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Re: Redevelopment Pay-to-Play Ordinance
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Newark City Council to vote on a wide range of reforms including redevelopment pay to play.....

See NY Times article-

Ethics Bills Up for Vote in Newark

" The measures, a centerpiece of Mayor Cory Booker?s drive to shake up City Hall, would cap campaign contributions at $300 for individuals who do business with Newark, ban all donations from those engaged in redevelopment projects and require builders seeking zoning variances to publicly reveal past political contributions."

?This legislation will put Newark on the cutting edge of pay-to-play reform not only in New Jersey but in the nation,? said Harry Pozycki, chairman of the Citizens? Campaign, an advocacy group that helped draft the legislation. ?It basically draws a line in the sand against corrupting influences and says Newark is open for honest business.?

Jersey City: Are we there yet?

Posted on: 2006/11/1 12:21

Re: shore club - property tax too high?
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Thank you for taking the time to post some answers, but I believe and others can confirm that you have provided some mis-information.

Secaucus (later Bayonne, Hoboken and No. Bergen joined the suit) not Weehawken sued Jersey City, won a settlement and I believe precipitated 5% of PILOT's going to the county government. The total amount of taxes paid by Jersey City property owners to the county is not affected by PILOT agreements, just the amount paid by non-abatement/ non PILOT property tax payers which carry Jersey City's school and county tax burden.

The county does not set assessemts of individual property values, but does set the rate that non-abated properties pay through its approved budget and tax process. Each municipality in the county is assessed a portion of the budget raised by property taxes though calculation of the the total property values of the municipalities and then pay a pro rata share of the burden. Each city's portion of its tax to be collected and paid to the county then strikes the county tax rate for that municipality. Non-abatement properties can see their county tax rise whether the county taxes rise or not. If Jersey City's property values rise greater than other municipalities in the county as has occured recently, non-abated property owners see their county rate increase.

Same for the school taxes. Even with the huge state contribution, school taxes rise on non-abated properties.

Any increase in school or county taxes falls to non-abatement / non-PILOT properties.

Any increase in municipal taxes fall on non-abatement/ non-PILOT properties.

Your explantion on the revaluation process and impact make sense. My only comment would be that tax abated / PILOT properties would not see their taxes rise though a reval until their agreement expires which would cause an even greater municipal tax increase for "old school" owners.

Yes, the tax abatement / PILOT agreements appear to keep the municipal portion of our property taxes low (in short term) to avoid / minimize municipal tax increases and also used to avoid the municipal budget process by using "give back" contributions to various projects, institutions and activities when abatement agreements are approved.

I seriously doubt that the current process provides longterm sound fiscal management for the city.

The process as JCLAW also concurred with, needs to be opened up and reviewed by an independent auditor.

The only advantage PILOT's appear to provide Jersey City property tax payers is if they generate development that would otherwise not occur.

This discussion as come up before. Civic JC would like to see this process opened and examined. Any help would be appreciate and if you are interested, please contact me.


JCLAW wrote:
"As a real estate tax payer, I am concerned about the whole nut; city, school, county (and state) taxes. What good does it do for me if PILOTs surpress my city taxes and force my school and county taxes higher.

You stated expert knowledge in this area, please explain. "

I thought I had answered this before but once more just for good measure. Here goes:

The Jersey City School system is controlled and paid for by the State of NJ using money from the state income tax and other sources. So basically as it stands, people in Princeton are paying for JC's schools. When the City's budget started improving due to the cash influx from waterfront PILOTs, Mayor Cunningham took the City off the NJ Distressed (aka Dysfunctional) Cities Program. The State of NJ said "Woah, if you can skip out on the program because of all your new PILOT money, you need to start paying for you own school system." Well, the Cunningham administration wasn't about to force these expenses on regular voting taxpayers, so it imposed a 5% surcharge on top of all PILOT payments (a tax on top of a tax - so to speak) which goes towards defraying the State of NJ's costs of running the JC school system. Right now the NJ school system costs the state about $70 million/year and the PILOTs are generating a few million dollars against that which cuts the State's cost.

As far as the county goes, again during the Cunningham administration, the City of Weehawken sued Jersey City claiming that the PILOT program made it possible for JC to keep all the $ and Weehawken wanted to get its hands on the same loot. So to keep political peace, the Cunningham administration imposed a 2% tax on PILOT payments to enrich the County coffers. In any case, I need to correct your understanding about the County's revenue stream as follows. If the PILOT payments were converted to a regular tax payments, your regular taxes would skyrocket because JC would need to triple its local taxes in order to satisfy the county's 60% share of regular tax revenues and still pay off its own needs. Remember, the county gets a tax share but it doesn't set the rates. It's an illogical system, but the only one we have.

