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Re: Gov. Christie's shameless $2M self-promotion: Editorial
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2012/9/18 3:58
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Monroe wrote:
...Surely Barbara Botox and her union toady running mate aren't the answer-it would be a return to the sort of 'leadership' that has put NJ in the hole we're in.

Is the name calling necessary? It doesn't strengthen your argument.

Posted on: 2013/8/7 16:12

Re: Gov. Christie's shameless $2M self-promotion: Editorial
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2013/3/29 21:43
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Monroe wrote:
Christie has reached across the aisle to achieve bipartisan agreements on tenure reform, pension reform, tax relief for municipalities, etc etc.

Can you please provide an example of this?


Monroe wrote:
If only we had a national leader who did the same.

As for newspapers, the continued looney left slant of many (with the NYTimes in the forefront) has driven away those in the center and the right. Ergo, revenue loss. I guess the people they pander towards can't/won't pay for the poor content.

How's the Wall St. Journal doing?

I know people that work in journalism. The argument that they are ?slanted? or ?biased? is baseless. It?s the old argument, repeat a lie enough times people (the gullible) will eventually believe it.


fat-ass-bike wrote:
Prostituting himself for personal ego and publicity at our cost.

We've had the Kardashians, now lets have the Chistie's ... so much for an upgrade to public transport needs across the Hudson!

I?m still waiting on Christie to do something positive for the state outside of standing by the wayside when the Feds came in and took care of Sandy.

It?s a shame he has to steal money from the victims to pay for his own ego.

If I were Monroe, I?d probably make the comment that the reason Christie went with that specific marketing company was because they offered him larger food portions during the commercial shoots?

Posted on: 2013/8/7 16:04
Dos A Cero

Re: Gov. Christie's shameless $2M self-promotion: Editorial
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2013/5/15 14:11
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fat-ass-bike wrote:
Prostituting himself for personal ego and publicity at our cost.

We've had the Kardashians, now lets have the Chistie's ... so much for an upgrade to public transport needs across the Hudson!

Extending the 7 train to the Lautenberg transit hub makes a lot more sense in every way, but NYC and the Feds want NJ taxpayers to take the overrun burden by themselves. Christie is correct in wanting all the stakeholders to share costs and responsibilities.

Prostituting? Kardashians?? You've jumped the shark, lol.

Posted on: 2013/8/7 12:00

Re: Gov. Christie's shameless $2M self-promotion: Editorial
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2006/11/13 18:42
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Prostituting himself for personal ego and publicity at our cost.

We've had the Kardashians, now lets have the Chistie's ... so much for an upgrade to public transport needs across the Hudson!

Posted on: 2013/8/7 2:31
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Re: Gov. Christie's shameless $2M self-promotion: Editorial
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2013/5/15 14:11
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Thanks for keeping an open mind, but I'm not, after just in one post debunking a $3 billion dollar error, refuting each point. The fact that the errors are rife (or in many cases not facts but projections and suppositions) should be enough for anyone to figure out the activist organization is hyperpartisan and anti-Christie in its purpose.

Posted on: 2013/8/7 1:11

Re: Gov. Christie's shameless $2M self-promotion: Editorial
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2013/2/24 20:45
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Okay. I'll look into your claims but what about the other figures you failed to mention?

Posted on: 2013/8/7 0:28

Re: Gov. Christie's shameless $2M self-promotion: Editorial
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2013/5/15 14:11
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Another BILLION dollar error is the claim that Christie cut education-working off the previous year, Obama had funded almost a billion dollars of education aid for ONE YEAR for NJ.

When that expired, was Christie supposed to raise taxes another billion for every year to keep that in perpetuity?

And the helicopter claims are really silly-Christie has used helicopters far less than his predecessors.

In fact, the 'claims' look more and more ridiculous under further examination. For the elections to replace Lautenberg, he could've avoided it by naming a replacement until the next scheduled Senatorial election, saving money.

