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Re: Canning for money off 78 exit ramp
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2014/3/4 22:31
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bodhipooh wrote:

Atsushi wrote:
There used to be a guy who held sign that said he needs liver transplant. I think he dropped that sign, but I believe the same guy is still there almost every day.

Quite obviously, enough people donated to his liver transplant pleas and he was able to get that problem solved. No longer in need of a liver transplant, he now finds himself in need of addressing other needs.

Thanks for the laugh. :)

Posted on: 2015/7/2 2:14

Re: Canning for money off 78 exit ramp
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2008/8/12 18:31
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Atsushi wrote:
There used to be a guy who held sign that said he needs liver transplant. I think he dropped that sign, but I believe the same guy is still there almost every day.

Quite obviously, enough people donated to his liver transplant pleas and he was able to get that problem solved. No longer in need of a liver transplant, he now finds himself in need of addressing other needs.

Posted on: 2015/7/1 18:57

Re: Canning for money off 78 exit ramp
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2013/10/15 17:32
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langdonalger wrote:
Can you possibly find it in your heart to explain to your family, that there are people worse off than you and yours? If you can't, maybe you're unclear on how life works. Low income housing by a highway exit? I know, sounds incredible. How could you possibly justify this uncomfortable fact of life? Posts like yours make me want to move.

To be fair to mRanger48, it is much more than people being less well of than we are. Studies suggest that 30% to 60% of people who are chronically homeless have mental health conditions; and 50% to 80% have experienced lifetime alcohol and/or drug problems. It is very difficult to connect these people to critically needed care and resources.

What you should tell your family, mRanger48, as well as remind yourself, is that yes these people are less "well off" than you are, and are needy, but life has also dealt them a very bad hand in that they are probably not sane or sober and it takes a lot of time and hard work to help them. THEN call the number Heights gave, so someone can get that person out of harms way.

Finally, look for social service groups that do outreach, and donate to them.

Posted on: 2015/7/1 17:21

Re: Canning for money off 78 exit ramp
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2010/8/17 1:45
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@DA - my dogs don't bark. They simply sit and stare - which many people confuse for looking mean. If someone is crazy enough to reach into the back - then they're crazy enough to cause real problems, dogs or not.

Posted on: 2015/7/1 17:03

Re: Canning for money off 78 exit ramp
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2014/3/4 22:31
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dtjcview wrote:

devilsadvocate wrote:

dtjcview wrote:
Never had a problem. I just unwind the back window and let them talk to the dogs in the back seat.

A word of caution: if you have one or more large dogs with a good temperament you don't have to worry about them getting past them. HOWEVER, you're not dealing with sane/sober people. You could find yourself cleaning their blood off your dogs/car seats or other bodily fluids they hurled in response. Sure, you can call the cops and maybe the bums will spend the night in jail, but you'll still be cleaning God knows what.

The dogs are more likely to give them a licking than anything else. But they don't know that. Course if they start throwing shit - all bets are off.

They don't know that, but of course they may also not have the good sense to be cautious. My dog is highly territorial over the car, so if they stuck their arm in without permission, getting it out might be a real problem. My point is, amusing as it all may be to have your dogs bark at them, realize that you're dealing with crazies as that as a result, you never know what they'll do in response. I personally would love it if we could truck them to a large reservation somewhere in Alaska (perhaps label it something catchy like "The Bum Gulag") but when I float this idea people just label me a jerk for some reason.

Posted on: 2015/7/1 16:55

Re: Canning for money off 78 exit ramp
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2010/8/17 1:45
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devilsadvocate wrote:

dtjcview wrote:
Never had a problem. I just unwind the back window and let them talk to the dogs in the back seat.

A word of caution: if you have one or more large dogs with a good temperament you don't have to worry about them getting past them. HOWEVER, you're not dealing with sane/sober people. You could find yourself cleaning their blood off your dogs/car seats or other bodily fluids they hurled in response. Sure, you can call the cops and maybe the bums will spend the night in jail, but you'll still be cleaning God knows what.