Hoping that helps.

Posted on: 2006/10/26 19:09

Re: shore club - property tax too high?
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You made statements that abatements or better said PILOTs are better for the city than the developer. I asked you to explain on this old thread-

about abatements

Here you state that a condo buyer should cancel their abatement/PILOTs and pay regular taxes. Perhaps you could also explain about how this will impact the condo owner's school and county taxes.

As a real estate tax payer, I am concerned about the whole nut; city, school, county (and state) taxes. What good does it do for me if PILOTs surpress my city taxes and force my school and county taxes higher.

You stated expert knowledge in this area, please explain.

We can discuss whether the city has conflicts of interest preventing it from negiotiating the best PILOT deals later.


JCLAW wrote:
I find myself responding to these posts because there is so much misinformation out there. Here is another perfect example.

In condominium projects, the real estate tax "abatement" aka. PILOT program goes to the BUYER not the builder. In fact the BUILDER has to pre-pay the city an entire year of taxes in exchange for this "abatement" which applies to the BUYER. The PILOT for condos is based on a complicated formula derived from the purchase price, the monthly maintenance charges and current interest rates. You can call the local tax assessor and he will calculate the numbers for you, as they can change.

The number 1.65% is about right, and if it seems high to you for taxes, its because it IS high. In fact, its HIGHER than regular taxes on a new "UN-abated" condo. An new unabated condo today would pay taxes based on the current published Equilization Ratio x Tax Rate, which is .28 x .0522 = 1.46%

So, as you can see, there is no such thing as an "Abatement" in Jersey City. The good news is, as a buyer you have the right to cancel your "abatement" anytime after 1 year from date of purchase, so after the 1st year you can go down to regular JC taxes like everybody else.

The biggest problem with condo "abatments" is the name. JC is so screwed up that buyers feel they need to hear the word "abatement" when buying a condo, so builders go to the city to get an "abatement" and the city says ok, I'll give you one but only if the "abatement" charges you more taxes than regular taxes. The builders have no choice so they get this PILOT "abatement" and then just assume the buyers will cancel it as soon as they buy. The only benefit of the PILOT program is that it protects the buyer from massive city tax increases in between the time that the buyer signs the purchase contract and the closing date - so at least you are protected for the perhaps 12-month wait until your move-in date.

If you are a new buyer in any of the new condo developments on the JC waterfront, after you move in, I strongly recommend that you write a note to the JC tax department (c/o Mr. Ed Toloza) and cancel your abatement at the legally permitted date which is one-year after you take title.

-edited to insert quote-

Posted on: 2006/10/25 13:50

Re: Lengthy tax deals OK'd by council -- Hamilton Park site granted two 25-year abatements
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Because it is not illegal, does not make it right. Our council members continue to take/solicit campaign contributions from the very developers that they upzone land for, bypass city planning and fail to ensure compliance with law, then grant tax abatement agreements

As long as developers, their consultants and professionals can "buy" favorable redevelopment plans and tax abatements, nothing will change.

Civic JC has proposed a Redevelopment Pay to Play ordinance based on a model ordinance from Citizen's Campaign that has been implemented elsewhere in NJ.

For more information, see our press release at Civic JC - Redevelopment Pay to Play

Posted on: 2006/10/16 20:15

Re: Downtown Jersey City Watch-Updates Thread
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Just to clarify this portion of the post, the two complaints were on Third St, between ERIE and JERSEY, not Coles and Monmouth. Also, while the description differs slightly (not given together), it was the same man. He attempted to talk his way into first, the basement entrance and then upper entrances. Quote:
On 10/5/06, Captain McDonough < > wrote: PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING AND PASS ALONG TO ALL. The JCPD, East District, has received two complaints stating that on Wednesday, October 4, 2006, in the area of Third St. between Coles and Monmouth, an unknown male was ringing doorbells and asking if occupant (without stating name) was home, did not provide further information, and appeared suspicious in his manner. In report #1 the unknown male is described as follows; slighty heavyset, with short blonde hair and was wearing a gray jacket, brown colored jeans and a large gold chain with a cross around his neck. In report #2 the unknown male is described as follows; light skinned with a pinkish face, blondish short hair, thin build, 5'7" - 5'8", wearing a light brown plaid jacket, brown shirt and light khaki pants. PLEASE CONTINUE TO AND ADVISE ALL TO REPORT ALL SUSPICOUS PERSON(S). Please do not give out information to unknown individuals regarding yourself or your neighbors. And, as always DO NOT allow anyone you do not know or anyone you have not scheduled to come into your home. If anyone has further information please contact the JCPD at 201-547-5477. Regards. P.O. Dina Reilly

Posted on: 2006/10/10 20:59

Re: Tale of Two Warehouses....
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Home away from home

Count me in!

