[center]Join the City of Jersey City, HDSID, Gymboree Play & Music of Jersey City Sensory Kids, Tiny Greenhouse, Bambino Chef , Jersey City Pediatric Dentistry and other downtown Jersey City businesses as Halloween takes over Newark Avenue.
We will be kicking things off at Gymboree, located at 175 Newark Ave, with our 2nd Annual Halloween Parade! Bring your kids to Gymboree JerseyCity in costume, parade takes off at 3:30pm.
Hop on into the festivities, including a petting zoo and pony rides, towering stilt walkers, face painting, 'Frozen' themed entertainment and games, an arts and crafts center and plenty more. Bambino Chef will be providing s'mores while DJ Pastiche spins all our Halloween favorites and spooky sounds. Food for purchase by Roman Nose, Monty's Public House, Tea NJ, Sugartown Bakery Cafe, WORD Jersey City and more!
This event and all activities are free.
[img width=300]https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10432540_10204928707479895_1138708545623561294_n.jpg?oh=50541e9e3f7b9797e7a98aaecbc91702&oe=54B9EF58&__gda__=1422532686_086a3fd9ce82ab4c94eaebbf72563e3f[/img]