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Re: Dog Runs + Distracted Owners = Dog Poop
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2008/8/12 18:31
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HathNoFury wrote:
I am constantly bemused at the full, knotted poop bags just thrown on the sidewalk. YOU WERE SO CLOSE. ONE MORE STEP.

This is so true and funny in a sad way. I am always perplexed by the poop bags left on sidewalks: if the person bothered to pick it up and bag it, why not dispense of it at the trash bin?

Posted on: 2016/2/7 18:21

Re: Dog Runs + Distracted Owners = Dog Poop

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2016/2/6 16:24
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I am constantly bemused at the full, knotted poop bags just thrown on the sidewalk. YOU WERE SO CLOSE. ONE MORE STEP.

Posted on: 2016/2/6 16:26

Re: Dog Runs + Distracted Owners = Dog Poop
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2014/3/4 22:31
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bodhipooh wrote:
I hesitate to jump into the fray, but I definitely have to agree with Vigilante about the recent uptick in shit not being scooped, and not just in the dog runs. It is now quite common to find dog poop all along Marin Blvd, and many of the streets perpendicular to it. It is incredibly rude to others, and completely unnecessary.

This is a recent experience that tells you all you need to know about how people think or look at this: I was out walking my dog and he had just pooped on the street, so I pulled out a baggie and bent over to pick it up when someone happened to walk by and she asked "Why are you picking up? if he goes on the street, you don't have to pick it up. Only if he poops on the sidewalk."

I find that people tend to get, pardon the pun, crappier about picking up whenever there is snow. Once the snow melts, poop all over.

Posted on: 2016/2/5 17:39

Re: Dog Runs + Distracted Owners = Dog Poop
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2008/8/12 18:31
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Poncho11 wrote:
A store owner griped to an owner of a Corgi about not picking up all the crap. The answer, was that he had a bad back, and that is why he had the dog, a support dog ! He continued into the store next door, so he could sit and have a snack with his dog. It is getting pathetic.

This is an example where business owners would be wise to know the intricacies of the law: Emotional Support Animals (ESAs) do not enjoy the same protections as Service Animals. A business owner is within his legal rights to ask a person with an animal if:
1) is the animal a service animal? And,
2) what service or task is the animal trained to carry out for the owner?

All kinds of people are starting to abuse all this confusion around the legalities and regulations of service animals. All those idiots walking around with dogs they deem ESAs are, at best, skirting the law, and sometimes outright breaking it. ESAs are normally recognized and afforded special accommodation if the owner has in his/her possession a letter from a licensed professional attesting to the emotional support need for the animal.

Posted on: 2016/2/5 16:51

Re: Dog Runs + Distracted Owners = Dog Poop
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2011/2/14 18:30
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A store owner griped to an owner of a Corgi about not picking up all the crap. The answer, was that he had a bad back, and that is why he had the dog, a support dog ! He continued into the store next door, so he could sit and have a snack with his dog. It is getting pathetic.

Posted on: 2016/2/5 16:32

Re: Dog Runs + Distracted Owners = Dog Poop
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2013/10/15 17:32
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iGreg wrote:

Dog runs are toxic places. They're magnate for owners that treat their dogs as accessories. Whatever happened to taking your dog for a walk?

1st world problems ?

The Horror, The Horror.

The overly small dog run at Needle Park, you Yups call it Van Vorst Park dezz days, ranks of piss stank - it's horrible and a nasty blight on that stretch of little oasis.

The dog run in Hamilton Park, mainly the section for the large dogs, stanks of piss - who the hell wants piss stank wafting around their nostrils when trying to max and relax in the oasis that public parks should be.

The dogs probably love it tho' Dogs live by smell, and sniffing the pee and poop is how they get caught up on gossip - who's in heat, who's knocked up, who's owner is broke and feeding them cheap dog food...

Posted on: 2016/2/5 15:36

Re: Dog Runs + Distracted Owners = Dog Poop
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2007/10/11 3:28
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From Leashless Glory.
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One of the issues around Hamilton Park seems to be people using their nannies as dog-walkers. Also, It is usually a very well dressed, well to do person who I have to admonish. Often they are foreign and I say this only because, perhaps it's a cultural thing? A "I have people for that" attitude? It's also often younger, first time owner types. BTW, the playground in HP takes a beating too as far as littering. Need I mention the basketball court again?

Posted on: 2016/2/3 16:16

Re: Dog Runs + Distracted Owners = Dog Poop
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2012/11/10 20:38
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bodhipooh wrote:
I hesitate to jump into the fray, but I definitely have to agree with Vigilante about the recent uptick in shit not being scooped, and not just in the dog runs. It is now quite common to find dog poop all along Marin Blvd, and many of the streets perpendicular to it. It is incredibly rude to others, and completely unnecessary.

This is a recent experience that tells you all you need to know about how people think or look at this: I was out walking my dog and he had just pooped on the street, so I pulled out a baggie and bent over to pick it up when someone happened to walk by and she asked "Why are you picking up? if he goes on the street, you don't have to pick it up. Only if he poops on the sidewalk."

While the quality of people in a given neighborhood has some bearing on whether they will tend to pick up after their dogs or not, a greatly increased volume of people moving into an area will also result in more of this happening.

In other words, more density = more opportunities for asshole behavior. And as far as I know, several big developments have recently been completed on Marin Blvd. I think you will have to get used to all the poop as a side effect of the massive influx of people living in the new developments.

Posted on: 2016/2/3 16:05

Re: Dog Runs + Distracted Owners = Dog Poop
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2008/8/12 18:31
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I hesitate to jump into the fray, but I definitely have to agree with Vigilante about the recent uptick in shit not being scooped, and not just in the dog runs. It is now quite common to find dog poop all along Marin Blvd, and many of the streets perpendicular to it. It is incredibly rude to others, and completely unnecessary.