I too am sick and tired of the same handful of people trying to dictate the agenda month after month. We need to remove these people and their agenda -

The same handful of "Sockpuppets for Developers", the Mayor, Corporate Counsel and City Council members who advance the agenda of developers, city contractors and the like by selling off city assets, mismanage the city budget, fail to enforce laws, circumvent the public process, and abuse redevelopment law with plans like the one for the PJP site.

You are right and the Hackensack River Edge Redevelopment plan if fully realized appears to provide a NET LOSS of jobs and only a NET increase in taxes of about $400k at best. The redevelopment plan, an end run around the city zoning process has provisions to take land and close businesses.

I'm in, set up the meeting and announce via jclist.


deathmask wrote:
Thank god I'm not the only one that is sick of hearing from these people that think they know best for everyone. It truly makes me sick to see they same handful of people trying to dicate the adgenda month after month. Folks, wake up. Let's meet and remove these people and their adgenda. Please email me at to organize something.

Posted on: 2006/9/29 18:31

Re: Special Planning Board Meeting - PJP Landfill Site
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Correction-, the meeting Planning Board meeting will begin at 7pm, City Hall, 280 Grove Street

Posted on: 2006/9/25 20:29

Re: Special Planning Board Meeting - PJP Landfill Site
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The meeting will be at City Hall, either Council Chambers or adjacent Caucus Room, starting at about 6pm. If/when exact info is distributed will post.

Posted on: 2006/9/22 2:57

Special Planning Board Meeting - PJP Landfill Site
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There will be a special Planning Board meeting on Tuesday, September 26 to consider possibly both the blight study and redevelopment plan for the PJP Landfill site on the westside of Jersey City. While the mayor has been promoting a high cube truck warehouse, residents and county officials would like to see the site used for recreation and open space.

Also note, while the developer, AMB has stated that the would do the warehouse project without a tax abatement, a redevelopment plan would now permit the city issue one.

Posted on: 2006/9/20 14:26

Zoning Board to Consider Building Housing on the Embankment
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Please see below, a developer is seeking approvals to build housing on the eastern portion of the 6th Street Embankment.

The Board of Adjustement (Zoning) will hear the case on Thursday, September 21.

Please be advised the following items will be heard at the next Regular Meeting of the Jersey City Board of
Adjustment, scheduled for Thursday, September 21, 2006, 6:00 p.m. in the Council Caucus Room, Room
204, 2nd floor, City Hall, 280 Grove Street, Jersey City, New Jersey.

8. Case: Z06-034 ?A? Appeal
Applicant: 247 Manila Ave, LLC
Attorney: Michele R. Donato
Address: 441-447 Manila Ave
Block: 247 Lots: 50A
Zone: Grove Street NDP Area Redevelopment Plan
For: Appeal of the decision of the Zoning Official that one and two family housing
is not a permitted use on the subject lot

9. Case: Z06-033 ?A? Appeal
Applicant: 212 Marin Blvd, LLC
Attorney: Michele R. Donato
Address: 437 Luis M. Marin Blvd
Block: 212 Lots: M
Zone: Luis Mu?oz Marin Blvd Redevelopment Plan
For: Appeal of the decision of the Zoning Official that one and two family housing
is not a permitted use on the subject lot

Posted on: 2006/9/20 14:19

Re: 'No conflict' in 2 voting on PJP deal, council told
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Home away from home

Very little JC elected officials do is without conflict of interest.

I wish Councilman Fulop luck on this one.....

The greater conflict is when the elected officials take campaign contributions and then vote and act on behalf the the very donors, approve favorable zoning or tax abatements. Illegal should not be the issue, bribes are still bribes, graft is still graft. Most of us care about what we have done at the end of a day and how we impact other people. Most of these people are a of a different breed.

Posted on: 2006/9/20 2:42

Re: New York Times: Jersey City - The Powerhouse Arts District - Where Home Is an Art Gallery
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The Powerhouse Arts District is defunct. It is exists in name only. The 111 First Street site has been rezoned for a skyscraper.

