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Re: Blocking driveways..
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2009/6/29 19:45
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How do I find out if someones curb cut is legal?

Posted on: 2009/9/11 23:43

Re: Blocking driveways..
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Vigilante wrote:
Saw this today. The other 2 cars were already parked and this guy took 2 spots for his precious BMW. In other words? FU neighbor! Park somewhere else!! Nice.

Resized Image

this exactly what im talkin about.. d-bags. god bless whatever engineer decided to put the spare tire on the back of some suv's. god bless.

Posted on: 2009/9/9 1:31

Re: Blocking driveways..
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2009/3/19 15:20
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Vigilante wrote:
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thats just insane.

Posted on: 2009/9/9 0:12

Re: Blocking driveways..
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2007/10/11 3:28
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jennymayla wrote:

Vigilante wrote:
Saw this today. The other 2 cars were already parked and this guy took 2 spots for his precious BMW. In other words? FU neighbor! Park somewhere else!! Nice.

Resized Image

this assumes that no one before this driver parked funny on this block, like too far from the corner, setting off the whole line-up. or perhaps there was a motorcycle parked there -- better yet, a vespa! -- or maybe even a teensy smart cart, which also would throw off the line-up.

in other words, don't assume that this guy is a d-bag just because you resent the car he drives. or she. d-bagette.

I saw him park his car and hog the space. Thank You very much! And yes it seems to always be people with so-called fancy cars. Saw a guy do the same thing near Torico's with his Hummer on Saturday night.

Posted on: 2009/9/8 23:51

Re: Blocking driveways..
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2005/3/31 1:24
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Vigilante wrote:
Saw this today. The other 2 cars were already parked and this guy took 2 spots for his precious BMW. In other words? FU neighbor! Park somewhere else!! Nice.

Resized Image

this assumes that no one before this driver parked funny on this block, like too far from the corner, setting off the whole line-up. or perhaps there was a motorcycle parked there -- better yet, a vespa! -- or maybe even a teensy smart cart, which also would throw off the line-up.

in other words, don't assume that this guy is a d-bag just because you resent the car he drives. or she. d-bagette.

Posted on: 2009/9/8 23:47

Re: Blocking driveways..
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2007/10/11 3:28
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Saw this today. The other 2 cars were already parked and this guy took 2 spots for his precious BMW. In other words? FU neighbor! Park somewhere else!! Nice.

Resized Image

Posted on: 2009/9/8 23:44

Re: Blocking driveways..
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2004/11/6 21:13
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Azul_the_Cat wrote:
If you have the room to park, there is no reason why you should bump someone. If it is a little tight, ok maybe you might tap someone once or twice, fine but do it slowly.

That's all anybody's been saying. You've been saying that would be a sociopathic and criminal act. Jeez.

Posted on: 2009/9/8 14:46

Re: Blocking driveways..
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2009/3/19 15:20
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Vigilante wrote:

GlitterQueen wrote:

The problem is American's not respecting other human beings and their property. don't touch people's property even while on public property.

No, actually the problem is a-holes thinking that their car is so precious that they can take as many spots as they want and FU too bad. That's where the real selfishness lies.

I'm going to say there is a lot of both going on these days.

I agree with Vigilante, when it comes to the A-holes who think their car is worth so much that they need to take up 2 or 3 spaces. If I were driving a car that I was worried abou that much, I would never park it on the street. In parking lots I would be that guy you see parked at the far corner of the lot.

I also agree with Glitter Queen, in that there is not enough personal responsibility. If you have the room to park, there is no reason why you should bump someone. If it is a little tight, ok maybe you might tap someone once or twice, fine but do it slowly.

But if they are an A-hole and if you really want to teach them a lesson, remove their rear license plate then put the screws right under their tires.

Posted on: 2009/9/8 10:10

Re: Blocking driveways..
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2007/10/11 3:28
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GlitterQueen wrote:

Is not. He's just calling it like he and I see it, that Americans have a problem of confusing their own identities with their car, from what the model "says about them" to the ridiculous idea that something you park on the street is sacrosanct. You park on the street, expect to get tapped. Period.