This is a recent experience that tells you all you need to know about how people think or look at this: I was out walking my dog and he had just pooped on the street, so I pulled out a baggie and bent over to pick it up when someone happened to walk by and she asked "Why are you picking up? if he goes on the street, you don't have to pick it up. Only if he poops on the sidewalk."

Posted on: 2016/2/3 15:47

Re: Dog Runs + Distracted Owners = Dog Poop
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2015/4/15 3:56
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2019/3/11 14:10
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Dog runs are toxic places. They're magnate for owners that treat their dogs as accessories. Whatever happened to taking your dog for a walk?

1st world problems ?

The Horror, The Horror.

The overly small dog run at Needle Park, you Yups call it Van Vorst Park dezz days, ranks of piss stank - it's horrible and a nasty blight on that stretch of little oasis.

The dog run in Hamilton Park, mainly the section for the large dogs, stanks of piss - who the hell wants piss stank wafting around their nostrils when trying to max and relax in the oasis that public parks should be.

Posted on: 2016/2/3 15:42

Re: Dog Runs + Distracted Owners = Dog Poop
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2013/3/29 21:43
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Interestingly, I have not witnessed the same issue at the Lincoln Park dog run. Though, I'm sure there are occasions where it does happen... It is definitely frustrating to see.

Posted on: 2016/2/3 14:19
Dos A Cero

Re: Dog Runs + Distracted Owners = Dog Poop
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2010/8/17 1:45
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Awesome to see one of these threads again. Who can forget Morris Canal Park, the HP dustbowl before the dog run, poop-slinging in the streets, threats to name and shame online, poop mountains after the snow melts, off-leash scandals, mad mastiff woman...

Dog runs are toxic places. They're magnate for owners that treat their dogs as accessories. Whatever happened to taking your dog for a walk?

Posted on: 2016/2/3 10:35

Re: Dog Runs + Distracted Owners = Dog Poop
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2007/11/15 21:43
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parkman wrote:

Vigilante wrote:
I am a longtime dog owner and I have noticed quite often that other dog owners are standing or sitting in the Hamilton Park dog runs completely oblivious to what their dogs are doing. Quite often they have their noses buried in their phones or are chatting away while their dogs poop away unnoticed. We also seem to have a new crop of residents who can't seem to make the effort to clean up after their dogs throughout the park. I don't know if it's kids or lazy hipsters or untrained foreigners but it's time for dog owners to start cracking down on the new crop (crap?) of scofflaws.
Not often do I agree with Vig, but this is an issue with not only HP but also a problem in VVP. When our dog run was built, I provided poop bags, out of my own pocket, so owners would use them them to keep the run clean. After laying out over $850 per year I asked dog owners to contribute, and only two out of the hundreds of users contributed. After their response, I provided mucking stall rakes in their place, but still have the same issues that Vig observers when owners ignore not only where their dogs are are using the run as a toilet, but are also barking incessantly without limits by their owners.

I would prefer that pet owners understand that our dog runs are an amenity that is not required by ordinance, is a communal responsibility in its upkeep, and adhere to the rules posted, instead of resorting to Animal Control for enforcement.

Releasing your dogs in the run does not absolve you from being responsible for their actions.

I use the V.V.P. run, and have no problem being That Guy, the one who says, "hey, your dog just pooped over there."
I've never gotten any pushback, as I optimistically believe that most people are just distracted, and not jerks.

Posted on: 2016/2/3 7:23

Re: Dog Runs + Distracted Owners = Dog Poop
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2005/7/14 18:51
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From on van vorst park
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Vigilante wrote:
I am a longtime dog owner and I have noticed quite often that other dog owners are standing or sitting in the Hamilton Park dog runs completely oblivious to what their dogs are doing. Quite often they have their noses buried in their phones or are chatting away while their dogs poop away unnoticed. We also seem to have a new crop of residents who can't seem to make the effort to clean up after their dogs throughout the park. I don't know if it's kids or lazy hipsters or untrained foreigners but it's time for dog owners to start cracking down on the new crop (crap?) of scofflaws.
Not often do I agree with Vig, but this is an issue with not only HP but also a problem in VVP. When our dog run was built, I provided poop bags, out of my own pocket, so owners would use them them to keep the run clean. After laying out over $850 per year I asked dog owners to contribute, and only two out of the hundreds of users contributed. After their response, I provided mucking stall rakes in their place, but still have the same issues that Vig observers when owners ignore not only where their dogs are are using the run as a toilet, but are also barking incessantly without limits by their owners.

I would prefer that pet owners understand that our dog runs are an amenity that is not required by ordinance, is a communal responsibility in its upkeep, and adhere to the rules posted, instead of resorting to Animal Control for enforcement.

Releasing your dogs in the run does not absolve you from being responsible for their actions.

Posted on: 2016/2/3 4:27

Dog Runs + Distracted Owners = Dog Poop
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2007/10/11 3:28
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2023/1/15 1:13
From Leashless Glory.
Posts: 3002
I am a longtime dog owner and I have noticed quite often that other dog owners are standing or sitting in the Hamilton Park dog runs completely oblivious to what their dogs are doing. Quite often they have their noses buried in their phones or are chatting away while their dogs poop away unnoticed. We also seem to have a new crop of residents who can't seem to make the effort to clean up after their dogs throughout the park. I don't know if it's kids or lazy hipsters or untrained foreigners but it's time for dog owners to start cracking down on the new crop (crap?) of scofflaws.

Posted on: 2016/2/3 3:32

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