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Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
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2009/5/12 22:51
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Funny.... appreciate your perspective and rational approach to decision making but these days someone using a phrase like "the science is settled" or "90% of scientists agree" automatically tells me they want to shut down the conversation or debate. There is not much the experts have been correct on with the response to C19 and I get suspicious of political agendas from CDC, WHO, or the WH.


lecxe wrote:
I'm not an expert on many things thus when I need advice I seek it from experts. I may begin research myself but ultimately I value consensus amongst experts on a subject matter for which I'm not well versed in. By consensus I mean for example that if I ask 100 experts the same question and 90 provide the same response then I'm apt to go with consensus conclusion. I've learned that human endeavors will always contain contrarian views and 100% consensus is impossible with a world of 8 billion people. Thus there will always be voices arguing the "other" side.

The question everyone needs to ask themselves is how much do they value scientific consensus. In reading this thread there are those who appear to dismiss it and there are those who value it. What I'm pretty sure of is that both sides of the argument in this thread will have a hard time convincing the other they are right.

Posted on: 2022/1/19 19:37

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
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Folk singer Hana Horká dies of COVID after deliberately catching virus.

Veteran folk singer Hana Horká died Sunday of COVID-19 after intentionally exposing herself to the virus in an ill-advised self-immunization attempt. She was 57 years old. ... herself-to-avoid-vaccine/

Posted on: 2022/1/19 18:26

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
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I'm not an expert on many things thus when I need advice I seek it from experts. I may begin research myself but ultimately I value consensus amongst experts on a subject matter for which I'm not well versed in. By consensus I mean for example that if I ask 100 experts the same question and 90 provide the same response then I'm apt to go with consensus conclusion. I've learned that human endeavors will always contain contrarian views and 100% consensus is impossible with a world of 8 billion people. Thus there will always be voices arguing the "other" side.

The question everyone needs to ask themselves is how much do they value scientific consensus. In reading this thread there are those who appear to dismiss it and there are those who value it. What I'm pretty sure of is that both sides of the argument in this thread will have a hard time convincing the other they are right.

Posted on: 2022/1/19 16:50

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
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Lengthy but excellent. Two great minds and truthtellers:

Posted on: 2022/1/15 13:04

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
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2008/5/9 2:53
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Some clips about a film, Utopia, also an Amazon series, is about the need for population control and to reset by creating a virus and a vaccine that sterilizes (a protein and amino acid).

Here's the link. You can listen but it looks like Youtube scrambles the picture.

Posted on: 2022/1/12 16:39

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The why of all this is unfathomable. Evil genocidal plan? Confluence of idiots and mass psychosis?

Alex Berenson sees Pfizer now preparing to batten down the hatches when everything hits the fan: ... vaccine-company-executive

Posted on: 2022/1/12 16:31

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
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2013/10/14 23:28
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How much more of a lack of leadership and innovation can the world stand?

There are rovers on the planet Mars with long range plans for colonies. New explorations on the moon are in the works.

Yet, the best scientific minds cannot eradicate a man made virus, instead coming up with a half solution that enriches corporations and individuals while chaos grows daily more dangerous.

There is something sinister about the whole situation.

Posted on: 2022/1/7 14:12

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
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Conspiracy theorist and podcaster Doug Kuzma dies from COVID!

A popular podcasting conspiracy theorist who opposed vaccines reportedly died after attending a so-called superspreader conference attended by Alex Jones, Eric Trump and Michael Flynn. ... 3MJ7WPM~1~1~3~7~art%20yes

Posted on: 2022/1/6 22:00

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I saw Dr. Malone on a Catholic website, by the way the doctor is not Catholic. He came on Church Militant to promote his rally on Jan. 23 in DC. Malone said emergency powers end on Jan. 15 and he is hoping enough people show up to stop the renewal of those powers. I imagine he is referring to the feds, I am sure many states still have their emergency powers.

Posted on: 2022/1/5 20:38

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Three hours of Joe Rogan chatting with Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of MRNA.

As for Trump, he may have his ego too invested in operation warp speed. Anyway, it looks like these vaccines had already been developed along side of the manufacture of the virus itself.

Posted on: 2022/1/5 20:13

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Looks like Trump got his booster and is singing the praises of vaccination. ... -candace-owens-interview/

Posted on: 2021/12/23 18:01

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A fascinating discussion of what motivates people's behavior and actions in times such as these:

Definitley worth the time to view it.