Painted bumpers must have been invented by body shops, a supremely stupid idea. When plastic bumpers were first introduced, they were mostly black.

Oh hell no. I do not identify myself in my car in any way at all. I work hard, I need my car, and I do not appreciate self involvd a holes who think they can hit my car because it parked on the street.

I respect other people's property. I have honestly never hit anyone's bumper but my husband's(and that part was plastic and did no damage) and i admitted it and checked that nothing happened to it. I still felt bad that I did it.

The problem is American's not respecting other human beings and their property. (aka we just come into other countries jack them up and go tag your it you fix it)

Once again, I am in so way defined by my car. it service a purpose and i use my hard earned money on paying for it. I didn't buy an expensive car but still just don't hit it. Learn to park! Why is this such a hard concept? don't touch people's property even while on public property.

No, actually the problem is a-holes thinking that their car is so precious that they can take as many spots as they want and FU too bad. That's where the real selfishness lies. No one is gonna purposely hit a car and damage it but if someone repeatedly hogs space on the street they deserve what they get. I guarantee I can park a car better than most people especially when I wanna squeeze into a spot to teach these d-bags a lesson. And yes, painted bumpers were a bad idea. Bumpers should be covered in rubber like on a tire. That rubber coating should be easily and cheaply replaceable. BTW? God help your car at any of the super-market parking lots around here!!

Posted on: 2009/9/8 1:23

Re: Blocking driveways..
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Is not. He's just calling it like he and I see it, that Americans have a problem of confusing their own identities with their car, from what the model "says about them" to the ridiculous idea that something you park on the street is sacrosanct. You park on the street, expect to get tapped. Period.

Painted bumpers must have been invented by body shops, a supremely stupid idea. When plastic bumpers were first introduced, they were mostly black.

Oh hell no. I do not identify myself in my car in any way at all. I work hard, I need my car, and I do not appreciate self involvd a holes who think they can hit my car because it parked on the street.

I respect other people's property. I have honestly never hit anyone's bumper but my husband's(and that part was plastic and did no damage) and i admitted it and checked that nothing happened to it. I still felt bad that I did it.

The problem is American's not respecting other human beings and their property. (aka we just come into other countries jack them up and go tag your it you fix it)

Once again, I am in so way defined by my car. it service a purpose and i use my hard earned money on paying for it. I didn't buy an expensive car but still just don't hit it. Learn to park! Why is this such a hard concept? don't touch people's property even while on public property.

Posted on: 2009/9/8 0:12

Re: Blocking driveways..
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2004/11/6 21:13
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Azul_the_Cat wrote:

ianmac47 wrote:
As far as I am concerned, anyone who places that kind of value on a car is probably worthless as a human being anyway.

Troll. /\/\/\/\

Is not. He's just calling it like he and I see it, that Americans have a problem of confusing their own identities with their car, from what the model "says about them" to the ridiculous idea that something you park on the street is sacrosanct. You park on the street, expect to get tapped. Period.

Painted bumpers must have been invented by body shops, a supremely stupid idea. When plastic bumpers were first introduced, they were mostly black.

Posted on: 2009/9/7 23:07

Re: Blocking driveways..
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2009/3/19 15:20
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ianmac47 wrote:
As far as I am concerned, anyone who places that kind of value on a car is probably worthless as a human being anyway.

Troll. /\/\/\/\

Posted on: 2009/9/7 15:42

Re: Blocking driveways..
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2006/4/10 13:29
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Azul_the_Cat wrote:
Vigilante wrote:

GlitterQueen wrote:

The person who was hit would contact the police and their insurance insurance would go after your insurance. I had someone do minor damage to my car in the city and it cost $750 because they repaint the whole bumper.

If you think it is okay to bump someone's car b/c you do not know how to park you are a douche.

Ha Ha!! Like I said Good Luck!!

