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Re: Gentrifiers' guide - distribute in JC or no?
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2012/1/11 18:21
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Yes, you're a gentrifier.
You're relatively wealthy and your neighborhood is not.

Your neighborhood is poor enough to be gentrified because its median income ($32,832) is less than 1.3 times your metropolitan area's median ($41,209).

You are rich enough to be gentrifying it because your income is higher than both your neighborhood's median and your metropolitan area's median.

I didn't know that I was, thanks!

Posted on: 2015/8/28 23:22

Re: Gentrifiers' guide - distribute in JC or no?
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she can't entirely mitigate her own ripple effect on housing demand. "When the landlord next door comes to show his apartment and there's a white lady sitting out front, that's a kind of power that I can't deny," she says. "A white lady sitting out front drinking tea has a different cultural reading for a lot of people than the very wonderful Puerto Rican men who hang out on my street all day."

Drink your damn tea where ever the hell you want and stop caring what other people think. God damn the white guilt is strong with this lady, you don't have to feel guilty that you drinking tea on your stoop makes potential neighbors like your neighborhood more.

It's very easy to just say, 'Oh, I'm only going to go to this caf? because it has the trappings of a gentrified space ? and I'm not going to go into any other place because I don't feel comfortable because I'm not the dominant person there

Shop where ever the hell you want too. Why should I be guilted into shopping at the shitty bodega that has absolutely nothing on the shelves, or getting a shitty sandwich at Paradise Deli when I can go a million other places? C-Town was a disgusting craphole that smelled like blood and bleach. Guess what? I never shopped there except in emergencies, and then it changed hands and now Key Foods is great and I go there all the time. It's not my problem if someone runs a disgusting business.

One of the hard things about displacement and gentrification is some of the people who move in, you really like them,

God Forbid

"With gentrification, what's happening is people are coming to meetings with a lot of opinions and hijacking the meeting," she explains. "They know everything, and they basically put a chilling effect on everybody else."
So tell them to shut the fuck up. Or don't. They live there now too, they have just as much right to be a part of the community as you do, even if your father and his father and his father and second cousins all lived here before you interlopers. Not to mention that the phrase "checking your privilege" is such bullshit.

This entire "article" is just so much gnashing of teeth and not-in-my-backyarding and "can you believe these wealthy interlopers" that it's unreal. People want to live where they want, and they want to eat and buy what they want. Quit complaining about them and trying to act like you're somehow better because you've lived in a rundown neighborhood for 25 years. My rents have been going up and up and I'm being priced out of my neighborhood now, but I'm not whining and crying about wealthy white people, I'm trying to figure out what my new deli spot is going to be in my new neighborhood.

Posted on: 2015/8/28 19:51

Re: Gentrifiers' guide - distribute in JC or no?
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2013/3/29 21:43
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Hey look! It's another stupid repetitive post...

JCMan8 wrote:
blah blah blah "progressives" blah blah blah

Posted on: 2015/8/28 18:34
Dos A Cero

Re: Gentrifiers' guide - distribute in JC or no?
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2012/11/10 20:38
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Conservative views on race do not equal racism, no matter how many times "progressives" try to insist that they do.

I believe this nonsense became popular as a way to instantly shut down criticism of Obama. You're only saying that because he's black! Since this was largely effective, "progressives" have expanded this canard to all sorts of subjects, again as a way of instantly shutting down those opinions they didn't agree with.

Now more and more people are waking up to the fact that the tactic is transparent bullshit. It's a form of attacking the messenger without addressing the merits of the message. Its persuasiveness is becoming limited to those likeminded people on the far left, not those in the middle.

As for this "guide" on gentrification, I posted a quote which is blatantly racist from the standard "progressives" profess to use in theory. It clearly indicates a preference to get rid of white lady tea drinkers in favor of the "wonderful Puerto Rican men who hang out on my street all day."