Posted on: 2021/12/18 14:45

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Yet the CDC says there is strong evidence between the vaccine and heart disease. ... t-issue-cdc-says-n1270339

Posted on: 2021/12/11 22:28

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Russel Blaylock is another known quack that has been frequenting Newsmax and Alex Jones for years. He's been an anti-vaxxer long before covid.


Mao wrote:
Mon,11/15/21-4:00PM, 2,860 Reads
I find it incredible that several writers have found the deaths of thousands of mostly healthy people after receiving a virtually untested “vaccine” as something we should ignore, all based on manipulated statistics. Benjamin Disraeli was correct— “There are three kinds of lies: lies, damn lies and statistics”. It has been shown by VAERS data that the number of deaths linked to the COVID-19 vaccines after the first six months of their release exceeds all the deaths linked to other vaccines given over the past 30 years. These COVID-19 “vaccine” related deaths are increasing at a shocking rate, by several hundred each week.

What really concerns many of us is the rush to vaccinate children aged five to 11 with, what many of us consider, a deadly “vaccine”. Our children are already over-vaccinated and adding these deadly vaccines will, in my opinion and others, mean thousands of small children will possibly die and tens of thousands more will be left permanently ruined by these biological agents. Do these “vaccine” proponents think it would be acceptable for small children to die from a vaccine they do not need, and which has now been shown to be highly ineffective?

There is a major difference between a perfectly healthy child dying from a naturally spread disease and dying following a so-called “treatment” to protect someone else. Especially when that child’s risk from the disease is virtually nil. Experts in vaccine injuries are warning of a possible explosion of autoimmune diseases in these children, including juvenile diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and asthma. Neurodegenerative and neurodevelopmental diseases are also a major concern.

Studies have shown that the vast majority of deaths associated with this virus occurred among people over age 70, most in their 80s and that the majority of the 9,367 deaths now reported with the vaccines by VAERS also occurred among this very same age group. Additionally, these COVID-19 deaths are also occurring by far among people who have serious co-morbid conditions and a poor prognosis without the virus.

Two highly regarded studies have recently shown that these COVID-19 vaccines powerfully suppress all immune cells utilized in fighting viruses, thus making these vaccinated children (and adults) highly susceptible to not only the Covid-19 viruses, but all viruses. Another study out of Sweden found that the spike protein from the vaccines, much to their surprise, entered the nucleus of the immune cells and inactivated two essential DNA repair enzymes. They concluded this would incapacitate the immune system of these vaccinated individuals. Paralysis of DNA repair enzymes would also put the vaccinated child at a very high risk of developing one of the hematological malignancies, such as lymphomas or leukemias. In essence, we could see an explosion of childhood leukemias or lymphomas among these vaccinated children.

Mag St. Andrews 211201

We now know that vaccinated individuals can spread the virus variant. Studies have shown that the vaccinated have very high levels of these viruses in their nasopharynx.

Dr. Peter McCullough published his results of early treatment of COVID-19 infected patients and reported that in his patients he has seen an 85% reduction in hospitalizations and especially ICU admissions—that equates to saving the lives of 85% of the infected people in his practice. The CDC ordered doctors not to administer early treatment, but rather allow these people to deteriorate to the point they were severely ill before any treatment was initiated. What this means nationally is that had early treatment been the standard, 595,000 people out of the claimed 700,000 Covid-19 deaths, could have survived, mostly in good health. That means that 85% of the people that died, died unnecessarily because of a CDC imposed policy.

These young children, in essence, would be vaccinated with potentially dangerous vaccines for a virus which in well over 99% of cases, will not make them sick. Worse still, most authorities agree, these children are not transmitting the virus. So, why are they being subjected to these experimental “vaccines”?

We have seen that vaccinating pregnant women can increase the risk of miscarriage if they are vaccinated during the first trimester of their pregnancy. Based on my careful study of the effects of immune stimulation during pregnancy (as with vaccines) I have warned that we could see a dramatic increase in autism and schizophrenia in these offspring, especially if vaccinated during the second and third trimester. I have published this immune mechanism in several scientific journals.

Which one of you proponents of forced vaccination of these very young children would be willing to exchange the life of their own child or grandchild for an elderly relative, a relative with only a few months or years of life left on this earth. I certainly would never consider such a selfish or inhumane idea. I have experienced the terrible agony and ongoing grief of losing my grandchild at age 7 years—I would have been more than glad to have died in his place. The thought that I would sacrifice the life of my child or grandchild so that I could live or extend an elderly relative’s life a few months or years is beyond any consideration.