Now your just being ignorant. If you really think that if someone were to see you physically damage their property, you would have an easy time dealing with their insurance company? That person as well as the insurance co. lawyers have every incentive to go after you for the money.

It may seem like it is no big deal to you, but it is easy to see why some one would get so pissed off, when some thoughtless driver, who is too lazy to either find a spot they can fit in, or learn to park bumps your nice new car that you worked so hard for. Then you end up having to pay an insurance deductible, in some cases can be pretty high.

As far as I am concerned, anyone who places that kind of value on a car is probably worthless as a human being anyway.

Posted on: 2009/9/7 15:18

Re: Blocking driveways..
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2009/3/19 15:20
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Vigilante wrote:

GlitterQueen wrote:

The person who was hit would contact the police and their insurance insurance would go after your insurance. I had someone do minor damage to my car in the city and it cost $750 because they repaint the whole bumper.

If you think it is okay to bump someone's car b/c you do not know how to park you are a douche.

Ha Ha!! Like I said Good Luck!!

Now your just being ignorant. If you really think that if someone were to see you physically damage their property, you would have an easy time dealing with their insurance company? That person as well as the insurance co. lawyers have every incentive to go after you for the money.

It may seem like it is no big deal to you, but it is easy to see why some one would get so pissed off, when some thoughtless driver, who is too lazy to either find a spot they can fit in, or learn to park bumps your nice new car that you worked so hard for. Then you end up having to pay an insurance deductible, in some cases can be pretty high.

Posted on: 2009/9/7 10:46

Re: Blocking driveways..
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On a related note: NY Times

City Room - Blogging From the Five Boroughs
September 4, 2009, 11:59 am
Complaint Box | Parking Peeves
By Ray Rivera
Todd Heisler/The New York Times One car using space enough for two; a common annoyance in a crowded metropolis.

There is a certain car in my neighborhood, a sporty silver Mazda with Thule bike racks. I would have no interest in it if not for its owner?s insistence on taking up two spaces every time he parks.

Day after day, it?s the same thing. He nudges his car into a parallel space, nestling it about four feet from the bumper in front of him, as if this is going to protect his precious vehicle from errant dings, or make quick escapes easier. The effect for the rest of us is one less space that could have gone to a parent juggling children and groceries.

We have a lot of parking peeves in our little enclave at the northern edge of Manhattan. Softball players and picnickers flood into the neighborhood every summer weekend to relish our lush fields along the Spuyten Duyvil, taking up every bit of spare curb space.

Camera crews for the television show ?Law & Order? regularly gobble up long stretches of roadside for their trucks.

But the park revelers and film crews come and go. An off-duty police officer and a Buildings Department employee live in the neighborhood and park illegally every day in front of fire hydrants or in No Standing zones, while the rest of us circle the block searching for a legal spot. They place city placards on their dashboards claiming to be on official duty.

As official abuses of power go, this is fairly harmless, I know. But I consider it a gateway to bigger crimes, the way some people say marijuana leads to heavier drugs. Today it?s illegal parking; tomorrow, payoffs from the mob.

But let?s say I reported it, and the city actually cracked down on its employees. That would be just two more cars circling the block with the rest of us. I?ve discussed this with my neighbors, and we all agree that silence is the best course, even if it makes us passive conspirators.

There are other discourteous parkers in the neighborhood, but they are mostly these old-time New York characters who are so overly protective ? or just plain bad drivers ? they really shouldn?t own cars to begin with. I can rationalize their behavior the same way I could that of a late friend of mine who grew up in the Great Depression and for the rest of his life saved unused napkins from every restaurant he ever visited. It?s eccentricity born of self-preservation.

But Silver Mazda Guy has no excuse. We have left notes on his windshield explaining that many of us have children and finding close parking is a huge convenience, to no avail. What other recourse is there? I?m certainly not going to key his car or flatten his tires. Not because that would be wrong, but because he might know what I drive.

