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Re: Grove Point Building garbage pile
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2011/4/15 4:43
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2018/7/19 15:21
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Yet another heaping pile of rotting trash behind the Grove Point building tonight, with bags ripped open, and random trash strewn about. Disgusting.

Posted on: 2011/9/13 0:44

Re: Grove Point Building garbage pile
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2008/11/10 4:48
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2021/11/20 23:45
From gone
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I wonder if we'll ever see these anywhere in the NY/NJ region:

Resized Image

Garbage bags piled on the sidewalk are disgusting, unhealthy, and (like our rats' nests of overhead power lines) soooo early 20th century.

Posted on: 2011/9/2 3:03

Re: Grove Point Building garbage pile
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2011/1/23 3:01
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2017/5/17 23:06
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GP isn't the only one. 50 Columbus does the same thing and never cleans up the side walk afterward. It's probably worse because it also has Teppan's greasy garbage which leaks all over the sidewalk.

Posted on: 2011/9/2 2:35

Re: Grove Point Building garbage pile
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2011/4/15 4:43
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2018/7/19 15:21
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It's disgusting how much trash that building accumulates, although not surprising with how many apartments it houses. However, it seems like more often than not, literally half the block is lined with rotting trash piled roughly five feet high! The bags most often are leaking and have massive holes, and the liquid and trash seeps out of the bags and all over the street. Hey Grove Point, CLEAN UP YOUR ACT! The world isn't your personal garbage dump. You make that block disgusting! I seriously feel sorry for anyone who lives nearby.

Posted on: 2011/9/1 23:49

Re: Grove Point Building garbage pile
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2005/7/13 15:03
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1/14 17:44
From Western Slope
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I can't believe that a big condo building does not have a sanitation plan implemented. Hirer someone to come around to put out the garbage. I heard that the Gregory Apartments would put their garbage out too early because the custodial staff left early, I believe they corrected the situatuon.
J.C. code ordinance # 287-8H Garbage is to be put out for pick-up no earlier than 7pm the evening before the pick-up day.

Garbage is to be stored in a covered container either inn the basement, backyard, or rear of the allleyway but not in front of the property.

There are no special pick-ups nor special times to place garbage at curbside.

Dumpsters or dumpster containers with wheels are prohibited get regualy garbage cans.

Posted on: 2011/9/1 23:36

Re: Grove Point Building garbage pile
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2011/4/15 4:43
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2018/7/19 15:21
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Posted on: 2011/9/1 22:43

Grove Point Building garbage pile
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2009/1/9 8:53
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2022/1/4 8:59
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Posts: 245
Is anyone else nauseated by the garbage situation at the Grove Point Building? There has to be a better way of handling the massive amount (1/2 block long) of stinking garbage piled out on the street the day before garbage pick-up. It sits out where the bags constantly get ripped open and scattered all over the block. Why isn't there a dumpster in their building and why can't the sanitation department pick it up from the dumpster. The smell is SO bad and it attracts vermin. Am I the only one bothered by this situation????

Posted on: 2011/9/1 22:39

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