Posted on: 2006/9/20 2:37

Re: Rem Koolhaas to design 111 First
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Home away from home

Don't hold your breath, JC will be flooded with new residential units and the only attribute is the commute to Manhattan. Limited parks and recreational facilities, limited nightlife and entertainment, soulless..... no city centre, no identity, probably a lot of transience....


07310 wrote:
Hooray! the value of my condo is gonna double again!

Posted on: 2006/9/20 2:30

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Meeting Dates
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No cops,

A very good outline and blue print to build on. Most elements that people wanted were incorporated without overwhelming the park. It is functional.

There were constructive public comments that can be implemented as the plan is finalized.

It is a compromise, but a good compromise.

My thoughts, I would not mind loosing one of the tennis courts. A member of the public had a good point on how to keep some of the space in front of the gazebo while implementing the historical symentry through deliniation of the pavement. A dog owner (who brought his dog to the meeting) spoke to the need to provide some barrier to the lawns to keep people and people with dogs from using them as walkways. While, some trees may need to be moved or go, there were comments to be sensitive where trees may have been planted in memory of someone.

It is not a revolutionary or innovative change, but a clear improvement.

Now, to get it done!

Posted on: 2006/8/31 3:49

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Meeting Dates
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As evidenced by the HPNA survey, there is an incredible need/want for both active recreational facilities and open passive space. I hope that the consultants can put their knowledge and experience to use in proposing a good renovation plan. However, after attending some of the public meetings that they held on the Parks and Open Space Master Plan, I share Bright Moments concerns about it.

For more information on the Parks and Open Space Master Plan including a schedule of upcoming meetings, see -

Parks and Open Space Master Plan meetings

Civic JC submitted recommendations to the Master Plan after attending all of public meetings which can be viewed here -

Civic JC Recreation and Open Space Report

Posted on: 2006/8/29 19:22

Re: Press Release - Steven Fulop
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While this is certainly not the worst example of a conflict of interest on the city council, this is a significant issue and directly related to numerous municipal problems.

A greater conflict of interest is the acceptance of campaign contributions from developers/property owners and then voting on redevelopment plans, changes/upzoning ammending the redevelopment plans, and of course property tax abatement agreements benefiting them. Prior to his council campaign, Councilman Fulop spoke at a city council meeting on this linkage / quid pro quo.

I support his effort to challenge the newly reconstituted Ethics Board on this issue and hope he continues to expose how Jersey City elected officials are compromised in representing the public

Posted on: 2006/8/29 18:51

Re: Healy and emails
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Home away from home

Emails- The only way I would have had your AOL "home" account email address would have been if you sent me an email from it.

Fundraiser tickets - you offered me complementary tickets to a political fundraiser during a city council meeting in November 2004, the Tsunami did not occur until the end of December, after Christmas.


r_pinkowitz wrote:

Dan, you?ve lost your mind!

You?re correct on one point and ONE point only, we never corresponded via city e-mail. BECAUSE YOU WOULD ONLY SEND E-MAILS TO MY AOL HOME ACCOUNT! Btw, the tickets we offered to you and everyone else? was to the fundraiser that was being done for the victims of the Tsunami, where 100% of the proceeds went to Unicef.

Also, I had nothing to do with PAD and left that strictly to the Councilman, the only involvement I had was with 110/111 when they were not working within the scoop of their permits and the city ordinances. I would never have made a call to anyone to discuss the PAD since I wasn?t fully knowledgeable in that area.

You really do have a distorted view on the correct facts.

Have a happy day, as always it's a pleasure.

Posted on: 2006/8/29 18:37

Re: Powerhouse historic no more
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The Powerhouse is no longer in danger of being torn down and there has been a developer designated to redevelopment it. Unfortunately, it will be boxed in by the "Trump" tower to the south and a potential 67 story tower behind it, where 111 First St. now stands

111 First Street is a historic building, with it the warehouse district met the standards for historic designation, without it, the district may not.

Posted on: 2006/8/17 14:18

Re: Special City Council Public Meeting - Open Space or Truck Terminal
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The ordinance re-zoning this property for the warehouse remained tabled (since March) and the council approved a resolution that is the first step in creating a redevelopment plan in the area, to determine if the area is in need of redevelopment.

Posted on: 2006/8/17 14:14

Re: motorcycle parking
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Home away from home

check the DMV manuals-

Scooters over 50cc, require a motorcycle endorsement on your driver's license (motorcycle license) and motorcycle tags. These scooters can go on a highway or through tunnels, anywhere a motorcycle is permitted.