Mag Benson Companies 211201

These children have an extremely low danger from this virus or the variant, but thousands will die, and hundreds of thousands may be permanently damaged by these “vaccines.” Will the proponents of these “vaccines” respond coldly to these vaccine-induced deaths in “statistical terms” and ignore the thousands of individual children that will have died as these same cold-hearted people have with the tens of thousands of dead vaccinated adults?

What kind of civilization sacrifices its young so the extreme elderly might survive just a little longer? There are many ways to protect the elderly population beyond ineffective, dangerous “vaccinations.” I know, I am one of these elderly.

Russell L. Blaylock, M.D., is a Northsider. He is a retired neurosurgeon and Associate Editor-in-Chief of Surgical Neurology International

Posted on: 2021/12/11 17:54

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
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Here's Dr. McCullough with Bret Weinstein on a Dark Horse Podcast:

Vital segment--two brave men considering the times.
Make sure to watch it until the very end.

Thank you for your posting Mao.

Posted on: 2021/12/10 17:26

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
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2008/5/9 2:53
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Mon,11/15/21-4:00PM, 2,860 Reads
I find it incredible that several writers have found the deaths of thousands of mostly healthy people after receiving a virtually untested “vaccine” as something we should ignore, all based on manipulated statistics. Benjamin Disraeli was correct— “There are three kinds of lies: lies, damn lies and statistics”. It has been shown by VAERS data that the number of deaths linked to the COVID-19 vaccines after the first six months of their release exceeds all the deaths linked to other vaccines given over the past 30 years. These COVID-19 “vaccine” related deaths are increasing at a shocking rate, by several hundred each week.

What really concerns many of us is the rush to vaccinate children aged five to 11 with, what many of us consider, a deadly “vaccine”. Our children are already over-vaccinated and adding these deadly vaccines will, in my opinion and others, mean thousands of small children will possibly die and tens of thousands more will be left permanently ruined by these biological agents. Do these “vaccine” proponents think it would be acceptable for small children to die from a vaccine they do not need, and which has now been shown to be highly ineffective?

There is a major difference between a perfectly healthy child dying from a naturally spread disease and dying following a so-called “treatment” to protect someone else. Especially when that child’s risk from the disease is virtually nil. Experts in vaccine injuries are warning of a possible explosion of autoimmune diseases in these children, including juvenile diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and asthma. Neurodegenerative and neurodevelopmental diseases are also a major concern.

Studies have shown that the vast majority of deaths associated with this virus occurred among people over age 70, most in their 80s and that the majority of the 9,367 deaths now reported with the vaccines by VAERS also occurred among this very same age group. Additionally, these COVID-19 deaths are also occurring by far among people who have serious co-morbid conditions and a poor prognosis without the virus.

Two highly regarded studies have recently shown that these COVID-19 vaccines powerfully suppress all immune cells utilized in fighting viruses, thus making these vaccinated children (and adults) highly susceptible to not only the Covid-19 viruses, but all viruses. Another study out of Sweden found that the spike protein from the vaccines, much to their surprise, entered the nucleus of the immune cells and inactivated two essential DNA repair enzymes. They concluded this would incapacitate the immune system of these vaccinated individuals. Paralysis of DNA repair enzymes would also put the vaccinated child at a very high risk of developing one of the hematological malignancies, such as lymphomas or leukemias. In essence, we could see an explosion of childhood leukemias or lymphomas among these vaccinated children.

Mag St. Andrews 211201

We now know that vaccinated individuals can spread the virus variant. Studies have shown that the vaccinated have very high levels of these viruses in their nasopharynx.

Dr. Peter McCullough published his results of early treatment of COVID-19 infected patients and reported that in his patients he has seen an 85% reduction in hospitalizations and especially ICU admissions—that equates to saving the lives of 85% of the infected people in his practice. The CDC ordered doctors not to administer early treatment, but rather allow these people to deteriorate to the point they were severely ill before any treatment was initiated. What this means nationally is that had early treatment been the standard, 595,000 people out of the claimed 700,000 Covid-19 deaths, could have survived, mostly in good health. That means that 85% of the people that died, died unnecessarily because of a CDC imposed policy.

These young children, in essence, would be vaccinated with potentially dangerous vaccines for a virus which in well over 99% of cases, will not make them sick. Worse still, most authorities agree, these children are not transmitting the virus. So, why are they being subjected to these experimental “vaccines”?

We have seen that vaccinating pregnant women can increase the risk of miscarriage if they are vaccinated during the first trimester of their pregnancy. Based on my careful study of the effects of immune stimulation during pregnancy (as with vaccines) I have warned that we could see a dramatic increase in autism and schizophrenia in these offspring, especially if vaccinated during the second and third trimester. I have published this immune mechanism in several scientific journals.