How would the looney left felt about that? They'd squeal like pigs. But bi-partisan, centrist, Christie said 'let the voters decide now'.

Posted on: 2013/8/6 23:07

Re: Gov. Christie's shameless $2M self-promotion: Editorial
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Monroe wrote:

arcy wrote:
You're right to be skeptical but their work is cited with sources. So you really can't deny the truth in many of their figures.

The numbers (and points) are stupid. Christie didn't 'lose', for example, $3 billion dollars in transportation funds for the Tunnel to Macy's Basement.

He saved MANY billions of dollars in cost overruns that NJ taxpayers would SOLELY be on the hook for, as the other stakeholders in the project refused to share the pain of the inevitable extra costs. You may research the Big Dig overruns in Boston if you'd like to see the pain that would have been inflicted upon us.

That's just one of many errors/distortions in the slanted link.

Carry on.

See BIG DIG Boston.... Tunnel is leaking and falling apart and the Federal DOT just told MA taxpayers all the repairs for faulty design /management belong to MA.

Posted on: 2013/8/6 22:56

Re: Gov. Christie's shameless $2M self-promotion: Editorial
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2013/5/15 14:11
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arcy wrote:
You're right to be skeptical but their work is cited with sources. So you really can't deny the truth in many of their figures.

The numbers (and points) are stupid. Christie didn't 'lose', for example, $3 billion dollars in transportation funds for the Tunnel to Macy's Basement.

He saved MANY billions of dollars in cost overruns that NJ taxpayers would SOLELY be on the hook for, as the other stakeholders in the project refused to share the pain of the inevitable extra costs. You may research the Big Dig overruns in Boston if you'd like to see the pain that would have been inflicted upon us.

That's just one of many errors/distortions in the slanted link.

Carry on.

Posted on: 2013/8/6 22:32

Re: Gov. Christie's shameless $2M self-promotion: Editorial
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2013/2/24 20:45
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From hamilton park
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You're right to be skeptical but their work is cited with sources. So you really can't deny the truth in many of their figures.

Posted on: 2013/8/6 22:20

Re: Gov. Christie's shameless $2M self-promotion: Editorial
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2013/5/15 14:11
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Sadly, the promised Obama rally hasn't occurred. NJ's Democratic Senators have consistently had NJ at the bottom of states is return from DC from what we send. (It's currently at $.61 for every tax dollar we send).

As for the rest, it's more 'blah blah blah'. Just imagine where we'd be if Corzine had been re-elected . . .

But take ANY information from onenjorg with a grain of salt-it's a defacto anti-Christie organization created by people that had Barbara Botox as a client! I wonder if their non profit application was scrutinized/stalled by Obama's IRS! (Er, probably not).

Many state Democrats are quite critical of this group . . .

?All of my colleagues in the Legislature on both sides of the aisle have to disclose who our donors are and how we spend money and I think if you're raising and spending money to influence public policy there ought to be disclosure,? said Wisniewski.

But privately, some Democrats seethed over the hypocrisy of the ?we won?t disclose? statements made by Joshua Henne, one of the founders of the group.

?Just because they call themselves progressive doesn?t mean they speak for the party,? said one Democratic legislative source. ?We can?t call for transparency when it?s (Republicans) and then do something different when it?s us. That?s hypocrisy. If you believe in transparency for the Swift Boat people and Reform Jersey Now, then you have to believe in it for One New Jersey.?

That source said the group could wind up embarrassing state Democrats if the agenda is too transparent.

One New Jersey was founded by a group of Democratic strategists that includes Henne of White Horse Partners and Steve DeMicco and Brad Lawrence of Message and Media. Buono is a client of both firms and was quoted in a media report saying she believes One New Jersey?s mission to be far different from that of Reform Jersey Now and accusing the conservative group of circumventing the state?s pay to play laws. But despite that belief, the majority leader said transparency is key.