Scooters less than 50cc (hence many 49cc), require only a drivers license (double check if a moped license works), but are not permtted on highways/tunnels etc.


brian_em wrote:
Well, I have a motorscooter in JC and basically no one knows how to handle it. The dmv has a hard time classifying scooters in general, and calling the JCPA will just frustrate you and waste your time. Parking your scooter on the street without a permit is no problem, as long as you move it for street cleaning. Sometimes i park mine on a wide sidewalk, outside my house. But im just lucky that i haven't had a problem yet.

Having a scooter is a huge pain in the ass b.c laws for them are so dated, and honestly, dmv officials just don't know how to handle them. They try and force you to get a motorcycle liscense, but then won't let you ride it on a highway, so how do you get the bike to rahway (the nearest motorcycle roadtest facility) to take the test?

Posted on: 2006/8/17 14:11

Re: Powerhouse historic no more
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The judge gave the city opportunity to correct technical and procedural issues and redesignate the historic district prior to the legal settlement. The city failed to act.

My quote referred to this article - Powerhouse designation threatened

" Toll Brothers, for example, is preparing to file a site plan for a 40-story high-rise at the site of the Manischewitz building in the district, a project that would not happen if not for the settlement, several city officials said."

When the city's corporate counsel presented the settlement terms to the city council in June, he denied that the settlment terms would cause a domino effect throughout the district. Now, before the city has even enacted the settlement terms, the "dominos" are begining to fall.

Powerhouse Arts District - RIP


alb wrote:

injcsince81 wrote:

The judge in the lengthy legal battle invalidated the Warehouse Historic District - which shielded the area's historic structures from wreckage - and forced the city to make the changes, said Jersey City Corporation Counsel Bill Matsikoudis.

Does anyone know if the city tried to appeal the judge's ruling? If not, did the city give some reason? (Other than the actual likely reason of everyone being on the take.)

Posted on: 2006/8/17 14:04

Re: Spinello shifts positions on warehouse plan
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Home away from home

You nailed it, there must be more here than meets the eye.

Why would the mayor who appears to not care about and not put forth much effort about anything, now out of the blue work so hard for this?


Skadave wrote:
I saw Healy on a television ad the other day pushing the warehouse. How much time and money is he spending on this and is it worth it?

A latest article in the Jersey Journal states that the warehouse will create 300 jobs. Is three hundred jobs for a city of 250,000 people a considerable amount? For the amount of space it is using it does not seem like it.

Healy also states that it will only accept 75 deliveries a day which should not create traffic congestion. I am assuming that the 75 trucks do not stay there so that number has to be doubled. Would you want 150 trucks driving past your neighborhood every day? How can this not create congestion?

It seems odd that Healy has invested way too much time on this issue. Am I missing something? It is not creating that many jobs, the amount of money received is decent but it won't make our lives any better, and the community does not support it.

Perhaps I am being naive and the main issue is, what is HEALY getting out of this deal?

Posted on: 2006/8/15 17:16

Re: motorcycle parking
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Well the rules should be the same, but the parking permit decals are made to be stuck to the inside of a car window, therefore would be in reverse on a motorcycle fender.

I was told verbally by the Parking Authority 5 years ago that they do not ticket or tow motorcycles. Many people park bikes inside front gates, but that may not be legal, though never heard that anyone had trouble. Same on the side of the sidewalk,

Give a call to the PA and ask for a supervisor do not rely on hearsay.

Posted on: 2006/8/15 17:08

Re: Special City Council Public Meeting - Open Space or Truck Terminal
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Home away from home

This is getting ugly. Mayor Healy is appearing to be a puppet of realtors and developers.

Yesterday, in uniform firemen were at Metro Plaza Shop Rite collecting peitition signatures in support of the AMB Warehouse, when questioned, they said the mayor wants them to.

Today, Recreation employees were doing the same at Hamilton Park.

The Mayor keeps talking jobs, but how many jobs will a state of the art mechanized warehouse really create.

Think twice, how will we sell the 10,000 plus housing units planned in downtown alone without some park and recreation amenities.

Posted on: 2006/8/10 3:56

Re: Fun with Abatements: Goldman Sachs
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Please explain how tax abatements benefit the city more than the developer in the long, how can this be a win-win situation.


JCLAW wrote:...

The so-called "abatements" benefit the city more than the developer. That is why the city is always in a rush to give them out. For more info, please read my post here: ... 29e446f20a#forumpost58135....

