time councilwoman, Rebecca worked as General Counsel for a private real estate company. As the first lawyer on staff, she built and led the legal department and gained valuable insight on how private sector companies can work hand-in-hand with local governments and communities.

This seems like a conflict of interest. I'm sorry, general counsel for a RE development company that has a vested interest and growing footprint, quits her job and decides she wants to better the community? Yeah, okay.

Smells just like an investment banker going to work for the federal govt to influence monetary policy.

And that bio reads like a college application essay. I actually wrote that I had "a yearning for knowledge" in mine too. Ha.

Except she was already working to better the community before her job with Dixon, during her job with Dixon, and after her job with Dixon.

Posted on: 2017/10/24 14:32

Re: Make Jersey City Great Again
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MND wrote:
Its the damn abatements that are ruining things. Bringing affordable housing, improving parks, building schools. Jersey City is a damn destination now. I preferred it when I could buy beer and lucy's from behind bulletproof glass , restaurant row was a grilled cheese sandwich from Woolworths on Newark Avenue.

Losing a Woolworth diner does give me a sense of profound emptiness....

Posted on: 2017/10/24 14:30

Re: I Wonder Why Bill Matsikoudis' website fails to mention
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How is this relevant? She's a business administrator and has worked there for 16 years. JP (no relation!) Morgan has tens of thousands of employees in the NY Metro Area.

Posted on: 2017/10/23 14:17

Re: Solomon has no resume
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JCvoter wrote:
Quick question here - your advocacy of Symes wouldn't have anything to do with the large sums of money she and Dixon have bestowed upon the Jersey City Democratic Organization or their association with the Landmark Conservancy, would it?

Paying for people's support appears to be their MO.

Thank you for your concern, but no.

I served on the board of directors for the Jersey City Landmarks Conservancy for approximately 9 years, 2001-2010. I was President from 2005-2008 or so. As a former board member I am on the "Advisory Council" but that has no authority with the group other than the fact that the board members respect our past service.

A few years ago, well after I was off the board, the JCLC gave an award to Dixon for its restoration and rehabilitation work in the historic districts. I had no role in that decision and did not even know who Dixon Advisory was until the awards ceremony. The person who accepted the award gave a funny though lewd thank you speech where he said that normally they go to these ceremonies and are "the big corporate dicks." But that night Colgate was also receiving an award so he was relieved that he could bestow that title on them instead. That's the last time I had any interaction with a representative of Dixon.

As for the JCDO, I am one of hundreds of elected committee members in Jersey City. In Ward E committee members are all over the place. I know several that support James, several that support Nick, and several that support Rebecca.

In my case, I offered to meet with any candidate that wanted to meet with me. I had personal 1 on 1 meetings with Rebecca, Nick, and Madeline. I went to a small house party for James and questioned him as well. I also spoke with different people who were supporting the candidates as well to see why they were doing so. I made my decision to support Rebecca about 3 weeks ago and announced it a week later.

Posted on: 2017/10/23 14:03

Re: Solomon has no resume
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Yvonne wrote:

JPhurst wrote:
Yvonne can't point to anything Rebecca has done wrong, so she uses the weasel words "has an association with."

She also "has an association with" groups that advocate for tenants rights.

Could you name this association?

Why yes! Rebecca used to work for Housing Conservation Coordinators.

Her former co-workers at HCC have all supported her campaign. They are not in the habit of supporting people in the pocket of real estate owners!

She also is on the board of trustees on the Waterfront Project.

You're welcome!

Posted on: 2017/10/23 1:30

Re: Solomon has no resume
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Yvonne can't point to anything Rebecca has done wrong, so she uses the weasel words "has an association with."

She also "has an association with" groups that advocate for tenants rights.

Posted on: 2017/10/22 3:15

Re: Osborne endorses Symes in Downtown council race | Campaign notes
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K-Lo2 wrote:
From her website....

"Prior to leaving her position to be a full-time councilwoman, Rebecca worked as General Counsel for a private real estate company. As the first lawyer on staff, she built and led the legal department and gained valuable insight on how private sector companies can work hand-in-hand with local governments and communities."

As there something ambiguous about this? I don't think so.

Nothing less than dressing in sackcloth and ashes will satisfy some people.

Posted on: 2017/10/20 22:40

Re: Solomon has no resume
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Huh? I have said many times before, I consider James a friend. I worked with him on drafting and supporting open data legislation. I think he's a good candidate. On this very thread I have objected to the baseless attacks against him.

I met with 4 of the candidates, and ultimately decided that Rebecca was the best qualified. I have decried the attacks against her, and have decried the attacks on James even though I have endorsed someone else.

As I've said before Yvonne, I do not care how many council meetings or other meetings you attend if you don't listen. You don't bother to listen or read what people write.

Posted on: 2017/10/20 22:38

Re: Solomon has no resume
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I believe they all did.

As an attorney you have to go through a background and character check. So that covers Rebecca, Jacob, and Madeline.

There are also licensing requirements for funeral directors. I don't know how extensive the background check is but whatever it is Nick passed it.

So I think we are safe. Still worried about the Zombies, though....

Posted on: 2017/10/20 21:23

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