Read more at ... -new-jersey#ixzz2bEFKHZEo
or sign up for a free trial of State Street Wire at

Posted on: 2013/8/6 22:00

Re: Gov. Christie's shameless $2M self-promotion: Editorial
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2013/2/24 20:45
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From hamilton park
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Yes, Christie is charismatic. And his bullying has led to "reaching across the aisle" in tenure and pension changes but his cutting state aid has not led to tax relief for municipalities.
One New Jersey has plenty of cited figures:

Jobs Lost ? New Jersey Falling Behind:
7th ? New Jersey has the 7th highest unemployment rate in the country at 9.3 percent ? the worst rate in the region (April 2, 2013)
15.5% ? New Jersey residents who are underemployed (The Wall Street Journal, 7/30/2012)
47th ? NJ?s economic growth ranking (The Times of Trenton 3/4/2013)
41st ? New Jersey?s business climate ranking (CNBC, 7/10/2012)
35% ?the amount of jobs NJ has restored since the recession (The Times of Trenton, 3/4/2013)
45,000 ? Number of permanent jobs Christie cost New Jersey by killing the Access to the Region?s Core tunnel project (The Star-Ledger, 10/28/2010)
6,000 ? Number of construction jobs New Jersey lost when Christie decided to end the Access to the Region?s Core tunnel project (The Star-Ledger, 10/28/2010)
7,000 ? Jobs that could be lost if Christie succeeds in privatizing New Jersey?s state lottery (Asian American Retailers Association, 12/12)
174,100 ? Net private sector jobs lost (NJ Spotlight, 7/23/2012)
10,000 ? Teachers and school employees laid off in 2010 due to Christie?s budget cuts (Daily Journal, 12/29/2010)
16,600 or 2.8% ? Public sector workers laid off (NJ Spotlight, 7/23/2012)

New Jersey Families Falling Behind:
$7,885 ? New Jersey?s average property tax bill, up from $6,244 in 2009 (The Record, 5/14/13)
18.7% ? Increase in New Jersey homeowners? net property tax burden since Chris Christie took office, due to elimination of property tax relief (The Record, 5/14/13)
4 ? Number of times Christie vetoed women?s health funding
6 ? Number of family planning health centers closed, so far, due to Christie cuts to women?s health and family planning
82% ? Percentage of New Jersey towns that saw some increase in the average property tax bills in 2011 (The Star-Ledger, 1/8/2012)
138 ? Hours a week a minimum wage worker in New Jersey would need to work to afford a two-bedroom unit at Fair Market Rent (National Income Housing Coalition, 2012)
7.7% ? New Jersey?s mortgage default rate, 4.5% higher than the national average (The Star-Ledger 12/4/2012)
8.4% ? Mortgage loans in foreclosure, the 2nd highest percentage of mortgage loans in foreclosure in the nation; one out of every twelve mortgages in New Jersey is in the foreclosure stage (New Jersey Newsroom, 7/18/2012)
20.4% ? Net property taxes higher since Christie took office (NJ Spotlight, 1/30/12)
82% ? Percentage of New Jersey towns that saw some increase in the average property tax bills in 2011 (The Star-Ledger, 1/8/2012)
11% ? Amount of income a New Jersey household spends on property taxes; the national average is just 3%
138 ? Hours a week a minimum wage worker in New Jersey would need to work to afford a two-bedroom unit at Fair Market Rent (National Income Housing Coalition, 2012)
$200 ? Lost, per family, in tax credits aimed at low-income workers during the past two tax years (NJ Spotlight, 8/8/2012)
83% ? New Jersey?s graduation rate, down from 95% in 2010 (New Jersey Newsroom 11/29/2012)
24% ? Percentage increase since 2000 in the number of New Jersey children living in poor neighborhoods (, 3/8/2012)
7 ? Percent that New Jersey?s homeless population rose between 2009 and 2011 (, 4/19/2012)
48 out of 50 ? New Jersey?s rank when it comes to serving school breakfast to low-income children, many of whom come to school hungry and unable to concentrate on their school work (Advocates for Children of New Jersey, 1/31/2012)

