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Re: Letters to the Editor: City must not re-elect mayor
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2007/11/15 21:43
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I stood next to Elvis Costello for a photo once. my induction into the R&R Hall of Fame shouldn't be far off...

Posted on: 2009/5/12 4:51

Re: Letters to the Editor: City must not re-elect mayor
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2009/1/19 19:23
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2014/1/3 6:32
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You got to laugh how Healy tool a photo opp with Obama and now associates with his as if Obama actually endorsed him. Healy is pathaetic, between all Healy's literature and that truck with an edited version of that video again making it seem like Obama endorsed him. Can't Healy stand on his own or on his record.

Posted on: 2009/5/12 2:05

Re: Letters to the Editor: City must not re-elect mayor
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2004/9/15 18:45
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2023/5/12 21:59
From Harsuimus Cove
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Folks, Healy has to get more than 50% of the vote from the May 12th election to win outright. If he receives less than 50% of the vote, he and the next highest vote getter will have a runoff election some time in June.

So voting for anyone but Healy could help keep him from getting the 50% he needs to win. Then it's just a matter of who gets the second highest number of votes.

Since we have the 50+ rule, I really wish we could go to the instant runoff style of election. In that scenario, one votes for his/her first choice and then votes for a second choice if the first has not chance of winning.

So in my case, I could vote for Levin and cast my second choice as Manzo. That way, once it was clear that Levin did not get enough votes to be in the runoff election, my vote would automatically go for Manzo.

Healy vs Manzo in a June runoff is what I likely see happening. It would sure save a lot of time and money if we didn't have to have another election.

Posted on: 2009/5/11 13:49

Re: Letters to the Editor: City must not re-elect mayor
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2009/2/22 2:42
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2011/7/30 19:58
From Italian Village
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I wasn't sure about Healy, but when I started seeing that Obama crap, I really knew I wasn't going to vote for him. Please....

Wouldn't change be if we had a change in office anyway? Isn't that what Obama's platform was all about? New administration?

Posted on: 2009/5/11 11:42

Re: Letters to the Editor: City must not re-elect mayor
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2007/10/1 1:03
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Yahoo wrote:
Imagine the arrogance neccessary to post a sign in a location on public property. Next will be banners flying off City Hall.

Let's not forget the FLAGRANT violations of city noise ordinances with the Healy van blasting away well into the night. The sign on the fence should be no surprise whatsoever. The man has no shame, and considering how above the law he considers himself and his cronies already, these things are a featherweight.

I'm really hoping someone else wins on May 12th, but as it is, all of us in the anti-Healy camps only have ourselves to blame, because there are four different people running against him and all it does is spread the opposition votes around. Even if a significant number of votes are taken away from Healy, it is hard for one of the four other candidates can get enough votes to overtake him when they are divied up among them. At least two of the candidates should have dropped out a long time ago so the others would have a fighting chance. As to which ones should have quit, I'm not going to get into that, I don't want to create more debate here and there's not much time left anyway. But I do know who I'll be voting for and it will not be Healy.

Posted on: 2009/5/11 0:57

Re: Letters to the Editor: City must not re-elect mayor
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2009/1/31 23:07
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Imagine the arrogance neccessary to post a sign in a location on public property. Next will be banners flying off City Hall.

Posted on: 2009/5/11 0:37

Re: Letters to the Editor: City must not re-elect mayor
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2008/2/19 19:39
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2018/2/27 11:11
From Hamilton Park
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Resized Image[/quote]

FYI. That sign has been "removed". [/quot

When i steped outside the other morning i nearly had a heart attack stareing straight at that Healy sign. To whom ever removed it: THANK YOU..

Posted on: 2009/5/10 22:07

Re: Letters to the Editor: City must not re-elect mayor
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2009/1/30 15:07
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2009/7/25 13:49
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icechute wrote:
The Bradley Beach incident.

The drunk, naked on the porch incident.

The "Hire-your-drunk-cop-cousin-so-he-can-kill-someone-on-the-skyway" incident.

I know I'm missing a few.....

And don't forget who else you get on the "Healy Team":

Willie Flood and her son....

Guy Catrillo (Is it a dove or a squab?)

Mariano Vega ("We need to study this a few more years....")

Hey you left out a few:

Healy's Deputy Mayor Ador L. Equipado charging extra for marriage licenses incident

Healy's Deputy Mayor Kabili Tayari arrested with a stolen car incident

Healy Team Councilman Steve Lipski arrested 2X involving alcohol (one for DWI) incidents

Healy appointed Municipal Court Chief Judge Molina ticket fixing indictment incident

I'm probably missing a few as well.............

Posted on: 2009/5/10 17:13

Re: Letters to the Editor: City must not re-elect mayor
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2007/10/11 3:28
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2023/1/15 1:13
From Leashless Glory.
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jcecker wrote:

Vigilante wrote:
I'm pretty sure that this is a violation of campaign laws. Shameful really.

Resized Image

That is a disturbing image.I have seen signs on abandoned buildings, fences for empty lots , and on buildings that are for sale.This takes the cake though.

FYI. That sign has been "removed".

Posted on: 2009/5/10 14:49

Re: Letters to the Editor: City must not re-elect mayor
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2009/1/30 14:45
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2009/5/12 9:14
From Jersey City,nj
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Vigilante wrote:
I'm pretty sure that this is a violation of campaign laws. Shameful really.

Resized Image

That is a disturbing image.I have seen signs on abandoned buildings, fences for empty lots , and on buildings that are for sale.This takes the cake though.