In actuality, as we are seeing in some responses, they rationalize and spin away the inherent racism in this quote. The looniest argument I've seen accepted by the far left is that people of color cannot be racist, since they don't have "privilege." I believe many people in the middle recognize this "progressive" hypocrisy and racism for what it is.

Now I can accept the arguments by Brewster and Voyeur that gentrification is really about wealth and class. But Voyeur, as you say, there is a neatly packaged narrative that "fair skinned gentrifier = bad/darker-skinned displaced resident = good." Wouldn't you agree that this narrative is inherently racist?

Further, while I do believe that gentrification is truly about class and wealth rather than race, this "correct" focus is not limited to gentrification. It extends to many aspects of the conservative view on race. Yes, most conservatives will take actions to ensure that they don't send their kids to schools filled with ghetto kids. But this is not racist, or because they don't want their kids around minorities. It is because they don't want their kids near low class people, and the troubles and bad influences they project.

I can only speak for myself, but I know many fine, upstanding people of all races. I have nothing against any race, but I do abhor the disingenuousness and hypocrisy with which "progressives" approach this issue. Further, I've yet to meet any conservatives who have a problem being around well dressed, well mannered people of any race.

Now of course, I don't want to be around low class degenerates, but I think most people feel this way. But only those with conservative views on race will admit it. Most "progressives" hide their true feelings by espousing all sorts of nonsense, likely stemming from internal cognitive dissonance, but at the end of the day will not move into bad "diverse" areas either. So many of my viewpoints are similarly predicated on class and behavior, not race.

So we can say that gentrification is truly about wealth and class rather than race, but we must accept that conclusion for many different racially sensitive topics. Otherwise we can label the blatant "progressive" racism on this issue as such.

Posted on: 2015/8/28 17:25

Re: Gentrifiers' guide - distribute in JC or no?
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2006/8/15 21:22
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I left this site because of JCMan8 and a few others who feel overly entitled and enabled to let their freak racist flags fly because of a weak TOS and cloak of anonymity. If anyone reads his/her posts, they know where he is coming from. While I value diversity of opinion, I don't value opinions that read like stormfront screeds and lack reasoned content/substance.

Brewster, while I get what you're getting at, I would caution that we also consider the scenario of a Latina or black woman on the stoops and what connotation that would have or a white man on the stoop all day as opposed to a Puerto Rican man. In brief, whiteness in this country still carries currency, import and signifier of so-called goodness/worthiness/decency. We all carry implicit assumptions; and, unfortunately many of the good characteristics are ascribed disproportionately to whites and whites get to be treated as individuals first (ie not judged for the many heinous things that other white people do). I personally think a Latina or black woman could read as "Oh, great, another section 8 woman single woman taking my tax dollars or living on the dole" and an idle white man on the doorstep all day might read innocuously as "hipster freelancer, budding artist, works nights as bartender" In brief, the assumption is that white people always belong or are not out place and that people of color need to justify their presence -- it's partly the reason that many middle/upper middle class blacks dress up/over dress versus their similarly situated white counterparts who get the benefit of appearing more disheveled or schleppy and still not out of place. I say all this because I have so many anecdotes in my lifetime of people making assumptions about me and my black/Latino friends. For instance, I have a black female friend from college who is a very senior executive at a publishing company, graduate degree from Harvard and from one of those prep schools (Brearley/Nightengale Bamford), married to a white man who is now based abroad. When she lived in the States and she was with her kids in a store and without her husband in the tony area where they resided, she had MANY white women come up to her saying "oh my god, you're soo good with them and they are so well mannered, would you be interested in nannying for my family and taking on more work?" People can only say with credibility that they don't see color, if they are blind like Helen Keller or Stevie Wonder. ... gentrification-1703971124

Posted on: 2015/8/28 16:21

Re: Gentrifiers' guide - distribute in JC or no?
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2014/9/19 1:29
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brewster wrote:

This is a classic piece of American class/race confusion. It's been exploited terribly by both sides for many years. If you look past the colors it's a comparison of a woman sipping tea, presumed not to be a working class drink in this country, and there is less of an assumption that women should have jobs than for men, vs "the very wonderful Puerto Rican men who hang out on my street all day", who apparently are not employed at all. Which would the gentrifier rather see?