Crumbling Infrastructure & Rising Costs:
651 ? The number of New Jersey bridges found to be ?structurally deficient? by the Federal Highway Administration, up from 620 in 2010, the year Governor Christie took office. (The Star-Ledger, 6/19/2013)
$13 ? Record high cash tolls on the George Washington Bridge, Holland Tunnel, Lincoln Tunnel, Goethals Bridge, Bayonne Bridge and Outerbridge Crossing (USA Today, 12/3/2012)
25% ? Increase in fares for NJ Transit rail and commuter bus lines since Christie took office (Asbury Park Press, 4/14/10)
10% ? Increase in fares for local bus and light rail fares since Christie took office (Asbury Park Press, 4/14/10)
36% ?Percentage of NJ bridges are ?structurally deficient? or ?functionally obsolete? (NJTV, 3/29/2013)
66% ?Percentage of NJ roads are in poor or mediocre condition, costing motorists $3.5B a year in extra repairs ? $601 per motorist (NJTV, 3/29/2013)

Abusing Taxpayer Money:
$23.8 million ? The total cost for primary and special elections to fill the seat of U.S. Senator Frank Lautenberg in October of 2013, rather than waiting until the November general election one month later. (Bloomberg, 6/6/13)
$150 Million ? The amount AshBritt secured in no-bid contracts from 53 municipalities throughout New Jersey after Christie Administration secured their contract (Star Ledger, 3/29/2013)
Over 100 ? Chris Christie uses taxpayer money to fund GOP rallies under the guise of town hall meetings
164 ? Christie and Lieutenant Governor Kim Guadagno have flown 164 times on state police helicopters?and counting (Bloomberg, 4/1/2013)
$390,200 ? Amount Christie and Guadagno have cost taxpayers using state police helicopters (Bloomberg, 4/1/2013)
$1.2 Million ? Paid to politically-connected lobbying law-firm Patton Boggs for fighting demands from federal government to return $271,000,000 spent on Access to the Region?s Core project (, 7/5/11)
$279 Million ? Loss to NJ taxpayers as a result of Governor Christie canceling the ARC Tunnel project for his own political gains (, 1/8/2012)
$300,000 ? Taxpayer dollars wasted in January 2010 to lure businesses from Illinois to New Jersey; to-date, not a single business has relocated

Taxpayer-Funded Corporate Bailouts? And No Job Gains:
54% Fewer ? Decrease in enforcement actions against industrial polluters, from 29,579 in 2008 to 13,555 in 2012 (The Star-Ledger, 7/12/13)
$2.1 Billion ? In his first 3 years, Christie has doled out $2.1 billion in tax credits and subsidies to 171 various projects (NJPP, April 2013)
$2.3 Billion ? Tax breaks for corporations in Governor Christie?s fourth and final budget alone (The Times of Trenton, 3/4/2013)
$261 Million ? State tax credits was doled out to Revel casino which filed for bankruptcy just 10 months after opening (The Philadelphia Inquirer, 2/21/2013)
$200 Million ? Cost of tax breaks Christie promised to the foreign company that took over development of Meadowlands Xanadu project (, 5/3/2011)

