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Re: “Like death!” in one dark unit on Bright St.
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2010/7/7 17:29
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From Downtown Jersey City
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There are still five multi-family brick rowhouses on York between Barrow and Grove without power. They all had the garden level units destroyed. These places have to be re-zoned as basements on the garden level.

Posted on: 2012/11/22 1:00

Re: “Like death!” in one dark unit on Bright St.
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2009/10/7 15:46
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2024/7/1 0:32
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(good job to the JJ, Terrence, and anyone else who put the heat on the a-holes!)

Power restored at Jersey City apartments owned by group founded by Hudson County Freeholder

By Terrence T. McDonald/The Jersey Journal
on November 20, 2012 at 6:19 PM, updated November 20, 2012 at 7:15 PM

Let there be light!

The three Downtown Jersey City apartment buildings featured in today?s edition of The Jersey Journal finally have power again, more than three weeks after Hurricane Sandy left them in the dark.

Residents of 52 Bright St., the last of the three buildings to see its power return, were ecstatic tonight.

"It's ironic that a street called Bright Street was one of the last without power in the city," said Pat Byrne, a 28-year-old videographer who lives in a top-floor apartment in the four-story building.

Full JJ piece? ... red_at_jersey_city_1.html

** ***** This JJ piece was posted earlier ..nice that people cheked on them ****

Jersey City volunteers visit Bright Street residents who are still without power

By Terrence T. McDonald/The Jersey Journal
on November 20, 2012 at 4:45 PM, updated November 20, 2012 at 4:56 PM

Volunteers who have been assisting Hurricane Sandy victims today visited the residents of Downtown Jersey City apartment buildings that have been without power for more than three weeks.

JJ piece? ... y_volunteers_visit_b.html

Posted on: 2012/11/21 0:47

Edited by neverleft on 2012/11/21 1:03:13
Edited by neverleft on 2012/11/21 1:04:03
Edited by neverleft on 2012/11/21 1:05:13

Re: “Like death!” in one dark unit on Bright St.
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2009/10/14 12:22
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2013/9/20 14:19
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Which is shame, because through the years, the CPC has been involved with some great housing projects.

Posted on: 2012/11/20 23:27

Re: “Like death!” in one dark unit on Bright St.
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2009/10/7 15:46
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2024/7/1 0:32
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Some more?if you put 52 BRIGHT HOUSING CORP in Google.

You come up with a street address of .. 392 Manila Ave

If you put 392 Manila Jersey City you get?

Organization: Puertorriquenos Asociados For Community Organization, Inc
Office Address: 390-392 Manila Ave Jersey City, NJ

So PACO must own it with the Community Preservation Corporation

Posted on: 2012/11/20 17:08

Re: “Like death!” in one dark unit on Bright St.
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2009/5/11 2:53
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2020/7/22 15:58
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You have to REGISTER, then you have to VOTE! Its really the only thing you can do to try to turn things around. Its exhausting trying to decide which person is the lesser of the two evils sometimes, its difficult to read past the campaign hype when your trying to make an informed choice. But REMEMBER stories like this one next time you pull a lever.

Posted on: 2012/11/20 16:53

Re: “Like death!” in one dark unit on Bright St.
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2009/10/7 15:46
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2024/7/1 0:32
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The owner from the JC Tax search is?.


Address: 28 EAST 28TH ST 9TH FLOOR
City/St/Zip: NEW YORK, NY 10016
Pr. Location: 52 BRIGHT ST

Don?t know what this is?but if you put 28 East 28th Street New York in Goggle you get this? (is it a NYC operation?)

Community Preservation Corporation
28 East 28th Street, 9th Floor
New York, NY 10016
United States of America ... +Preservation+Corporation

Posted on: 2012/11/20 16:36

Re: “Like death!” in one dark unit on Bright St.
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2007/1/26 19:42
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What a shame that people who can truly afford to get electric panels replaced wait around and do nothing.
I really hope the city does something about this.
Maybe because they are rent controlled units they are not sad!