What I?d really like to do is plaster his car with those annoyingly sticky green notices the Sanitation Department uses when you forget to move on alternate-side parking days. You know ? the kind you can never fully remove, even with hot water and a scraper. I would find the company that manufactures them and have them make me a big boxful of giant scarlet P?s or maybe a wordy discourse on parking etiquette. I would walk around the neighborhood under cover of night issuing written warnings for first-time offenders and the full-on papier-m?ch? treatment for repeat violators.

As a reporter for a major newspaper, I could probably find out who makes these sanitation notices pretty easily. Then I could begin my secret vigilante career battling ill-mannered parkers, starting with the owner of you know what. I don?t know, would that be an abuse of power?

Ray Rivera is a reporter for The New York Times. He won?t say what he drives.

Posted on: 2009/9/7 10:15

Re: Blocking driveways..
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2009/7/5 17:15
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Vigilante wrote:

DirtMcGirt wrote:

Vigilante wrote:

Azul_the_Cat wrote:

ianmac47 wrote:
HAHA. I seriously doubt you have ever collected a single dime from anyone. A small claims judge would laugh you the f*ck out of his court.

Has nothing to do with court. File an insurance claim. Done it before, with success. You would be surprised how much it costs to have even a small ding repaired correctly on a painted bumper.

I'm not so naive to think I'm not going to get bumped and dinged. The belief that it is ok, or should be accepted is what gets to me.

Would you buy a $30,000 home theater system and leave it on the street? Probably not. Too many people buy fancy, expensive cars and forget to account for the fact that said car is gonna be exposed to the whims of thousands of people. Unless you have a private garage or a force-field around your car it's gonna get dinged, bumped and scratched. Most of the damage on my car was caused by garbage-men dragging cans and bags over the hood and trunk of my car. And if you hog parking spaces you are just asking for it! The auto industry needs to design a more effective and practical "city bumper".

Incindental contact from city parking is one thing. However, if you make contact, you should leave a note and cover the damages, if there are any.

And clearly, intentional contact with another vehicle for any reason is unjustifiable.

If someone parks like a douche and I need to bump them to squeeze into a spot I wish them good luck trying to get money from me. The cops would laugh in their face and so would I!!!

What? Where did I say anything about collecting money? I didn't.

Whether you like it or not, if you have to bump someone to get into a spot, you don't deserve the spot. Intentional contact of someone else's vehicle is not legitimate.

Posted on: 2009/9/7 4:27

Re: Blocking driveways..
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2007/10/11 3:28
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From Leashless Glory.
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GlitterQueen wrote:

Vigilante wrote:

DirtMcGirt wrote:

Vigilante wrote:

Azul_the_Cat wrote:

ianmac47 wrote:
HAHA. I seriously doubt you have ever collected a single dime from anyone. A small claims judge would laugh you the f*ck out of his court.

Has nothing to do with court. File an insurance claim. Done it before, with success. You would be surprised how much it costs to have even a small ding repaired correctly on a painted bumper.

I'm not so naive to think I'm not going to get bumped and dinged. The belief that it is ok, or should be accepted is what gets to me.

Would you buy a $30,000 home theater system and leave it on the street? Probably not. Too many people buy fancy, expensive cars and forget to account for the fact that said car is gonna be exposed to the whims of thousands of people. Unless you have a private garage or a force-field around your car it's gonna get dinged, bumped and scratched. Most of the damage on my car was caused by garbage-men dragging cans and bags over the hood and trunk of my car. And if you hog parking spaces you are just asking for it! The auto industry needs to design a more effective and practical "city bumper".

Incindental contact from city parking is one thing. However, if you make contact, you should leave a note and cover the damages, if there are any.

And clearly, intentional contact with another vehicle for any reason is unjustifiable.

If someone parks like a douche and I need to bump them to squeeze into a spot I wish them good luck trying to get money from me. The cops would laugh in their face and so would I!!!

The person who was hit would contact the police and their insurance insurance would go after your insurance. I had someone do minor damage to my car in the city and it cost $750 because they repaint the whole bumper.