As an avowed gentrifier, I have rented to a number of spanish tenants, who were all fine people with good middle class jobs. Class discrimination? I don't believe "class" is a protected class.

Brewster is right - gentrification is really an issue about class and wealth rather than race, but race is a simpler and more emotive element to focus on. It also provides a neatly packaged narrative: fair-skinned gentrifier = bad/darker-skinned displaced resident = good.

One observation from my own life. Right now the condo association in our building is at war with itself over a proposal to increase our monthly HOA fees by 1/3 in order to fund some badly-needed and long overdue maintenance.

Half of the owners bought their condos in the late 90s/early 2000s when 2-bed apartments in Hamilton Park could be had for around $100,000 and earn modest incomes. The other half bought their condos in the past five years, paid three to four times as much for their units and unsurprisingly earn higher incomes.

The latter group wants to raise the HOA fees to spread the pain of paying for the improvements over time, the former group favors doing nothing and getting slapped with a large special assessments as and when these problems reach a critical point.

The discussion has become very acrimonious with a division emerging between the old people and the "gentrifiers". Our building is 100% white. Nothing to do with race, all to do with money

Posted on: 2015/8/28 16:06

Re: Gentrifiers' guide - distribute in JC or no?
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2005/7/13 15:03
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Adonis wrote:

JCMan8 wrote:
Welcome to the hypocrisy and racism of "progressives."

I especially liked this racist nugget:

"When the landlord next door comes to show his apartment and there's a white lady sitting out front, that's a kind of power that I can't deny," she says. "A white lady sitting out front drinking tea has a different cultural reading for a lot of people than the very wonderful Puerto Rican men who hang out on my street all day."

But it is amusing if this author thinks anyone takes any of this tripe seriously. I suppose he should distribute it in JC though. After all, we could always use more toilet paper.

You're absolutely right. Out-and-out racist. And what's remarkable about it is how many people have been indoctrinated with this affirmative action mentality to such an extent that they can't see it.

I wonder which scene would change the property assessment the tea lady or loud men loitering on the corner ?

Posted on: 2015/8/28 14:42
Get on your bikes and ride !

Re: Gentrifiers' guide - distribute in JC or no?
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2005/8/6 23:41
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JCMan8 wrote:
Welcome to the hypocrisy and racism of "progressives."

I especially liked this racist nugget:

"When the landlord next door comes to show his apartment and there's a white lady sitting out front, that's a kind of power that I can't deny," she says. "A white lady sitting out front drinking tea has a different cultural reading for a lot of people than the very wonderful Puerto Rican men who hang out on my street all day."

But it is amusing if this author thinks anyone takes any of this tripe seriously. I suppose he should distribute it in JC though. After all, we could always use more toilet paper.

You're absolutely right. Out-and-out racist. And what's remarkable about it is how many people have been indoctrinated with this affirmative action mentality to such an extent that they can't see it.

Posted on: 2015/8/28 14:30

Re: Gentrifiers' guide - distribute in JC or no?
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JCMan8 wrote:
A Puerto Rican man sitting out front has a different cultural reading for a lot of people than the very wonderful white women who hang out on my street.

Many people would correctly identify such a quote as racist. It does not lose its racist character when you imply you don't want white women around because you'd much rather see the "very wonderful Puerto Rican men." Posting off-base ad hominem attacks doesn't change that either.

Truth, but its lost on this town. Carry on the worship of the feeble minded and the underdog...progress.

Posted on: 2015/8/28 14:20

Re: Gentrifiers' guide - distribute in JC or no?
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duh wrote:
JCMan8, until you are ready to remove the hood and robes, please refrain from calling anyone racist. I understand that you are blind to your own rapacious bigotry, but all the more reason to shut up and quit embarrassing yourself. It is a good thing this site tends to be anonymous, because anyone whom does not frequent Stormfront would call you out immediately. And you would likely cry, as you have not a leg to stand on. (Because you're racist...)


