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Re: Stuck in Denial "War Zone"
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2009/1/30 14:45
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2009/5/12 9:14
From Jersey City,nj
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ErinMaiden wrote:
i was at the debates as well last night, and my main problem w/ healy was his flat out refusal to admit there is a problem. that right there went a long way in my mind on how i think of him: stubborn.

this city will always have problems, and like many i do not blame the mayor for these. i blame the parents, economy, society, and lazy ass sh*theads who are causing the problems.

However denying the problem is not the way to fix anything. The job of the mayor is to be a leader and acknowledge shortfalls and have plans put in place to stop them. I found it interesting that all 4 candidates preached cops on foot, not healy. A lot of interesting things came to light last night.

This is a good post which I mostly agree with but for the exception of not blaming the mayor.Sure you can't blame him for everything you mentioned but you can criticize the steps to dealing with problems.You can as is quoted acknowledge shortfalls and have plans in place to stop them.I feel the overall problems could be dealt with more effectively than they are being dealt with now under the present mayor.

When you were watching the debate did you get a feeling that he wanted to be somewhere else or no?

What is a shame is that whatever interesting things came to light will not be available to be viewed on cable TV/Comcast because the debate in the Loew's is the only one that is/will be televised unless things have changed from last news I have heard.I guess this is a good thing for Healy if many people had the same impression as what ErinMaiden wrote above.

IMO being stubborn can be good with some things but refusing to admit there is a problem is no way to improve things be it in public or private matters.

Not to put you on the spot, but what were some of the interesting things that came to light?

Posted on: 2009/4/4 15:42

Re: Stuck in Denial "War Zone"
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2009/1/19 19:23
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2014/1/3 6:32
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Since we have a War out here with Crime, Drugs & Gangs, well it's time for a Mayor with balls to take the war to the criminals.
Lets have a surge of police and put the criminals on notice...The surge worked in will work in Jersey City...we need to attack crime goddammit, enough with BS that crime is down..People do not feel SAFE & in some areas in Jersey City people can't leave there homes. Is this anyway to live....
Is it Manzo, Is it Levin, it sure and hell ain't Healy who will attack crime, he had his chance is the years of being in office...He has failed....
Let's wake up citizens and make this War on Crime happen...

Let's make our elected officials do their job and take care of the #1 problem in Jersey City and attack Crime.

If we attack and chase the criminals out of Jersey City, then Jersey City will prosper....Criminals want a war lets bring it on...and watch them retreat... Healy helps the criminals prosper, not the citizens...go ahead prove me wrong....

Posted on: 2009/4/4 2:21

Re: Stuck in Denial "War Zone"
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2005/9/21 13:53
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2015/8/5 3:20
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he's never said there isn't a crime problem, all he's said is that he's made progress against it.

Posted on: 2009/4/3 17:46

Re: Stuck in Denial "War Zone"
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2009/1/19 19:23
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2014/1/3 6:32
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elvis, i wish i was getting paid for posting. Now what I don't understand, is what don't you get...Tell me I'm wrong that Healy has yet to admit the seriousness of the crime problem we have in Jersey City.

Posted on: 2009/4/3 17:17

Re: Stuck in Denial "War Zone"
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2005/7/19 15:35
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2010/11/18 14:49
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i was at the debates as well last night, and my main problem w/ healy was his flat out refusal to admit there is a problem. that right there went a long way in my mind on how i think of him: stubborn.

this city will always have problems, and like many i do not blame the mayor for these. i blame the parents, economy, society, and lazy ass sh*theads who are causing the problems.

However denying the problem is not the way to fix anything. The job of the mayor is to be a leader and acknowledge shortfalls and have plans put in place to stop them. I found it interesting that all 4 candidates preached cops on foot, not healy. A lot of interesting things came to light last night.

Posted on: 2009/4/3 17:16

Re: Stuck in Denial "War Zone"
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2009/1/19 19:23
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2014/1/3 6:32
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Why can't Healy just come out and say it...We have a serious crime, drug and gang problem in Jersey City rather than the BS that crime is down and his administration has the situation under control..Can we really have 4 more years of this. We should just hand the city over to the bad element with Healy as Mayor....they seem to have pretty good control as of now.

Posted on: 2009/4/3 17:06

Re: Stuck in Denial "War Zone"
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2008/8/27 16:46
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2013/8/6 17:44
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icechute wrote:
That article cuts right through the BS and goes to the heart of the problem: POLITICAL DENIAL

icechute - criticizing politicians tendency to keeping saying the same thing over and over is like complaining about the tides - that is what they do!

I attended the mayoral candidates forum in the Heights last night, and heard very different responses from them on how to handle crime. I care more what WE - as residents of JC - say and think on the matter. Admittedly, before moving to the Heights I had lived in Washington Heights and Manhattan Valley in Manhattan - dicey neighborhoods at the time - so I may have a higher threshold of discomfort, but Greenville seems out of control!

What is going on, and what should we be insisting mayoral candidates be doing?

Posted on: 2009/4/3 16:55

Re: Stuck in Denial "War Zone"
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2004/9/15 19:03
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icechute wrote:


I thought that was Yahoo's line.

Posted on: 2009/4/3 13:04

Re: Stuck in Denial "War Zone"
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2008/4/21 1:07
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2012/9/28 17:36
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That article cuts right through the BS and goes to the heart of the problem: POLITICAL DENIAL.

Tell the sheep not to worry about the wolf....

Tell the chicken not to worry about the fox....

Tell the people:


Posted on: 2009/4/3 13:01

Re: Stuck in Denial "War Zone"
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2009/1/31 23:07
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2014/7/12 15:39
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Hey Mayor Healy, tell us again how you have crime under control in JC.

Posted on: 2009/4/3 12:32

Stuck in Denial "War Zone"
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2009/1/31 23:07
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2014/7/12 15:39
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Stuck in denial about 'war zone'
Friday, April 03, 2009
F ear walks the streets of Jersey City, specifically in the Greenville section. It comes with the sound of gunshots, which have replaced the warbling of birds and other signs of spring.

This is also an election season. Greenville residents must be tired of campaign claims that the city is safer and crime is reduced. They have a different experience. The Jersey Journal has quoted residents who are afraid to go outside their homes because of the criminal activity and violence.


It has been the talk of city residents for so long they must wonder why local elected officials cannot acknowledge that they have a major problem and seem incapable of dealing with it. Blame the economy, drug activity and the ease of obtaining handguns, but do not pander to city residents about how crime is under control.

As of Monday, recent shootings in Greenville section have left six people wounded, including a 19-year-old who is clinging to life.

Late Saturday, two men were shot in a deli at Neptune and Ocean avenues by a man with a semiautomatic weapon.

Last week, two 17-year-old boys and a 15-year-old girl were shot at Triangle Park near Danforth Avenue and Old Bergen Road. All three survived but refused to cooperate with police investigators.

Early Saturday morning, 23-year-old Antwan Baisden was killed after being shot in the head execution-style as he walked along Summit Avenue toward Astor Place.

In October, Jersey City officials announced the arrest of 20 people as part of a statewide crackdown on gangs, guns and violence. Several were charged with killings.

About the same month, Journal columnist Earl Morgan wrote about shootings in a 24-hour period along Martin Luther King Drive at Dwight, Stegman and Wegman streets. The headline referred to living in a "war zone" and police officials took exception by noting how many arrests they had made and the number of guns they had confiscated.

No one denies that police have a tough job. Unfortunately, as recent events have shown, there is still a war zone out there. There is a good chance it will still be there long after the city election is over and campaign rhetoric ends.

Posted on: 2009/4/3 12:30

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