The dogs are more likely to give them a licking than anything else. But they don't know that. Course if they start throwing shit - all bets are off.

Posted on: 2015/7/1 16:42

Re: Canning for money off 78 exit ramp
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2014/3/4 22:31
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dtjcview wrote:
Never had a problem. I just unwind the back window and let them talk to the dogs in the back seat.

A word of caution: if you have one or more large dogs with a good temperament you don't have to worry about them getting past them. HOWEVER, you're not dealing with sane/sober people. You could find yourself cleaning their blood off your dogs/car seats or other bodily fluids they hurled in response. Sure, you can call the cops and maybe the bums will spend the night in jail, but you'll still be cleaning God knows what.

Posted on: 2015/7/1 15:42

Re: Canning for money off 78 exit ramp
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2008/6/5 10:12
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2016/11/8 21:51
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There used to be a guy who held sign that said he needs liver transplant. I think he dropped that sign, but I believe the same guy is still there almost every day.

Posted on: 2015/7/1 14:13

Re: Canning for money off 78 exit ramp
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2015/4/15 3:56
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Learn how things work in the real JC.

A baseball bat.

Posted on: 2015/7/1 3:22

Re: Canning for money off 78 exit ramp
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2010/8/17 1:45
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heights wrote:

dtjcview wrote:
Never had a problem. I just unwind the back window and let them talk to the dogs in the back seat.

You're brave...and stupid at the same time. Yes harsh but true. Think about it.

Neither bravery nor stupidity - just simple psychology. They give my car a wide berth for easier pickings elsewhere.

Posted on: 2015/7/1 2:36

Re: Canning for money off 78 exit ramp
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2005/7/13 15:03
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dtjcview wrote:
Never had a problem. I just unwind the back window and let them talk to the dogs in the back seat.

You're brave...and stupid at the same time. Yes harsh but true. Think about it.

Posted on: 2015/7/1 2:16
Get on your bikes and ride !

Re: Canning for money off 78 exit ramp
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2010/8/17 1:45
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Never had a problem. I just unwind the back window and let them talk to the dogs in the back seat.

Posted on: 2015/6/30 22:14

Re: Canning for money off 78 exit ramp
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2010/9/24 1:49
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There's a new dude panhandling from the cars at this spot who's aggressive as hell and reckless. Not the regular guy with the glasses and cane (though he was there too and didn't seem too pleased to have this other guy invading his turf). Saw him standing in the middle of the street while the light was green and almost get hit by some cars. Was also yelling into cars and just standing there not moving until drivers engaged him.

Posted on: 2015/6/30 22:12

Re: Canning for money off 78 exit ramp
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2011/2/5 22:36
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The problem is, it is hard to differentiate these days between those that truly are poor and need the money (whether it be for food or booze or whatever - I really don't care where you spend the $5 I give you) or those that simply treat the panhandling as a job and exploit those trying to do a good deed. I can tell you that there are panhandlers out there that truly do exploit the situation - they suddenly lose the limp at the end of the day and drive off on their late model Honda parked around the block. This is not all by any means, but it is a growing percentage.
A couple of those guys that panhandle off 78 at Columbus look like they could fall in to this category. I don't mind them being there, but they can be a traffic hazard sometimes as they walk up the middle of the street on a dusky night, and I don't appreciate that when I have a baby in the car.

Posted on: 2013/10/20 23:51

Re: Canning for money off 78 exit ramp
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2007/10/11 3:28
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From the headline I thought this thread was going to be about tuna or peaches.

Posted on: 2013/10/20 22:15

Re: Canning for money off 78 exit ramp
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2013/7/12 12:20
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mscottc wrote:
That happens all over the place, not sure what to do about it. What I find even more disturbing is when young children fund raise for whatever group they belong to, in the middle of the exit ramp off the turnpike extension heading into the Holland Tunnel, or other street locations. No fund raising activity is important enough to ask kids to stand out in the middle of traffic.