This is not what was reported in the JJ nor what the city had to borrow for to refund, we are not talking about the same thing.

From the Journal -

"2006/06/08 Thu Pg 8, 378 words No Headline
... a lot of citizens have never seen: Tax refund checks. The City Council voted last month to borrow $4 million to send out checks to the likes of Newport Centre Properties, Verizon and Sears. "It's most of them (wealthy commercial owners) that get the refunds," said Jersey City Tax Collector Maureen Cosgrove. "That's where all the money goes. Everyone else is peanuts." Newport Centre Properties, which owns land in the city's Newport section, reaped the biggest refund in the past...


....The State provides these refunds (75% of actual payroll taxes collected by the State from employees who relocated from NY) under the B.E.I.P. program, not the City - it costs the City nothing. The State does this in order to compete head-to-head with the incentives offered in Lower Manhattan (which are actually much more generous)......

Posted on: 2006/8/4 2:34

Re: Fun with Abatements: Goldman Sachs
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Home away from home

No, ALB, you are correct. Occupancy and resulting revenues DO impact commercial property taxes and PILOTs under abatement agreements. The city recently provided tax refunds to a number of commercial property owners.

I still would like to hear a better explanation on how tax abatement agreements truly provide long term benefits. We keep hearing that the city benefits and receives more taxes, but what is the imact on the homeowner who pays city, county and school taxes and the citizens that use / impacted by city, county and school services. Are tax abatements and PILOTs sound tax policy?

Then, with the abatements negotiated by elected officials and those appointed by elected officials whose campaigns are funded by the same developers being granted the abatements, how is the city able to ensure negotiating the best possible tax abatement agreement.? Should tax abatements not be vetted by an independent analyses?

No one from the city has ever laid out a rational explanation to these issues. It would be beneficial if someone could.

Posted on: 2006/8/1 14:53

Re: Mayor Healy and many Jersey City residents speak out against the design for the new 9/11 memoria
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Maybe this will be the Healy legacy - stopping oversized memorials from being built in Jersey City.

Posted on: 2006/7/28 14:32

Re: P O W E R H O U S E
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Home away from home

The rendering is wonderful, but does not seem to include the 60+ story Goldman tower behind it on 111 First Street nor the MetroHomes/Trump tower just to the south (left).

As with pretty much anything positive happening in Jersey City, concerned citizen's have worked a lot harder and longer (8 years or so) than the city government to make this a reality.

Now we can line up and thank the "city fathers" for doing what could have and should have been done a decade or so earlier.

Resized Image

Posted on: 2006/7/26 17:09

Edited by DanL on 2006/7/26 17:27:29

More on JC Disaster Plan Failings
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More conflicting municipal government blaming game in today's Jersey Journal -

City's residents are sitting ducks


Council prez easy on city, tough on federal agency

Clearly this is beyond the abilities of our Mayor, his administration and Council, evidenced by the Council President defensively appointing a committee of the only Council members that make an effort to work (Fulop, Richardson and Sottolano) .

Another column in the Jersey City Reporter, describes why we get such poor political candidates and the resulting government -

Poltical Insider - Stack's turn

"This has almost nothing to do with the general voting public, but the behind the scenes maneuvering that narrows the field of candidates even before the public gets to push the button in the ballot box."

"Knowing political people will tell you this is the way the system works and can point to a political trail of tears that goes back as far as anybody can remember, as the power elite in the Democratic Party decides who is worthy to keep his or her seat, not based on merit of accomplishments in office, but on how well he or she can get out the vote. "

"This is political life, a shark eat shark existence that somehow gives shape to a government that is supposed to look out for the welfare of the people."

The city's failings are not just laughable but serious and reaches every aspect of government responsibility.

Posted on: 2006/7/24 14:53

Re: Special City Council Public Meeting - Open Space or Truck Terminal
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Home away from home

Same project, vote was tabled.

This is not just about a warehouse operation vs. golf course.

It is about the warehouse project's impact on the surrounding neighborhood, not just downtown cares about traffic congestion.

This is not just about a golf course. While the proposal for park space would include I believe a back nine for the existing nine holes on the westside of Lincoln Park, it would also provide sorely needed recreation facilities including ballfields.

Not only do downtown residents also need active recreation facilities, but there are existing ballfields kept under lock and key that possibly could be kept open in the future if well maintained fields are available elsewhere in JC for organized leagues.

The creation of recreation facilities on the PJP site could reduce the call for active recreation on Reservoir #3, clearing the way to develop it as passive natural space.

Posted on: 2006/7/20 3:18

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