Which one of you proponents of forced vaccination of these very young children would be willing to exchange the life of their own child or grandchild for an elderly relative, a relative with only a few months or years of life left on this earth. I certainly would never consider such a selfish or inhumane idea. I have experienced the terrible agony and ongoing grief of losing my grandchild at age 7 years—I would have been more than glad to have died in his place. The thought that I would sacrifice the life of my child or grandchild so that I could live or extend an elderly relative’s life a few months or years is beyond any consideration.

Mag Benson Companies 211201

These children have an extremely low danger from this virus or the variant, but thousands will die, and hundreds of thousands may be permanently damaged by these “vaccines.” Will the proponents of these “vaccines” respond coldly to these vaccine-induced deaths in “statistical terms” and ignore the thousands of individual children that will have died as these same cold-hearted people have with the tens of thousands of dead vaccinated adults?

What kind of civilization sacrifices its young so the extreme elderly might survive just a little longer? There are many ways to protect the elderly population beyond ineffective, dangerous “vaccinations.” I know, I am one of these elderly.

Russell L. Blaylock, M.D., is a Northsider. He is a retired neurosurgeon and Associate Editor-in-Chief of Surgical Neurology International

Posted on: 2021/12/10 17:03

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
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Point of the vaccine is that you have a greater chance of survival should you get the virus. Additionally, by the getting the vaccine, we slow down the spread. ... mb-covid-death/index.html

(CNN Business)Prominent Christian televangelist and anti-vaccine advocate Marcus Lamb died after being hospitalized with Covid-19, his family announced Tuesday.

Lamb founded Christian television network Daystar Television Network in 1997.

His wife Joni Lamb, announced the televangelist's death on Daystar's program streamed to Facebook Tuesday. She said her husband had diabetes but was healthy and was hospitalized after being diagnosed with Covid-19.

"He never talked about that, but he had diabetes, but he kept it in check. He was very healthy, he ate healthy, he kept his weight down, and always kept his sugar at a good level. But with trying to treat Covid and the pneumonia, the different protocols that are used, including many of the protocols we talked about here on Daystar, and we used those, and I used them and breezed through Covid.

Prominent Christian televangelist and anti-vaccine advocate Marcus Lamb died after being hospitalized with Covid-19, his family announced Tuesday. Lamb founded Christian television network Daystar Television Network in 1997.

It caused his blood sugar to spike and just a decrease in his oxygen and that's why he went to the hospital, so he could have oxygen," Joni Lamb said. "He 100% believed in everything that we've talked about here on Daystar and helping so many people around the world with early protocol treatments for Covid. We still stand by that, obviously."
Joni Lamb said her husband's "heart just gave out."

Marcus Lamb often spoke out against the Covid-19 vaccines on his show. In an episode earlier this year featuring anti-vaccine activists Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Del Bigtree, Lamb said the Covid-19 vaccine was "not really a vaccine," but an "an experimental shot" that was "dangerous. Marcus Lamb alleged that people were dying or having neurological disorders from the vaccine.

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say Covid-19 vaccines "are safe and effective" and that any adverse events after vaccination "are rare but may occur." People who are not vaccinated against Covid-19 were 11 times more likely to die of the disease and 10 times more likely to be hospitalized with the disease, according to a study published by the CDC.

Marcus Lamb's son, Jonathan Lamb, described his father's Covid-19 diagnosis as a "spiritual attack from the enemy" as he hosted the show on November 23. "There's no doubt in my mind that this is a spiritual attack from the enemy. As much as my parents have gone on here to kind of inform everyone about everything going on in the pandemic and some of the ways to treat Covid, there's no doubt that the enemy is not happy about that, and he's doing everything he can to take down my dad," Jonathan Lamb said.

Joni Lamb described the illness as "riding a roller coaster" on that same episode. She asked people in November to "pray specifically for [Lamb's] lungs to clear, the Covid pneumonia, and pray for his oxygen levels to continue to be strong and to go up and so that we can wean him off of oxygen and then bring him home."

A statement from Daystar Television Network said in part, "The family asks at this time that their privacy be respected as they grieve this difficult loss, and they wish to express their deep love and gratitude for all those who prayed during Marcus's health battle. Continue to lift them up in prayer in the days ahead."