Yes I agree. Perhaps if enough people call the number Heights posted, something will be done. And contrary to the thoughts of "blanquiita" (who doesn't know me from Adam), I do care...but not to the point where I would want to put up with what happened Friday. It's amazing how you can judge me based on one post. Little do u know that I am a middle school science teacher who teaches under-privileged children in Perth Amboy...and I am actively involved with parents and the community. May I point out, not once have I seen canning for money in Perth Amboy - which has more problems than most places in Jersey City. I thank my neighbors who took the time to articulately answer my post and give meaningful feedback (VA2015, dtjcview, heights and mscottc), as opposed to the ones who have nothing else to offer besides sarcasm and wasting everyone elses time (blanquiita and langdonalger).

and VA2015, very nice of you...maybe I will do the same with regards to how I donate to charity

Posted on: 2013/10/20 21:45

Re: Canning for money off 78 exit ramp
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2008/11/8 15:38
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That happens all over the place, not sure what to do about it. What I find even more disturbing is when young children fund raise for whatever group they belong to, in the middle of the exit ramp off the turnpike extension heading into the Holland Tunnel, or other street locations. No fund raising activity is important enough to ask kids to stand out in the middle of traffic.

Posted on: 2013/10/20 18:52

Re: Canning for money off 78 exit ramp
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2013/7/12 12:20
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dtjcview wrote:

mRanger48 wrote:
Maybe there is something the Fulop administration could do to get rid of this and benefit these struggling citizens at the same time. I've tried searching online about this topic but came up empty. Hence, here I am...thoughts?... Thanks in advance

I always thought the London Big Issue was a great template for helping the homeless. I believe it has been successfully implemented in countries outside the UK (like Australia and South Africa). Why not Jersey City?

"The Big Issue was launched in 1991 by Gordon Roddick and John Bird in response to the growing number of rough sleepers on the streets of London. The two set out to address the problem of homelessness by offering homeless people the opportunity to earn a legitimate income; to ?help them to help themselves?.

Twenty years on the organisation has helped thousands of vulnerable people to take control of their lives, and currently works with around 2000 homeless and vulnerably housed people across the UK.

In order to become a Big Issue vendor an individual must prove that they are homeless or at risk of homelessness, and must undergo an induction process and sign up to the code of conduct. Once they have done so they are allocated a fixed pitch and issued with a number of free copies of the magazine. Once they have sold these magazines they can purchase further copies, which they buy for ?1.25 and sell for ?2.50, thereby making ?1.25 per copy.

Last year alone we put more than ?5million in the pockets of our vendors, releasing them from a dependence on hand-outs and providing an alternative to begging.

And we don?t stop there. We recognise that earning an income is first step on the journey away from homelessness. The Big Issue Foundation, a registered charity, exists to link vendors with the vital support and services. The organisation offers advice and referrals in four keys areas; housing, health, financial independence and aspirations, and relies almost entirely on voluntary donations.

Over the past two decades the magazine has become synonymous with challenging, independent journalism, and renowned for securing exclusive interviews with the most elusive of superstars. It currently circulates over 105,000 copies every week.

Created as a business solution to a social problem The Big Issue has gone on to become one of the most instantly recognisable brands in the UK and a powerful blueprint for social change which has inspired hundreds of imitations; from Johannesburg to Tokyo, Sydney to Addis Ababa, Perth to Sao Paolo, Seoul to Nairobi, The Big Issue is leading a global self-help revolution. "

I agree...why not us? Thanks for responding and taking the time to research and post your input. It really does boil down to what can our leaders do to help these low income people get back off their feet so they don't have to do this.

Posted on: 2013/10/20 17:44

Re: Canning for money off 78 exit ramp
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2013/7/12 12:20
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langdonalger wrote:
Can you possibly find it in your heart to explain to your family, that there are people worse off than you and yours? If you can't, maybe you're unclear on how life works. Low income housing by a highway exit? I know, sounds incredible. How could you possibly justify this uncomfortable fact of life? Posts like yours make me want to move.