If you think it is okay to bump someone's car b/c you do not know how to park you are a douche.

Ha Ha!! Like I said Good Luck!!

Posted on: 2009/9/7 2:33

Re: Blocking driveways..
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2009/9/6 17:28
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Vigilante wrote:

DirtMcGirt wrote:

Vigilante wrote:

Azul_the_Cat wrote:

ianmac47 wrote:
HAHA. I seriously doubt you have ever collected a single dime from anyone. A small claims judge would laugh you the f*ck out of his court.

Has nothing to do with court. File an insurance claim. Done it before, with success. You would be surprised how much it costs to have even a small ding repaired correctly on a painted bumper.

I'm not so naive to think I'm not going to get bumped and dinged. The belief that it is ok, or should be accepted is what gets to me.

Would you buy a $30,000 home theater system and leave it on the street? Probably not. Too many people buy fancy, expensive cars and forget to account for the fact that said car is gonna be exposed to the whims of thousands of people. Unless you have a private garage or a force-field around your car it's gonna get dinged, bumped and scratched. Most of the damage on my car was caused by garbage-men dragging cans and bags over the hood and trunk of my car. And if you hog parking spaces you are just asking for it! The auto industry needs to design a more effective and practical "city bumper".

Incindental contact from city parking is one thing. However, if you make contact, you should leave a note and cover the damages, if there are any.

And clearly, intentional contact with another vehicle for any reason is unjustifiable.

If someone parks like a douche and I need to bump them to squeeze into a spot I wish them good luck trying to get money from me. The cops would laugh in their face and so would I!!!

The person who was hit would contact the police and their insurance insurance would go after your insurance. I had someone do minor damage to my car in the city and it cost $750 because they repaint the whole bumper.

If you think it is okay to bump someone's car b/c you do not know how to park you are a douche.

Posted on: 2009/9/7 2:27

Re: Blocking driveways..
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2007/10/11 3:28
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DirtMcGirt wrote:

Vigilante wrote:

Azul_the_Cat wrote:

ianmac47 wrote:
HAHA. I seriously doubt you have ever collected a single dime from anyone. A small claims judge would laugh you the f*ck out of his court.

Has nothing to do with court. File an insurance claim. Done it before, with success. You would be surprised how much it costs to have even a small ding repaired correctly on a painted bumper.

I'm not so naive to think I'm not going to get bumped and dinged. The belief that it is ok, or should be accepted is what gets to me.

Would you buy a $30,000 home theater system and leave it on the street? Probably not. Too many people buy fancy, expensive cars and forget to account for the fact that said car is gonna be exposed to the whims of thousands of people. Unless you have a private garage or a force-field around your car it's gonna get dinged, bumped and scratched. Most of the damage on my car was caused by garbage-men dragging cans and bags over the hood and trunk of my car. And if you hog parking spaces you are just asking for it! The auto industry needs to design a more effective and practical "city bumper".

Incindental contact from city parking is one thing. However, if you make contact, you should leave a note and cover the damages, if there are any.

And clearly, intentional contact with another vehicle for any reason is unjustifiable.

If someone parks like a douche and I need to bump them to squeeze into a spot I wish them good luck trying to get money from me. The cops would laugh in their face and so would I!!!

Posted on: 2009/9/7 0:59

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Relieve some stress by getting some of these and leave them on the cars whose owners have earned it.

Posted on: 2009/9/6 22:32

Re: Blocking driveways..
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Vigilante wrote:
Azul_the_Cat wrote:
Vigilante wrote:
That's why they are called "bumpers". It's not the bumping that's the problem, it's the quality or lackthereof of bumpers.

I think it has more to do with the quality or lack thereof of the driver.

Posted on: 2009/9/6 20:39

Re: Blocking driveways..
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Vigilante wrote:
The house comparison is not correct. A car on the street should be expected to get bumped etc. That's why they are called "bumpers". It's not the bumping that's the problem, it's the quality or lackthereof of bumpers.

