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Re: Speed bump between 8th and 9th on Erie.
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2011/5/22 20:03
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Looks like the city's making another stab at speed bumps/humps. I saw a crew installing one near JSQ this morning, on Van Reypen St. I didn't see the finished product but there were already a couple street signs up warning of its presence.

Hopefully that's a signal of better thought-out plans for installing these things this time around.

Posted on: 2015/11/11 6:08

Re: Speed bump between 8th and 9th on Erie.
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2012/11/11 18:11
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Nothin for nothin, but I am a safe driver in Jersey City and I respect the speed bumps, and I encountered this particular speed bump, went as slow as can be over it, and I felt the entire bottom of my 97 Honda Accord scrape slowly along this bump. I avoid this street altogether now on the way to work so that I can maintain my sloppy jalopy since I can't afford over $300 a month in insurance for having a newer car (lease or owning) in DTJC.

Posted on: 2014/10/3 4:17

Re: Speed bump between 8th and 9th on Erie.
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JCMan8 wrote:
Between paying to put the speed humps up (with city officials reportedly ordering they be built in violation of code), paying to take them down or shave them, and all the resulting car damage claims, this debacle is one of the biggest wastes of taxpayer money in a long time.

It's amateur hour! I drove on Erie today (heading towards the tunnel area to get gas and then head to work) and I was flabbergasted to see the current state of those humps. They were shaved haphazardly (really, who is the contractor doing this work?!?) and they STILL have not been painted. Really disappointing to see another great idea implemented so poorly.

Posted on: 2014/9/29 16:33

Re: Speed bump between 8th and 9th on Erie.
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2012/11/10 20:38
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Between paying to put the speed humps up (with city officials reportedly ordering they be built in violation of code), paying to take them down or shave them, and all the resulting car damage claims, this debacle is one of the biggest wastes of taxpayer money in a long time.

Posted on: 2014/9/29 14:46

Re: Speed bump between 8th and 9th on Erie.
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2010/6/25 19:20
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The speed hump on Duncan between Bergen and Kennedy is now gone. Have any other of the new speed humps around the city disappeared?

Posted on: 2014/9/29 14:43

Re: Speed bump between 8th and 9th on Erie.
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2006/11/13 18:42
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For those that missed it - watch the school bus and city hall trash truck fly !

Posted on: 2014/9/27 3:19
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Re: Speed bump between 8th and 9th on Erie.

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Phat ass bike

Posted on: 2014/9/27 3:14

Re: Speed bump between 8th and 9th on Erie.
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Posted on: 2014/9/27 3:12
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.

Re: Speed bump between 8th and 9th on Erie.
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2014/9/16 19:15
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cruzinforabruzin wrote:
As with beards and mustaches, shaving em is a total mistake.
Paint em school bus yellow......maybe if ya want put small yellow reflectors in the ground and people be gettin the slowness down picture, it's easy. Peeps can't be too distrackted from textin to look up at signs over past the parked cars on the sidewalk that tell ya hump 15......evil kaneeville!

Wow. Let me guess... JC public school alumni? (Alumni means former student)

Posted on: 2014/9/27 1:00

Re: Speed bump between 8th and 9th on Erie.

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2007/12/6 0:41
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As with beards and mustaches, shaving em is a total mistake.
Paint em school bus yellow......maybe if ya want put small yellow reflectors in the ground and people be gettin the slowness down picture, it's easy. Peeps can't be too distrackted from textin to look up at signs over past the parked cars on the sidewalk that tell ya hump 15......evil kaneeville!

Posted on: 2014/9/27 0:55

Re: Speed bump between 8th and 9th on Erie.
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2014/3/4 22:31
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OneSkirt wrote:
So did this hump get shasved down like the city was planning to? I've seen some of these "repaired/shaved" humps up near JSQ and not only do they look awful, but they are now so short/small that they don't do anything remotely effective...

Yep, shaved down but not totally removed. I think it is at a reasonable compromise now.

Posted on: 2014/9/26 20:23

Re: Speed bump between 8th and 9th on Erie.
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2007/10/11 3:28
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2023/1/15 1:13
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I saw the speed hump on Erie and it's not as bad as some are stating. If you slow down like you should then you are fine. It has markings on it and if you cannot see the hump then perhaps you should not be allowed to drive. As for that video? Some of those drivers were moving way too fast and obviously have horrible eyesight. F Them.