So what you are saying is that it is okay for drivers to be harassed at their car by people looking for money? Interesting. I would like to see how you would react when one of these people start walking down the exit pounding on the hood of your car, like what happened friday morning. People were ready to get out of their car and tackle this guy, it was a pretty big problem that created quite a backup of traffic. Not only that, but it became extremely unsafe for the man that was canning, as well as the drivers that exited their car to restrain him. But this is okay because there is a low income housing complex nearby isn't it? If this post offends you so much why don't you move? Better yet, move into the low incoming housing complex and become neighbors with these people. "Heights" thank you for the info, you are correct that this should not be occuring on a public highway. At least somebody around here has the guts to admit it without feeling insensitive. Sorry if my standards are too high for you all...but I pay to live here, and I want to feel safe. I moved here b/c it was nice and up-and-coming, not because it was Camden.

Posted on: 2013/10/20 17:38

Re: Canning for money off 78 exit ramp
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2005/7/13 15:03
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(201) 547-5477 is the number to call when being harrased while driving in your car. If you feel it is an emergency then call 911. This sort of activity should not occur on a public roadway.

Posted on: 2013/10/20 6:39
Get on your bikes and ride !

Re: Canning for money off 78 exit ramp
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2011/7/25 6:04
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mRanger48 wrote:
At the risk of sounding insensitive, it is the first impression you get when driving into jersey city. I just had my whole family visit me this past weekend and it really doesn't make jersey city look that good when you have homeless people begging for money the moment you enter our city.
Can't anything be done about this? I know there's other concerns that are most likely more important (insert off-leash dog joke here), however it is an issue that I would like to hear other's thoughts on in this forum. Again, I can't imagine how hard things are on the low income/homeless - but it really doesn't give our home a good image. Maybe there is something the Fulop administration could do to get rid of this and benefit these struggling citizens at the same time. I've tried searching online about this topic but came up empty. Hence, here I am...thoughts?... Thanks in advance

"OMG! I just moved into a newly gentrified area and OMG there are OMG poor people here! My parents won't OMG approve!"

Stop pretending you care about the people who are begging. You are all about appearances.

Posted on: 2013/10/20 5:41

Re: Canning for money off 78 exit ramp
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Though I do keep track of how many times I am hit up for money, each time I add a dollar to the amount that I donate to a homeless charity at the end of the year.

VA2015, that is such an amazing and touching thing to do even if it's a small gesture. :)

Posted on: 2013/10/20 4:36

Re: Canning for money off 78 exit ramp
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2010/8/17 1:45
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mRanger48 wrote:
Maybe there is something the Fulop administration could do to get rid of this and benefit these struggling citizens at the same time. I've tried searching online about this topic but came up empty. Hence, here I am...thoughts?... Thanks in advance

I always thought the London Big Issue was a great template for helping the homeless. I believe it has been successfully implemented in countries outside the UK (like Australia and South Africa). Why not Jersey City?

"The Big Issue was launched in 1991 by Gordon Roddick and John Bird in response to the growing number of rough sleepers on the streets of London. The two set out to address the problem of homelessness by offering homeless people the opportunity to earn a legitimate income; to ?help them to help themselves?.

Twenty years on the organisation has helped thousands of vulnerable people to take control of their lives, and currently works with around 2000 homeless and vulnerably housed people across the UK.

In order to become a Big Issue vendor an individual must prove that they are homeless or at risk of homelessness, and must undergo an induction process and sign up to the code of conduct. Once they have done so they are allocated a fixed pitch and issued with a number of free copies of the magazine. Once they have sold these magazines they can purchase further copies, which they buy for ?1.25 and sell for ?2.50, thereby making ?1.25 per copy.

Last year alone we put more than ?5million in the pockets of our vendors, releasing them from a dependence on hand-outs and providing an alternative to begging.

And we don?t stop there. We recognise that earning an income is first step on the journey away from homelessness. The Big Issue Foundation, a registered charity, exists to link vendors with the vital support and services. The organisation offers advice and referrals in four keys areas; housing, health, financial independence and aspirations, and relies almost entirely on voluntary donations.