What is really causing the damage is the screws from license plate frames, or when you drag along the side. Bumpers are designed to be able to take a 5pmh impact or less and not show any damage, but that is just bumper to bumper with no screws.

Posted on: 2009/9/6 20:36

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Vigilante wrote:

Azul_the_Cat wrote:

ianmac47 wrote:
HAHA. I seriously doubt you have ever collected a single dime from anyone. A small claims judge would laugh you the f*ck out of his court.

Has nothing to do with court. File an insurance claim. Done it before, with success. You would be surprised how much it costs to have even a small ding repaired correctly on a painted bumper.

I'm not so naive to think I'm not going to get bumped and dinged. The belief that it is ok, or should be accepted is what gets to me.

Would you buy a $30,000 home theater system and leave it on the street? Probably not. Too many people buy fancy, expensive cars and forget to account for the fact that said car is gonna be exposed to the whims of thousands of people. Unless you have a private garage or a force-field around your car it's gonna get dinged, bumped and scratched. Most of the damage on my car was caused by garbage-men dragging cans and bags over the hood and trunk of my car. And if you hog parking spaces you are just asking for it! The auto industry needs to design a more effective and practical "city bumper".

Incindental contact from city parking is one thing. However, if you make contact, you should leave a note and cover the damages, if there are any.

And clearly, intentional contact with another vehicle for any reason is unjustifiable.

Posted on: 2009/9/6 20:23

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2007/10/11 3:28
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Azul_the_Cat wrote:

Vigilante wrote:
Would you buy a $30,000 home theater system and leave it on the street? Probably not. Too many people buy fancy, expensive cars and forget to account for the fact that said car is gonna be exposed to the whims of thousands of people. Unless you have a private garage or a force-field around your car it's gonna get dinged, bumped and scratched. Most of the damage on my car was caused by garbage-men dragging cans and bags over the hood and trunk of my car. And if you hog parking spaces you are just asking for it! The auto industry needs to design a more effective and practical "city bumper".

We used to have "city bumpers" they were steel, and they were awesome. I guess I could see your point if someone was getting pissy that they parked their 7 series/ s class on the street and it got dinged, but I bought a very affordable Fit. It is small and I park it well, never taking up "too much room". My point is, when people use the the excuse, "well it the city, it's a tight spot, I'll just bump them." instead of learning to park w/o bumping is what gets to me.

By your logic by the fact that the front of my house is outside, someone wouldn't have to pay to repair damages, made by them to my house. I know when I was a kid if I broke a neighbors window I had to pay for it .

The house comparison is not correct. A car on the street should be expected to get bumped etc. That's why they are called "bumpers". It's not the bumping that's the problem, it's the quality or lackthereof of bumpers.

Posted on: 2009/9/6 17:32

Re: Blocking driveways..
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Vigilante wrote:
Would you buy a $30,000 home theater system and leave it on the street? Probably not. Too many people buy fancy, expensive cars and forget to account for the fact that said car is gonna be exposed to the whims of thousands of people. Unless you have a private garage or a force-field around your car it's gonna get dinged, bumped and scratched. Most of the damage on my car was caused by garbage-men dragging cans and bags over the hood and trunk of my car. And if you hog parking spaces you are just asking for it! The auto industry needs to design a more effective and practical "city bumper".

We used to have "city bumpers" they were steel, and they were awesome. I guess I could see your point if someone was getting pissy that they parked their 7 series/ s class on the street and it got dinged, but I bought a very affordable Fit. It is small and I park it well, never taking up "too much room". My point is, when people use the the excuse, "well it the city, it's a tight spot, I'll just bump them." instead of learning to park w/o bumping is what gets to me.

By your logic by the fact that the front of my house is outside, someone wouldn't have to pay to repair damages, made by them to my house. I know when I was a kid if I broke a neighbors window I had to pay for it .