Posted on: 2009/5/10 14:42

Re: Letters to the Editor: City must not re-elect mayor
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2009/1/31 23:07
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corybraiterman wrote:
Even though I have no plans on voting for Healey, I still find it amusing that people constantly blame the mayor for any crime that occurs. We live in a fairly large metro area. Crime happens in places such as these. We live in an area with sporadic concentrations of high poverty, unemployment, and large numbers of illegal immigrants. Crime happens in places such as these. We're in the midst of the largest worldwide depression in generations. Yet again, crime tends to rise when people are unemployed, making less and face a bleak future.

None of these are factors any mayor can control, yet people will constantly make political hay out of it. Lot of people who like posting on here need to gain a little perspective on the larger picture. Aside from the people paid to talk up or talk down certain candidates - feel free to keep doing your jobs.

Glad to hear you have no plans on voting for Healy. Mayor Healy ran on a law & order platform years ago. Your assertion that crime happens is to a degree true as well as that it is likely to rise in a recession is also true. However; crime was on the rise thru the best times for the Healy administration too. While these particular factors may be outside the mayors control there are others that are not such as manpower, deployment, and leadership. Areas such as these are where the Mayor has failed and must be held accountable by the voters. In order to effectively suppress criminal activity on the rise one must first acknowledge its existence the same as an alcoholic must acknowledge that he has a drinking problem before he (the alcoholic) can surmount that problem. Mayor healy like the alcoholic tells us that the problem (CRIME/DRINKING) doesn\'t exist (denial). An administration in denial that crime is rising cannot efectively combat it. The mayor needs to be held accountable for his entire record not just what is happening this year during the economic downturn. Tuesday will tell if the voters of Jersey City feel that he has kept his contract with the people of Jersey City. If they do feel that he has kept his side of the bargain then they deserve four more years of increasing crime, higher taxes and political embarrassment throughout the state. If they don\'t feel that he has kept that contract they should vote for someone else.

Posted on: 2009/5/10 12:52

Re: Letters to the Editor: City must not re-elect mayor
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2008/7/3 5:49
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2022/4/28 22:07
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Even though I have no plans on voting for Healey, I still find it amusing that people constantly blame the mayor for any crime that occurs. We live in a fairly large metro area. Crime happens in places such as these. We live in an area with sporadic concentrations of high poverty, unemployment, and large numbers of illegal immigrants. Crime happens in places such as these. We're in the midst of the largest worldwide depression in generations. Yet again, crime tends to rise when people are unemployed, making less and face a bleak future.

None of these are factors any mayor can control, yet people will constantly make political hay out of it. Lot of people who like posting on here need to gain a little perspective on the larger picture. Aside from the people paid to talk up or talk down certain candidates - feel free to keep doing your jobs.

Posted on: 2009/5/10 7:54

Re: Letters to the Editor: City must not re-elect mayor
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2005/9/22 15:12
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2021/10/11 21:09
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It's amusing to see an incumbent running on a platform of "change." Doesn't he know that he's had four years to change things? Any change now would be away from his policies.

Of course, it's purely cynical posturing. He's trying to grab Obama's coattails and so he grabbed the "change" idea. But it doesn't work unless you're an outsider. It just shows how empty his words are and how little he thinks of his constituents.

Posted on: 2009/5/10 3:17

Re: Letters to the Editor: City must not re-elect mayor
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2008/4/21 1:07
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2012/9/28 17:36
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The Bradley Beach incident.

The drunk, naked on the porch incident.

The "Hire-your-drunk-cop-cousin-so-he-can-kill-someone-on-the-skyway" incident.

I know I'm missing a few.....

And don't forget who else you get on the "Healy Team":

Willie Flood and her son....

Guy Catrillo (Is it a dove or a squab?)

Mariano Vega ("We need to study this a few more years....")

Posted on: 2009/5/9 14:50

Re: Letters to the Editor: City must not re-elect mayor
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2007/10/11 3:28
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2023/1/15 1:13
From Leashless Glory.
Posts: 3002
I'm pretty sure that this is a violation of campaign laws. Shameful really.

Resized Image

Posted on: 2009/5/9 14:24

Letters to the Editor: City must not re-elect mayor
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2005/3/21 20:01
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2020/9/5 14:18
From Exchange Place
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City must not re-elect mayor

Saturday, May 09, 2009
Letters to the Editor
From the Jersey Journal

"I can't take it anymore" was a famous quote from the movie "Network." This is how the people of Jersey City feel about the Healy administration.

Healy's campaign slogan is "Delivering Change You Can See," meaning higher taxes and more crime. Doesn't Healy's administration see and hear the gunshots around Jersey City killing and injuring citizens?

Doesn't Healy know about the many houses being burglarized, automobiles being broken into and citizens being mugged and robbed?

What does the Healy's administration say? Crime is down 24 percent, which is misleading. Healy was also found guilty in Bradley Beach of resisting arrest and obstruction. How can you fight crime in Jersey City when you are fighting the police in Bradley Beach?

The Healy administration has no plan to fight crime and all they say is crime is everywhere. Now the Healy administration is delaying the mailing of tax bills until after the election, which only means higher taxes and higher rents for the people of Jersey City.

Therefore, there is no way Healy should be re-elected mayor. There is only one candidate that has a plan to fight crime and stabilize taxes. That candidate is Lou Manzo, who was an effective and excellent assemblyman with a proven record.


Posted on: 2009/5/9 14:04

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