Over the past two decades the magazine has become synonymous with challenging, independent journalism, and renowned for securing exclusive interviews with the most elusive of superstars. It currently circulates over 105,000 copies every week.

Created as a business solution to a social problem The Big Issue has gone on to become one of the most instantly recognisable brands in the UK and a powerful blueprint for social change which has inspired hundreds of imitations; from Johannesburg to Tokyo, Sydney to Addis Ababa, Perth to Sao Paolo, Seoul to Nairobi, The Big Issue is leading a global self-help revolution. "

Posted on: 2013/10/20 3:35

Re: Canning for money off 78 exit ramp
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2006/10/5 13:34
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2013/10/21 0:41
From hamilton park
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Can you possibly find it in your heart to explain to your family, that there are people worse off than you and yours? If you can't, maybe you're unclear on how life works. Low income housing by a highway exit? I know, sounds incredible. How could you possibly justify this uncomfortable fact of life? Posts like yours make me want to move.

Posted on: 2013/10/20 3:17

Re: Canning for money off 78 exit ramp
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2011/7/18 20:46
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This happens in most major cities - Philadelphia, New Orleans, Boston to name the ones I am familiar with. You can certainly call the non-emergency line if one of the beggars is being aggressive. Otherwise I just roll up my window and ignore it. Though I do keep track of how many times I am hit up for money, each time I add a dollar to the amount that I donate to a homeless charity at the end of the year.


mRanger48 wrote:
I'm curious as to what most people think about this. I feel like lately there have been a lot more men doing this, as traffic comes off the Columbus Drive exit ramp (and even the other side of that barricade waiting at the light to cross Montgomery). Is this legal? I never see any police presence enforcing this if it's not. It has gotten a little out of control lately, Friday the guy walking up and down between the cars was cursing obscenities at people in their cars who would not give him change. There are at least 3 or 4 different males who are constantly canning/begging for money throughout the day. At the risk of sounding insensitive, it is the first impression you get when driving into jersey city. I just had my whole family visit me this past weekend and it really doesn't make jersey city look that good when you have homeless people begging for money the moment you enter our city. Can't anything be done about this? I know there's other concerns that are most likely more important (insert off-leash dog joke here), however it is an issue that I would like to hear other's thoughts on in this forum. Again, I can't imagine how hard things are on the low income/homeless - but it really doesn't give our home a good image. Maybe there is something the Fulop administration could do to get rid of this and benefit these struggling citizens at the same time. I've tried searching online about this topic but came up empty. Hence, here I am...thoughts?... Thanks in advance

Posted on: 2013/10/20 1:44

Canning for money off 78 exit ramp
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2013/7/12 12:20
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2020/1/4 22:33
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I'm curious as to what most people think about this. I feel like lately there have been a lot more men doing this, as traffic comes off the Columbus Drive exit ramp (and even the other side of that barricade waiting at the light to cross Montgomery). Is this legal? I never see any police presence enforcing this if it's not. It has gotten a little out of control lately, Friday the guy walking up and down between the cars was cursing obscenities at people in their cars who would not give him change. There are at least 3 or 4 different males who are constantly canning/begging for money throughout the day. At the risk of sounding insensitive, it is the first impression you get when driving into jersey city. I just had my whole family visit me this past weekend and it really doesn't make jersey city look that good when you have homeless people begging for money the moment you enter our city. Can't anything be done about this? I know there's other concerns that are most likely more important (insert off-leash dog joke here), however it is an issue that I would like to hear other's thoughts on in this forum. Again, I can't imagine how hard things are on the low income/homeless - but it really doesn't give our home a good image. Maybe there is something the Fulop administration could do to get rid of this and benefit these struggling citizens at the same time. I've tried searching online about this topic but came up empty. Hence, here I am...thoughts?... Thanks in advance

Posted on: 2013/10/20 0:09

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