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Re: Grove Street Path - Evacuated by Police with Guns Drawn
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2009/8/27 22:16
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Hamparkvet wrote:
Fox News is the culmination of scared chicken-sh*ts getting ahold of a TV network. They preach fear to fearful people. I see my own right wing friends on Facebook constantly posting news stories about something happening thousands of miles away and glomming on it and drumming up FEAR, FEAR, FEAR. Fox News has created a generation of people who think they are stalwart but are actually fearful ninnies. Many of them are gun and "Law and Order" nuts yet know nothing. It's no accident that out of approximately 33,000 gun deaths a year, 2/3 are self-inflicted. The fear and neurosis catches up with them and they are not equipped to act like adults and get help. How many of the right wing rubes on this site would have just gone in guns blazing on this innocent kid on the PATH train?


Strange how people equate guns with strength. They are really emblems of fear. People who are so scared of the world they can't walk through it without something that can kill off anything they perceive as a threat. That is the ultimate snowflake.

Posted on: 2017/6/12 14:47

Re: Grove Street Path - Evacuated by Police with Guns Drawn
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2005/3/19 3:39
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From HamiltonPARK
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Fox News is the culmination of scared chicken-sh*ts getting ahold of a TV network. They preach fear to fearful people. I see my own right wing friends on Facebook constantly posting news stories about something happening thousands of miles away and glomming on it and drumming up FEAR, FEAR, FEAR. Fox News has created a generation of people who think they are stalwart but are actually fearful ninnies. Many of them are gun and "Law and Order" nuts yet know nothing. It's no accident that out of approximately 33,000 gun deaths a year, 2/3 are self-inflicted. The fear and neurosis catches up with them and they are not equipped to act like adults and get help. How many of the right wing rubes on this site would have just gone in guns blazing on this innocent kid on the PATH train?

Posted on: 2017/6/12 14:39

Re: Grove Street Path - Evacuated by Police with Guns Drawn
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2012/11/10 20:38
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135jc wrote:

Hamparkvet wrote:

135jc wrote:

Hamparkvet wrote:
Why are Trump supporters always so afraid of everything? Snowflakes.

Hillary carried the female vote

Trump carried the Snowflake vote. #realchickensh*ts

Dude you know you are wrong. It was liberal colleges that needed the meltdown rooms and meditation theorpy. It wasn't just the election either. We have all seen it over and over again. Libs can not function when someone disagrees.

Of course. It's comical at this point. As is the projection from Hamparkvet.

Posted on: 2017/6/9 3:50

Re: Grove Street Path - Evacuated by Police with Guns Drawn
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2007/12/30 16:56
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Looks like 135jc got triggered.

Posted on: 2017/6/8 20:12

Re: Grove Street Path - Evacuated by Police with Guns Drawn
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2009/7/17 3:05
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Hamparkvet wrote:

135jc wrote:

Hamparkvet wrote:
Why are Trump supporters always so afraid of everything? Snowflakes.

Hillary carried the female vote

Trump carried the Snowflake vote. #realchickensh*ts

Dude you know you are wrong. It was liberal colleges that needed the meltdown rooms and meditation theorpy. It wasn't just the election either. We have all seen it over and over again. Libs can not function when someone disagrees.

Posted on: 2017/6/8 15:54

Re: Grove Street Path - Evacuated by Police with Guns Drawn
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2005/3/19 3:39
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From HamiltonPARK
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135jc wrote:

Hamparkvet wrote:
Why are Trump supporters always so afraid of everything? Snowflakes.

Hillary carried the female vote

Trump carried the Snowflake vote. #realchickensh*ts

Posted on: 2017/6/8 14:51

Re: Grove Street Path - Evacuated by Police with Guns Drawn
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2009/7/17 3:05
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Hamparkvet wrote:
Why are Trump supporters always so afraid of everything? Snowflakes.

Hillary carried the female vote

Posted on: 2017/6/8 7:20

Re: Grove Street Path - Evacuated by Police with Guns Drawn
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2005/3/19 3:39
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Why are Trump supporters always so afraid of everything? Snowflakes.

Posted on: 2017/6/8 3:42

Re: Grove Street Path - Evacuated by Police with Guns Drawn
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2006/11/8 20:49
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bodhipooh wrote:

JerseyCityNj wrote:

driverjase wrote:
Update: Found this on Twitter:

Seems to have all been triggered by a fight on a train. Seems a bit excessive on the force front.

Turns out there was no "fight". It started because some lady got upset with a kid dancing on the train and told police he had a gun. So that explains the response but now I am curious if the kid was let go and the woman was charged?

I stumbled on the video because it was being shared on FB

At a minimum, she has committed a disorderly persons offense. Unfortunately, that is not considered a crime in NJ and can only incur a maximum 30 day jail sentence, or a fine, or community service. That kid is lucky all those passengers stood up for him and were able to inform the responding officers. It could have gone very wrong.

From what I can find online false public alarm can get you 3-5 years.

"2013 New Jersey Revised Statutes
Section 2C:33-3 - False public alarms.

Universal Citation: NJ Rev Stat ? 2C:33-3 (2013)

2C:33-3 False public alarms.