Budget Mismanagement ? Costing NJ Taxpayers:
Over $800 million ? Money paid skimmed from the state?s Clean Energy Program ? paid by New Jersey residents ? to make up for lost revenue under Governor Christie?s administration (New Jersey Spotlight, 4/24/13)
46th out of 50 ? New Jersey?s ranking as one of the worst run states in America (Yahoo Finance 11/27/2012)
41st ? New Jersey?s business climate ranking (CNBC, 7/10/2012)
$282 Billion ? New Jersey?s debt, the fourth-highest debt in the nation (NJBIZ, 8/29/2012)
$400 Million ? Race to the Top federal education funding lost because Christie refused to compromise and work with teachers? union on application for funding (The Star-Ledger, 10/10/10)
$3 Billion ? The largest Federal Transit Administration grant in American history, lost when Christie killed the Access to the Region?s Core tunnel project (Asbury Park Press, 12/27/10)
$145 Million ? Amount owed to the federal government for Medicaid mismanagement (The Star-Ledger, 1/12/2012)
$171 Million ? Minimum expected losses from 2012-2018 as a consequence of Christie pulling New Jersey out of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (Environment New Jersey, 2/15/2102)
$2 Billion ? Amount Christie cut education by ? a sum so drastic the state supreme court ruled it unconstitutional
3 ? New Jersey has dropped to number three nationally in terms of solar capacity and installations (NJ Spotlight, 3/15/2013)
4 out of 10 ? New Jersey?s emergency preparedness score. 43 states received a higher score than the Garden State (The Asbury Park Press, 12/19/2012)
2,832,000 ? Shortfall in Christie?s payment to New Jersey?s pension fund for 2012 (The Star-Ledger, 1/25/12)
$2,100,000 ? Shortfall in Christie?s payment to New Jersey?s pension fund for 2013 (The Star-Ledger, 1/25/12)
- See more at: ... ers/#sthash.lW5eIDS5.dpuf

Posted on: 2013/8/6 21:49

Re: Gov. Christie's shameless $2M self-promotion: Editorial
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2009/5/12 22:51
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Printed daily/weekly news media is a fading industry... Look at the demise of Newsweek (sold for $1 to daily beast) and Washington Post. They were the same company and they were/are being saved by liberal elites who think they know better than the marketplace. Bostonians had enough of the Globe's pompous attitude, that's why they stopped buying it... Local expression, " I don't buy the Globe, I borrow it! " I suspect John Henry bought the Globe for the land only to build a new Fenway Park... can't wait for the Morrissey Blvd. bow tied bum kissers to be kicked out and their Ivory Tower razed!

And with regard to the Christy/Clinton Poll? Republican opinions are only valid if they agree with the liberal media opinion... Christy is being promoted as a likable Republican only so Clinton can beat him in a national election. He does not have the temperament to deal with the national media. He can explode at stupid New Jersey reporter questions and demonstrate leadership, Try that at the national level... I do think he would make a great cabinet secretary. BTW I think that same silly poll also included George Zimmerman?

Posted on: 2013/8/6 21:46

Re: Gov. Christie's shameless $2M self-promotion: Editorial
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Christie has reached across the aisle to achieve bipartisan agreements on tenure reform, pension reform, tax relief for municipalities, etc etc.

If only we had a national leader who did the same.

As for newspapers, the continued looney left slant of many (with the NYTimes in the forefront) has driven away those in the center and the right. Ergo, revenue loss. I guess the people they pander towards can't/won't pay for the poor content.

How's the Wall St. Journal doing?

Posted on: 2013/8/6 21:29

Re: Gov. Christie's shameless $2M self-promotion: Editorial
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2013/2/24 20:45
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Even Asbury Park Press (a known Republican leaning paper) ran the article about the "Stronger than the Storm" story ... 3308020098&nclick_check=1

Posted on: 2013/8/6 21:14

Re: Gov. Christie's shameless $2M self-promotion: Editorial
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2007/11/28 3:26
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Your juvenile response is accurate with regards to Christie almost surely winning the election. I was just saying your immature previous comments regarding the newspapers were clueless. And Christie's only actions during the storm were to tell people to be careful and then bow and turn both palms up to the feds. He wasn't reaching across the aisle, he was reaching out for money. He is not a good leader. He is a good obfuscator. He will get his ass handed to him in a national election. Know this. He won't make it that far, though, since his own party won't put him out there.