Posted on: 2014/9/26 19:48

Re: Speed bump between 8th and 9th on Erie.
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OneSkirt wrote:
they don't do anything remotely effective...

That's why we need big, steep humps! They were great, they just needed to be painted bright yellow!

Posted on: 2014/9/26 17:05

Re: Speed bump between 8th and 9th on Erie.
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2005/3/2 4:49
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So did this hump get shasved down like the city was planning to? I've seen some of these "repaired/shaved" humps up near JSQ and not only do they look awful, but they are now so short/small that they don't do anything remotely effective...

Posted on: 2014/9/26 16:46

Re: Speed bump between 8th and 9th on Erie.
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2012/7/11 19:25
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People in the neighborhood should have input, but they shouldn't get to make the call with something like a stop sign or speed bump.

The main danger in that area is Eight and Erie, but we have to pretend like it's Pavonia because people in the neighborhood association have kids crossing there? That's not right.

Posted on: 2014/9/25 19:29

Re: Speed bump between 8th and 9th on Erie.
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2007/2/3 21:36
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agreed. I'd go so far as to make Erie one way going the opposite direction at 6th street, so drivers would have to dog-leg it over to Marin. anything to slow down the daily race to the tunnel.


radryan03 wrote:
It's simple - people shouldnt be using Erie as a pass through street for their commute. I am all for making it painful to drive through Hamilton Park and any other neighborhood in JC. Even with the stop signs... I am regularly rushed by cars at the stops and would gamble I'm not the only one.

Maybe the execution blew, but it is at the very least the most proactive thing the city has done to manage traffic and slow it down. I honestly figured nothing would happen until a person bounced off the hood of someones car and died.

When are these going up on Manilla??


cuse04 wrote:
not only is it excessive (considering all the new stop signs in the area), but it also seems to be contributing to the cluster-f that already is rush hour traffic on erie getting to the tunnel. you have to go so slowly over it, that traffic backs up to 6th street and no one can get through the intersection before the light changes.

Posted on: 2014/9/25 2:27

Re: Speed bump between 8th and 9th on Erie.
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2006/11/13 18:42
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Azul_the_Cat wrote:
We made it to the auto blogs
Some of those people that caught air looked to be doing at least 26mph.

I agree, most were in excess of the posted speed limit and you can see the speed hump signs on the clip.

The school bus driver should be pulled off the road immediately or at least reported (send the clip to the department to id) - he/she was flying.

This just confirms we have a huge number of numb-skulls driving on our roads, transporting our kids and working for city hall (the garbage truck was also flying)

Posted on: 2014/9/24 23:28
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.

Re: Speed bump between 8th and 9th on Erie.
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2009/3/19 15:20
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We made it to the auto blogs

Some of those people that caught air looked to be doing at least 26mph.

Posted on: 2014/9/24 21:38

Re: Speed bump between 8th and 9th on Erie.
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RUinHamiltonPark wrote:

dtjcview wrote:

radryan03 wrote:
It's simple - people shouldnt be using Erie as a pass through street for their commute. I am all for making it painful to drive through Hamilton Park and any other neighborhood in JC. Even with the stop signs... I am regularly rushed by cars at the stops and would gamble I'm not the only one.

Totally agree. I think the City needs to close that entire block during school hours.

At the very least, force all traffic right on Erie and Pavonia - those using Erie as a cut-through to the Holland Tunnel need to be inconvenienced as much as possible.

So I should be later for work leaving the city where I pay taxes for what reason again?

No one is crossing at Pavonia. They're crossing at 8th and 9th to go to the PATH. 8th is where the trouble is. Yet there is no bump heading up to that lethal intersection. Pavonia doesn't even have oncoming traffic. This is just a bunch of whining from the neighborhood association. If someone told them a 6 story building was going up or there was a kale sale they'd forget about it.

This will just ADD more cars on MORE streets.

The whole problem is that what Fulop has been doing is letting the neighborhoods determine traffic flow instead of engineers. I trust engineers on this stuff more than yoga instructors.

What's wrong with letting neighborhoods have input into something they have to live with.....especially when their safety is concerned? Don't they pay taxes too? The problem is not that Fulop is listening to neighborhood associations. The problem is that way too may people speed/don't stop completely at stops signs in areas where there more and more pedestrians.......that, and the size of the speed hump!