Posted on: 2012/11/20 16:20

Re: “Like death!” in one dark unit on Bright St.
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2008/10/19 1:18
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?Impossible,? he said. ?We had the electrician go in and hook up (a generator) . . . they have electricity.?

Rivera added that electrical panels need to be replaced, and the parts are on order and may arrive this week.

The Jersey Journal visited 52 Bright St. late yesterday after speaking to Rivera and found the building is indeed without power. Residents walked the dark hallways with flashlights and trekked to the main floor to let guests in because the buzzer doesn?t work.

A subsequent phone call placed to Rivera?s cellphone was not returned.

This is criminal - and to be so blase about it to say "the parts may arrive this week." Rivera should be made to live in the building until power is restored . It's clear from his comment that he hasn't even been to the building to check in on the situation yet it's only a half dozen blocks from where he lives.

Of course, yet again we get what we deserve. The man was essentially in a prolonged coma the last time he ran and yet easily won re-election.

Posted on: 2012/11/20 16:06

Re: “Like death!” in one dark unit on Bright St.
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2009/10/14 12:22
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2013/9/20 14:19
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I always believed that the Executive Director of PACO/Lazy Freeholder was a poverty pimp. This story just confirms my belief...and that is just one of the properties owned/managed taking government funding highlighted.

Posted on: 2012/11/20 14:22

“Like death!” in one dark unit on Bright St.
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2009/10/7 15:46
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2024/7/1 0:32
From jersey city
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(subject headline from print JJ)
Elderly depressed on another day without power on Bright Street in Jersey City

By Terrence T. McDonald/The Jersey Journal
on November 20, 2012 at 3:02

It?s not so bright on Bright Street.

Three weeks after Hurricane Sandy left much of Jersey City without power, a cluster of residents living in three residential buildings at the corner of Bright and Barrow streets are still living in the dark.

Two senior citizens who live in one of the buildings 52 Bright St., an eight-unit, four-story apartment building told The Jersey Journal they?ve been suffering without electricity.

?It?s like death,? said Ana Ramos, 78, though a translator. ?A lot of depression and sadness.?

Teresa Lugo, 74, agreed, saying she?s become ?very depressed? since Sandy left her apartment without power.

?It?s horrible,? Lugo said, also through a translator.

The two women have lived in the building for more than 20 years, and said they?ve never lived this long in the dark.

Making matters worse, the rest of the neighborhood has had power for more than a week.

?It?s just been a nightmare,? said one resident who asked not to be identified.

PACO, the nonprofit headed by Hudson County Freeholders Chairman Eliu Rivera, owns 52 Bright St. Asked to comment, Rivera said he doesn?t believe that the building has no power.

?Impossible,? he said. ?We had the electrician go in and hook up (a generator) . . . they have electricity.?

Rivera added that electrical panels need to be replaced, and the parts are on order and may arrive this week.

The Jersey Journal visited 52 Bright St. late yesterday after speaking to Rivera and found the building is indeed without power. Residents walked the dark hallways with flashlights and trekked to the main floor to let guests in because the buzzer doesn?t work.

A subsequent phone call placed to Rivera?s cellphone was not returned.

City officials are scheduled to inspect the building today, city spokeswoman Jennifer Morrill said.

Sandy caused massive flooding in parts of Jersey City, and Bright Street was not spared. Residents of the three buildings that are still without power say their basements were flooded, destroying much of the electrical equipment that powers the apartments.

Del Forno Real Estate of Jersey City owns 48 and 50 Bright St.

A resident of one said Del Forno had replaced the necessary equipment and had been told power could return ?tomorrow,? meaning Friday.

?It?s been ?tomorrow? for at least three weeks,? the resident said.

A phone call to Del Forno?s Jersey Avenue office was also not returned.

JJ piece?. ... pressed_on_another_d.html

** **
Buy the JJ?a good newspaper

Posted on: 2012/11/20 12:10

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