Posted on: 2013/8/6 20:55

Re: Gov. Christie's shameless $2M self-promotion: Editorial
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The real lesson is this weeks Quinnipiac poll putting Christie atop all other politicians in favorability-no doubt for his magnificent Sandy response along with him being the only politician in the whole freaking USA who can reach across the aisle and govern in a bipartisan manner.

And, having been 'down the shore' this past weekend, I can tell you the residents are hugely supportive of his efforts, as well as the way the whole state has rallied.

Why anyone would want to piss on this is beyond me (well, not really-the looney blue can't deal with a successful red Governor it seems).

Surely Barbara Botox and her union toady running mate aren't the answer-it would be a return to the sort of 'leadership' that has put NJ in the hole we're in.

Posted on: 2013/8/6 20:47

Re: Gov. Christie's shameless $2M self-promotion: Editorial
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Monroe wrote:
It's a Star Ledger editorial, who never made a peep when McGreevey was profiled in tourism ads for NJ.

We can expect to see more silly anti-Christie screeds as the election steamroller gets closer. Since hardly anyone reads the SL-indeed, will they even be around by election time-it's no biggie.

Slanted, biased journalism lesson-the NYTimes took a 930 million dollar haircut on their purchase and selloff of the Boston Globe this week!

Did McGreevey take money that was meant to help New Jerseyans in order to make those tourism commercials and run them during a re-election campaign?

And the sale for a loss of the Boston Globe has nothing to do with "slanted" journalism and everything to do with the delivery of news these days. The NY Times is the premier newspaper in the US and certainly the most well-written. It is a profitable newspaper which has a circulation more than triple that of the unprofitable, right-wing NY Post.

So what is the real lesson?

Posted on: 2013/8/6 20:19

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I wonder if the flyers stuck to everyone's windshields and littering our sidewalks were part of the same self promotion.

Posted on: 2013/8/6 19:14

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It's a Star Ledger editorial, who never made a peep when McGreevey was profiled in tourism ads for NJ.

We can expect to see more silly anti-Christie screeds as the election steamroller gets closer. Since hardly anyone reads the SL-indeed, will they even be around by election time-it's no biggie.

Slanted, biased journalism lesson-the NYTimes took a 930 million dollar haircut on their purchase and selloff of the Boston Globe this week!

Posted on: 2013/8/6 19:02

Gov. Christie's shameless $2M self-promotion: Editorial
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From hamilton park
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"Gov. Chris Christie?s habit of using his public office to promote his presidential ambitions has reached a new low.

We?ve seen him do it before. He closed down six Planned Parenthood clinics to appease right-wing primary voters. He?s dragged his feet relentlessly over medical marijuana and dismissed concerns over climate change for the same reason. This fall he is wasting taxpayer money by holding an election in October, in addition to the regularly scheduled November election, solely to protect the large victory margin he expects for his party.

But this time, he?s outdone himself. This time, he siphoned off money that was intended for victims of Sandy to promote himself in a series of TV ads. That is a new low, one that should play prominently in his campaign for re-election.

Here?s what?s new: It turns out the Christie administration turned away a qualified low-bidder seeking to produce the series of TV commercials promoting tourism at the Shore, titled ?Stronger Than the Storm.?

Instead, Christie?s appointed cronies chose to spend $2 million more for a campaign produced by MWW, a public relations firm based in East Rutherford that?s known for its abundant political connections in both parties...

It is true, as Christie?s blind defenders will say, that former Gov. Tom Kean was featured in tourism promotions. That was a mistake, too, but on a much smaller scale.

What makes this so offensive is that the money comes from federal aid intended for storm victims. So the next time the governor visits the Shore to take credit for Washington?s help, maybe the families and small business owners who are still on their knees can ask the governor why he ranked his own self-promotion as a higher priority than their relief." ... elf.html#cmpid=nwsltrhead

Posted on: 2013/8/6 16:34

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