Posted on: 2014/9/24 19:45

Re: Speed bump between 8th and 9th on Erie.
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2012/7/11 19:25
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dtjcview wrote:

radryan03 wrote:
It's simple - people shouldnt be using Erie as a pass through street for their commute. I am all for making it painful to drive through Hamilton Park and any other neighborhood in JC. Even with the stop signs... I am regularly rushed by cars at the stops and would gamble I'm not the only one.

Totally agree. I think the City needs to close that entire block during school hours.

At the very least, force all traffic right on Erie and Pavonia - those using Erie as a cut-through to the Holland Tunnel need to be inconvenienced as much as possible.

So I should be later for work leaving the city where I pay taxes for what reason again?

No one is crossing at Pavonia. They're crossing at 8th and 9th to go to the PATH. 8th is where the trouble is. Yet there is no bump heading up to that lethal intersection. Pavonia doesn't even have oncoming traffic. This is just a bunch of whining from the neighborhood association. If someone told them a 6 story building was going up or there was a kale sale they'd forget about it.

This will just ADD more cars on MORE streets.

The whole problem is that what Fulop has been doing is letting the neighborhoods determine traffic flow instead of engineers. I trust engineers on this stuff more than yoga instructors.

Posted on: 2014/9/24 17:55

Re: Speed bump between 8th and 9th on Erie.
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2009/9/25 22:27
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I'm looking forward to what happens to all the city's plows when they hit these monstrosities during the first big snowfall...

Posted on: 2014/9/24 15:06

Re: Speed bump between 8th and 9th on Erie.
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mwa7368 wrote:
What a dumbass this Morrill is! "


nyrgravey9 wrote:
"Change bad! Change scary! Government always wrong! Government incompetent because it doesn't do everything perfectly! Fire everyone!!"

The initial design of the speed humps wasn?t Jennifer Morrill?s fault, nor was the cover-their-ass message she was almost certainly instructed by her superiors to deliver. However, poor design is poor design, and experienced professional engineers have already established standards for the design of speed humps that the City apparently did not follow?standards that are referenced by NJDOT in fact?which prescribe a maximum height of between 3 and 4 inches.

Posted on: 2014/9/24 13:36

Re: Speed bump between 8th and 9th on Erie.
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2005/6/8 3:24
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Our federal and state governments have spent billions upon billions of dollars building highways so that we can expedite car travel. Despite having dedicated roadways for their travels, several motorists, in an attempt to shave a few minutes off a commute, insist on getting off the highways and driving through city streets to get to the Holland Tunnel. They drive, usually above the speed limit, through urban areas with high pedestrian traffic. In our city's case, these routes go by several schools where young children must cross the street. Have you ever seen the crossing at Grand and Jersey in the morning? The crossing guards at that intersection deserve combat pay.

So if the city wants to install speed bumps to slow traffic down, the only thing I'll say is "What took you so long?"

If they are not up to spec, then make them up to spec. If signage or painting is needed for appropriate warning, then do that. Otherwise, I have no sympathy whatsoever for a speeding motorist.

Posted on: 2014/9/24 13:17

Re: Speed bump between 8th and 9th on Erie.
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No one told the "Fast and Furious" wanna-be's with the tricked out, rice burner civics to drop their suspension now did they? Because that's the only type of car that should have a problem with this. I shake my head at the idiocy on this board.

"Change bad! Change scary! Government always wrong! Government incompetent because it doesn't do everything perfectly! Fire everyone!!"

Did I sum up roughly 90% of this board?


mwa7368 wrote:
What a dumbass this Morrill is! She's really trying to blame speeders for damaging their cars? If you go the speed limit in certain vehicles you will absolutely bottom out on that hump! I would love to see what regulations she says that the city is following with the 8" height! I'm not anti speed hump or traffic control, I'm anti-moron. Hey moron Morrill, maybe if the city would paint some warning lines on the hump right after they make it that would help, do you think? Is not painting the warning stripes on the hump also in compliance with the mystery regulations?

Not to mention the shaved down hump now likes like S*%T! Guess we just can't have anything nice or anyone with common sense in JC Government.

"As for the height of the speed bumps, Morrill said "They are high within regulation in order to deter speeding and make sure pedestrians are safe. We are protecting people, not cars."