Posted on: 2009/9/6 17:16

Re: Blocking driveways..
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Jolly13 wrote:

Vigilante wrote:

Would you buy a $30,000 home theater system and leave it on the street? Probably not. Too many people buy fancy, expensive cars and forget to account for the fact that said car is gonna be exposed to the whims of thousands of people. Unless you have a private garage or a force-field around your car it's gonna get dinged, bumped and scratched. Most of the damage on my car was caused by garbage-men dragging cans and bags over the hood and trunk of my car. And if you hog parking spaces you are just asking for it! The auto industry needs to design a more effective and practical "city bumper".

But Kevin, how do you know when the "offending parker" parked well, but subsequent movement of vehicles makes it look like he took up two spaces? I have often parked in a normal way, then later see that the cars around me have moved and it looks like I took up way too much space.

Kevin? Anyway. I only do this to the obvious offenders in the neighborhood. The are blatant repeat "I must park right smack in front of my house" offenders. God forbid they move ahead or back 10 feet. Nice neighbors are they.

Posted on: 2009/9/6 17:11

Re: Blocking driveways..
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Vigilante wrote:

Would you buy a $30,000 home theater system and leave it on the street? Probably not. Too many people buy fancy, expensive cars and forget to account for the fact that said car is gonna be exposed to the whims of thousands of people. Unless you have a private garage or a force-field around your car it's gonna get dinged, bumped and scratched. Most of the damage on my car was caused by garbage-men dragging cans and bags over the hood and trunk of my car. And if you hog parking spaces you are just asking for it! The auto industry needs to design a more effective and practical "city bumper".

But Kevin, how do you know when the "offending parker" parked well, but subsequent movement of vehicles makes it look like he took up two spaces? I have often parked in a normal way, then later see that the cars around me have moved and it looks like I took up way too much space.

Posted on: 2009/9/6 17:00

Re: Blocking driveways..
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2007/10/11 3:28
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Azul_the_Cat wrote:

ianmac47 wrote:
HAHA. I seriously doubt you have ever collected a single dime from anyone. A small claims judge would laugh you the f*ck out of his court.

Has nothing to do with court. File an insurance claim. Done it before, with success. You would be surprised how much it costs to have even a small ding repaired correctly on a painted bumper.

I'm not so naive to think I'm not going to get bumped and dinged. The belief that it is ok, or should be accepted is what gets to me.

Would you buy a $30,000 home theater system and leave it on the street? Probably not. Too many people buy fancy, expensive cars and forget to account for the fact that said car is gonna be exposed to the whims of thousands of people. Unless you have a private garage or a force-field around your car it's gonna get dinged, bumped and scratched. Most of the damage on my car was caused by garbage-men dragging cans and bags over the hood and trunk of my car. And if you hog parking spaces you are just asking for it! The auto industry needs to design a more effective and practical "city bumper".

Posted on: 2009/9/6 16:44

Re: Blocking driveways..
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ianmac47 wrote:
HAHA. I seriously doubt you have ever collected a single dime from anyone. A small claims judge would laugh you the f*ck out of his court.

Has nothing to do with court. File an insurance claim. Done it before, with success. You would be surprised how much it costs to have even a small ding repaired correctly on a painted bumper.

I'm not so naive to think I'm not going to get bumped and dinged. The belief that it is ok, or should be accepted is what gets to me.

Posted on: 2009/9/6 16:32

Re: Blocking driveways..
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Azul_the_Cat wrote:

You sir are out of your mind. To think that people are expected to park by braille is just wrong. How did become acceptable to damage another person property, because you don't know how to drive/ park? I drove a full size sedan (Audi A6) for a few years and was always able to park it on the street and not hit people in the process. When I have caught people using the Helen Keller method of parking, I either take down the offenders info and put a not on the car they hit, or if it was my car, get their all their info and then file a claim to have the damage repaired. So the person who was to lazy to learn to park in the first place, now has a nice $500-$1000 bill to pay.

HAHAHAHAHAHA $500-$1000 for a bumper ding. Man, keep up the good work. This stuff is comedic gold!

Posted on: 2009/9/6 16:01

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