Posted on: 2021/12/2 16:14

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
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That story link is from someone in India, with an inferior vaccine and inferior healthcare. That article didn't say that the person that died was incouraging people NOT to get vaccinated. That my dear, is the point of the post. He was an anti-vaxxer and now he's gone. Hopefully he didn't lead others down the same path.


Yvonne wrote:
Fully vaccinated man dies from covid, so what is the point? Around 80% had at least one shot but more people have died from covid under Biden than Trump. ... racting-infection-3340528

Posted on: 2021/12/1 23:58

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Fully vaccinated man dies from covid, so what is the point? Around 80% had at least one shot but more people have died from covid under Biden than Trump. ... racting-infection-3340528

Posted on: 2021/12/1 21:43

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Posted on: 2021/12/1 19:11

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
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Disney Cruises will be mandating vaccines for all children 5 and up. ... er-fully-vaccinated-covid


Yvonne wrote:
Young children do not need a covid vaccine, unless they have childhood illness like cancer. Their immune system is excellent. There is not enough data on the harm that might happen. By the way, in Robert Kennedy, Jr. new book, he states there are no tests on regular vaccines. He said he sued the government to ask for the data and was told there are no tests. I have no problem with regular vaccines but it is wrong not to do tests. Many parents say there is a link between vaccines and autism. I have always thought these parents were nuts, but now I am not sure.

Posted on: 2021/11/19 21:51

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Young children do not need a covid vaccine, unless they have childhood illness like cancer. Their immune system is excellent. There is not enough data on the harm that might happen. By the way, in Robert Kennedy, Jr. new book, he states there are no tests on regular vaccines. He said he sued the government to ask for the data and was told there are no tests. I have no problem with regular vaccines but it is wrong not to do tests. Many parents say there is a link between vaccines and autism. I have always thought these parents were nuts, but now I am not sure.

Posted on: 2021/11/19 15:30

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yorkster wrote:

RichMauro wrote:
Listen to what Bill Gates says about the need for real vaccines,

starts about 4:40 into the video (which is about ten minutes):

RichMoron strikes again with his anti-vax propaganda. Please post your credentials in pharmacology, virology, epidemiology, etc. before we can take you seriously at all. It's easy to pick and choose clips and videos that suits your agenda. If you don't want to get vaccinated, then don't and shut the F-up and live your life. Do you get off on posting non-sense. Let everyone else make up their own minds and do their own research. So over this BS.


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Posted on: 2021/11/19 13:27

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RichMauro wrote:
Listen to what Bill Gates says about the need for real vaccines,

starts about 4:40 into the video (which is about ten minutes):

RichMoron strikes again with his anti-vax propaganda. Please post your credentials in pharmacology, virology, epidemiology, etc. before we can take you seriously at all. It's easy to pick and choose clips and videos that suits your agenda. If you don't want to get vaccinated, then don't and shut the F-up and live your life. Do you get off on posting non-sense. Let everyone else make up their own minds and do their own research. So over this BS.

Posted on: 2021/11/18 14:33

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Listen to what Bill Gates says about the need for real vaccines,

starts about 4:40 into the video (which is about ten minutes):

Posted on: 2021/11/18 13:14

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This is what should happen when a doctor is spreading misinformation. ... ended-covid-19/index.html

Posted on: 2021/11/17 1:39

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That article is from April 2 (and the high rate mentioned was just for 65 & up). Currently, they are at 54% Fully Vaccinated: ... dbe740a1bad1393894ee4075/

Posted on: 2021/11/11 1:19

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Squirrel down below, this article shows high vaccinated rates for Alaska. ... ion-in-vaccination-rates/

Posted on: 2021/11/10 15:07

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Yvonne wrote:

yorkster wrote:

Yvonne wrote:

drifterx wrote:
In other news: Not getting vaccinated will still make you more likely to get COVID.

And if you allow illegal immigrants in which 20% are ill, most likely covid with the variant type, you are spreading the disease into the country.

As of yesterday, North Dakota and Alaska lead the US in rate of COVID cases. All those infected illegal immigrants must be Canadian.

Yet Alaska leads the nation in vaccine rates. The governor is on tv with "Go Visit Alaska" and touts his 84% vaccine rate in the commercial. ... ion-in-vaccination-rates/

Alaska is only 53% fully vaccinated and 60% with one dose which is below the US average. Your link doesn't even say that 84% of the state has been vaccinated. Please stop making stuff up.

Posted on: 2021/11/10 1:14

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Looks like Newsmax will implement a vaccine mandate. ... hcl2lf2wozcbpq-story.html

Posted on: 2021/11/6 22:32

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