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Wednesday, September 23, 2009 By AMY SARA CLARK JOURNAL STAFF WRITER
Jersey City officials cut the ribbon yesterday on three new city services at the HUB shopping plaza on Martin Luther King Drive.
The divisions of Community Development, Tenant/Landlord Relations and Housing Code Enforcement have moved into satellite offices at the Department of Housing, Economic Development and Commerce annex at 360 Martin Luther King Drive.
In addition, a representative from the Passaic Valley Sewerage Commission will be at the annex Tuesdays and Thursdays to help people arrange sewer connections, officials said.
"People in Ward A and Ward F will not have to go to 30 Montgomery St. and try to find parking," Jersey City Mayor Jerramiah Healy said at the ceremony. "They can get the services they need in their community."
Ward F Councilwoman Viola Richardson pointed out an added benefit.
"It will also bring more people to the HUB," she said. "For me it's a win-win situation."
Other officials at yesterday's ribbon-cutting included councilmen Michael Sottolano and Peter Brennan, as well as HEDC Executive Director Carl Czaplicki.
The Division of Community Development helps residents and organizations access programs such as Community Development Block Grants, the Homeowner Rebate Program, and the First Time Homebuyers Program.
The Division of Tenant/Landlord Relations advises tenants about their rights and mediates disputes.
Tenants can go to the Housing Code Enforcement Division for such issues as heat and hot water problems, abandoned buildings and illegal apartments.
An employee from Tenant/Landlord Relations and Housing Code Enforcement will be at the annex on Mondays and Fridays, Community Development will send a representative on Wednesdays.
For more information, call (201) 547-5070.
Posted on: 2009/9/23 9:10