Posted on: 2015/8/28 13:54

Re: Gentrifiers' guide - distribute in JC or no?
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2013/3/29 21:43
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JCMan8 wrote:
blah blah blah "progressives." blah blah blah

Every post of yours. No information. Just strawman bullshit.

Get yourself a better paying job. Get yourself a significant other. Maybe then you won't be such a bitter, pathetic pill.

Posted on: 2015/8/28 13:48
Dos A Cero

Re: Gentrifiers' guide - distribute in JC or no?
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2004/11/6 21:13
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JCMan8 wrote:
Sorry, the PC "r" card is losing its effect. I assume you are one of the "progressives" who is upset because I touched a nerve.

Look at the quote I posted and reverse the races. A Puerto Rican man sitting out front has a different cultural reading for a lot of people than the very wonderful white women who hang out on my street.

Many people would correctly identify such a quote as racist. It does not lose its racist character when you imply you don't want white women around because you'd much rather see the "very wonderful Puerto Rican men." Posting off-base ad hominem attacks doesn't change that either.

This is a classic piece of American class/race confusion. It's been exploited terribly by both sides for many years. If you look past the colors it's a comparison of a woman sipping tea, presumed not to be a working class drink in this country, and there is less of an assumption that women should have jobs than for men, vs "the very wonderful Puerto Rican men who hang out on my street all day", who apparently are not employed at all. Which would the gentrifier rather see?

As an avowed gentrifier, I have rented to a number of spanish tenants, who were all fine people with good middle class jobs. Class discrimination? I don't believe "class" is a protected class.

Posted on: 2015/8/28 3:04

Re: Gentrifiers' guide - distribute in JC or no?
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2012/11/10 20:38
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Sorry, the PC "r" card is losing its effect. I assume you are one of the "progressives" who is upset because I touched a nerve.

Look at the quote I posted and reverse the races. A Puerto Rican man sitting out front has a different cultural reading for a lot of people than the very wonderful white women who hang out on my street.

Many people would correctly identify such a quote as racist. It does not lose its racist character when you imply you don't want white women around because you'd much rather see the "very wonderful Puerto Rican men." Posting off-base ad hominem attacks doesn't change that either.

Posted on: 2015/8/28 2:03

Re: Gentrifiers' guide - distribute in JC or no?
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2013/6/23 4:39
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JCMan8, until you are ready to remove the hood and robes, please refrain from calling anyone racist. I understand that you are blind to your own rapacious bigotry, but all the more reason to shut up and quit embarrassing yourself. It is a good thing this site tends to be anonymous, because anyone whom does not frequent Stormfront would call you out immediately. And you would likely cry, as you have not a leg to stand on. (Because you're racist...)

Posted on: 2015/8/28 0:43

Re: Gentrifiers' guide - distribute in JC or no?
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2012/11/10 20:38
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Welcome to the hypocrisy and racism of "progressives."

I especially liked this racist nugget:

"When the landlord next door comes to show his apartment and there's a white lady sitting out front, that's a kind of power that I can't deny," she says. "A white lady sitting out front drinking tea has a different cultural reading for a lot of people than the very wonderful Puerto Rican men who hang out on my street all day."

But it is amusing if this author thinks anyone takes any of this tripe seriously. I suppose he should distribute it in JC though. After all, we could always use more toilet paper.

Posted on: 2015/8/27 21:32

Gentrifiers' guide - distribute in JC or no?
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2013/10/15 17:32
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This is either a serious question or not, up to you - answer as you see fit! Personally, one of the of the things that aggravates me, as a moderate income homeowner, is the emphasis on my privilege and sense of entitlement. I think I would feel more sympathetic to those who are being "gentrified out" if there were some discussion about their sense of entitlement - not to have to improve their lots, not to show more ambition for themselves or their loved ones by moving up and out, etc.

I bet the author would be happy to pen a version for us tho'

Posted on: 2015/8/27 21:07

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