Posted on: 2014/9/24 12:37

Re: Speed bump between 8th and 9th on Erie.
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What a dumbass this Morrill is! She's really trying to blame speeders for damaging their cars? If you go the speed limit in certain vehicles you will absolutely bottom out on that hump! I would love to see what regulations she says that the city is following with the 8" height! I'm not anti speed hump or traffic control, I'm anti-moron. Hey moron Morrill, maybe if the city would paint some warning lines on the hump right after they make it that would help, do you think? Is not painting the warning stripes on the hump also in compliance with the mystery regulations?

Not to mention the shaved down hump now likes like S*%T! Guess we just can't have anything nice or anyone with common sense in JC Government.

"As for the height of the speed bumps, Morrill said "They are high within regulation in order to deter speeding and make sure pedestrians are safe. We are protecting people, not cars."

Posted on: 2014/9/24 1:57

Re: Speed bump between 8th and 9th on Erie.
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Love it - This will sort out the bull-shitters that speed, then blame the hump.

"Just like insurance fraud is a crime, documents will be examined by police traffic investigators and anyone who knowingly submits incorrect documents will be prosecuted."

Love to see a follow up article and how many claims were successful - Physics doesn't lie nor does faulty suspension or illegally altered ride height on vehicles owned by boy racers.

Posted on: 2014/9/23 21:59
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Re: Speed bump between 8th and 9th on Erie.
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2012/1/11 18:21
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Drivers whose vehicles have been damaged by what many people are calling excessively high speed bumps in Jersey City can report the damage to the city, but officials issued a stern warning -- "speeders will not be rewarded" and those who file a false claim will be prosecuted.

Not long after the city began installing speed bumps throughout the city to curb speeding on residential side streets, drivers took to social media to complain that no matter how slow you drive you risk your vehicle being damaged going over the speed bumps.

Drivers can register their complaints and claims through the Resident Response Center "and they will all be evaluated," Jersey City spokeswoman Jennifer Morrill said. "However, just because a vehicle has been damaged, speeders will not be rewarded.

"Just like insurance fraud is a crime, documents will be examined by police traffic investigators and anyone who knowingly submits incorrect documents will be prosecuted."

Jersey Journal columnist Earl Morgan reported that the company installing the speed bumps, Persistent Construction, suggested making them no more than six inches high, but the city asked that they be made taller to more effectively slow speeders.

Morrill said the city is investigating that claim.

As for the height of the speed bumps, Morrill said "They are high within regulation in order to deter speeding and make sure pedestrians are safe. We are protecting people, not cars."

More speed bumps will be installed over the next year, Morrill said, but she did not commit to a specific number.

An official with Persistent Construction said the company was inundated with calls from drivers last Wednesday trying to register claims, but the company is not handling the complaints.

A few days later an employee at the company said they would have no further comments on the speed bumps.

Morrill told The Jersey Journal last week the speed bumps were in response to requests by community groups who complained about speeding motorists.

"The city's number one priority is the safety of our residents, especially children," Morrill said last week. "That is why we have taken the proactive step of installing effective, permanent speed humps to reduce speeding on residential streets, with a focus on streets around schools."

The Resident Response Center can be reached at 201-547-4900. ... ewarded.html#incart_river

Posted on: 2014/9/23 20:32

Re: Speed bump between 8th and 9th on Erie.
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Ouch! Looks safe


fat-ass-bike wrote:
Speed bump JUMP - Urban Dukes of Hazard !

Even cops screw up and go to fast on speed bumps

Posted on: 2014/9/20 2:06

Re: Speed bump between 8th and 9th on Erie.
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radryan03 wrote:
It's simple - people shouldnt be using Erie as a pass through street for their commute. I am all for making it painful to drive through Hamilton Park and any other neighborhood in JC. Even with the stop signs... I am regularly rushed by cars at the stops and would gamble I'm not the only one.

Totally agree. I think the City needs to close that entire block during school hours.

At the very least, force all traffic right on Erie and Pavonia - those using Erie as a cut-through to the Holland Tunnel need to be inconvenienced as much as possible.

Posted on: 2014/9/19 23:06

Re: Speed bump between 8th and 9th on Erie.
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2006/11/13 18:42
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From 280 Grove Street
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Speed bump JUMP - Urban Dukes of Hazard !

Even cops screw up and go to fast on speed bumps

Posted on: 2014/9/19 22:37
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.

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