2C:33-3. False Public Alarms. a. Except as provided in subsection b. or c. of this section, a person is guilty of a crime of the third degree if he initiates or circulates a report or warning of an impending fire, explosion, bombing, crime, catastrophe or emergency knowing that the report or warning is false or baseless and that it is likely to cause evacuation of a building, place of assembly, or facility of public transport, or to cause public inconvenience or alarm. A person is guilty of a crime of the third degree if he knowingly causes such false alarm to be transmitted to or within any organization, official or volunteer, for dealing with emergencies involving danger to life or property." ... title-2c/section-2c-33-3/

Posted on: 2017/6/7 20:31

Re: Grove Street Path - Evacuated by Police with Guns Drawn
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2008/8/12 18:31
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JerseyCityNj wrote:

driverjase wrote:
Update: Found this on Twitter:

Seems to have all been triggered by a fight on a train. Seems a bit excessive on the force front.

Turns out there was no "fight". It started because some lady got upset with a kid dancing on the train and told police he had a gun. So that explains the response but now I am curious if the kid was let go and the woman was charged?

I stumbled on the video because it was being shared on FB

At a minimum, she has committed a disorderly persons offense. Unfortunately, that is not considered a crime in NJ and can only incur a maximum 30 day jail sentence, or a fine, or community service. That kid is lucky all those passengers stood up for him and were able to inform the responding officers. It could have gone very wrong.

Posted on: 2017/6/7 11:42

Re: Grove Street Path - Evacuated by Police with Guns Drawn
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2006/11/8 20:49
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driverjase wrote:
Update: Found this on Twitter:

Seems to have all been triggered by a fight on a train. Seems a bit excessive on the force front.

Turns out there was no "fight". It started because some lady got upset with a kid dancing on the train and told police he had a gun. So that explains the response but now I am curious if the kid was let go and the woman was charged?

I stumbled on the video because it was being shared on FB

Posted on: 2017/6/7 5:46

Re: Grove Street Path - Evacuated by Police with Guns Drawn
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2009/7/17 3:05
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heights wrote:
And now London, face it and get used to it. Time to police our area and profile with diligence.

Right! Even London has got the message. ... -london-article-1.3220165

Posted on: 2017/6/4 13:25

Re: Grove Street Path - Evacuated by Police with Guns Drawn
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2005/7/13 15:03
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And now London, face it and get used to it. Time to police our area and profile with diligence.

Posted on: 2017/6/4 1:44
Get on your bikes and ride !

Re: Grove Street Path - Evacuated by Police with Guns Drawn
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2006/10/23 18:47
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driverjase wrote:
Update: Found this on Twitter:

Seems to have all been triggered by a fight on a train. Seems a bit excessive on the force front.

Maybe. But after what happened in Portland just a week earlier, better safe than sorry.

Posted on: 2017/6/3 19:58

Re: Grove Street Path - Evacuated by Police with Guns Drawn
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2013/3/7 19:59
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JCMan8 wrote:

boomer wrote:

Not at all surprising with the militarization of the police over the past 40 years

Would much rather have militarized police than thugs and criminals running amok.

Gosh, if only there were any mid-point between the two extremes. Crazy, I know.

Posted on: 2017/6/3 2:30

Re: Grove Street Path - Evacuated by Police with Guns Drawn
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2012/11/10 20:38
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boomer wrote:

driverjase wrote:
Update: Found this on Twitter:

Seems to have all been triggered by a fight on a train. Seems a bit excessive on the force front.

Not at all surprising with the militarization of the police over the past 40 years ... om_community_policing.asp

Would much rather have militarized police than thugs and criminals running amok.

Posted on: 2017/6/2 23:01

Re: Grove Street Path - Evacuated by Police with Guns Drawn
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2005/10/13 2:56
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driverjase wrote:
Update: Found this on Twitter:

Seems to have all been triggered by a fight on a train. Seems a bit excessive on the force front.

Not at all surprising with the militarization of the police over the past 40 years ... om_community_policing.asp

Posted on: 2017/6/2 22:51

Re: Grove Street Path - Evacuated by Police with Guns Drawn
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2008/11/17 4:05
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Update: Found this on Twitter:

Seems to have all been triggered by a fight on a train. Seems a bit excessive on the force front.

Posted on: 2017/6/2 19:35

Re: Grove Street Path - Evacuated by Police with Guns Drawn
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2012/6/14 13:36
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driverjase wrote:
Was just in Grove Street Path station when several cops ran in with their guns out yelling at people to get out of the station. When people weren't moving fast enough, they yelled even louder. As I exited, an emergency police truck sped up and two police with much larger guns ran in.
If anyone has any update on what happened, would love to know. I left the area.

Approximately 1:20pm, PATH Alerts tweeted, "Concerning the earlier police activity, service on the JSQ-33 line and NWK-WTC line are resuming normal schedule." ... mp%5Enews%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor

Posted on: 2017/6/2 17:36

Grove Street Path - Evacuated by Police with Guns Drawn
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2008/11/17 4:05
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2017/6/7 17:42
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Was just in Grove Street Path station when several cops ran in with their guns out yelling at people to get out of the station. When people weren't moving fast enough, they yelled even louder. As I exited, an emergency police truck sped up and two police with much larger guns ran in.
If anyone has any update on what happened, would love to know. I left the area.

Posted on: 2017/6/2 17:06

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